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__module__�__qualname__�namer �
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r z1List differences between two sets of repositoriesc C s� | j ddg ddtd�d� | j ddg dd td
�d� | j ddd
g tjdtd�d� | j dddtd�d� | j ddtd�d� | j ddtd�d� | j ddtd�d� d S )Nz
--repo-oldz-o�append�oldz2Specify old repository, can be used multiple times)�default�action�dest�helpz
--repo-newz-n�newz2Specify new repository, can be used multiple timesz--archz
--archlistz-a�archeszhSpecify architectures to compare, can be used multiple times. By default, only source rpms are compared.z--sizez-s�
store_truez5Output additional data about the size of the changes.)r r z--compare-archzMCompare packages also by arch. By default packages are compared just by name.z--simplez7Output a simple one line message for modified packages.z--downgradezNSplit the data for modified packages between upgraded and downgraded packages.)�add_argumentr r Z_SplitCallback)�parserr r r �
set_argparser/ s
zRepoDiffCommand.set_argparserc C s� | j j}d|_d|_d|_dg| jj_| jj s:| jj
j|��x<| jjj� D ],}|j| jj | jj
kr�|j� q\|j� q\W | jjs�dg| j_d S )NT�allz*Both old and new repositories must be set.�src)r
changelogsr ZconfZdisable_excludes�optsr r r �dnf�