package Prima::Image::TransparencyControl;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::ImageViewer;
use Prima::Label;
use Prima::Sliders;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
index => 0,
image => undef,
width => 364,
height => 158,
designScale => [ 7, 16],
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub init
my $self = shift;
$self-> {imageColors} = 0;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
$self-> insert( qq(Prima::ImageViewer) =>
origin => [ 10, 40],
name => 'Panel',
size => [ 100, 100],
borderWidth => 1,
alignment => ta::Center,
valignment => ta::Center,
delegations => [ 'MouseDown'],
my $p = $self-> insert( qq(Prima::Widget) =>
origin => [ 120, 40],
name => 'Palette',
size => [ 235, 100],
delegations => [ 'Paint', 'MouseDown'],
buffered => 1,
my $se = $self-> insert( qq(Prima::SpinEdit) =>
origin => [ 120, 10],
name => 'Index',
size => [ 100, 20],
delegations => [ 'Change'],
$self-> insert( qq(Prima::Label) =>
origin => [ 10, 10],
size => [ 105, 19],
text => 'Color inde~x',
focusLink => $se,
my @sz = $p-> size;
my $sqd = 20;
$sz[$_] -= 5 for 0,1;
while ( $sqd-- > 1) {
my @d = map { int($sz[$_] / $sqd)} 0, 1;
last if $d[0] * $d[1] >= 256;
$p-> {sqd} = $sqd;
$p-> {columns} = int( $sz[0] / $sqd);
$p-> width( 4 + $p-> {columns} * $sqd);
$self-> image( $profile{image});
$self-> index( $profile{index});
return %profile;
sub image
return $_[0]-> {image} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $i) = @_;
$self-> {image} = $i;
$self-> {imageColors} = scalar ( @{$self-> {image}-> palette}) / 3 if $i;
$self-> Index-> max( $self-> {imageColors} - 1);
return unless $self-> enabled;
$self-> Panel-> image( $self-> {image});
return unless $i;
my @szA = $i-> size;
my @szB = $self-> Panel->get_active_area(2);
my $xx = $szB[0]/$szA[0];
my $yy = $szB[1]/$szA[1];
$self-> Panel-> zoom( $xx < $yy ? $xx : $yy);
sub index
return $_[0]-> Index-> value unless $#_;
my ( $self, $i) = @_;
my $v = $self-> Index-> value;
$i = 0 if $i < 0;
$i = $self-> {imageColors} - 1 if $i >= $self-> {imageColors};
return if $v == $i;
$self-> Index-> value( $_[1]);
$self-> Palette-> repaint;
$self-> notify(q(Change));
sub Index_Change
$_[0]-> index( $_[1]-> value);
$_[0]-> Palette-> repaint;
sub on_enable
my $self = $_[0];
$_-> enabled( 1) for $self-> widgets;
$self-> Panel-> image( $self-> {image});
return unless $self-> {image};
my @szA = $self-> {image}->size;
my @szB = $self-> Panel->get_active_area(2);
my $xx = $szB[0]/$szA[0];
my $yy = $szB[1]/$szA[1];
$self-> Panel-> zoom( $xx < $yy ? $xx : $yy);
$self-> Palette-> repaint;
sub on_disable
my $self = $_[0];
$_-> enabled( 0) for $self-> widgets;
$self-> Panel-> image( undef);
$self-> Palette-> repaint;
sub Panel_MouseDown
my ( $owner, $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return if $btn != mb::Left;
( $x, $y) = $self-> screen2point( $x, $y);
my @sz = $owner-> {image}-> size;
return if $x < 0 || $x >= $sz[0] || $y < 0 || $y >= $sz[1];
my $pix = $owner-> {image}-> pixel( $x, $y);
my $pal = $owner-> {image}-> palette;
my $i;
my $c = $owner-> {imageColors};
my ( $r, $g, $b) = cl::to_rgb($pix);
for ( $i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
last if $pal->[ $i * 3 + 0] == $b &&
$pal->[ $i * 3 + 1] == $g &&
$pal->[ $i * 3 + 2] == $r;
return if $i == $c;
$owner-> index( $i);
sub Palette_Paint
my ( $owner, $self, $canvas) = @_;
my @sz = $self-> size;
my @c3d = ( $self-> light3DColor, $self-> dark3DColor);
$canvas-> rect3d( 0, 0, $sz[0]-1, $sz[1]-1, 1, reverse(@c3d), $self-> backColor);
return unless $owner-> {image};
my $c = $owner-> {imageColors};
my $p = $owner-> {image}-> palette;
my $x = 2;
my $s = $self-> {sqd};
my $y = $sz[1] - 2 - $s;
my $i;
my $e = $self-> enabled;
my $cl = $self-> {columns};
my $ci = 0;
my $se = $owner-> index;
$se = -1 unless $owner-> enabled;
my $bwo = ( $s > 7) ? 1 : 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $c; $i++) {
$canvas-> rect3d( $x, $y, $x + $s - 1, $y + $s - 1,
$bwo + (($se == $i) ? 1 : 0),
( $se == $i) ? reverse(@c3d) : @c3d,
$e ? ( $p->[$i*3] + $p-> [$i*3+1] * 256 + $p-> [$i*3+2] * 65536) : ()
$x += $s;
$x = 2, $y -= $s, $ci = 0 if ++$ci == $cl;
sub Palette_MouseDown
my ( $owner, $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return if $btn != mb::Left;
my @sz = $self-> size;
my $c = $owner-> {imageColors};
$self-> clear_event;
$x = int(( $x - 2) / $self-> {sqd});
$y = int(( $sz[1] - $y - 3) / $self-> {sqd});
return if $x >= $self-> {columns};
return if $y * $self-> {columns} + $x >= $c;
$owner-> index( $y * $self-> {columns} + $x);
package Prima::Image::BasicTransparencyDialog;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Dialog);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
width => 480,
height => 206,
centered => 1,
designScale => [ 7, 16],
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub init
my $self = shift;
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
$self-> insert( qq(Prima::CheckBox) =>
origin => [ 3, 167],
name => 'Transparent',
size => [ 133, 36],
text => '~Transparent',
delegations => ['Check'],
$self-> insert( qq(Prima::Image::TransparencyControl) =>
origin => [ 3, 6],
size => [ 364, 158],
text => '',
name => 'TC',
$self-> insert( qq(Prima::Button) =>
origin => [ 379, 165],
name => 'OK',
size => [ 96, 36],
text => '~OK',
default => 1,
modalResult => mb::OK,
delegations => ['Click'],
$self-> insert( qq(Prima::Button) =>
origin => [ 379, 120],
size => [ 96, 36],
text => 'Cancel',
modalResult => mb::Cancel,
return %profile;
sub transparent
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> Transparent-> checked( $_[1]);
$self-> TC-> enabled( $_[1]);
sub Transparent_Check
my ( $self, $tr) = @_;
$self-> transparent( $tr-> checked);
sub on_change
my ( $self, $codec, $image) = @_;
$self-> {image} = $image;
return unless $image;
$self-> transparent( $image-> {extras}-> {transparentColorIndex} ? 1 : 0);
$self-> TC-> image( $image);
$self-> TC-> index( exists( $image-> {extras}-> {transparentColorIndex}) ?
$image-> {extras}-> {transparentColorIndex} : 0);
sub OK_Click
my $self = $_[0];
if ( $self-> Transparent-> checked) {
$self-> {image}-> {extras}-> {transparentColorIndex} = $self-> TC-> index;
} else {
delete $self-> {image}-> {extras}-> {transparentColorIndex};
delete $self-> {image};
$self-> TC-> image( undef);
=head1 NAME
Prima::Image::TransparencyControl - standard dialog
for transparent color index selection.
The module contains two classes - C<Prima::Image::BasicTransparencyDialog>
and C<Prima::Image::TransparencyControl>. The former provides a dialog,
used by image codec-specific save options dialogs to select a transparent
color index when saving an image to a file. C<Prima::Image::TransparencyControl>
is a widget class that displays the image palette and allow color rather than
index selection.
=head1 Prima::Image::TransparencyControl
=head2 Properties
=item index INTEGER
Selects the palette index.
=item image IMAGE
Selects image which palette is displayed, and the color
index can be selected from.
=head2 Events
=item Change
Triggered when the user changes C<index> property.
=head1 Prima::Image::BasicTransparencyDialog
=head2 Methods
=item transparent BOOLEAN
If 1, the transparent selection widgets are enabled, and the
user can select the palette index. If 0, the widgets are
disabled; the image file is saved with no transparent color index.
The property can be toggled interactively by a checkbox.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO