package Prima::Drawable::Path;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $PI = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510;
our $PI_2 = $PI / 2;
our $PI_4 = $PI / 4;
our $RAD = 180.0 / $PI;
# | a b 0 |
# | c d 0 |
# | tx ty 1 |
# x' = ax + cy + x
# y' = bx + dy + y
use constant A => 0;
use constant B => 1;
use constant C => 2;
use constant D => 3;
use constant X => 4;
use constant Y => 5;
sub new
my ( $class, $canvas, %opt ) = @_;
return bless {
canvas => $canvas,
commands => [],
precision => undef,
}, $class;
sub dup
my $self = shift;
return ref($self)->new( undef,
canvas => $self->{canvas},
commands => [ @{ $self->{commands} } ],
sub canvas { $#_ ? $_[0]->{canvas} = $_[1] : $_[0]->{canvas} }
sub cmd
my ($self, $cmd, @param) = @_;
push @{ $self->{commands} }, $cmd, scalar(@param), @param;
delete $self->{points};
return $self;
sub rcmd
my $self = shift;
push @{ $self->{commands} },
save => 0,
relative => 0,
shift, scalar(@_), @_,
restore => 0,
delete $self->{points};
sub append { push @{shift->{commands}}, @{shift->{commands}} }
sub commands { shift->{commands} }
sub save { shift->cmd('save') }
sub open { shift->cmd('open') }
sub close { shift->cmd('close') }
sub moveto { shift->cmd('moveto', shift, shift, 0) }
sub rmoveto { shift->cmd('moveto', shift, shift, 1) }
sub restore { shift->cmd('restore') } # no checks for underflow here, to allow append paths
sub precision { shift->cmd(set => precision => shift) }
sub matrix_multiply
my ( $m1, $m2 ) = @_;
return [
$m1->[A] * $m2->[A] + $m1->[B] * $m2->[C],
$m1->[A] * $m2->[B] + $m1->[B] * $m2->[D],
$m1->[C] * $m2->[A] + $m1->[D] * $m2->[C],
$m1->[C] * $m2->[B] + $m1->[D] * $m2->[D],
$m1->[X] * $m2->[A] + $m1->[Y] * $m2->[C] + $m2->[X],
$m1->[X] * $m2->[B] + $m1->[Y] * $m2->[D] + $m2->[Y]
sub matrix
my ( $self, @m ) = @_;
@_ == 7 or Carp::croak('bad parameters to matrix');
$self->cmd( matrix => @m );
sub identity { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 }
sub translate
my ( $self, $dx, $dy) = @_;
$dy //= $dx;
shift-> matrix(1,0,0,1,$dx,$dy);
sub scale
my ( $self, $x, $y ) = @_;
$y //= $x;
$self-> matrix($x,0,0,$y,0,0);
sub shear
my ( $self, $x, $y ) = @_;
$y //= $x;
$self-> matrix(1,$y,$x,1,0,0);
sub rotate
my ( $self, $angle ) = @_;
return $self if $angle == 0.0;
$angle /= $RAD;
my $cos = cos($angle);
my $sin = sin($angle);
$self->matrix($cos, $sin, -$sin, $cos, 0, 0);
sub line
my $self = shift;
my $p = $#_ ? [@_] : $_[0];
@$p % 2 and Carp::croak('bad parameters to line');
$self->cmd( line => $p );
sub rline
my $self = shift;
my $p = $#_ ? [@_] : $_[0];
@$p % 2 and Carp::croak('bad parameters to rline');
$self->rcmd( line => $p);
sub spline
my ($self, $p, %opt) = @_;
(@$p % 2 || @$p < 6) and Carp::croak('bad parameters to spline');
$self-> cmd( spline => $p, \%opt );
sub rspline
my ($self, $p, %opt) = @_;
(@$p % 2 || @$p < 6) and Carp::croak('bad parameters to spline');
$self-> rcmd( spline => $p, \%opt );
sub glyph
my ($self, $ix, %opt) = @_;
return unless $self->{canvas};
my $outline = $self->{canvas}->render_glyph( $ix, %opt );
return unless $outline;
my $size = scalar(@$outline);
my @p;
my $fill = delete $opt{fill};
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $size; ) {
my $cmd = $outline->[$i++];
my $pts = $outline->[$i++] * 2;
my @pts = map { $outline->[$i++] / 64.0 } 0 .. $pts - 1;
if ( $cmd == ggo::Move ) {
$self->close unless $fill;
} elsif ( $cmd == ggo::Line ) {
$self->line([ @p, @pts ]);
} elsif ( $cmd == ggo::Conic ) {
$self->spline([ @p, @pts ]);
} elsif ( $cmd == ggo::Cubic ) {
$self->spline([ @p, @pts ], degree => 3 );
@p = @pts[-2,-1];
sub text
my ($self, $text, %opt) = @_;
return unless my $c = $self->{canvas};
my $state = $c->get_paint_state;
unless ($state) {
return unless $c->begin_paint_info;
$self->translate( 0, $c->font->descent )
unless $opt{baseline} // $c->textOutBaseline;
my $cache = $opt{cache} || {};
my $unicode = utf8::is_utf8($text);
for my $char ( split //, $text ) {
my $ix = ord($char);
$self->glyph($ix, %opt, unicode => $unicode);
my $r = $cache->{$char} //= do {
my $p = $c->get_font_abc($ix,$ix,$unicode);
$p->[0] + $p->[1] + $p->[2]
$c->end_paint_info unless $state;
sub circular_arc
my $self = shift;
2 == @_ or Carp::croak('bad parameters to circular_arc');
$self-> cmd( arc => @_, 0 );
sub arc
my $self = shift;
@_ > 5 or Carp::croak('bad parameters to arcto');
my ( $cx, $cy, $dx, $dy, $from, $to, $tilt) = @_;
return $self if $from == $to;
$self-> save->
matrix( $dx / 2, 0, 0, $dy / 2, $cx, $cy )->
rotate( $tilt // 0.0)->
circular_arc( $from, $to )->
sub rarc
my $self = shift;
@_ > 3 or Carp::croak('bad parameters to arcto');
my ( $dx, $dy, $from, $to, $tilt) = @_;
return $self if $from == $to;
$self->scale( $dx / 2, $dy / 2);
$self->rotate( $tilt // 0.0);
$self->cmd( arc => $from, $to, 1 );
sub ellipse
my $self = shift;
@_ > 2 or Carp::croak('bad parameters to ellipse');
my ( $cx, $cy, $dx, $dy, $tilt) = @_;
$dy //= $dx;
$self-> save->
matrix( $dx / 2, 0, 0, $dy / 2, $cx, $cy )->
rotate( $tilt // 0.0)->
circular_arc( 0.0, 360.0 )->
sub chord
my $self = shift;
@_ == 6 or Carp::croak('bad parameters to chord');
my ( $cx, $cy, $dx, $dy, $start, $end) = @_;
$self-> save->
matrix( $dx / 2, 0, 0, $dy / 2, $cx, $cy )->
circular_arc( $start, $end )->
sub lines
my $self = shift;
my $p = $#_ ? [@_] : $_[0];
@$p % 4 and Carp::croak('bad parameters to lines');
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$p; $i += 4 ) {
$self->cmd( line => [ @$p[ $i .. $i + 3 ] ] );
sub rectangle
my $self = shift;
@_ == 4 or Carp::croak('bad parameters to rectangle');
my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_;
$self-> line([$x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x1, $y2])-> close;
sub sector
my $self = shift;
@_ == 6 or Carp::croak('bad parameters to sector');
my ( $cx, $cy, $dx, $dy, $start, $end) = @_;
$self-> save->
matrix( $dx / 2, 0, 0, $dy / 2, $cx, $cy )->
circular_arc( $start, $end )->
sub points
my ($self, $for_fill) = @_;
unless ( $self->{points} ) {
local $self->{stack} = [];
local $self->{curr} = {
matrix => [ identity ],
( map { $_, $self->{$_} } qw(precision ) )
$self->{points} = [[ Prima::array->new_int ]];
my $c = $self->{commands};
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$c; ) {
my ($cmd,$len) = @$c[$i,$i+1];
$self-> can("_$cmd")-> ( $self, @$c[$i+2..$i+$len+1] );
$i += $len + 2;
for my $ppp ( @{$self->{points}}) {
@$ppp = grep { @$_ > 2 } @$ppp;
$self->{last_matrix} = $self->{curr}->{matrix};
if ( $for_fill ) {
my @ret;
for my $ppp ( @{ $self->points } ) {
my $arr = Prima::array->new_int;
Prima::array::append( $arr, $_ ) for @$ppp;
push @ret, $arr if @$arr > 2;
return @ret;
return $self->{points};
sub last_matrix
my $self = shift;
return $self->{last_matrix};
sub last_point
for ( reverse @{ shift->{points} }) {
for ( reverse @$_ ) {
return $$_[-2], $$_[-1] if @$_;
return 0,0;
sub matrix_apply
my $self = shift;
my ($ref, $points) = $#_ ? (0, [@_]) : (1, $_[0]);
my $m = $self->{curr}->{matrix};
my @ret;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$points; $i += 2 ) {
my ( $x, $y ) = @{$points}[$i,$i+1];
push @ret,
$$m[A] * $x + $$m[C] * $y + $$m[X],
$$m[B] * $x + $$m[D] * $y + $$m[Y]
return $ref ? \@ret : @ret;
sub _save
my $self = shift;
push @{ $self->{stack} }, $self->{curr};
my $m = [ @{ $self->{curr}->{matrix} } ];
$self->{curr} = {
%{ $self->{curr} },
matrix => $m,
sub _restore
my $self = shift;
$self->{curr} = pop @{ $self->{stack} } or die "stack undeflow";
sub _set
my ($self, $prop, $val) = @_;
$self->{curr}->{$prop} = $val;
sub _matrix
my $self = shift;
$self->{curr}->{matrix} = matrix_multiply( \@_, $self->{curr}->{matrix} );
sub _relative
my $self = shift;
my ($lx,$ly) = $self->last_point;
my $m = $self->{curr}->{matrix};
my ( $x0, $y0 ) = $self-> matrix_apply(0, 0);
$m->[X] += $lx - $x0;
$m->[Y] += $ly - $y0;
sub _moveto
my ( $self, $mx, $my, $rel) = @_;
($mx, $my) = $self->matrix_apply($mx, $my);
my ($lx, $ly) = $rel ? $self->last_point : (0,0);
my $arr = Prima::array->new_int;
push @$arr, int($lx + $mx + .5), int($ly + $my + .5);
push @{$self->{points}->[-1]}, $arr;
sub _open { push @{shift->{points}}, [Prima::array->new_int] }
sub _close
my $self = shift;
my $p = $self->{points};
return unless @$p;
my $l = $p->[-1]->[-1];
push @$l, $$l[0], $$l[1] if @$l && ($$l[0] != $$l[-2] || $$l[1] != $$l[-1]);
push @$p, [Prima::array->new_int];
sub _line
my ( $self, $line ) = @_;
push @{ $self->{points}->[-1]->[-1] }, map { int($_ + .5) } @{ $self-> matrix_apply( $line ) };
sub _spline
my ( $self, $points, $options ) = @_;
Prima::array::append( $self->{points}->[-1]->[-1],
$self-> matrix_apply( $points ),
# Reference:
# One method for representing an arc of ellipse by a NURBS curve
# E. Petkov, L.Cekov
# Jan 2005
sub arc2nurbs
my ( $self, $a1, $a2 ) = @_;
my ($reverse, @out);
($a1, $a2, $reverse) = ( $a2, $a1, 1 ) if $a1 > $a2;
push @out, $a1;
while (1) {
if ( $a2 - $a1 > 90 ) {
push @out, $a1 += 90;
} else {
push @out, $a2;
@out = map { $_ / $RAD } @out;
my @set;
my @knots = (0,0,0,1,1,1);
my ( $cosa1, $sina1 );
for ( my $i = 0; $i < $#out; $i++) {
( $a1, $a2 ) = @out[$i,$i+1];
my $b = $a2 - $a1;
my $cosb2 = cos($b/2);
my $d = 1 / $cosb2;
$cosa1 //= cos($a1);
$sina1 //= sin($a1);
my @points = (
$cosa1, $sina1,
cos($a1 + $b/2) * $d, sin($a1 + $b/2) * $d,
cos($a2), sin($a2),
($cosa1, $sina1) = @points[4,5];
my @weights = (1,$cosb2,1);
@points[0,1,4,5] = @points[4,5,0,1] if $reverse;
push @set, [
closed => 0,
degree => 2,
weights => \@weights,
knots => \@knots,
@set = reverse @set if $reverse;
return \@set;
sub _arc
my ( $self, $from, $to, $rel ) = @_;
my $nurbset = $self->arc2nurbs( $from, $to);
if ( $rel ) {
my ($lx,$ly) = $self->last_point;
my $pts = $nurbset->[0]->[0];
my $m = $self->{curr}->{matrix};
my @s = $self->matrix_apply( $pts->[0], $pts->[1]);
$m->[X] += $lx - $s[0];
$m->[Y] += $ly - $s[1];
my %xopt;
$xopt{precision} = $self->{curr}->{precision} if defined $self->{curr}->{precision};
for my $set ( @$nurbset ) {
my ( $points, @options ) = @$set;
Prima::array::append( $self->{points}->[-1]->[-1],
$self-> matrix_apply( $points ),
sub stroke {
return 0 unless $_[0]->{canvas};
for ( map { @$_ } @{ $_[0]->points }) {
return 0 unless $_[0]->{canvas}->polyline($_);
return 1;
sub fill {
my ( $self, $fillMode ) = @_;
return 0 unless my $c = $self->{canvas};
my @p = $self->points(1);
my $ok = 1;
my $save;
if ( defined $fillMode ) {
$save = $c->fillMode;
for ( @p ) {
last unless $ok &= $c->fillpoly($_);
$c->fillMode($save) if defined $save;
return $ok;
sub flatten
my ($self, $opt_prescale) = @_;
local $self->{stack} = [];
local $self->{curr} = {
matrix => [ identity ],
( map { $_, $self->{$_} } qw(precision ) )
my $c = $self->{commands};
my @dst;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$c; ) {
my ($cmd,$len) = @$c[$i,$i+1];
my @param = @$c[$i+2..$i+$len+1];
$i += $len + 2;
if ( $cmd =~ /^(matrix|set|save|restore)$/) {
# to get the right precision and prescaling
$self-> can("_$cmd")-> ( $self, @param );
push @dst, $cmd, $len, @param;
} elsif ( $cmd eq 'arc') {
my ( $from, $to, $rel ) = @param;
my $prescale;
unless ( defined $opt_prescale ) {
my @m = map { abs } @{ $self-> {curr}->{matrix} };
# pre-shoot scaling ractor for rasterization
$prescale = $m[A];
$prescale = $m[B] if $prescale < $m[B];
$prescale = $m[C] if $prescale < $m[C];
$prescale = $m[D] if $prescale < $m[D];
$prescale = 1 if $prescale == 0.0;
} else {
$prescale = $opt_prescale;
my %xopt;
$xopt{precision} = $self->{curr}->{precision} if defined $self->{curr}->{precision};
my $polyline;
my $nurbset = $self->arc2nurbs( $from, $to);
for my $set ( @$nurbset ) {
my ( $points, @options ) = @$set;
my $p = Prima::Drawable->render_spline(
[map { $_ * $prescale } @$points],
@options, %xopt
if ( $polyline ) {
Prima::array::append( $polyline, $p );
} else {
$polyline = $p;
if ( scalar @$polyline ) {
push @dst, save => 0;
push @dst, relative => 0 if $rel;
push @dst, matrix => 6, 1.0/$prescale, 0, 0, 1.0/$prescale, 0, 0;
push @dst, line => 1, $polyline;
push @dst, restore => 0;
} else {
push @dst, $cmd, $len, @param;
return ref($self)->new( undef,
canvas => $self->{canvas},
commands => \@dst
sub contours
my $self = shift;
my @ret;
for my $pp ( map { @$_ } @{ $self->points } ) {
my @contour;
next if @$pp < 2;
my $closed = $pp->[0] == $pp->[-2] && $pp->[1] == $pp->[-1];
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$pp - 2; $i += 2 ) {
my @a = @{$pp}[$i,$i+1];
my @b = @{$pp}[$i+2,$i+3];
my ( $delta_y, $delta_x, $dir);
next if $a[0] == $b[0] && $a[1] == $b[1] && @$pp > 4;
$delta_y = $b[1] - $a[1];
$delta_x = $b[0] - $a[0];
$dir = 1 if abs($delta_y) > abs($delta_x);
my ( $curr_maj, $curr_min, $to_maj, $delta_maj, $delta_min ) = $dir ?
($a[1], $a[0], $b[1], $delta_y, $delta_x) :
($a[0], $a[1], $b[0], $delta_x, $delta_y);
my $inc_maj = ($delta_maj != 0) ?
(abs($delta_maj)==$delta_maj ? 1 : -1) : 0;
my $inc_min = ($delta_min != 0) ?
(abs($delta_min)==$delta_min ? 1 : -1) : 0;
$delta_maj = abs($delta_maj);
$delta_min = abs($delta_min);
my $d = ($delta_min * 2) - $delta_maj;
my $d_inc1 = ($delta_min * 2);
my $d_inc2 = (($delta_min - $delta_maj) * 2);
while(1) {
my @p = $dir ? ($curr_min, $curr_maj) : ($curr_maj, $curr_min);
push @contour, @p;
last if $curr_maj == $to_maj;
$curr_maj += $inc_maj;
if ($d < 0) {
$d += $d_inc1;
} else {
$d += $d_inc2;
$curr_min += $inc_min;
pop @contour, pop @contour if $closed || $i > 0;
push @ret, \@contour if @contour;
return @ret;
sub poly2patterns
my ($pp, $lp, $lw) = @_;
$lw = 1 if $lw < 1;
my @steps = map { 1 + $lw * (ord($_) - 1 ) } split '', $lp;
# print "$lw: steps: @steps\n";
my @dst;
my @sqrt;
for my $p ( @$pp ) {
if ( @$p <= 2 ) {
push @dst, $p;
my $closed = $p->[0] == $p->[-2] && $p->[1] == $p->[-1];
my ($segment, @strokes);
my ($i,$strokecolor,$step,$new_point,$new_stroke,$advance,$joiner) =
my ( @a, @b, $black, $dx, $dy, $pixlen, @r, @a1, @b1, $plotted, $draw, $strokelen);
while ( 1) {
if ( $advance == 0 && $new_stroke ) {
$strokecolor = !$strokecolor;
$strokelen = $steps[$step++];
# print "new stroke #$step: $strokelen " . ($strokecolor ? "black" : "white") . " pixels\n";
$step = 0 if $step == @steps;
push @strokes, $segment = [] if $strokecolor;
$joiner = 0;
if ($new_point ) {
@a = @$p[$i,$i+1];
last if @$p <= ($i += 2);
@b = @$p[$i,$i+1];
$dx = $b[0] - $a[0];
$dy = $b[1] - $a[1];
my $dl = $dx * $dx + $dy * $dy;
$pixlen = (($dl < 1024 ) ?
$sqrt[$dl + .5] //= sqrt(int($dl + .5)) :
# print "new point $i: (@a) + $pixlen -> @b\n";
@r = ($pixlen > 0) ?
($dx / $pixlen, $dy / $pixlen):
$pixlen = int( $pixlen + .5 );
if (($i == $#$p - 1 && !$closed) || ($pixlen == 0)) {
} else {
$b[0] -= $r[0];
$b[1] -= $r[1];
@a1 = @a;
@b1 = @b;
$plotted = 0;
splice( @$segment, -2, 2) if $joiner && $advance == 0;
$joiner = 0;
($draw, $black) = ( $advance > 0 ) ? ($advance, 0) : ($strokelen, $strokecolor);
# print "draw:$advance/$strokelen pixlen:$pixlen plotted:$plotted black:$black\n";
if ( $draw < $pixlen ) {
$plotted += $draw;
@b1 = ($draw == 1) ? @a1 : (
($plotted - 1) * $r[0] + $a[0],
($plotted - 1) * $r[1] + $a[1],
# print "pix($black): @a1 -> @b1\n";
push @$segment, @a1, @b1 if $black;
$pixlen -= $draw;
$advance += ($advance > 0) ? -$draw : ($lw-1);
@a1 = ( $b1[0] + $r[0], $b1[1] + $r[1]);
# print "new adv to @a1? =$advance\n";
($new_point, $new_stroke) = (0,1);
} elsif ( $draw == $pixlen ) {
push @$segment, @a1, @b if $black;
$new_stroke = $new_point = 1;
$advance += ($advance > 0) ? -$draw : ($lw-1);
# print "=: pix($black): @a1 -> @b\n";
$joiner = $black;
} elsif ( $black && $draw == 1 && $pixlen <= 0 ) {
$new_point = $new_stroke = 1;
$advance = $lw-1;
# print "skip tail\n";
} else {
# print ">: pix($black): @a1 -> @b\n";
push @$segment, @a1, @b if $black;
($new_point, $new_stroke) = (1,0);
if ($advance > 0) {
$advance -= $pixlen;
} else {
$strokelen -= $pixlen;
$joiner = $black;
# print "done with @$p\n";
pop @strokes if @strokes && !@{$strokes[-1]};
my $first;
push @dst, $first = shift @strokes;
push @dst, @strokes;
if ( @strokes && $closed && $steps[0] > 1 && $strokelen > 1 ) {
my $last = pop @dst;
unshift @$first, @$last[2 .. $#$last];
return \@dst;
# Adapted from wine/dlls/gdi32/path.c:WidenPath()
# (c) Martin Boehme, Huw D M Davies, Dmitry Timoshkov, Alexandre Julliard
sub widen
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my $dst = ref($self)->new( undef,
canvas => $self->{canvas},
commands => [],
my ($lw, $lj, $le, $lp) = map {
my $opt = exists($opt{$_}) ? $opt{$_} : (
$self->{canvas} ? $self->{canvas}->$_() : 0
$opt = 0 if $_ ne 'linePattern' and $opt < 0;
} qw(lineWidth lineJoin lineEnd linePattern);
my $pp = [ map { @$_ } @{$self->points} ];
return $dst if $lp eq lp::Null;
$pp = poly2patterns($pp, $lp, $lw) if $lp ne lp::Solid;
if ( $lw < 1 ) {
for my $p ( @$pp ) {
$dst->line([map { @{$p}[-2*$_,-2*$_+1] } 1..@$p/2 ])
if $lp eq lp::Solid;
return $dst;
my $ml = exists($opt{miterLimit}) ? $opt{miterLimit} : 10;
$ml = 20 if $ml > 20;
$lw = 16834 if $lw > 16834;
$lj = lj::Miter if $lj > lj::Miter;
$le = le::Round if $le > le::Round;
my $sqrt2;
my @dst;
my $lw2 = $lw / 2;
for my $p ( @$pp ) {
my (@u,@d);
next unless @$p;
my $closed = $p->[0] == $p->[-2] && $p->[1] == $p->[-1];
my $last = @$p - ($closed ? 4 : 2);
if ( $last == 0 ) {
my ($x,$y) = @$p;
if ( $le == le::Square ) {
$x - $lw2, $y - $lw2,
$x - $lw2, $y + $lw2,
$x + $lw2, $y + $lw2,
$x + $lw2, $y - $lw2,
} elsif ( $le == le::Round ) {
$dst->ellipse( $x, $y, $lw);
my ($firstout, $firstin, $firstsign);
for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $last; $i += 2 ) {
$i, $p, {
lineJoin => sub { $lj = shift },
lineEnd => sub { $le = shift },
lineWidth => sub { $lw2 = ($lw = shift) / 2 },
) if $opt{callback};
if ( !$closed && ($i == 0 || $i == $last )) {
my ( $xo, $yo, $xa, $ya) = @$p[ $i ? (map { $i + $_ } 0,1,-2,-1) : (0..3)];
my $theta = atan2( $ya - $yo, $xa - $xo );
if ( $le == le::Flat) {
my ($sin, $cos) = (sin($theta + $PI_2), cos($theta + $PI_2));
push @u, [ line => [
$xo + $lw2 * $cos,
$yo + $lw2 * $sin,
$xo - $lw2 * $cos,
$yo - $lw2 * $sin
] ];
} elsif ( $le == le::Square ) {
$sqrt2 //= sqrt(2.0) * $lw2;
push @u, [ line => [
$xo - $sqrt2 * cos($theta - $PI_4),
$yo - $sqrt2 * sin($theta - $PI_4),
$xo - $sqrt2 * cos($theta + $PI_4),
$yo - $sqrt2 * sin($theta + $PI_4)
] ];
} else {
push @u, [ arc =>
$xo, $yo, $lw, $lw,
$RAD * ($theta + $PI_2),
$RAD * ($theta + 3 * $PI_2),
} else {
my ($prev, $next);
if ( $i > 0 && $i < $last) {
($prev, $next) = ($i - 2, $i + 2);
} elsif ( $i == 0) {
($prev, $next) = ($last, $i + 2);
} else {
($prev, $next) = ($i - 2, 0);
my ($xo,$yo,$xa,$ya,$xb,$yb) = @$p[$i,$i+1,$prev,$prev+1,$next,$next+1];
my $theta = atan2( $yo - $ya, $xo - $xa );
my $alpha = atan2( $yb - $yo, $xb - $xo ) - $theta;
$alpha += $PI * (($alpha > 0) ? -1 : 1);
# next if $alpha == 0.0; # XXX
my $_lj = $lj;
$_lj = lj::Bevel if
$_lj == lj::Miter && ($alpha == 0 || $ml < abs( 1 / sin($alpha/2)));
my $sign = ( $alpha > 0) ? -1 : 1;
my ( $in, $out) = ($alpha > 0) ? (\@u,\@d) : (\@d,\@u);
my ( $dx1, $dy1, $dx2, $dy2) = map { $sign * $lw2 * $_ } (
cos($theta + $PI_2),
sin($theta + $PI_2),
cos($theta + $alpha + $PI_2),
sin($theta + $alpha + $PI_2)
if ($i == 0) {
@$firstin = ( $xo + $dx1, $yo + $dy1);
$firstsign = $sign;
push @$in, [ line => [ $xo + $dx1, $yo + $dy1 ]];
push @$in, [ line => [ $xo - $dx2, $yo - $dy2 ]];
if ( $_lj == lj::Miter) {
my $miterWidth = abs($lw2 / cos($PI_2 - abs($alpha) / 2));
push @$out, [ line => [
$xo + $miterWidth * cos($theta + $alpha / 2),
$yo + $miterWidth * sin($theta + $alpha / 2)
@$firstout = @{ $out->[-1][1] }
if $i == 0;
} elsif ( $_lj == lj::Bevel) {
@$firstout = ( $xo - $dx1, $yo - $dy1 )
if $i == 0;
push @$out, [ line => [ $xo - $dx1, $yo - $dy1 ]];
push @$out, [ line => [ $xo + $dx2, $yo + $dy2 ]];
} else {
@$firstout = ( $xo - $dx1, $yo - $dy1 )
if $i == 0;
push @$out, [ arc =>
$xo, $yo,
$lw, $lw,
($alpha > 0) ? (
$RAD * ($theta + $alpha - $PI_2),
$RAD * ($theta + $PI_2),
) : (
$RAD * ($theta - $PI_2),
$RAD * ($theta + $alpha + $PI_2),
if ( $i == $last ) {
( $firstin, $firstout ) = ( $firstout, $firstin )
if $sign != $firstsign;
push @$in, [ line => $firstin ];
push @$out, [ line => $firstout ];
push @u, reverse @d;
@d = ();
for ( @u ) {
my ( $cmd, @param ) = @$_;
if ( $cmd eq 'line' && @d && $d[-1][0] eq 'line' ) {
push @{ $d[-1][1] }, @{$param[0]};
} else {
push @d, $_;
for ( @d ) {
my ( $cmd, @param ) = @$_;
return $dst;
sub extents
my $self = shift;
my @pp = map { @$_ } @{ $self->points };
return unless @pp;
my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) = @{$pp[0]}[0,1,0,1];
for my $p ( @pp ) {
for ( my $i = 2; $i < $#$p; $i+=2) {
my ($x, $y) = @{$p}[$i,$i+1];
$x1 = $x if $x < $x1;
$y1 = $y if $y < $y1;
$x2 = $x if $x > $x2;
$y2 = $y if $y > $y2;
return $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2;
sub clip
my ($self, %opt) = @_;
my ( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) = $self-> extents;
my ( $tx, $ty ) = (0,0);
$x2 -= $x1, $tx -= $x1 if $x1 < 0;
$y2 -= $y1, $ty -= $y1 if $y1 < 0;
my $p = Prima::DeviceBitmap->new( width => $x2, height => $y2, type => dbt::Bitmap );
$p->set(%opt) if scalar keys %opt;
$p->translate($tx, $ty);
$p->fillpoly($_) for $self->points(1);
return $p->image;
sub region
my ($self, $mode, $rgnop) = @_;
my $reg;
$mode //= fm::Winding | fm::Overlay;
$rgnop //= rgnop::Union;
$reg ? $reg->combine($_, $rgnop) : ($reg = $_)
for map { Prima::Region->new( polygon => $_, fillMode => $mode) } $self->points(1);
return $reg;
=head1 NAME
Prima::Drawable::Path - stroke and fill complex paths
The module augments the C<Prima::Drawable> drawing and plotting functionality by
implementing paths that allow arbitrary combination of polylines, splines, and arcs,
to be used for drawing or clipping shapes.
# draws elliptic spiral
my ( $d1, $dx ) = ( 0.8, 0.05 );
$canvas-> new_path->
translate(200, 100)->
scale(200, 100)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 + $dx * 0, $d1 + $dx * 1, 0, 90)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 + $dx * 2, $d1 + $dx * 1, 90, 180)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 + $dx * 2, $d1 + $dx * 3, 180, 270)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 + $dx * 4, $d1 + $dx * 3, 270, 360)->
=for podview <img src="Prima/path.gif">
=for html <p><img src="">
=head1 API
=head2 Primitives
All primitives come in two versions, with absolute and relative coordinates.
The absolute version draws a graphic primitive so that its starting point
(or a reference point) is at (0,0). The relative version, called with an 'r'
(f.ex. C<line> vs C<rline>) has its starting point as the ending point of
the previous primitive (or (0,0) if there's none).
Adds elliptic arc to path centered around (CENTER_X,CENTER_Y).
Important: if the intention is an immediate rendering, especially with 1-pixel
line width, consider decreasing diameters by 1. This is because all arc
calculations are made with floating point, where diameter is also given not in
pixels but in geometrical coordinates, to allow for matrix transformations.
Before rendering is performed, arcs are tranformed into spline vertices and
then transformation matrix is applied, and by that time the notion of an arc
diameter is lost to be successfully converted into pixel size minus one.
=item close, open
Closes the current shape and opens a new one
close() is same as open() but makes sure the shape's first point is equal to its last point.
=item circular_arc ANGLE_START, ANGLE_END
Adds circular arc to the path. Note that adding transformations will effectively
make it into elliptic arc, which is used internally by C<arc> and C<rarc>.
Adds chord to the path. Is there only for compatibility with C<Prima::Drawable>.
Adds full ellipse to the path.
=item glyph INDEX, %OPTIONS
Adds glyph outline to the path. C<%OPTIONS> are passed as is to L<Prima::Drawable/renger_glyph>.
Note that filled glyphs require C<fillMode> without the C<fm::Overlay> bit set and C<fill> option set
to generate proper shapes with holes.
=item line, rline @POINTS
Adds a polyline to path
=item lines [X1, Y1, X2, Y2]..
Adds set of multiple, unconnected lines to the path. Is there only for
compatibility with C<Prima::Drawable>.
=item moveto, rmoveto X, Y
Stops plotting the current shape and moves the plotting position to X, Y.
Adds elliptic arc to path so that the first point of the arc starts on the last
point of the previous primitive, or (0,0) if there's none.
=item rectangle X1, Y1, X2, Y2
Adds rectangle to the path. Is there only for compatibility with C<Prima::Drawable>.
Adds sector to the path. Is there only for compatibility with C<Prima::Drawable>.
=item spline, rspline $POINTS, %OPTIONS.
Adds B-spline to path. See L<Prima::Drawable/spline> for C<%OPTIONS> descriptions.
=item text TEXT, %OPTIONS
Adds C<TEXT> to the path. C<%OPTIONS> are same as in L<Prima::Drawable/render_glyph>,
except that C<unicode> is deduced automatically based on whether C<TEXT> has utf8 bit
on or off; and an extra option C<cache> with a hash can be used to speed up the function
with subsequent calls. C<baseline> option is same as L<Prima::Drawable/textOutBaseline>.
=head2 Properties
=item canvas DRAWABLE
Provides access to the attached drawable object
=head2 Transformations
Transformation calls change the current path properties (matrix etc)
so that all subsequent calls will use them until a call to C<restore>
is used. C<save> and C<restore> implement a stacking mechanism, so that
local transformations can be made.
The final transformations calculate coordinates the new and the existing matrices:
P' = NewMatrix * P
=item matrix A, B, C, D, Tx, Ty
Applies transformation matrix to the path. The matrix, as used by the module,
is formed as such:
A B 0
C D 0
Tx Ty 1
and when applied to 2D coordinates, is calculated as
X' = AX + CY + Tx
Y' = BX + DY + Ty
=item precision INTEGER
Selects current precision for splines and arcs. See L<Prima::Drawable/spline>, C<precision> entry.
=item restore
Pops the stack entry and replaces the current matrix and graphic properties with it.
=item rotate ANGLE
Adds rotation to the current matrix
=item save
Duplicates the current matrix and graphic properties and pushes them to the stack.
=item shear X, Y = X
Adds shearing to the current matrix
=item scale X, Y = X
Adds scaling to the current matrix
=item translate X, Y = X
Adds offset to the current matrix
=head2 Operations
These methods perform actual path rendering, that was delayed until that, and will
create an array of points that can be used for actual drawing.
=item clip %options
Returns 1-bit image with clipping mask of the path. C<%options> can be used to
pass C<fillMode> property that affects the result of the filled shape.
=item contours
Same as L<points> but further reduces lines into a 8-connected set of points,
suitable to be traced pixel-by-pixel.
=item extents
Returns 2 points that box the path.
=item last_matrix
Return CTM resulted after running all commands
=item fill fillMode=undef
Paints a filled shape over the path. If C<fillMode> is set, it is used instead of the one
selected on the canvas.
=item flatten PRESCALE
Returns new objects where arcs are flattened into lines. The lines are
rasterized with scaling factor that is as close as possible to the device
pixels, to be suitable for direct send to the polyline() API call. If PRESCALE
factor is set, it is used instead to premultiply coordinates of arc anchor
points used to render the lines.
=item points FOR_FILL_POLY=0
Runs all accumulated commands, and returns rendered set of points, suitable
for further calls to either C<Prima::Drawable::polyline> or C<Prima::Drawable::fillpoly>
depending on the C<FOR_FILL_POLY> flag.
=item region MODE=fm::Winding|fm::Overlay, RGNOP=rgnop::Union
Creates a region object from polygonal shape. If MODE is set, applies fill mode
(see L<Prima::Drawable/fillMode> for more); if RGNOP is set, applies region set operation
(see L<Prima::Region/combine>).
=item stroke
Draws a polyline over the path
=item widen %OPTIONS
Expands path into a new path object containing outlines of the original path as
if drawn with selected line properties. C<lineWidth>, C<lineEnd>, C<lineJoin>,
C<linePattern> are read from C<%OPTIONS>, or from the attached canvas when
available. Supports C<miterLimit> option with values from 0 to 20.
Note: if the intention is to immediately render lines, decrease lineWidth by 1
(they are 1 pixel wider because paths are built around assumption that pixel size is 0,
which makes them scalable).
=head2 Methods for custom primitives
=item append PATH
Copies all commands from another PATH object. The PATH object doesn't need to
have balanced stacking brackets C<save> and C<restore>, and can be viewed
as a macro.
=item identity
Returns identity matrix
=item matrix_apply @POINTS
Applies current matrix to POINTS, returns the transformed points.
If @POINTS is a list, returns list; if it is an array reference, returns
array reference.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO