shell bypass 403
�fy � � � d Z ddlmZmZ ddlmZ d� Zd� Zd� Z e
dk r! e � � Z ee� � e� � dS dS ) a� turtle-example-suite:
Displays a 'breadth-first-tree' - in contrast
to the classical Logo tree drawing programs,
which use a depth-first-algorithm.
(1) a tree-generator, where the drawing is
quasi the side-effect, whereas the generator
always yields None.
(2) Turtle-cloning: At each branching point
the current pen is cloned. So in the end
there are 1024 turtles.
� )�Turtle�mainloop)�perf_counterc # �Z K � |dk r�g }| D ]}|� |� � |� � � }|� |� � |� |� � |� |� � |� |� � ��t |||z ||� � D ]}dV � �dS dS )z� plist is list of pens
l is length of branch
a is half of the angle between 2 branches
f is factor by which branch is shortened
from level to level.� N)�forward�clone�left�right�append�tree)�plist�l�a�f�lst�p�q�xs �(/usr/lib64/python3.11/turtledemo/tree.pyr
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hideturtle�speed� getscreen�tracerr
�penupr �pendownr
)r �tr s r �maketreer% '