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Monitor implementation.
.. moduleauthor:: Sebastian Wiesner <lunaryorn@gmail.com>
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A synchronous device event monitor.
A :class:`Monitor` objects connects to the udev daemon and listens for
changes to the device list. A monitor is created by connecting to the
kernel daemon through netlink (see :meth:`from_netlink`):
>>> from pyudev import Context, Monitor
>>> context = Context()
>>> monitor = Monitor.from_netlink(context)
Once the monitor is created, you can add a filter using :meth:`filter_by()`
or :meth:`filter_by_tag()` to drop incoming events in subsystems, which are
not of interest to the application:
>>> monitor.filter_by('input')
When the monitor is eventually set up, you can either poll for events
>>> device = monitor.poll(timeout=3)
>>> if device:
... print('{0.action}: {0}'.format(device))
Or you can monitor events asynchronously with :class:`MonitorObserver`.
To integrate into various event processing frameworks, the monitor provides
a :func:`selectable <select.select>` file description by :meth:`fileno()`.
However, do *not* read or write directly on this file descriptor.
Instances of this class can directly be given as ``udev_monitor *`` to
functions wrapped through :mod:`ctypes`.
.. versionchanged:: 0.16
Remove :meth:`from_socket()` which is deprecated, and even removed in
recent udev versions.
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