package Prima::Dialog::FontDialog;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Buttons ComboBox Label MsgBox);
use vars qw( @ISA);
@ISA = qw( Prima::Dialog);
my %RNT = (
%{Prima::Dialog-> notification_types()},
BeginDragFont => nt::Command,
EndDragFont => nt::Command,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
sub profile_default
return {
%{$_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default},
width => 540,
height => 350,
sizeMin => [380, 280],
centered => 1,
visible => 0,
designScale => [7, 16],
text => 'Select font',
borderStyle => bs::Sizeable,
showHelp => 0,
fixedOnly => 0,
logFont => $_[ 0]-> get_default_font,
sampleText => 'AaBbYyZz',
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
$p-> { logFont} = {} unless exists $p-> { logFont};
$p-> { logFont} = Prima::Drawable-> font_match( $p-> { logFont}, $default-> { logFont}, 1);
unless ( $p-> {sizeMin}) {
$p-> {sizeMin}-> [0] = $default-> {sizeMin}-> [0] * $p-> {width} / $default-> {width};
$p-> {sizeMin}-> [1] = $default-> {sizeMin}-> [1] * $p-> {height} / $default-> {height};
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
my $j;
$self-> {showHelp} = $profile{showHelp};
$self-> {logFont} = $profile{logFont};
$self-> {fixedOnly} = $profile{fixedOnly};
$self-> {sampleText} = $profile{sampleText};
my $gr = $self-> insert( CheckBoxGroup =>
origin => [ 10, 10],
size => [ 150, 150],
name => 'Style',
$j = $gr-> insert( CheckBox =>
origin => [ 15, 95],
size => [ 96, 36],
name => 'FontStyleButton',
text => '~Bold',
delegations => [$self, 'Click'],
$j = $gr-> insert( CheckBox =>
origin => [ 15, 65],
size => [ 96, 36],
name => 'FontStyleButton',
text => '~Italic',
delegations => [$self, 'Click'],
$j = $gr-> insert( CheckBox =>
origin => [ 15, 35],
size => [ 96, 36],
name => 'FontStyleButton',
text => '~Underline',
delegations => [$self, 'Click'],
$j = $gr-> insert( CheckBox =>
origin => [ 15, 5],
size => [ 96, 36],
name => 'FontStyleButton',
text => 'Strike ~out',
delegations => [$self, 'Click'],
my $name = $self-> insert( ComboBox =>
origin => [ 10, 165],
size => [ 250, 150],
name => 'Name',
style => cs::Simple,
onSelectItem => sub { $self-> Name_SelectItem( @_);},
growMode => gm::Client,
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ 10, 320],
size => [ 96, 18],
text => '~Font:',
focusLink => $name,
growMode => gm::Ceiling,
my $size = $self-> insert( ComboBox =>
origin => [ 275, 165],
size => [ 150, 150],
name => 'Size',
style => cs::Simple,
delegations => ['Change'],
growMode => gm::Right,
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ 275, 320],
size => [ 96, 18],
text => '~Size:',
focusLink => $size,
growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
$gr = $self-> insert( GroupBox =>
origin => [ 175, 40],
size => [ 355, 120],
name => 'Sample',
growMode => gm::Floor,
$j = $gr-> insert( Widget =>
origin => [ 5, 5],
size => [ 345, 90],
name => 'Example',
delegations=> [ $self, qw(Paint FontChanged MouseDown MouseUp MouseClick MouseEnter MouseLeave)],
growMode => gm::Client,
hint => 'Click to drag font, double-click to edit text',
my $enc = $self-> insert( ComboBox =>
origin => [ 290, 10],
size => [ 240, 20],
name => 'Encoding',
style => cs::DropDownList,
delegations=> [ 'Change' ],
growMode => gm::Floor,
$self-> insert( Label =>
origin => [ 175, 10],
size => [ 96, 18],
text => '~Encoding',
focusLink => $enc,
$self-> insert( Button =>
origin => [ 435, 280],
size => [ 96, 36],
text => '~OK',
default => 1,
modalResult => mb::OK,
growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
$self-> insert( Button =>
origin => [ 435, 235],
size => [ 96, 36],
text => 'Cancel',
modalResult => mb::Cancel,
growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
$self-> insert( Button =>
origin => [ 435, 190],
size => [ 96, 36],
name => 'Help',
text => '~Help',
) if $self-> {showHelp};
$self-> refresh_fontlist;
$self-> logfont_to_view;
$self-> apply( %{$self-> {logFont}});
return %profile;
sub refresh_fontlist
my $self = $_[0];
my %fontList;
my @fontItems;
for ( sort { $a-> {name} cmp $b-> {name}} @{$::application-> fonts}) {
next if $self-> {fixedOnly} and $_-> {pitch} != fp::Fixed;
$fontList{$_-> {name}} = $_;
push ( @fontItems, $_-> {name});
$self-> {fontList} = \%fontList;
$self-> {fontItems} = \@fontItems;
$self-> Name-> items( \@fontItems);
$self-> Name-> text( $self-> {logFont}-> {name});
$self-> reset_sizelist( 1);
sub reset_sizelist
my ( $self, $name_changed) = @_;
my $Name = $self-> Name;
my $fn = $Name-> List-> get_items( $Name-> focusedItem);
my @sizes;
if ( defined $fn) {
my $current_encoding = $self-> Encoding-> List-> get_items(
$self-> Encoding-> List-> focusedItem
) || '';
my @list = @{$::application-> fonts( $fn, $name_changed ? '' : $current_encoding)};
if ( $name_changed) {
my %enc;
my @enc_items;
for ( map { $_-> {encoding}} @list) {
next if $enc{$_};
push ( @enc_items, $_ );
$enc{$_} = 1;
my $found = 0;
my $i = 0;
for ( @enc_items) {
$found = $i, last if $_ eq $current_encoding;
$self-> Encoding-> List-> items( \@enc_items);
$self-> Encoding-> text( $current_encoding = $enc_items[ $found]);
for ( @list)
next if $current_encoding ne $_-> {encoding};
if ( $_-> { vector})
@sizes = qw( 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 48 72);
} else {
push ( @sizes, $_-> {size});
my %k = map { $_ => 1 } @sizes;
@sizes = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %k;
@sizes = (10) unless scalar @sizes;
$self-> Size-> items( \@sizes);
$self-> Size-> focusedItem(0);
return $fn;
sub logfont_to_view
my $self = $_[0];
my %f = %{$self-> {logFont}};
$self-> Name-> text( $f{name});
$self-> Size-> text( $f{size});
$self-> Encoding-> text( $f{encoding});
my $grp = $self-> Style;
my $style = $f{style};
$grp-> value( 0 |
(( $style & fs::Bold) ? 1 : 0) |
(( $style & fs::Italic) ? 2 : 0) |
(( $style & fs::Underlined) ? 4 : 0) |
(( $style & fs::StruckOut) ? 8 : 0)
sub apply
my ( $self, %hash) = @_;
delete $hash{$_} for ( qw( width height direction));
$self-> {logFont} = $self-> font_match( \%hash, $self-> {logFont}, 0);
delete $self-> {logFont}-> {$_} for ( qw( width height direction));
$self-> {fixedOnly} ?
$self-> {logFont}-> {pitch} = fp::Fixed :
delete $self-> {logFont}-> {pitch};
$self-> { normalFontSet} = 1;
$self-> Sample-> Example-> font( $self-> {logFont});
delete $self-> { normalFontSet};
sub on_begindragfont
my ( $self) = @_;
$self-> {old_text} = $self-> text;
$self-> Sample-> Example-> pointer( cr::Invalid);
$self-> text( "Apply font...");
sub on_enddragfont
my ( $self, $widget) = @_;
$self-> Sample-> Example-> pointer( cr::Default);
$self-> text( $self-> {old_text});
delete $self-> {old_text};
$widget-> font( $self-> logFont)
if $widget;
sub Example_Paint
my ( $owner, $self, $canvas) = @_;
my @size = $canvas-> size;
$canvas-> color( $canvas-> get_nearest_color( $self-> backColor));
$canvas-> bar( 0, 0, @size);
$canvas-> color( cl::Black);
my $f = $self-> font;
my $line = $owner-> sampleText;
$canvas-> text_shape_out(
( $size[0] - $canvas-> get_text_width( $line)) / 2,
( $size[1] - $f-> height) / 2
sub Example_MouseClick
my ( $owner, $self, $button, $mod, $x, $y, $double) = @_;
return unless $double;
require Prima::MsgBox;
my $wui = $::application-> wantUnicodeInput;
$::application-> wantUnicodeInput(1);
my $text = Prima::MsgBox::input_box( $owner-> text, 'Set new sample text', $owner-> sampleText);
$::application-> wantUnicodeInput($wui);
return unless defined $text;
$owner-> sampleText($text);
$self-> repaint;
sub Example_MouseEnter
sub Example_MouseLeave
sub Example_FontChanged
my ( $owner, $example) = @_;
return if $owner-> {normalFontSet};
$owner-> logFont( $example-> font);
sub Example_MouseDown
my ( $owner, $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return if $btn != mb::Left or $self-> {drag_font};
$self-> {drag_font} = 1;
$self-> capture(1);
$owner-> notify( 'BeginDragFont', $self-> {drag_color});
sub Example_MouseUp
my ( $owner, $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless $self-> {drag_font};
delete $self-> {drag_font};
$self-> capture(0);
$owner-> notify('EndDragFont',
$::application-> get_widget_from_point( $self-> client_to_screen( $x, $y)));
sub Name_SelectItem
my ( $owner, $self, $index, $state) = @_;
my $sz = $owner-> {logFont}-> {size};
my $fn = $owner-> reset_sizelist(1);
$owner-> Size-> InputLine-> text( $sz);
$owner-> apply( name => $fn, size => $sz, encoding => $owner-> Encoding-> text);
sub Size_Change
my ( $owner, $self) = @_;
my $sz = $self-> text;
return unless $sz =~ m/^\s*([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?\s*$/;
return if $sz < 2 or $sz > 2048;
$owner-> apply( size => $sz);
sub Encoding_Change
my ( $owner, $self) = @_;
my $sz = $owner-> {logFont}-> {size};
my $fn = $owner-> reset_sizelist(0);
$owner-> Size-> InputLine-> text( $sz);
$owner-> apply( size => $sz, encoding => $owner-> Encoding-> text);
sub FontStyleButton_Click
my $self = $_[0];
my $v = $self-> Style-> value;
$self -> apply( style => 0 |
(( $v & 1) ? fs::Bold : 0) |
(( $v & 2) ? fs::Italic : 0) |
(( $v & 4) ? fs::Underlined : 0) |
(( $v & 8) ? fs::StruckOut : 0)
sub set_fixed_only
my ( $self, $fo) = @_;
return if $fo == $self-> {fixedOnly};
$self-> {fixedOnly} = $fo;
$self-> refresh_fontlist;
sub logFont
my $self = $_[0];
return $self-> Sample-> Example-> get_font unless $#_;
$self-> {logFont} = $self-> font_match( $_[1], $self-> {logFont}, 1);
$self-> logfont_to_view;
$self-> apply( %{$self-> {logFont}});
sub showHelp { ($#_)? shift-> raise_ro('showHelp') : return $_[0]-> {showHelp}};
sub fixedOnly { ($#_)? shift-> set_fixed_only($_[1]) : return $_[0]-> {fixedOnly}};
sub sampleText { ($#_)? shift-> {sampleText} = $_[1] : return $_[0]-> {sampleText}};
=head1 NAME
Prima::Dialog::FontDialog - standard font dialog
use Prima qw(Application Dialog::FontDialog);
my $f = Prima::Dialog::FontDialog-> create;
return unless $f-> execute == mb::OK;
$f = $f-> logFont;
print "$_:$f->{$_}\n" for sort keys %$f;
=for podview <img src="fontdlg.gif" cut=1>
=for html <p><img src="">
The dialog provides selection of font by name, style, size, and encoding.
The font selected is returned by L<logFont> property.
=head1 API
=head2 Properties
=item fixedOnly BOOLEAN
Selects whether only the fonts of fixed pitch ( 1 ) or all fonts ( 0 )
are displayed in the selection list.
Default value: 0
=item logFont FONT
Provides access to the interactive font selection as a hash reference.
FONT format is fully compatible with C<Prima::Drawable::font>.
=item sampleText STRING
Sample line of text featuring current font selection.
Default value: AaBbYyZz
=item showHelp BOOLEAN
Create-only property.
Specifies if the help button is displayed in the dialog.
Default value: 0
=head2 Events
=item BeginDragFont
Called when the user starts dragging a font from the font sample widget by
left mouse button.
Default action reflects the status in the dialog title
=item EndDragFont $WIDGET
Called when the user releases the mouse drag over a Prima widget.
Default action applies currently selected font to $WIDGET.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Window>, L<Prima::Drawable>.