shell bypass 403
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store_truezdownload the src.rpm instead)�actionr z--debuginfoz'download the -debuginfo package insteadz
--debugsourcez)download the -debugsource package insteadz--archz
--archlist�archesz[arch]z5limit the query to packages of given architectures.)�dest�defaultr �metavarr z --resolvez(resolve and download needed dependenciesz --alldepsz^when running with --resolve, download all dependencies (do not exclude already installed ones)z--urlz--urls�urlzJprint list of urls where the rpms can be downloaded instead of downloading)r r r z--urlprotocols�append�http�httpsZrsync�ftpz4when running with --url, limit to specific protocols)r �choicesr r )�add_argumentr r Z_SplitCallback)r r r r �
set_argparser0 s*
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