# o How to get into state 's0' 'b0' so cursor keys start
# working (compare with Tk/Widget XYscrollBind
# o the options -browsecmd and -command callback are not
# not implemented (as in Tix)
# o privateData 'state' used only once (check again Grid.tcl)
# o FloatEntry 'sometimes not activeted immediately on selection
# o check also Leave Binding. Looks like entry does get unpost'ed
package Tk::TixGrid;
use vars '$DEBUG';
$DEBUG = (defined($ENV{USER}) and $ENV{USER} eq 'ach') ? 1 : 0;
print STDERR "tixGrid: debug = $DEBUG\n" if $DEBUG;
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '4.010'; # sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #9 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
use Tk qw(Ev $XS_VERSION);
use Tk::Widget;
use Carp;
# carp "\n".__PACKAGE__.' is deprecated' unless defined($Test::ntest);
use base 'Tk::Widget';
Construct Tk::Widget 'TixGrid';
bootstrap Tk::TixGrid;
sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::tixGrid }
sub Tk::Widget::SrclTixGrid { shift->Scrolled('TixGrid' => @_) }
Tk::Methods qw(anchor bdtype delete entrycget entryconfigure format index
move set size unset xview yview
dragsite dropsite geometryinfo info
nearest see selection sort );
use Tk::Submethods
'anchor' => [ qw(get set) ],
'delete' => [ qw(column row) ],
'info' => [ qw(bbox exists anchor) ],
'move' => [ qw(column row) ],
'selection' => [ qw(adjust clear includes set) ],
'size' => [ qw(column row) ],
'format' => [ qw(grid border) ],
# edit subcommand is special. It justs invokes tcl code:
# edit set x y -> tixGrid:EditCell $w, x, y
# edit apply -> tixGrid:EditApply
# xxx Create an edit sub?
# sub edit { .... }
sub editSet
die "wrong args. Should be \$w->editSet(x,y)\n" unless @_ == 3;
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
$w->EditCell($x, $y);
sub editApply
die "wrong args. Should be \$w->editApply()\n" unless @_ == 1;
my ($w) = @_;
## For button 2 scrolling. So TixGrid has 'standard'
## standard scrolling interface
#sub scanMark
# {
# die "wrong # args: \$w->scanMark(x,y)\n" unless @_ == 3;
# my ($w) = @_;
# $w->{__scanMarkXY__} = [ @_[1,2] ];
# return "";
# }
#sub scanDragto
# {
# die "wrong # args: \$w->scanDragto(x,y)\n" unless @_ == 3;
# my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
# my ($ox, $oy) = @{ $w->{__scanMarkXY__} };
# #...
# return "";
# }
### end button 2 scrolling stuff ####################
# Grid.tcl --
# This file defines the default bindings for Tix Grid widgets.
# Copyright (c) 1996, Expert Interface Technologies
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# Bindings translated to perl/Tk by Achim Bohnet <ach@mpe.mpg.de>
sub ClassInit
my ($class, $mw) = @_;
## Button bindings
$mw->bind($class, '<ButtonPress-1>', ['Button_1', Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
$mw->bind($class, '<Shift-ButtonPress-1>', ['Shift_Button_1', Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
$mw->bind($class, '<Control-ButtonPress-1>',['Control_Button_1', Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
$mw->bind($class, '<ButtonRelease-1>', ['ButtonRelease_1', Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
$mw->bind($class, '<Double-ButtonPress-1>', ['Double_1', Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
$mw->bind($class, '<B1-Motion>','Button_Motion');
$mw->bind($class, '<Control-B1-Motion>','Control_Button_Motion');
$mw->bind($class, '<B1-Leave>','Button_Leave');
$mw->bind($class, '<Double-ButtonPress-1>', ['Double_1', Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
$mw->bind($class, '<B1-Enter>', ['B1_Enter', Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
$mw->bind($class, '<Control-B1-Leave>','Control_Button_Leave');
$mw->bind($class, '<Control-B1-Enter>', ['Control_B1_Enter', Ev('x'), Ev('y')]);
## Keyboard bindings
$mw->bind($class, '<Up>', ['DirKey', 'up' ]);
$mw->bind($class, '<Down>', ['DirKey', 'down' ]);
$mw->bind($class, '<Left>', ['DirKey', 'left' ]);
$mw->bind($class, '<Right>', ['DirKey', 'right' ]);
$mw->bind($class, '<Return>', 'Return');
$mw->bind($class, '<space>', 'Space' );
return $class;
# Mouse bindings
sub Button_1
my $w = shift;
return if $w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled';
sub Shift_Button_1
my $w = shift;
return if $w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled';
# $w->ChgState(@_,
# [
# ]
# );
sub Control_Button_1
my $w = shift;
return if $w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled';
's0' => 's1',
'b0' => 'b1',
'm0' => 'm1',
'e0' => 'e10',
sub ButtonRelease_1
'2' => '5',
'4' => '3',
sub B1_Motion
'2' => '4',
'4' => '4',
sub Control_B1_Motion
's2' => 's4',
's4' => 's4',
'b2' => 'b4',
'b4' => 'b4',
'm2' => 'm4',
'm5' => 'm4',
sub Double_1
's0' => 's7',
'b0' => 'b7',
sub B1_Leave
's2' => 's5',
's4' => 's5',
'b2' => 'b5',
'b4' => 'b5',
'm2' => 'm8',
'm5' => 'm8',
'e2' => 'e8',
'e5' => 'e8',
sub B1_Enter
's5' => 's4',
's6' => 's4',
'b5' => 'b4',
'b6' => 'b4',
'm8' => 'm4',
'm9' => 'm4',
'e8' => 'e4',
'e9' => 'e4',
sub Control_B1_Leave
's2' => 's5',
's4' => 's5',
'b2' => 'b5',
'b4' => 'b5',
'm2' => 'm8',
'm5' => 'm8',
sub Control_B1_Enter
's5' => 's4',
's6' => 's4',
'b5' => 'b4',
'b6' => 'b4',
'm8' => 'm4',
'm9' => 'm4',
sub AutoScan
's5' => 's9',
's6' => 's9',
'b5' => 'b9',
'b6' => 'b9',
'm8' => 'm9',
'm9' => 'm9',
'e8' => 'm9',
'e9' => 'm9',
# Key bindings
sub DirKey
my ($w, $key) = @_;
return if $w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled';
print STDERR "$w->DirKey($key)\n" if $DEBUG;
's0' => 's8',
'b0' => 'b8',
sub Return
my ($w) = @_;
return if $w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled';
's0' => 's9',
'b0' => 'b9',
sub Space
my ($w) = @_;
return if $w->cget('-state') eq 'disabled';
's0' => 's10',
'b0' => 'b10',
sub GetState
my ($w) = @_;
my $data = $w->privateData();
$data->{state} = 0 unless exists $data->{state};
return $data->{state};
sub Button_Motion
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
$Tk::x = $Ev->x;
$Tk::y = $Ev->y;
$Tk::X = $Ev->X;
$Tk::Y = $Ev->Y;
$w->B1_Motion($Tk::x, $Tk::y);
sub Control_Button_Motion
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
$Tk::x = $Ev->x;
$Tk::y = $Ev->y;
$Tk::X = $Ev->X;
$Tk::Y = $Ev->Y;
$w->Control_B1_Motion($Tk::x, $Tk::y);
sub Button_Leave
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
$Tk::x = $Ev->x;
$Tk::y = $Ev->y;
$Tk::X = $Ev->X;
$Tk::Y = $Ev->Y;
sub Control_Button_Leave
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
$Tk::x = $Ev->x;
$Tk::y = $Ev->y;
$Tk::X = $Ev->X;
$Tk::Y = $Ev->Y;
sub SetState
my ($w, $state) = @_;
$w->privateData()->{state} = $state;
sub GoState
my ($w, $state) = (shift, shift);
print STDERR 'Gostate: ', $w->GetState, " --> $state, " if $DEBUG;
my $method = "GoState_$state";
print STDERR 'args=(', join(',',@_), ')'.
',',$w->cget('-selectunit').")\n" if $DEBUG;
if (0)
$@ = '';
%@ = (); # Workaround to prevent spurious loss of $@
eval { $w->$method(@_) };
print STDERR "Error Gostate: '$state': ", $@ if $@;
return undef;
return undef
## ChgState is a fancy case statement
sub ChgState
my $w = shift;
my $map = pop;
print STDERR 'ChgState(', join(',',@_,'['), join(',',@$map,),']) ' if $DEBUG;
my $state = $w->GetState;
my ($match, $to);
while (@$map)
$match = shift @$map;
$to = shift @$map;
if ($match eq $state)
print STDERR "$state --> $to \n" if $DEBUG;
$w->GoState($to, @_);
print STDERR "*no* chg for $state\n" if $DEBUG;
#proc tixGrid:SelectSingle {w ent} {
# $w selection set [lindex $ent 0] [lindex $ent 1]
# tixGrid:CallBrowseCmd $w $ent
sub SelectSingle
my ($w, $n1, $n2) = @_;
$w->selection('set', $n1, $n2);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => $n1, $n2);
sub GoState_0
my ($w) = @_;
my $list = $w->privateData()->{list};
return unless defined $list;
foreach my $cmd (@$list)
# XXX should do more something like $w->Callback'('__pending_cmds__');
eval $cmd; # XXX why in tcl in global context (binding?)
undef(@$list); # XXX should really delete? Maybe on needed in TCL
# XXXX how to translate global context
# what does unset
#proc tixGrid:GoState-0 {w} {
# set list $w:_list
# global $list
# if [info exists $list] {
# foreach cmd [set $list] {
# uplevel #0 $cmd
# }
# if [info exists $list] {
# unset $list
# }
# }
sub GoState_1
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my @ent = $w->mynearest($x,$y);
if (@ent)
$w->selection('clear', 0, 0, 'max', 'max');
if ($w->cget('-selectmode') ne 'single')
sub GoState_2
my ($w) = @_;
sub GoState_3
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my @ent = $w->mynearest($x,$y);
if (@ent)
sub GoState_4
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x,$y);
my $mode = $w->cget('-selectmode');
if ($mode eq 'single')
elsif ($mode eq 'browse')
$w->selection('clear', 0, 0, 'max', 'max');
elsif ($mode eq 'multiple' ||
$mode eq 'extended')
my (@anchor) = $w->anchor('get');
$w->selection('adjust', @anchor[0,1], @ent[0,1]);
sub GoState_5
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my @ent = $w->mynearest($x,$y);
if (@ent)
# BUG xxx
# return scalar instead of errors
sub mynearest { shift->split_s2a('nearest', @_); }
sub myanchorGet { shift->split_s2a('anchor', 'get', @_); }
sub split_s2a
my $w = shift;
my $method = shift;
my @ent = $w->$method(@_);
if (@ent == 1)
my $tmp = $ent[0];
@ent = split(/ /, $ent[0]) if @ent == 1;
print STDERR join('|',"$method splitted '$tmp' =>",@ent,"\n") if $DEBUG;
#print STDERR join("|","$method splitted is okay :",@ent,"\n") if $DEBUG;
return @ent;
sub GoState_s5
sub GoState_s6
sub GoState_s7
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my @ent = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-command' => @ent);
sub GoState_s8
my ($w, $key) = @_;
## BUGS ....
## - anchor is bad, only bbox, exists8
## - looks like anchor is 1-dim: set anchor 0
## - method see unknown (even when defined with Tk::Method)
my (@anchor) = $w->info('anchor');
if (@anchor)
@anchor = ();
@anchor = $w->info($key, @anchor);
$w->anchor('set', @anchor);
#proc tixGrid:GoState-s8 {w key} {
# set anchor [$w info anchor]
# if {$anchor == ""} {
# set anchor 0
# } else {
# set anchor [$w info $key $anchor]
# }
# $w anchor set $anchor
# $w see $anchor
# tixGrid:GoState s0 $w
sub GoState_s9
my ($w, $key) = @_;
#print STDERR "GoState_s9 is not implemented\n";
my (@anchor) = $w->info('anchor');
unless (@anchor)
@anchor = ();
$w->anchor('set', @anchor);
unless ($w->info('anchor'))
# ! may not have any elements
$w->Callback('-command' => $w->info('anchor'));
$w->selection('set', @anchor);
sub GoState_s10
my ($w, $key) = @_;
my (@anchor) = $w->info('anchor');
if (@anchor)
@anchor = ();
$w->anchor('set', @anchor);
unless ($w->info('anchor'))
# ! may not have any elements
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => $w->info('anchor'));
$w->selection('set', @anchor);
sub GoState_b0
my ($w) = @_;
sub GoState_b1
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
$w->anchor('set', @ent);
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_b2
my ($w) = @_;
sub GoState_b3
my ($w) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->info('anchor');
if (@ent)
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_b4
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
$w->anchor('set', @ent);
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_b5 { shift->StartScan(); }
sub GoState_b6 { shift->DoScan(); }
sub GoState_b7
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-command' => @ent);
sub GoState_b8
my ($w, $key) = @_;
my (@anchor) = $w->info('anchor');
if (@anchor)
@anchor = $w->info('key', @anchor);
@anchor = (0,0); # ?????
$w->anchor('set', @anchor);
$w->selection('set', @anchor);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @anchor);
sub GoState_b9
my ($w) = @_;
my (@anchor) = $w->info('anchor');
unless (@anchor)
@anchor = (0,0);
$w->anchor('set', @anchor);
if ($w->info('anchor'))
# ! may not have any elements
$w->Callback('-command' => $w->info('anchor'));
$w->selection('set', @anchor);
sub GoState_b10
my ($w) = @_;
my (@anchor) = $w->info('anchor');
unless (@anchor)
@anchor = (0,0);
$w->anchor('set', @anchor);
if ($w->info('anchor'))
# ! may not have any elements
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => $w->info('anchor'));
$w->selection('set', @anchor);
sub GoState_m0
my ($w) = @_;
sub GoState_m1
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x,$y);
if (@ent)
$w->anchor('set', @ent);
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_m2
my ($w) = @_;
sub GoState_m3
my ($w) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->info('anchor');
if (@ent)
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_m4
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@from) = $w->info('anchor');
my (@to) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@to)
$w->selection('set', @from, @to);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @to);
sub GoState_m5
my ($w) = @_;
sub GoState_m6
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_m7
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@from) = $w->info('anchor');
my (@to) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
unless (@from)
@from = @to;
$w->anchor('set', @from);
if (@to)
$w->selection('set', @from, @to);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @to);
sub GoState_m8 { shift->StartScan() }
sub GoState_m9 { shift->DoScan() }
sub GoState_xm7
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_e0
my ($w) = @_;
sub GoState_e1
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
$w->anchor('set', @ent);
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_e2
my ($w) = @_;
sub GoState_e3
my ($w) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->info('anchor');
if (@ent)
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_e4
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@from) = $w->info('anchor');
my (@to) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@to)
$w->selection('set', @from, @to);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @to);
sub GoState_e5
my ($w) = @_;
sub GoState_e6
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_e7
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@from) = $w->info('anchor');
my (@to) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
unless (@from)
@from = @to;
$w->anchor('set', @from);
if (@to)
$w->selection('set', @from, @to);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @to);
sub GoState_e8 { shift->StartScan(); }
sub GoState_e9 { shift->DoScan(); }
sub GoState_e10
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
if ($w->info('anchor'))
$w->anchor('set', @ent);
if ($w->selection('includes', @ent))
$w->selection('clear', @ent);
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-browsecmd' => @ent);
sub GoState_xe7
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my (@ent) = $w->mynearest($x, $y);
if (@ent)
$w->selection('set', @ent);
$w->Callback('-command' => @ent);
sub GoState_12
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
$w->CancelRepeat; # xxx will not work
$w->GoState(5, $x, $y);
#proc tixGrid:GoState-12 {w x y} {
# tkCancelRepeat
# tixGrid:GoState 5 $w $x $y
sub GoState_13
# FIX: a) $ent or @ent, b) 13 is never called!!? same in Grid.tcl
my ($w, @ent, @oldEnt) = @_;
my $data = $w->MainWindow->privateData('Tix');
$data->{indicator} = \@ent;
$data->{oldEntry} = \@oldEnt;
$w->IndicatorCmd('<Arm>', @ent);
# set tkPriv(tix,oldEnt) $oldEnt
# tixGrid:IndicatorCmd $w <Arm> $ent
sub GoState_14
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my $data = $w->MainWindow->privateData('Tix');
if ($w->InsideArmedIndicator($x, $y))
$w->anchor('set', @{ $data->{indicator} });
$w->selection('set', @{ $data->{indicator} });
$w->IndicatorCmd('<Activate>', @{ $data->{indicator} });
$w->IndicatorCmd('<Disarm>', @{ $data->{indicator} });
sub GoState_16
my ($w, @ent) = @_;
return unless (@ent);
if ($w->cget('-selectmode') ne 'single')
sub GoState_18
my ($w) = @_;
$w->CancelRepeat; ## xxx
$w->GoState(6, $Tk::x, $Tk::y);
sub GoState_20
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my $data = $w->MainWindow->privateData('Tix');
if ($w->InsideArmedIndicator($x, $y))
$w->IndicatorCmd('<Arm>', $data->{'indicator'});
$w->GoState(21, $x, $y);
sub GoState_21
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my $data = $w->MainWindow->privateData('Tix');
unless ($w->InsideArmedIndicator($x, $y))
$w->IndicatorCmd('<Disarm>', $data->{'indicator'});
$w->GoState(20, $x, $y);
sub GoState_22
my ($w) = @_;
my $data = $w->MainWindow->privateData('Tix');
if (@{ $data->{oldEntry} })
$w->anchor('set', @{ $data->{oldEntry} });
# callback actions
sub SetAnchor
my ($w, @ent) = @_;
if (@ent)
$w->anchor('set', @ent);
# $w->see(@ent);
# xxx check @ent of @$ent
sub Select
my ($w, @ent) = @_;
$w->selection('set', @ent)
# xxx check new After handling
sub StartScan
my ($w) = @_;
$Tk::afterId = $w->after(50, [AutoScan, $w]);
sub DoScan
my ($w) = @_;
my $x = $Tk::x;
my $y = $Tk::y;
my $X = $Tk::X;
my $Y = $Tk::Y;
my $out = 0;
if ($y >= $w->height)
$w->yview('scroll', 1, 'units');
$out = 1;
if ($y < 0)
$w->yview('scroll', -1, 'units');
$out = 1;
if ($x >= $w->width)
$w->xview('scroll', 2, 'units');
$out = 1;
if ($x < 0)
$w->xview('scroll', -2, 'units');
$out = 1;
if ($out)
$Tk::afterId = $w->after(50, ['AutoScan', $w]);
#proc tixGrid:CallBrowseCmd {w ent} {
# return
# set browsecmd [$w cget -browsecmd]
# if {$browsecmd != ""} {
# set bind(specs) {%V}
# set bind(%V) $ent
# tixEvalCmdBinding $w $browsecmd bind $ent
# }
#proc tixGrid:CallCommand {w ent} {
# set command [$w cget -command]
# if {$command != ""} {
# set bind(specs) {%V}
# set bind(%V) $ent
# tixEvalCmdBinding $w $command bind $ent
# }
# tixGrid:EditCell --
# This command is called when "$w edit set $x $y" is called. It causes
# an SetEdit call when the grid's state is 0.
sub EditCell
my ($w, $x, $y) = @_;
my $list = $w->privateData()->{'list'};
if ($w->GetState == 0)
$w->SetEdit($x, $y); # xxx really correct ? once 2, once 4 args?
push(@$list, [ $w, 'SetEdit', $x, $y]);
#proc tixGrid:EditCell {w x y} {
# set list $w:_list
# global $list
# case [tixGrid:GetState $w] {
# {0} {
# tixGrid:SetEdit $w [list $x $y]
# }
# default {
# lappend $list [list tixGrid:SetEdit $w [list $x $y]]
# }
# }
# tixGrid:EditApply --
# This command is called when "$w edit apply $x $y" is called. It causes
# an CheckEdit call when the grid's state is 0.
sub EditApply
my ($w) = @_;
my $list = $w->privateData()->{'list'};
if ($w->GetState eq 0)
$w->CheckEdit; # xxx really correct ? once 2, once 4 args?
push(@$list, $w->CheckEdit);
#proc tixGrid:EditApply {w} {
# set list $w:_list
# global $list
# case [tixGrid:GetState $w] {
# {0} {
# tixGrid:CheckEdit $w
# }
# default {
# lappend $list [list tixGrid:CheckEdit $w]
# }
# }
# tixGrid:CheckEdit --
# This procedure is called when the user sets the focus on a cell.
# If another cell is being edited, apply the changes of that cell.
sub CheckEdit
my ($w) = @_;
my $edit = $w->privateData->{editentry};
if (Tk::Exists($edit))
# If it -command is not empty, it is being used for another cell.
# Invoke it so that the other cell can be updated.
if (defined $edit->cget('-command'))
$edit->invoke; # xxx no args??
sub SetFocus
my ($w) = @_;
if ($w->cget('-takefocus'))
# # xxx translation of if ![string match $w.* [focus -displayof $w]] {
# my $hasfocus = $w->focus(-displayof => $w)->pathname;
# my $pathname = $w->pathname;
# if ($hasfocus =~ /\Q$pathname\E.*/)
# {
# $w->focus
# }
# tixGrid:SetEdit --
# Puts a floatentry on top of an editable entry.
sub SetEdit
my ($w, $px, $py) = @_;
my $efc = $w->cget('-editnotifycmd');
return unless ( defined($efc) && length($efc) );
unless ($w->Callback('-editnotifycmd' => $px, $py))
print STDERR "editnotifycmd not defined or returned false\n";
my $oldvalue;
if ($w->info('exists', $px, $py))
# if entry doesn't support -text option. Can't edit it.
# If the application wants to force editing of an entry, it could
# delete or replace the entry in the editnotifyCmd procedure.
Tk::catch { $oldvalue = $w->entrycget($px, $py, '-text'); };
if ($@)
$oldvalue = '';
my @bbox = $w->info('bbox', $px, $py);
my $edit = $w->privateData()->{__EDIT__};
unless (Tk::Exists($edit))
require Tk::FloatEntry;
$edit = $w->FloatEntry();
$w->privateData()->{__EDIT__} = $edit;
$edit->configure(-command=>[\&DoneEdit, $w, $px, $py]);
sub DoneEdit
my ($w, $x, $y, @args) = @_;
my $edit = $w->privateData()->{__EDIT__};
# FIX xxx
# set value [tixEvent value]
my $value = $edit->get;
if ($w->info('exists', $x, $y))
Tk::catch { $w->entryconfigure($x, $y, -text=>$value) };
if ($@)
elsif ( length($value) )
# This needs to be catch'ed because the default itemtype may
# not support the -text option
Tk::catch { $w->set($x,$y,-text $value); };
if ($@)
$w->Callback('-editdonecmd' => $x, $y);