=head1 NAME
PDL::Filter::Linear - linear filtering for PDL
$x = new PDL::Filter::Linear(
{Weights => $v,
Point => 10});
$y = new PDL::Filter::Gaussian(15,2); # 15 points, 2 std devn.
($pred,$corrslic) = $x->predict($dat);
A wrapper for generic linear filters.
Just for convenience. This should in the future use DataPresenter.
Also, this class should at some point learn to do FFT whenever it is
package PDL::Filter::Linear;
use PDL;
use PDL::Basic;
use PDL::Slices;
use PDL::Primitive;
use strict;
sub new($$) {
my($type,$pars) = @_;
my $this = bless {},$type;
barf("Must specify weights\n") unless defined $pars->{Weights};
$this->{Weights} = delete $pars->{Weights};
$this->{Point} = defined $pars->{Point} ? $pars->{Point} : 0;
sub predict($$) {
my($this,$data) = @_;
my $ldata = $data->lags(0,1,$this->{Weights}->getdim(0));
(my $pred = PDL->null));
return wantarray ? ($pred,$ldata->slice(":,($this->{Point})")) :
$pred ;
package PDL::Filter::Gaussian;
use PDL; use PDL::Basic; use PDL::Slices; use PDL::Primitive;
use strict;
@PDL::Filter::Gaussian::ISA = qw/PDL::Filter::Linear/;
sub new($$) {
my($type,$npoints,$sigma) = @_;
my $cent = int($npoints/2);
my $x = ((PDL->zeroes($npoints )->xvals) - $cent)->float;
my $y = exp(-($x**2)/(2*$sigma**2));
# Normalize to unit total
$y /= sum($y);
return PDL::Filter::Linear::new($type,{Weights => $y,
Point => $cent});
# Savitzky-Golay (see Numerical Recipes)
package PDL::Filter::SavGol;
use PDL; use PDL::Basic; use PDL::Slices; use PDL::Primitive;
use strict;
@PDL::Filter::Gaussian::ISA = qw/PDL::Filter::Linear/;
# XXX Doesn't work
sub new($$) {
my($type,$deg,$nleft,$nright) = @_;
my $npoints = $nright + $nleft + 1;
my $x = ((PDL->zeroes($npoints )->xvals) - $nleft)->float;
my $mat1 = ((PDL->zeroes($npoints,$deg+1)->xvals))->float;
for(0..$deg-1) {
(my $tmp = $mat1->slice(":,($_)")) .= ($x ** $_);
my $y;
# Normalize to unit total
return PDL::Filter::Linear::new($type,{Weights => $y,
Point => $nleft});