## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## A MCE-driven 'wrapper' script for grep-like C binaries.
## Making a wrapper for other grep-like binaries is easy. Simply link this
## script or make a copy. The prefix 'mce_' is stripped from the name for
## determining the actual binary to use. A trailing '.pl' extension is
## optional. Please ensure the binary is in your path.
## agrep.exe (z)grep.exe (z)egrep.exe (z)fgrep.exe tre-agrep.exe
## agrep (z)grep (z)egrep (z)fgrep tre-agrep
## ln mce_grep mce_egrep ; ln mce_grep mce_zegrep ; (or) ln -s ...
## ln mce_grep mce_fgrep ; ln mce_grep mce_zfgrep ; (or) cp ...
## ln mce_grep mce_zgrep
## ln mce_grep mce_tre-agrep # binary is named tre-agrep
## ln mce_grep mce_agrep # or agrep
## Caveat for (z)grep, (z)egrep, and (z)fgrep. When '--chunklevel=file' is
## specified or passing a single file, MCE workers read the file in smaller
## chunks. This is fine, typically. However, the following grep options may
## report inaccurately due to crossing boundaries in regards to chunks.
## To ensure accuracy, run with '--chunklevel=list'.
## -A NUM, --after-context=NUM
## -B NUM, --before-context=NUM
## -C NUM, --context=NUM
## ============================================================================
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## 2014-01-21 v1.008
## Initial release by Mario Roy.
## 2014-07-23 v1.009
## ${^CHILD_ERROR_NATIVE} is not defined in Perl 5.8.x. Use $? instead.
## Compute chunk_level => 'auto' to use 'file' when reading STDIN.
## Set chunk_size to 8M when not specified (from 4M previously).
## 2014-12-22 v1.010
## Small code refactoring.
## 2017-02-25 v1.011
## When -r is specified and zero paths are given, start recursively in the
## current directory. Set chunk-level accordingly to list mode.
## 2017-03-01 v1.012
## Updated logic for determining chunk level mode. Ditto for chunk size.
## Fixed an issue for not seeing STDERR output with '--chunk-level=file'.
## Added support for zgrep, zegrep, and zfgrep. Thank you, Jeff Rouse.
## https://www.activestate.com/blog/2016/12/grep-losing-its-grip
## 2017-03-27 v1.013
## Check for $!{'EINTR'} during syswrite.
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Which to choose? bin/mce_grep or mce-examples/other/egrep.pl
## (A) This wrapper script is good for expensive pattern matching, especially
## with agrep and tre-agrep. It supports more options due to being passed
## to the binary. It supports two levels of chunking specified with the
## --chunk-level={auto|file|list} option. Choose file for large files.
## (B) The egrep.pl script is a pure-Perl implementation with fewer options.
## It's strengh is searching a single file and/or with many expressions.
## https://github.com/marioroy/mce-examples/blob/master/other/egrep.pl
use strict; use warnings;
## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitBarewordFileHandles)
## no critic (InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen)
use Cwd 'abs_path'; ## Insert lib-path at the head of @INC.
use lib abs_path($0 =~ m{^(.*)[\\/]} && $1 || abs_path) . '/../lib';
my ($prog_name, $prog_dir);
$prog_name = $0; $prog_name =~ s{^.*[\\/]}{}g;
$prog_dir = abs_path($0); $prog_dir =~ s{[\\/][^\\/]*$}{};
$ENV{PATH} .= ($^O eq 'MSWin32' ? ';' : ':') . $prog_dir;
sub INIT {
## Provide file globbing support under Windows similar to Unix.
@ARGV = <@ARGV> if ($^O eq 'MSWin32');
use Getopt::Long qw(
:config bundling pass_through no_ignore_case no_auto_abbrev
use Fcntl qw( O_RDONLY );
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number );
use Errno ();
use MCE::Signal qw( -use_dev_shm );
use MCE 1.5; # or later release
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Usage and validation.
sub usage {
print <<"::_USAGE_BLOCK_END_::";
Options for Script:
--max-workers=NUM override max workers (default auto, 8 maximum)
--maxworkers=NUM e.g. auto*2, 16
--chunk-level=LEVEL override chunk level (default auto)
--chunklevel=LEVEL chunk at [file] or [list] level
--chunk-size=NUM[KM] override chunk size (set at limit if under or over)
--chunksize=NUM[KM] [file] default: 8M minimum: 200K maximum: 20M
[list] default: 1 minimum: 1 maximum: 200
--lang=LOCALE override locale
e.g. C, en_US.UTF-8, en_US.ISO-8859-1
Options for Binary:
my $is_mswin32 = $^O eq 'MSWin32';
my ($cmd_name, $cmd_path);
$cmd_name = $prog_name;
$cmd_name =~ s{^mce_}{};
$cmd_name =~ s{\.pl$}{};
if ($is_mswin32) {
$cmd_name .= '.exe';
for ( split ';', $ENV{'PATH'} ) {
$cmd_path = "$_\\$cmd_name", last if (-x "$_\\$cmd_name");
else {
$cmd_name .= '.exe' if $^O eq 'cygwin';
for ( split ':', $ENV{'PATH'} ) {
$cmd_path = "$_/$cmd_name", last if (-x "$_/$cmd_name");
unless (defined $cmd_path) {
print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: $cmd_name: command not found\n";
exit 2;
my %valid_names = map { $_ => 1 } qw(
grep.exe egrep.exe fgrep.exe zgrep.exe zegrep.exe zfgrep.exe
grep egrep fgrep zgrep zegrep zfgrep
agrep.exe tre-agrep.exe agrep tre-agrep
unless (exists $valid_names{$cmd_name}) {
print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: $cmd_name: command not supported\n";
exit 2;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Process arguments.
my ($h_patn, $b_flag, $c_flag, $H_flag, $h_flag, $n_flag, $q_flag) = ((0) x 7);
my (@r_patn, @args, $arg, @files, $file); my ($f_list, $r_flag) = (0, 0);
my ($exit_status, $found_match, $skip_args, $w_filename) = (0, 0, 0, 0);
my $max_workers = 'auto'; my $chunk_level = 'auto'; my $chunk_size;
my $max_count = 0; my $no_msg = 0; my @TMP_ARGV;
## Option parsing step 1.
for my $i (0 .. @ARGV - 1) {
if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--') {
@TMP_ARGV = @ARGV[$i .. @ARGV - 1]; @ARGV = @ARGV[0 .. $i - 1];
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { };
'maxworkers|max-workers|max_workers=s' => \$max_workers,
'chunklevel|chunk-level|chunk_level=s' => \$chunk_level,
'chunksize|chunk-size|chunk_size=s' => \$chunk_size,
'lang=s' => sub {
my ($self, $lang) = @_;
$ENV{'LANG'} = $lang;
'help' => sub {
usage(); system $cmd_path, '--help'; print "\n";
exit 0;
'V|version' => sub {
system $cmd_path, '--version'; exit 0;
'q|quiet|silent' => \$q_flag,
'H|with-filename' => sub { $H_flag = 1; $h_flag = 0; },
'h|no-filename' => sub { $H_flag = 0; $h_flag = 1; },
'm|max-count=s' => \$max_count,
'R|r|recursive' => \$r_flag
if ($max_workers !~ /^auto/) {
unless (looks_like_number($max_workers) && $max_workers > 0) {
print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: invalid max workers\n";
exit 2;
if ($chunk_level !~ /^(?:auto|file|list)$/) {
print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: invalid chunk level\n";
exit 2;
if (defined $chunk_size) {
if ($chunk_size =~ /^(\d+)K/i) {
$chunk_size = $1 * 1024;
elsif ($chunk_size =~ /^(\d+)M/i) {
$chunk_size = $1 * 1024 * 1024;
if (!looks_like_number($chunk_size) || $chunk_size < 1) {
print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: invalid chunk size\n";
exit 2;
if ($max_count) {
unless (looks_like_number($max_count) && $max_count >= 0) {
print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: invalid max count\n";
exit 2;
## Option parsing step 2.
if (@TMP_ARGV) {
@ARGV = (@ARGV, @TMP_ARGV); undef @TMP_ARGV;
if ($ARGV[0] eq '--') {
shift @ARGV; $skip_args = 1; push @args, '--';
while ( @ARGV ) {
$arg = shift @ARGV; $arg =~ s/ /\\ /g;
if ($skip_args) {
push @files, $arg;
elsif (substr($arg, 0, 2) eq '--') { ## --OPTION
if ($arg eq '--') {
$skip_args = 1; push @args, $arg;
$h_patn = 1 if $arg =~ /^--regexp=/;
$h_patn = 1 if $arg =~ /^--file=/;
$b_flag = 1 if $arg eq '--byte-offset';
$c_flag = 1 if $arg eq '--count';
$f_list = 1 if $arg eq '--files-without-match';
$f_list = 1 if $arg eq '--files-with-matches';
$n_flag = 1 if $arg eq '--record-number';
$n_flag = 1 if $arg eq '--line-number';
$no_msg = 1 if $arg eq '--no-messages';
if ($arg =~ /^--directories=(.+)/) {
if ($1 ne 'recurse') {
push @args, $arg;
} else {
$r_flag = 1;
elsif ($arg =~ /^--include=.+/) {
push @r_patn, $arg;
elsif ($arg =~ /^--exclude=.+/) {
push @r_patn, $arg;
elsif ($arg =~ /^--exclude-from=.+/) {
push @r_patn, $arg;
elsif ($arg =~ /^--exclude-dir=.+/) {
push @r_patn, $arg;
else {
## Pass arguments to the C binary
push @args, $arg;
elsif (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq '-') { ## -OPTION
if ($arg eq '-') {
push @files, $arg;
my $len = length $arg;
for (my $x = 1; $x < $len; $x++) {
my $a = substr($arg, $x, 1);
$f_list = 1 if $a eq 'L' || $a eq 'l';
$h_patn = 1 if $a eq 'e' || $a eq 'f';
$b_flag = 1 if $a eq 'b';
$c_flag = 1 if $a eq 'c';
$n_flag = 1 if $a eq 'n';
$no_msg = 1
if ($a eq 's' && $cmd_name !~ /agrep/);
next if $arg eq '-';
## Pass arguments to the C binary
if ($cmd_name =~ /agrep/) {
push @args, $arg;
if (substr($arg, -1) =~ /[efDISEd]/) {
$arg = shift @ARGV;
$arg =~ s/ /\\ /g;
push @args, $arg;
else {
my $a = substr($arg, -1);
push @args, $arg if ($arg ne '-d');
if ($a =~ /[efABCD]/) {
$arg = shift @ARGV;
$arg =~ s/ /\\ /g;
push @args, $arg;
elsif ($a eq 'd') {
$arg = shift @ARGV;
if ($arg ne 'recurse') {
push @args, '-d', $arg;
else {
$r_flag = 1;
else { ## FILE
push @files, $arg;
## Option parsing step 3.
push @args, shift @files if ($h_patn == 0 && @files > 0);
if ((!$h_flag && @files > 1) || (!$h_flag && $r_flag) || $H_flag) {
$w_filename = 1;
if ($r_flag && !@files) {
push @files, '.';
if (@args == 0) {
system $cmd_path;
exit 2;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## MCE callback functions: Error, File, and Count.
my ($_order_id, %_tmp, %_nrecs, %_nsize, $_start_nrecs, $_start_nsize);
my ($_abort_all, $_abort_job, $_total_found);
sub _error {
my ($msg) = @_;
print {*STDERR} $msg;
$exit_status = 2;
sub _abort_job {
if (!$_abort_job) {
$_abort_job = $_total_found = $found_match = 1;
$_abort_all = 1 if $q_flag;
sub _output_cnt {
my ($chunk_id, $out_file, @_rest) = @_;
my $cnt;
if (-s $out_file) {
$found_match = 1;
open my $fh, '<', $out_file;
chomp($cnt = <$fh>);
close $fh;
$_total_found += $cnt;
if ($q_flag && !$_abort_all) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_all = $_abort_job = 1;
unlink $out_file;
sub _set_found_match {
$found_match = 1;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## MCE callback function: Output without line-number or byte-offset
sub _output_n0 {
my ($chunk_id, $out_file, @_rest) = @_;
$_tmp{ $chunk_id } = $out_file;
return unless exists $_tmp{ $_order_id };
do {
my $out_file = $_tmp{ $_order_id };
if (!$_abort_job && -s $out_file) {
my ($fh, $buffer); $found_match = 1;
if ($q_flag) {
unless ($_abort_all) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_all = $_abort_job = 1;
else {
if ($w_filename) {
open $fh, '<', $out_file;
while (<$fh>) {
print $file . ':' . $_;
if ($max_count && ++$_total_found == $max_count) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_job = 1;
close $fh;
else {
if ($max_count) {
open $fh, '<', $out_file;
while (<$fh>) {
print $_;
if ($max_count && ++$_total_found == $max_count) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_job = 1;
close $fh;
else {
sysopen $fh, $out_file, O_RDONLY;
sysread $fh, $buffer, -s $fh;
close $fh;
print $buffer;
delete $_tmp{ $_order_id };
unlink $out_file;
} while (exists $_tmp{ ++$_order_id });
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## MCE callback function: Output with line-number or byte-offset
sub _output_n1 {
my ($chunk_id, $out_file, $n_records, $size) = @_;
$_tmp{ $chunk_id } = $out_file;
$_nsize{ $chunk_id } = $n_flag ? $n_records : $size;
return unless exists $_tmp{ $_order_id };
do {
my $out_file = $_tmp{ $_order_id };
if ($_order_id > 1) {
$_start_nsize += $_nsize{ $_order_id - 1 };
delete $_nsize{ $_order_id - 1 };
if (!$_abort_job && -s $out_file) {
my ($p1, $size); $found_match = 1;
if ($q_flag) {
unless ($_abort_all) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_all = $_abort_job = 1;
else {
open my $fh, '<', $out_file;
if ($w_filename) {
while (<$fh>) {
$p1 = index($_, ':');
$size = $_start_nsize + substr($_, 0, $p1);
print $file . ':' . $size . substr($_, $p1);
if ($max_count && ++$_total_found == $max_count) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_job = 1;
else {
while (<$fh>) {
$p1 = index($_, ':');
$size = $_start_nsize + substr($_, 0, $p1);
print $size . substr($_, $p1);
if ($max_count && ++$_total_found == $max_count) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_job = 1;
close $fh;
delete $_tmp{ $_order_id };
unlink $out_file;
} while (exists $_tmp{ ++$_order_id });
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## MCE callback function: Output with line-number and byte-offset
sub _output_n2 {
my ($chunk_id, $out_file, $n_records, $size) = @_;
$_tmp{ $chunk_id } = $out_file;
$_nrecs{ $chunk_id } = $n_records;
$_nsize{ $chunk_id } = $size;
return unless exists $_tmp{ $_order_id };
do {
my $out_file = $_tmp{ $_order_id };
if ($_order_id > 1) {
$_start_nrecs += $_nrecs{ $_order_id - 1 };
delete $_nrecs{ $_order_id - 1 };
$_start_nsize += $_nsize{ $_order_id - 1 };
delete $_nsize{ $_order_id - 1 };
if (!$_abort_job && -s $out_file) {
my ($p1, $p2, $recs, $size); $found_match = 1;
if ($q_flag) {
unless ($_abort_all) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_all = $_abort_job = 1;
else {
open my $fh, '<', $out_file;
if ($w_filename) {
while (<$fh>) {
$p1 = index($_, ':');
$recs = $_start_nrecs + substr($_, 0, $p1++);
$p2 = index($_, ':', $p1);
$size = $_start_nsize + substr($_, $p1, $p2 - $p1);
print $file . ':' . $recs . ':' . $size . substr($_, $p2);
if ($max_count && ++$_total_found == $max_count) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_job = 1;
else {
while (<$fh>) {
$p1 = index($_, ':');
$recs = $_start_nrecs + substr($_, 0, $p1++);
$p2 = index($_, ':', $p1);
$size = $_start_nsize + substr($_, $p1, $p2 - $p1);
print $recs . ':' . $size . substr($_, $p2);
if ($max_count && ++$_total_found == $max_count) {
MCE->abort; $_abort_job = 1;
close $fh;
delete $_tmp{ $_order_id };
unlink $out_file;
} while (exists $_tmp{ ++$_order_id });
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## MCE user functions: run-mode = file.
sub user_begin_file {
$0 = $^X;
sub make_user_func_file {
my $first_time = 1;
return sub {
my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
my ($out_fh, $err_fh, $cmd_fh, $has_err); my $n_records = 0;
my $out_file = MCE->sess_dir .'/'. $chunk_id;
if ($n_flag) {
$n_records++ while ($$chunk_ref =~ m!\n!mg);
if ($is_mswin32) {
$out_file =~ s{/}{\\\\}g;
open my $in_fh, '+>', $out_file . '.in'; binmode $in_fh, ':raw';
print {$in_fh} $$chunk_ref;
close $in_fh;
my $err_file = $first_time ? "2> $out_file.err" : '';
system("$cmd_path < $out_file.in @args > $out_file $err_file");
unlink "$out_file.in";
else {
## Borrowed bits from IPC::Run3 for STDOUT/ERR. However, I settled
## on passing STDIN via open, for lesser overhead, versus calling
## system from observations made during testing.
open $out_fh, '+>', $out_file; binmode $out_fh, ':raw';
open STDOUT, '>&' . fileno $out_fh;
if ($first_time) {
open $err_fh, '+>', "$out_file.err"; binmode $err_fh, ':raw';
open STDERR, '>&' . fileno $err_fh;
## Got "maximal count of pending signals (NUM) exceeded" message.
## Thus the reason for using syswrite versus print below.
local $SIG{PIPE} = sub { };
open $cmd_fh, '|-', $cmd_path, @args; # Run external command
my $wrote = 0; # Write to STDIN
$wrote += ( syswrite (
$cmd_fh, $$chunk_ref, length($$chunk_ref) - $wrote, $wrote
)) or do {
redo WRITE if $! == Errno::EINTR();
close $cmd_fh;
close $out_fh;
if ($first_time) {
close $err_fh;
MCE->abort if ($q_flag && -s $out_file);
## Send error.
if ($first_time) {
my $err_file = "$out_file.err";
if (-s $err_file) {
$has_err = 1; MCE->abort;
if ($chunk_id == 1) {
open $err_fh, '<', $err_file;
local $/ = undef; MCE->do('_error', <$err_fh>);
close $err_fh;
unlink $err_file;
$first_time = 0;
## Gather output.
if ($f_list) {
MCE->do('_abort_job') if (!$has_err && -s $out_file);
unlink $out_file;
else {
MCE->gather($chunk_id, $out_file, $n_records, length $$chunk_ref)
unless $has_err;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## MCE user functions: run-mode = list.
sub user_begin_list {
$0 = $^X;
use vars qw( $child_found_match );
our $child_found_match = 0;
sub user_end_list {
MCE->do('_set_found_match') if $child_found_match;
sub user_func_list {
my ($self, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_;
my ($output, $err_fh, $status);
my $err_file = MCE->sess_dir .'/'. $chunk_id . '.err';
$$chunk_ref =~ s/\n/ /mg;
local $?;
if ($is_mswin32) {
$err_file =~ s{/}{\\\\}g;
$output = `$cmd_path @args $$chunk_ref 2> $err_file`;
$status = $? >> 8;
else {
open $err_fh, '+>', $err_file; binmode $err_fh, ':raw';
open STDERR, '>&' . fileno $err_fh;
$output = `$cmd_path @args $$chunk_ref`;
$status = $? >> 8;
close $err_fh;
MCE->abort if ($q_flag && length $output);
## Send error.
if (-s $err_file) {
open $err_fh, '<', $err_file;
local $/ = undef; MCE->do('_error', <$err_fh>);
close $err_fh;
unlink $err_file;
## Gather output.
if ($q_flag) {
MCE->do('_abort_job') if ($status == 0);
else {
if (length $output) {
$child_found_match = 1;
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Process routines: run-mode = file.
sub process_file {
($file) = @_;
if ($file eq '-') {
open(STDIN, '<', ($is_mswin32) ? 'CON' : '/dev/tty') or die $!;
elsif (! -e $file) {
$exit_status = 2;
print {*STDERR} "$prog_name: $file: No such file or directory\n"
unless $no_msg;
elsif (-d $file) {
$exit_status = 1;
else {
$_abort_job = $_start_nrecs = $_start_nsize = $_total_found = 0;
$_order_id = 1;
%_nrecs = (); %_nsize = ();
if (!$q_flag && $f_list) {
print "$file\n" if $_total_found;
elsif (!$q_flag && $c_flag) {
$_total_found = $max_count
if ($max_count && $_total_found > $max_count);
print "$file:" if $w_filename;
print "$_total_found\n";
sub process_stdin {
$file = '(standard input)';
$_abort_job = $_start_nrecs = $_start_nsize = $_total_found = 0;
$_order_id = 1;
%_nrecs = (); %_nsize = ();
if (!$q_flag && $f_list) {
print "$file\n" if $_total_found;
elsif (!$q_flag && $c_flag) {
$_total_found = $max_count
if ($max_count && $_total_found > $max_count);
print "$file:" if $w_filename;
print "$_total_found\n";
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Configure Many-Core Engine.
my $gather_func;
if ($chunk_level eq 'auto') {
if ((@files <= 1 || $files[0] eq '-') && !$r_flag && $cmd_name !~ /^z/i) {
$chunk_level = 'file';
} else {
$chunk_level = 'list';
if ($chunk_level eq 'list') {
$chunk_size = 200 if (!defined $chunk_size && @files > 200);
$chunk_size = 1 if (!defined $chunk_size);
$chunk_size = 200 if ($chunk_size > 200);
$chunk_size = 1 if ($chunk_size < 1);
unshift @args, '-H' if (!$h_flag && ($H_flag || $r_flag || @files > 1));
unshift @args, '-h' if ($h_flag);
unshift @args, '-q' if ($q_flag);
max_workers => $max_workers, chunk_size => $chunk_size, use_slurpio => 1,
user_begin => \&user_begin_list, user_func => \&user_func_list,
user_end => \&user_end_list
else {
$chunk_size = 8_388_608 unless defined $chunk_size; ## 8M
$chunk_size = 20_971_520 if $chunk_size > 20_971_520; ## 20M
$chunk_size = 204_800 if $chunk_size < 204_800; ## 200K
if ($f_list) {
$gather_func = undef;
elsif ($c_flag) {
$gather_func = \&_output_cnt;
elsif ($n_flag && $b_flag) {
$gather_func = \&_output_n2;
elsif ($n_flag || $b_flag) {
$gather_func = \&_output_n1;
else {
$gather_func = \&_output_n0;
max_workers => $max_workers, chunk_size => $chunk_size, use_slurpio => 1,
user_begin => \&user_begin_file, user_func => make_user_func_file(),
gather => $gather_func
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Run.
if ($r_flag && @files > 0) {
my ($list_fh, $list);
if ($is_mswin32) {
$list = `egrep -lsr @r_patn ^ @files`;
open $list_fh, '<', \$list;
else {
open $list_fh, '-|', 'egrep', '-lsr', @r_patn, '^', @files;
if ($chunk_level eq 'list') {
else {
while (<$list_fh>) {
last if $_abort_all;
close $list_fh;
elsif (@files > 0) {
if ($chunk_level eq 'list') {
my $list = join("\n", @files) . "\n"; undef @files;
open my $list_fh, '<', \$list;
close $list_fh;
else {
foreach (@files) {
last if $_abort_all;
else {
if ($chunk_level eq 'list') {
my $status = system($cmd_path, @args);
exit($status >> 8);
else {
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Finish.
if (!$q_flag && $exit_status) {
else {
exit($found_match ? 0 : ($exit_status ? $exit_status : 1));