# combo styles
use constant Simple => 0;
use constant DropDown => 1;
use constant DropDownList => 2;
use strict;
use warnings;
package Prima::ComboBox;
use vars qw(@ISA %listProps %editProps %listDynas $capture_mode);
use Prima qw( InputLine Lists Utils StdBitmap);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
use constant DefButtonX => 17;
# these are properties, methods and dynas of encapsulated widgets, edit and list
%editProps = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
alignment autoScroll text select_all
charOffset maxLen insertMode firstChar
selection selStart selEnd writeOnly
copy cut delete paste
wordDelimiters readOnly passwordChar focus
%listProps = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
focusedItem hScroll
integralHeight items itemHeight
topItem vScroll gridColor
multiColumn offset autoHScroll
%listDynas = map { $_ => 1} qw(onDrawItem onSelectItem);
for ( keys %editProps) {
eval <<GENPROC;
sub $_ { return shift-> {edit}-> $_(\@_); }
sub Prima::ComboBox::DummyEdit::$_ {}
for (keys %listProps) {
eval <<GENPROC;
sub $_ { return shift-> {list}-> $_(\@_); }
sub Prima::ComboBox::DummyList::$_ {}
$capture_mode = (Prima::Application-> get_system_info-> {apc} == apc::Unix);
sub profile_default
my $f = $_[ 0]-> get_default_font;
return {
%{Prima::InputLine-> profile_default},
%{Prima::ListBox-> profile_default},
%{$_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default},
style => cs::Simple,
caseSensitive => 0,
autoHeight => 1,
autoHScroll => 0,
autoVScroll => 1,
listVisible => 0,
editHeight => $f-> {height} + 2,
listHeight => $::application-> uiScaling * 100,
ownerBackColor => 1,
selectable => 0,
literal => 1,
scaleChildren => 0,
autoEnableChildren => 1,
editClass => 'Prima::InputLine',
listClass => 'Prima::ListBox',
buttonClass => 'Prima::Widget',
scrollBarClass => 'Prima::ScrollBar',
editProfile => {},
listProfile => {},
buttonProfile => {},
hScrollBarProfile => {},
vScrollBarProfile => {},
listDelegations => [qw(Leave SelectItem MouseUp Click KeyDown)],
editDelegations => [qw(FontChanged Create Setup KeyDown KeyUp Change Leave MouseWheel)],
buttonDelegations => [qw(ColorChanged FontChanged MouseDown MouseClick
MouseUp MouseMove MouseEnter MouseLeave Paint Enable Disable)],
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
my $style = exists $p-> {style} ? $p-> {style} : $default-> {style};
$p-> {autoHeight} = 0
if exists $p-> {height} || exists $p-> {size} || exists $p-> {rect} || ( exists $p-> {top} && exists $p-> {bottom});
if ( $style != cs::Simple) {
$p-> { editHeight } = exists $p-> {height} ? $p-> {height} : $default-> {height}
unless exists $p-> { editHeight };
} else {
my $fh = exists $p-> {font}-> {height} ?
$p-> {font}-> {height} :
$default-> {font}-> {height};
$p-> { editHeight } = $fh + 2
unless exists $p-> {editHeight };
$p-> {autoHScroll} = 0 if exists $p-> {hScroll};
$p-> {autoVScroll} = 0 if exists $p-> {vScroll};
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = @_;
my $visible = $profile{visible};
$profile{visible} = 0;
$self-> {edit} = bless [], q\Prima::ComboBox::DummyEdit\;
$self-> {list} = bless [], q\Prima::ComboBox::DummyList\;
%profile = $self-> SUPER::init(%profile);
my ( $w, $h) = ( $self-> size);
$self-> {style} = $profile{style};
$self-> {listVisible} = $profile{style} != cs::Simple;
$self-> {caseSensitive}= $profile{caseSensitive};
$self-> {literal} = $profile{literal};
my $eh = $self-> {editHeight } = $profile{editHeight };
$self-> {listHeight} = $profile{listHeight};
$self-> {autoHeight} = $profile{autoHeight};
$self-> {edit} = $self-> insert( $profile{editClass} =>
name => 'InputLine',
origin => [ 0, $h - $eh],
size => [ $w - (( $self-> {style} == cs::Simple) ? 0 : ( $::application-> uiScaling * DefButtonX)), $eh],
growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowLoY,
selectable => 1,
tabStop => 1,
current => 1,
dndAware => (( $self->{style} == cs::DropDown) ? 'Text' : 0 ),
delegations => $profile{editDelegations},
(map { $_ => $profile{$_}} keys %editProps),
if ( $self->{autoHeight} && $self->{style} != cs::Simple) {
( $w, $h) = ( $self-> size);
$eh = $self-> geomHeight;
$self->{edit}->set( height => $eh, bottom => $h - $eh );
my %lp = (%listProps, scrollBarClass => 1, hScrollBarProfile => 1, vScrollBarProfile => 1);
delete $lp{hScroll} if $profile{autoHScroll};
delete $lp{vScroll} if $profile{autoVScroll};
$self-> {list} = $self-> insert( $profile{listClass} =>
name => 'List',
origin => [ 0, 0],
selectable => $capture_mode ? ($self->{style} == cs::Simple) : 1,
width => $w,
height => ( $self-> {style} == cs::Simple) ? ( $h - $eh) : $self-> {listHeight},
growMode => gm::Client,
tabStop => 0,
multiSelect => 0,
clipOwner => $self-> {style} == cs::Simple,
visible => $self-> {style} == cs::Simple,
delegations => $profile{listDelegations},
(map { $_ => $profile{$_}} grep { exists $profile{$_} ? 1 : 0} keys %listDynas),
(map { $_ => $profile{$_}} keys %lp),
$self-> {button} = $self-> insert( $profile{buttonClass} =>
ownerBackColor => 1,
name => 'Button',
origin => [ $w - $::application-> uiScaling * DefButtonX, $h - $eh],
size => [ $::application-> uiScaling * DefButtonX, $eh],
visible => $self-> {style} != cs::Simple,
growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
tabStop => 0,
ownerFont => 0,
selectable => 0,
delegations => $profile{buttonDelegations},
$self-> visible( $visible);
return %profile;
sub check_auto_size
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> geomHeight( $self-> {edit}-> default_geom_height )
if $self-> {autoHeight} && $self->{style} != cs::Simple && $self->{edit}->can('default_geom_height');
sub on_create
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> InputLine_Change( $self-> {edit})
if $self-> {style} == cs::DropDownList;
sub on_size { $_[0]-> listVisible(0); }
sub on_move { $_[0]-> listVisible(0); }
sub on_hide { $_[0]-> listVisible(0); }
sub List_Leave
$_[0]-> listVisible( 0) if $_[0]-> {style} != cs::Simple;
sub List_SelectItem
return if defined $_[1]-> {interaction};
$_[0]-> {edit}-> {interaction} = 1;
$_[0]-> {edit}-> text($_[1]-> get_item_text( $_[1]-> focusedItem));
$_[0]-> {edit}-> {interaction} = undef;
$_[0]-> notify( q(Change)) if $_[0]-> {style} == cs::Simple;
sub List_MouseUp
return unless $_[2] == mb::Left || $_[1]-> capture;
$_[0]-> listVisible(0) if $_[0]-> {style} != cs::Simple;
$_[0]-> notify( q(Change)) if $_[0]-> {style} != cs::Simple;
sub List_Click
my ( $self, $list) = @_;
$self-> {edit}-> {interaction} = 1;
$self-> {edit}-> text( $list-> get_item_text( $list-> focusedItem));
$self-> {edit}-> {interaction} = undef;
$self-> listVisible(0);
$self-> notify( q(Change));
sub List_KeyDown
my ( $self, $list, $code, $key, $mod) = @_;
if ( $key == kb::Esc) {
$self-> listVisible(0);
$list-> clear_event;
} elsif ( $key == kb::Enter) {
$list-> notify(q(Click));
$list-> clear_event;
sub Button_ColorChanged
my $self = shift;
if ( $self-> {style} != cs::Simple) {
$self-> {list}-> color( $self-> {button}-> color);
$self-> {list}-> backColor( $self-> {button}-> backColor);
sub Button_FontChanged
my $self = shift;
if ( $self-> {style} != cs::Simple) {
my $f = $self-> {button}-> font;
$self-> {list}-> font($f);
sub Button_MouseDown
$_[0]-> listVisible( !$_[0]-> {list}-> visible);
$_[1]-> clear_event;
return if !$_[0]-> {list}-> visible;
$_[1]-> capture(1);
sub Button_MouseClick
return unless $_[-1];
$_[0]-> listVisible( !$_[0]-> {list}-> visible);
$_[1]-> clear_event;
return if !$_[0]-> {list}-> visible;
$_[1]-> capture(1);
sub Button_MouseMove
$_[1]-> clear_event;
if ($_[1]-> capture) {
my ($x,$y,$W,$H) = ($_[3],$_[4],$_[1]-> size);
return unless ($x < 0) || ($y < 0) || ($x >= $W) || ($y >= $H);
$_[1]-> capture(0);
$_[0]-> {list}-> mouse_down( mb::Left, 0, 5, $_[0]-> {list}-> height - 5, 1)
if ($_[0]-> {list}-> visible);
sub Button_MouseEnter
my ( $self, $button ) = @_;
if ( !$button->capture && $self->enabled) {
$button->{prelight} = 1;
sub Button_MouseLeave
my ( $self, $button ) = @_;
if ( !$button->capture && $button->{prelight}) {
delete $button->{prelight};
sub Button_MouseUp { $_[1]-> capture(0); }
sub Button_Paint
my ( $owner, $self, $canvas) = @_;
my ( $w, $h) = $canvas-> size;
my $ena = $self-> enabled;
my @clr = $ena ?
( $self-> color, $self-> backColor) :
( $self-> disabledColor, $self-> disabledBackColor);
$clr[1] = $self->prelight_color($clr[1]) if $self->{prelight};
my $lv = $owner-> listVisible;
my ( $rc, $lc) = ( $self-> light3DColor, $self-> dark3DColor);
( $rc, $lc) = ( $lc, $rc) if $lv;
$canvas-> rect3d( 0, 0, $w-1, $h-1, 1, $rc, $lc, $clr[1]);
if ( $ena) {
$canvas-> color( $rc);
$canvas-> fillpoly([ 5, $h * 0.6 - 1, $w - 4, $h * 0.6 - 1, $w/2 + 1, $h * 0.4 - 1]);
$canvas-> color( $clr[0]);
$canvas-> fillpoly([ 4, $h * 0.6, $w - 5, $h * 0.6, $w/2, $h * 0.4]);
sub Button_Enable { $_[1]-> repaint }
sub Button_Disable { $_[1]-> repaint }
sub InputLine_Leave
$_[0]-> listVisible( 0) if $capture_mode and $_[0]-> {style} != cs::Simple;
sub InputLine_FontChanged
$_[0]-> editHeight ( $_[1]-> default_geom_height );
$_[0]-> check_auto_size;
sub InputLine_Create
$_[1]-> {incline} = '';
sub InputLine_KeyDown
my ( $self, $edit, $code, $key, $mod, $repeat) = @_;
if ( $self-> listVisible) {
$self-> {list}-> notify(q(KeyDown), $code, $key, $mod, $repeat);
$edit-> clear_event;
return if $mod & km::DeadKey;
if (
( $key & 0xFF00) &&
( $key != kb::NoKey) &&
( $key != kb::Space) &&
( $key != kb::Backspace)
) {
return if $key == kb::Tab || $key == kb::BackTab || $key == kb::NoKey;
$edit-> {incline} = '';
$self-> listVisible(1), $edit-> clear_event
if $key == kb::Down && $_[0]-> {style} != cs::Simple;
$_[0]-> notify( q(Change)), $edit-> clear_event
if $key == kb::Enter && $_[0]-> {style} == cs::DropDownList;
} else {
return unless $code;
return unless $_[0]-> {literal};
return if $_[0]-> {style} != cs::DropDownList;
return if $mod & ( km::Alt|km::Ctrl);
$edit-> {keyDown} = 1;
if ( $key == kb::Backspace) {
chop $edit-> {incline};
} else {
$code = chr ( $code);
$code = uc $code unless $self-> caseSensitive;
$edit-> {incline} .= $code;
my ($ftc,$i,$txt,$t);
$ftc = quotemeta $edit-> {incline};
for ( $i = 0; $i < $_[0]-> {list}-> count; $i++) {
$txt = $_[0]-> {list}-> get_item_text($i);
$t = $txt;
$t = uc $t unless $self-> caseSensitive;
last if $t =~ /^$ftc/;
if ( $i < $_[0]-> {list}-> count) {
$edit-> text( $txt);
} else {
chop $edit-> {incline};
$edit-> selection( 0, length $edit-> {incline});
$edit-> clear_event if $_[0]-> {style} == cs::DropDownList;
sub InputLine_KeyUp
$_[1]-> {keyDown} = undef;
sub InputLine_Setup
my $self = shift;
$self-> InputLine_Change(@_) if $self-> {style} == cs::DropDownList;
sub InputLine_Change
return if defined $_[0]-> {edit}-> {interaction};
return unless $_[0]-> {literal};
$_[0]-> notify(q(Change)) if $_[0]-> {style} != cs::DropDownList;
$_[0]-> {list}-> {interaction} = 1;
my ( $self, $style, $list, $edit) = ($_[0], $_[0]-> {style}, $_[0]-> {list}, $_[1]);
my $i;
my $found = 0;
my $cap = $edit-> text;
$cap = uc $cap unless $self-> caseSensitive;
my @matchArray;
my @texts;
my $maxMatch = 0;
my $matchId = -1;
# filling list
for ( $i = 0; $i < $list-> count; $i++) {
my $t = $list-> get_item_text($i);
$t = uc $t unless $self-> caseSensitive;
push ( @texts, $t);
# trying to find exact match
for ( $i = 0; $i < scalar @texts; $i++) {
if ( $texts[$i] eq $cap) {
$matchId = $i;
if (
( $style == cs::DropDown) &&
( $matchId < 0) &&
defined $edit-> {keyDown}
) {
my ($t,$txt);
for ( $i = 0; $i < scalar @texts; $i++) {
$txt = $t = $list-> get_item_text($i);
$t = uc $t unless $self-> caseSensitive;
last if $t =~ /^\Q$cap\E/;
# netscape 4 combo behavior
if ( $i < scalar @texts) {
$edit-> {interaction} = 1;
$edit-> text( $txt);
$edit-> {interaction} = undef;
$t =~ /^\Q$cap\E/;
$edit-> selection( length $cap, length $t);
$list-> focusedItem( $i);
# or unexact match
if ( $matchId < 0) {
for ( $i = 0; $i < scalar @texts; $i++) {
my $l = 0;
$l++ while
$l < length($texts[$i]) && $l < length($cap)
&& substr( $texts[$i], $l, 1) eq substr( $cap, $l, 1);
if ( $l >= $maxMatch) {
@matchArray = () if $l > $maxMatch;
$maxMatch = $l;
push @matchArray, $i;
$matchId = $matchArray[0] if $matchId < 0;
$matchId = 0 unless defined $matchId;
$list-> focusedItem( $matchId);
if ( $style == cs::DropDownList) {
$edit-> {interaction} = 1;
$edit-> text( $list-> get_item_text( $matchId) // '');
$edit-> {interaction} = undef;
$list-> {interaction} = undef;
sub InputLine_MouseWheel
my ( $self, $edit, $mod, $x, $y, $z) = @_;
my $f = $self-> {list}-> focusedItem;
$f += (($z > 0) ? -1 : 1);
return if $f < 0;
$self-> {list}-> focusedItem($f);
$self-> notify(q(Change));
$edit-> clear_event;
sub set_style
my ( $self, $style) = @_;
return if $self-> {style} == $style;
my $decr = (( $self-> {style} == cs::Simple) || ( $style == cs::Simple)) ? 1 : 0;
$self-> {style} = $style;
if ( $style == cs::Simple) {
$self-> set(
height=> $self-> height + $self-> listHeight,
bottom=> $self-> bottom - $self-> listHeight,
$self-> {list}-> set(
visible => 1,
origin => [ 0, 0],
width => $self-> width,
height => $self-> height - $self-> editHeight ,
clipOwner => 1,
selectable => 1,
} elsif ( $decr) {
$self-> set(
height => $self-> height - $self-> listHeight,
bottom => $self-> bottom + $self-> listHeight,
$self-> { list}-> set(
visible => 0,
height => $self-> {listHeight},
clipOwner => 0,
selectable => $capture_mode ? 0 : 1,
$self-> listVisible( 0);
$self-> {edit}-> set(
bottom => $self-> height - $self-> editHeight ,
width => $self-> { edit}-> width + $::application-> uiScaling * DefButtonX * $decr *
(( $style == cs::Simple) ? 1 : -1),
height => $self-> editHeight ,
dndAware => (( $style == cs::DropDown) ? 'Text' : 0 ),
$self-> {button}-> set(
bottom => $self-> height - $self-> editHeight ,
height => $self-> editHeight ,
visible=> $style != cs::Simple,
if ( $style == cs::DropDownList) {
$self-> {edit}-> insertMode(1);
$self-> {edit}-> text( $self-> {edit}-> text);
sub set_list_visible
my ( $self, $nlv) = @_;
return if ( $self-> {list}-> visible == $nlv) ||
( $self-> {style} == cs::Simple) ||
( !$self-> visible && $nlv);
my ( $list, $edit) = ( $self-> {list}, $self-> {edit});
if ( $nlv) {
my @gp = $edit-> client_to_screen( 0, -$list-> height);
$gp[1] += $edit-> height + $list-> height if $gp[1] < 0;
$gp[0] = $::application->width - $list->width if $gp[0] + $list->width > $::application->width;
$list-> origin( @gp);
$list-> bring_to_front if $nlv;
$list-> visible( $nlv);
$self-> {button}-> repaint;
if ( $capture_mode) {
$list-> capture( $nlv ? 1 : 0);
$edit-> focus;
} else {
$nlv ? $list-> focus : $edit-> focus;
sub set_edit_height
my ( $self, $edit, $list, $btn, $h, $new) =
($_[0], $_[0]-> {edit}, $_[0]-> {list}, $_[0]-> {button}, $_[0]-> height, $_[1]);
if ( $self-> style != cs::Simple) {
$self-> height( $new);
$edit-> set(
bottom => 0,
height => $new
$btn-> set(
bottom => 0,
height => $new
$list-> height( $self-> {listHeight});
} else {
$edit-> set(
bottom => $h - $new,
height => $new
$btn-> set(
bottom => $h - $new,
height => $new
$list-> height( $h - $new);
$self-> {editHeight} = $new;
sub set_list_height
my ( $self, $hei) = @_;
if ( $self-> style == cs::Simple) {
$self-> height( $self-> height + $hei - $self-> {listHeight});
} else {
$self-> {list}-> height($hei);
$self-> {listHeight} = $hei;
sub get_style { return $_[0]-> {style}}
sub get_list_visible{ return $_[0]-> {list} ? $_[0]-> {list}-> visible : 0}
sub get_edit_height { return $_[0]-> {edit} ? $_[0]-> {edit}-> height : 0}
sub get_list_height { return $_[0]-> {list} ? $_[0]-> {list}-> height : 0}
sub caseSensitive{($#_)?$_[0]-> {caseSensitive}=$_[1]:return $_[0]-> {caseSensitive};}
sub listVisible {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_list_visible($_[1]):return $_[0]-> get_list_visible;}
sub style {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_style ($_[1]):return $_[0]-> get_style; }
sub editHeight {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_edit_height($_[1]):return $_[0]-> get_edit_height;}
sub listHeight {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_list_height ($_[1]):return $_[0]-> get_list_height;}
sub literal {($#_)?$_[0]-> {literal} = $_[1] :return $_[0]-> {literal} }
=head1 NAME
Prima::ComboBox - standard combo box widget
use Prima qw(Application ComboBox);
my $combo = Prima::ComboBox-> new( style => cs::DropDown, items => [ 1 .. 10 ]);
$combo-> style( cs::DropDownList );
print $combo-> text;
run Prima;
=for podview <img src="combo.gif" cut=1>
=for html <p><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dk/Prima/master/pod/Prima/combo.gif">
Provides a combo box widget which consists of an input line, list box of possible
selections and eventual drop-down button. The combo box can be either in form
with a drop-down selection list, that is shown by the command of the user,
or in form when the selection list is always visible.
The combo box is a grouping widget, and contains neither painting nor user-input
code. All such functionality is delegated into the children widgets: input line, list
box and button. C<Prima::ComboBox> exports a fixed list of methods and properties from
namespaces of L<Prima::InputLine> and L<Prima::ListBox>. Since, however, it is
possible to tweak the C<Prima::ComboBox> ( using its L<editClass> and L<listClass>
create-only properties ) so the input line and list box would be other classes,
it is not necessarily that all default functionality would work.
The list of exported names is stored in package variables %listProps, %editProps
and %listDynas. These also described in L<Exported names> section.
The module defines C<cs::> package for the constants used by L<style> property.
=head1 API
=head2 Properties
=item autoHeight BOOLEAN
If 1, adjusts the height of the widget automatically when its font changes.
Only when style is not C<cs::Simple>.
Default value: 1
=item buttonClass STRING
Assigns a drop-down button class.
Create-only property.
Default value: C<Prima::Widget>
=item buttonDelegations ARRAY
Assigns a drop-down button list of delegated notifications.
Create-only property.
=item buttonProfile HASH
Assigns hash of properties, passed to the drop-down button during the creation.
Create-only property.
=item caseSensitive BOOLEAN
Selects whether the user input is case-sensitive or not, when a value
is picked from the selection list.
Default value: 0
=item editClass STRING
Assigns an input line class.
Create-only property.
Default value: C<Prima::InputLine>
=item editProfile HASH
Assigns hash of properties, passed to the input line during the creation.
Create-only property.
=item editDelegations ARRAY
Assigns an input line list of delegated notifications.
Create-only property.
=item editHeight INTEGER
Selects height of an input line.
=item items ARRAY
Mapped onto the list widget's C<items> property. See L<Prima::Lists> for details.
=item listClass STRING
Assigns a listbox class.
Create-only property.
Default value: C<Prima::ListBox>
=item listHeight INTEGER
Selects height of the listbox widget.
Default value: 100
=item listVisible BOOLEAN
Sets whether the listbox is visible or not. Not writable
when L<style> is C<cs::Simple>.
=item listProfile HASH
Assigns hash of properties, passed to the listbox during the creation.
Create-only property.
=item listDelegations ARRAY
Assigns a selection listbox list of delegated notifications.
Create-only property.
=item literal BOOLEAN
Selects whether the combo box user input routine assume that
the listbox contains literal strings, that can be fetched via
C<get_item_text> ( see L<Prima::Lists> ). As an example when
this property is set to 0 is C<Prima::ColorComboBox> from L<Prima::ComboBox> package.
Default value: 1
=item style INTEGER
Selected one of three styles:
=item cs::Simple
The listbox is always visible, and the drop-down button is not.
=item cs::DropDown
The listbox is not visible, but the drop-down button is. When the
use presses the drop-down button, the listbox is shown; when the list-box
is defocused, it gets hidden.
=item cs::DropDownList
Same as C<cs::DropDown>, but the user is restricted in the selection:
the input line can only accept user input that is contained in listbox.
If L<literal> set to 1, the auto completion feature is provided.
=item text STRING
Mapped onto the edit widget's C<text> property.
=head2 Events
=item Change
Triggered with ComboBox value is changed.
=item List events
ComboBox forwards C<SelectItem> and C<DrawItem> events from the list box, and
these are executed in the List's context (therefore $self there is not
ComboBox, but the ComboBox->List). If you use C<SelectItem> you probably need
C<Change> instead.
See more in L<Prima::Lists>.
=head2 Exported names
=item %editProps
alignment autoScroll text text
charOffset maxLen insertMode firstChar
selection selStart selEnd writeOnly
copy cut delete paste
wordDelimiters readOnly passwordChar focus
=item %listProps
focusedItem hScroll
integralHeight items itemHeight
topItem vScroll gridColor
multiColumn offset
=item %listDynas
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt>dmitry@karasik.eu.orgE<gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::InputLine>, L<Prima::Lists>, L<Prima::Dialog::ColorDialog>, L<Prima::Dialog::FileDialog>,