package Prima::IntUtils;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima::Const;
package Prima::MouseScroller;
my $scrollTimer;
sub scroll_timer_active
return 0 unless defined $scrollTimer;
return $scrollTimer-> {active};
sub scroll_timer_semaphore
return 0 unless defined $scrollTimer;
$#_ ?
$scrollTimer-> {semaphore} = $_[1] :
return $scrollTimer-> {semaphore};
sub scroll_timer_stop
return unless defined $scrollTimer;
$scrollTimer-> stop;
$scrollTimer-> {active} = 0;
$scrollTimer-> timeout( $scrollTimer-> {firstRate});
$scrollTimer-> {newRate} = $scrollTimer-> {nextRate};
sub scroll_timer_start
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> scroll_timer_stop;
unless ( defined $scrollTimer) {
my @rates = $::application-> get_scroll_rate;
$scrollTimer = Prima::Timer-> create(
owner => $::application,
timeout => $rates[0],
name => q(ScrollTimer),
onTick => sub { $_[0]-> {delegator}-> ScrollTimer_Tick( @_)},
onDestroy => sub { undef $scrollTimer },
@{$scrollTimer}{qw(firstRate nextRate newRate)} = (@rates,$rates[1]);
$scrollTimer-> {delegator} = $self;
$scrollTimer-> {semaphore} = 1;
$scrollTimer-> {active} = 1;
$scrollTimer-> start;
sub ScrollTimer_Tick
my ( $self, $timer) = @_;
if ( exists $scrollTimer-> {newRate})
$timer-> timeout( $scrollTimer-> {newRate});
delete $scrollTimer-> {newRate};
$scrollTimer-> {semaphore} = 1;
$self-> notify(q(MouseMove), 0, $self-> pointerPos);
$self-> scroll_timer_stop unless defined $self-> {mouseTransaction};
package Prima::IntIndents;
sub indents
return wantarray ? @{$_[0]-> {indents}} : [@{$_[0]-> {indents}}] unless $#_;
my ( $self, @indents) = @_;
@indents = @{$indents[0]} if ( scalar(@indents) == 1) && ( ref($indents[0]) eq 'ARRAY');
for ( @indents) {
$_ = 0 if $_ < 0;
$self-> {indents} = \@indents;
sub get_active_area
my @r = ( scalar @_ > 2) ? @_[2,3] : $_[0]-> size;
my $i = $_[0]-> {indents};
if ( !defined($_[1]) || $_[1] == 0) {
# returns inclusive - exclusive
return $$i[0], $$i[1], $r[0] - $$i[2], $r[1] - $$i[3];
} elsif ( $_[1] == 1) {
# returns inclusive - inclusive
return $$i[0], $$i[1], $r[0] - $$i[2] - 1, $r[1] - $$i[3] - 1;
} else {
# returns size
return $r[0] - $$i[0] - $$i[2], $r[1] - $$i[1] - $$i[3];
package Prima::GroupScroller;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::IntIndents);
use Prima::ScrollBar;
sub setup_indents
my ($self) = @_;
$self-> {indents} = [ 0,0,0,0];
my $bw = $self-> {borderWidth};
$self-> {indents}-> [$_] += $bw for 0..3;
$self-> {indents}-> [1] += $self-> {hScrollBar}-> height - 1 if $self-> {hScroll};
$self-> {indents}-> [2] += $self-> {vScrollBar}-> width - 1 if $self-> {vScroll};
sub set_border_width
my ( $self, $bw) = @_;
my @size = $self-> size;
$bw = 0 if $bw < 0;
$bw = 1 if $bw > $size[1] / 2;
$bw = 1 if $bw > $size[0] / 2;
return if $bw == $self-> {borderWidth};
my $obw = $self-> {borderWidth};
$self-> {borderWidth} = $bw;
$self-> {hScrollBar}-> set(
left => $bw - 1,
bottom => $bw - 1,
width => $size[0] -
$bw * 2 +
2 -
( $self-> {vScroll} ?
$self-> {vScrollBar}-> width - 2 :
) if $self-> {hScroll};
$self-> {vScrollBar}-> set(
top => $size[1] - $bw + 1,
right => $size[0] - $bw + 1,
bottom => $bw + ( $self-> {hScroll} ?
$self-> {hScrollBar}-> height - 2 :
) if $self-> {vScroll};
$self-> insert_bone if defined $self-> {bone};
$self-> setup_indents;
$self-> reset_indents;
sub reset_indents {}
sub insert_bone
my $self = $_[0];
my $bw = $self-> {borderWidth};
$self-> {bone}-> destroy if defined $self-> {bone};
$self-> {bone} = Prima::Widget-> new(
owner => $self,
name => q(Bone),
pointerType => cr::Arrow,
origin => [ $self-> width - $self-> {vScrollBar}-> width + 3 - $bw, $bw - 1],
size => [ $self-> {vScrollBar}-> width-2, $self-> {hScrollBar}-> height-1],
growMode => gm::GrowLoX,
widgetClass => wc::ScrollBar,
designScale => undef,
onPaint => sub {
my ( $self, $canvas, $owner, $w, $h) =
($_[0], $_[1], $_[0]-> owner, $_[0]-> size);
$canvas-> color( $self-> backColor);
$canvas-> bar( 0, 1, $w - 2, $h - 1);
$canvas-> color( $owner-> light3DColor);
$canvas-> line( 0, 0, $w - 1, 0);
$canvas-> line( $w - 1, 0, $w - 1, $h - 1);
sub set_h_scroll
my ( $self, $hs) = @_;
return if ($hs ? 1 : 0) == $self-> {hScroll};
my $bw = $self-> {borderWidth} || 0;
if ( $hs) {
$self-> {hScrollBar} = $self->{scrollBarClass}-> new(
owner => $self,
name => q(HScroll),
vertical => 0,
origin => [ $bw-1, $bw-1],
growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
pointerType => cr::Arrow,
width => $self-> width -
2 * $bw + 2 -
( $self-> {vScroll} ?
$self-> {vScrollBar}-> width - 2 :
delegations => ['Change'],
designScale => undef,
%{ $self->{hScrollBarProfile} || {} },
$self-> {hScroll} = 1;
$self-> setup_indents;
if ( $self-> {vScroll}) {
my $h = $self-> {hScrollBar}-> height;
$self-> {vScrollBar}-> set(
bottom => $self-> {vScrollBar}-> bottom + $h - 2,
top => $self-> {vScrollBar}-> top,
$self-> insert_bone;
} else {
$self-> {hScroll} = 0;
$self-> setup_indents;
$self-> {hScrollBar}-> destroy;
if ( $self-> {vScroll})
$self-> {vScrollBar}-> set(
bottom => $bw,
height => $self-> height - $bw * 2,
$self-> {bone}-> destroy;
delete $self-> {bone};
$self-> reset_indents;
sub set_v_scroll
my ( $self, $vs) = @_;
return if ($vs ? 1 : 0) == $self-> {vScroll};
my $bw = $self-> {borderWidth} || 0;
my @size = $self-> size;
if ( $vs) {
my $width = exists( $self->{vScrollBarProfile}->{width} ) ?
$self->{vScrollBarProfile}->{width} :
$self-> {vScrollBar} = $self->{scrollBarClass}-> new(
owner => $self,
name => q(VScroll),
vertical => 1,
left => $size[0] - $bw - $width + 1,
top => $size[1] - $bw + 1,
bottom => $bw + ( $self-> {hScroll} ? $self-> {hScrollBar}-> height - 2 : 0),
growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowHiY,
pointerType => cr::Arrow,
delegations => ['Change'],
designScale => undef,
%{ $self->{vScrollBarProfile} || {} },
$self-> {vScroll} = 1;
$self-> setup_indents;
if ( $self-> {hScroll}) {
$self-> {hScrollBar}-> width(
$self-> {hScrollBar}-> width -
$self-> {vScrollBar}-> width + 2,
$self-> insert_bone;
} else {
$self-> {vScroll} = 0;
$self-> setup_indents;
$self-> {vScrollBar}-> destroy;
if ( $self-> {hScroll})
$self-> {hScrollBar}-> width( $size[0] - 2 * $bw + 2);
$self-> {bone}-> destroy;
delete $self-> {bone};
$self-> reset_indents;
sub autoHScroll
return $_[0]-> {autoHScroll} unless $#_;
my $v = ( $_[1] ? 1 : 0);
return unless $v != $_[0]-> {autoHScroll};
$_[0]-> {autoHScroll} = $v;
sub autoVScroll
return $_[0]-> {autoVScroll} unless $#_;
my $v = ( $_[1] ? 1 : 0);
return unless $v != $_[0]-> {autoVScroll};
$_[0]-> {autoVScroll} = $v;
sub borderWidth {($#_)?($_[0]-> set_border_width( $_[1])):return $_[0]-> {borderWidth}}
sub hScroll {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_h_scroll ($_[1]):return $_[0]-> {hScroll}}
sub vScroll {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_v_scroll ($_[1]):return $_[0]-> {vScroll}}
sub draw_border
my ( $self, $canvas, $backColor, @size) = @_;
@size = $self-> size unless @size;
$self-> rect_bevel(
0, 0,
$size[0]-1, $size[1]-1,
width => $self-> {borderWidth},
panel => 1,
fill => $backColor,
package Prima::UndoActions;
sub init_undo
my ($self, $profile) = @_;
$self-> {undo} = [];
$self-> {redo} = [];
$self-> {undoLimit} = $profile->{undoLimit};
sub begin_undo_group
my $self = $_[0];
return if !$self-> {undoLimit};
if ( $self-> {undo_in_action}) {
push @{$self-> {redo}}, [] unless $self-> {grouped_undo}++;
} else {
push @{$self-> {undo}}, [] unless $self-> {grouped_undo}++;
$self-> {redo} = [] if !$self-> {redo_in_action};
sub end_undo_group
my $self = $_[0];
return if !$self-> {undoLimit};
my $ref = $self-> {undo_in_action} ? 'redo' : 'undo';
$self-> {grouped_undo}-- if $self-> {grouped_undo} > 0;
# skip last record if empty
pop @{$self-> {$ref}}
if !$self-> {grouped_undo} &&
@{$self-> {$ref}} &&
0 == @{$self-> {$ref}-> [-1]};
shift @{$self-> {$ref}} if @{$self-> {$ref}} > $self-> {undoLimit};
sub push_undo_action
my $self = shift;
return if !$self-> {undoLimit};
my $ref = $self-> {undo_in_action} ? 'redo' : 'undo';
my $action = [ @_ ];
if ( $self-> {grouped_undo}) {
push @{$self-> {$ref}}, [] unless @{$self-> {$ref} // []};
push @{$self-> {$ref}-> [-1]}, $action;
} else {
push @{$self-> {$ref}}, [ $action ];
shift @{$self-> {$ref}} if @{$self-> {$ref}} > $self-> {undoLimit};
$self-> {redo} = []
if !$self-> {redo_in_action} && !$self-> {undo_in_action};
sub has_undo_action
my ($self, $method) = @_;
my $has = 0;
if ( !$self-> {undo_in_action} && @{$self-> {undo} // []} && @{$self-> {undo}-> [-1]}) {
my $ok = 1;
for ( @{$self-> {undo}-> [-1]}) {
$ok = 0, last if $$_[0] ne $method;
$has = 1 if $ok;
return $has;
sub push_group_undo_action
my $self = shift;
return if !$self-> {undoLimit};
my $ref = $self-> {undo_in_action} ? 'redo' : 'undo';
return $self-> push_undo_action(@_) if $self-> {grouped_undo};
push @{$self-> {$ref}}, [] unless @{$self-> {$ref}};
$self-> {grouped_undo} = 1;
$self-> push_undo_action(@_);
$self-> {grouped_undo} = 0;
sub can_undo { scalar shift @{ shift->{undo} } }
sub can_redo { scalar shift @{ shift->{redo} } }
sub undo
my $self = $_[0];
return if $self-> {undo_in_action} || !$self-> {undoLimit};
return unless @{$self-> {undo}};
my $group = pop @{$self-> {undo}};
return unless $group && @$group;
$self-> {undo_in_action} = 1;
$self-> begin_undo_group;
for ( reverse @$group) {
my ( $method, @params) = @$_;
next unless $self-> can($method);
$self-> $method( @params);
$self-> end_undo_group;
$self-> {undo_in_action} = 0;
sub redo
my $self = $_[0];
return if !$self-> {undoLimit};
return unless @{$self-> {redo}};
my $group = pop @{$self-> {redo}};
return unless $group && @$group;
$self-> {redo_in_action} = 1;
$self-> begin_undo_group;
for ( reverse @$group) {
my ( $method, @params) = @$_;
next unless $self-> can($method);
$self-> $method( @params);
$self-> end_undo_group;
$self-> {redo_in_action} = 0;
sub undoLimit
return $_[0]-> {undoLimit} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $ul) = @_;
$self-> {undoLimit} = $ul if $ul >= 0;
splice @{$self-> {undo}}, 0, $ul - @{$self-> {undo}} if @{$self-> {undo}} > $ul;
package Prima::ListBoxUtils;
sub draw_item_background
my ( $self, $canvas, $left, $bottom, $right, $top, $prelight, $back_color ) = @_;
if ( $prelight ) {
$back_color //= $canvas-> backColor;
my $c = $self-> color;
$canvas-> new_gradient(
spline => [ 0.75, 0.25 ],
palette => [ $self->prelight_color($back_color), $back_color ],
)-> bar( $left, $bottom, $right, $top, 0 );
$self-> color($c);
} else {
$canvas-> backColor($back_color) if $back_color;
$canvas-> clear( $left, $bottom, $right, $top);
package Prima::BidiInput;
sub handle_bidi_input
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my @ret;
if ( $opt{action} eq 'backspace') {
if ( $opt{at} == ($opt{rtl} ? 0 : $opt{n_clusters})) {
chop $opt{text};
@ret = ( $opt{text}, length($opt{text}));
} else {
my $curpos = $opt{glyphs}->cursor2offset($opt{at}, $opt{rtl});
if ( $curpos > 0 ) {
substr( $opt{text}, $curpos - 1, 1) = '';
@ret = ( $opt{text}, $curpos - 1);
} elsif ( $opt{action} eq 'delete') {
my $curpos = $opt{glyphs}->cursor2offset($opt{at}, $opt{rtl});
if ( $curpos < length($opt{text}) ) {
substr( $opt{text}, $curpos, 1, '');
@ret = ( $opt{text}, $curpos);
} elsif ( $opt{action} eq 'cut') {
if ( $opt{at} != ($opt{rtl} ? 0 : $opt{n_clusters})) {
my ($pos, $len, $rtl) = $opt{glyphs}-> cluster2range(
$opt{at} - ($opt{rtl} ? 1 : 0));
substr( $opt{text}, $pos + $len - 1, 1, '');
@ret = ( $opt{text}, $pos + $len - 1);
} elsif ( $opt{action} eq 'insert') {
my $curpos = $opt{glyphs}->cursor2offset($opt{at}, $opt{rtl});
substr( $opt{text}, $curpos, 0) = $opt{input};
@ret = ( $opt{text}, $curpos );
} elsif ( $opt{action} eq 'overtype') {
my ($append, $shift) = $opt{rtl} ? (0, 1) : ($opt{n_clusters}, 0);
my $curpos;
if ( $opt{at} == $append) {
$opt{text} .= $opt{input};
$curpos = length($opt{text});
} else {
my ($pos, $len, $rtl) = $opt{glyphs}-> cluster2range( $opt{at} - $shift );
$pos += $len - 1 if $rtl;
substr( $opt{text}, $pos, 1) = $opt{input};
$curpos = $pos + ($rtl ? 0 : 1);
@ret = ( $opt{text}, $curpos );
} else {
Carp::cluck("bad input $opt{action}");
return @ret;
=head1 NAME
Prima::IntUtils - internal functions
The module provides packages, containing common functionality
for some standard classes. The packages are designed as a code
containers, not as widget classes, and are to be used as
secondary ascendants in the widget inheritance declaration.
=head1 Prima::MouseScroller
Implements routines for emulation of auto repeating mouse events.
A code inside C<MouseMove> callback can be implemented by
the following scheme:
if ( mouse_pointer_inside_the_scrollable_area) {
$self-> scroll_timer_stop;
} else {
$self-> scroll_timer_start unless $self-> scroll_timer_active;
return unless $self-> scroll_timer_semaphore;
$self-> scroll_timer_semaphore( 0);
The class uses a semaphore C<{mouseTransaction}>, which should
be set to non-zero if a widget is in mouse capture state, and set
to zero or C<undef> otherwise.
The class starts an internal timer, which sets a semaphore and
calls C<MouseMove> notification when triggered. The timer is
assigned the timeouts, returned by C<Prima::Application::get_scroll_rate>
( see L<Prima::Application/get_scroll_rate> ).
=head2 Methods
=item scroll_timer_active
Returns a boolean value indicating if the internal timer is started.
=item scroll_timer_semaphore [ VALUE ]
A semaphore, set to 1 when the internal timer was triggered. It is advisable
to check the semaphore state to discern a timer-generated event from
the real mouse movement. If VALUE is specified, it is assigned to the semaphore.
=item scroll_timer_start
Starts the internal timer.
=item scroll_timer_stop
Stops the internal timer.
=head1 Prima::IntIndents
Provides the common functionality for the widgets that delegate part of their
surface to the border elements. A list box can be of an example, where its
scroll bars and 3-d borders are such elements.
=head2 Properties
=item indents ARRAY
Contains four integers, specifying the breadth of decoration elements for
each side. The first integer is width of the left element, the second - height
of the lower element, the third - width of the right element, the fourth - height
of the upper element.
The property can accept and return the array either as a four scalars, or as
an anonymous array of four scalars.
=head2 Methods
=item get_active_area [ TYPE = 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT ]
Calculates and returns the extension of the area without the border elements,
or the active area.
The extension are related to the current size of a widget, however, can be
overridden by specifying WIDTH and HEIGHT. TYPE is an integer, indicating
the type of calculation:
=item TYPE = 0
Returns four integers, defining the area in the inclusive-exclusive coordinates.
=item TYPE = 1
Returns four integers, defining the area in the inclusive-inclusive coordinates.
=item TYPE = 2
Returns two integers, the size of the area.
=head1 Prima::GroupScroller
The class is used for widgets that contain optional scroll bars, and provides means for
their maintenance. The class is the descendant of L<Prima::IntIndents>, and adjusts
the L<indents> property when scrollbars are shown or hidden, or L<borderWidth> is changed.
The class does not provide range selection for the scrollbars; the descentant classes
must implement that.
The descendant classes must follow the guidelines:
=item *
A class must provide C<borderWidth>, C<hScroll>, and C<vScroll> property keys in profile_default() .
A class may provide C<autoHScroll> and C<autoVScroll> property keys in profile_default() .
=item *
A class' init() method must set C<{borderWidth}>, C<{hScroll}>, and C<{vScroll}>
variables to 0 before the initialization, call C<setup_indents> method,
and then assign the properties from the object profile.
If a class provides C<autoHScroll> and C<autoVScroll> properties, these must be set to
0 before the initialization.
=item *
If a class needs to overload one of C<borderWidth>, C<hScroll>, C<vScroll>,
C<autoHScroll>, and C<autoVScroll> properties,
it is mandatory to call the inherited properties.
=item *
A class must implement the scroll bar notification callbacks: C<HScroll_Change> and C<VScroll_Change>.
=item *
A class must not use the reserved variable names, which are:
{borderWidth} - internal borderWidth storage
{hScroll} - internal hScroll value storage
{vScroll} - internal vScroll value storage
{hScrollBar} - pointer to the horizontal scroll bar
{vScrollBar} - pointer to the vertical scroll bar
{bone} - rectangular widget between the scrollbars
{autoHScroll} - internal autoHScroll value storage
{autoVScroll} - internal autoVScroll value storage
The reserved method names:
The reserved widget names:
=head2 Properties
=item autoHScroll BOOLEAN
Selects if the horizontal scrollbar is to be shown and hidden dynamically,
depending on the widget layout.
=item autoVScroll BOOLEAN
Selects if the vertical scrollbar is to be shown and hidden dynamically,
depending on the widget layout.
=item borderWidth INTEGER
Width of 3d-shade border around the widget.
Recommended default value: 2
=item hScroll BOOLEAN
Selects if the horizontal scrollbar is visible. If it is, C<{hScrollBar}>
points to it.
=item vScroll BOOLEAN
Selects if the vertical scrollbar is visible. If it is, C<{vScrollBar}>
points to it.
=item scrollBarClass STRING = Prima::ScrollBar
Create-only property that allows to change scrollbar class
=item hScrollBarProfile, vScrollBarProfile HASH
Create-only property that allows to change scrollbar parameters when it is being created
=head2 Properties
=item setup_indents
The method is never called directly; it should be called whenever widget
layout is changed so that indents are affected. The method is a request
to recalculate indents, depending on the widget layout.
The method is not reentrant; to receive this callback and update the widget
layout, that in turn can result in more C<setup_indents> calls, overload
C<reset_indents> .
=item reset_indents
Called after C<setup_indents> is called and internal widget layout is updated,
to give a chance to follow-up the layout changes.
=head1 Prima::UndoActions
Used for classes that can edit and undo and redo its content.
=head2 Properties
=item undoLimit INTEGER
Sets limit on number of stored atomic undo operations. If 0,
undo is disabled.
=head2 Methods
=item begin_undo_group
Opens bracket for group of actions, undone as single operation.
The bracket is closed by calling C<end_undo_group>.
=item end_undo_group
Closes bracket for group of actions, opened by C<begin_undo_group>.
=item redo
Re-applies changes, formerly rolled back by C<undo>.
=item undo
Rolls back changes into internal array, which size cannot extend C<undoLimit>
value. In case C<undoLimit> is 0, no undo actions can be made.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Widget>, L<Prima::InputLine>, L<Prima::Lists>, L<Prima::Edit>,
L<Prima::Outlines>, L<Prima::ScrollBar>.