# #
# File: yacg #
# #
# Description: Yet Another Configuration Generator #
# #
# $Id: yacg,v 1.38 2014/04/11 11:02:23 c0ns Exp $
# used modules
use strict;
use warnings qw(FATAL all);
use FindBin qw();
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions);
use No::Worries qw($ProgramName);
use No::Worries::Die qw(dief handler);
use No::Worries::Dir qw(dir_parent);
use No::Worries::Log qw(log_debug log_filter);
use No::Worries::Warn qw(handler);
use Pod::Usage qw(pod2usage);
use Config::Generator qw(*);
use Config::Generator::Config qw(*);
use Config::Generator::File qw(handle_manifest handle_spec);
use Config::Generator::Hook qw(run_hooks);
use Config::Generator::Random qw(random_init);
use Config::Generator::Schema qw(/validate/);
# constants
use constant VERSION => "1.1";
use constant REVISION =>
sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision: 1.38 $ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
# global variables
our(%Option, @Hacks);
# load a Config::Generator::* module
sub modload ($) {
my($name) = @_;
return if $INC{"Config/Generator/${name}.pm"};
$module = "Config::Generator::${name}";
log_debug("loading module %s...", $module);
eval("require $module"); ## no critic 'ProhibitStringyEval'
dief("loading %s failed: %s", $module, $@) if $@;
# dump the loaded configuration
sub dumpit () {
$option{format} = $Option{"dump-format"} if $Option{"dump-format"};
# initialize everything
sub init () {
$| = 1;
$Option{debug} = 0;
$Option{dump} = 0;
$Option{verbose} = 0;
$Option{merge} = sub { push(@Hacks, [ "merge", $_[1], $_[2] ]) };
$Option{set} = sub { push(@Hacks, [ "set", $_[1], $_[2] ]) };
$Option{unset} = sub { push(@Hacks, [ "unset", $_[1] ]) };
Getopt::Long::Configure(qw(posix_default no_ignore_case));
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $Option{help};
pod2usage(exitstatus => 0, verbose => 2) if $Option{manual};
if ($Option{version}) {
printf("%s %s (revision %s)\n", $ProgramName, VERSION, REVISION);
pod2usage(2) unless @ARGV;
dief("option --clean requires --manifest")
if $Option{clean} and not $Option{manifest};
log_filter("debug") if $Option{debug};
$HomeDir = $Option{home} if defined($Option{home});
@IncPath = grep(-d $_, @{ $Option{include} });
$NoAction = 1 if $Option{noaction};
$RootDir = $Option{rootdir} if $Option{rootdir};
if ($Option{quiet}) {
$Verbosity = 0;
} else {
$Verbosity = $Option{verbose} + 1;
# cleanup and augment Perl's include path
@INC = grep(substr($_, 0, 1) eq "/" && -d $_, @INC);
foreach my $path (@IncPath, "$HomeDir/lib") {
next unless -d "$path/Config/Generator";
unshift(@INC, $path);
# show our setup
sub show () {
log_debug("HomeDir is '%s'", $HomeDir);
log_debug("IncPath is '%s'", join(":", @IncPath));
log_debug("NoAction is %s", $NoAction ? "true" : "false");
log_debug("RootDir is '%s'", $RootDir);
log_debug("Verbosity is %d", $Verbosity);
# load the configuration file(s) given on the command line and prune it
sub load () {
# maybe dump it at this point
dumpit() if $Option{dump} == 1;
# hack the loaded configuration and validate it
sub hack () {
foreach my $hack (@Hacks) {
hack_config(@{ $hack });
# maybe dump it at this point
dumpit() if $Option{dump} == 2;
# work using the loaded configuration
sub work () {
# load all the modules appearing as toplevel subtrees
foreach my $name (sort(keys(%Config))) {
modload($name) if $name =~ /^[a-z]+$/;
# validate the complete configuration now that we know the schemas
# run all the check() hooks in order
# validate the complete configuration again after the check() hooks
# maybe dump it at this point
dumpit() if $Option{dump} >= 3;
# run all the generate() hooks in order
# handle the --spec option
if $Option{spec};
# handle the --clean and --manifest options
handle_manifest($Option{manifest}, $Option{clean})
if $Option{manifest};
# main
=head1 NAME
yacg - Yet Another Configuration Generator
B<yacg> [I<OPTIONS>] I<PATH>
B<yacg> B<--help>|B<--manual>|B<--version>
B<yacg> reads the given high-level configuration file, carefully validates it
and generates ready-to-use (configuration) files.
The high-level configuration file can be altered using the B<--set>,
B<--unset> and B<--merge> options. It can be inspected using the B<--dump>
The files can be generated at their final location (by default) or elsewhere
(using the B<--rootdir> option). B<yacg> can also be instructed to check the
files without changing them via the B<--noaction> option.
B<yacg> can use a "manifest" file to keep track of which files it generated so
that it can later remove the files that it does not generate anymore, see the
B<--manifest> and B<--clean> options.
B<yacg> by itself does not know how to generate files. The B<--home> option
(and optionally the B<--include> option) must be used to tell the program
where to find domain specific modules knowing how to translate the high-level
configuration into individual ready-to-use files.
=head1 OPTIONS
=item B<--clean>
remove the files present in the old "manifest" file but not in the new one
=item B<--debug>, B<-d>
show debugging information
=item B<--dump>
instead of generating files, dump the high-level configuration; this option
can be given multiple times:
=item 1: dump after loading the configuration
=item 2: dump after hacking the configuration
=item 3: dump after validating the configuration
=item B<--dump-format> I<NAME>
set the output format for the B<--dump> option; possible values:
C<Config::General> (default) and C<JSON>
=item B<--help>, B<-h>, B<-?>
show some help
=item B<--home>, B<-H> I<PATH>
set the home directory where the C<cfg>, C<lib> and C<tpl> sub-directories may
be located
=item B<--include>, B<-I> I<PATH>
add the given directory to the list of paths that will be looked at to find
configuration files, Config::Generator modules or templates; this option can
be given multiple times
=item B<--manifest> I<PATH>
store the list of files that B<yacg> handled in the given "manifest" file
=item B<--manual>, B<-m>
show this manual
=item B<--merge> I<PATH>=I<VALUE>
hack the loaded configuration to merge the given value at the given path
=item B<--noaction>, B<-n>
print what would be done but do not actually touch the generated files
=item B<--quiet>, B<-q>
set the verbosity level to 0
=item B<--rndfile> I<PATH>
set the path of the file that will be used as seed to generate random data
=item B<--rootdir> I<PATH>
set the path specifying where the generated files will be put
=item B<--set> I<PATH>=I<VALUE>
hack the loaded configuration to set the given value at the given path
=item B<--spec> I<PATH>
store the list of files that B<yacg> handled in the given "spec" file (same
format as rpm's spec %files)
=item B<--unset> I<PATH>
hack the loaded configuration to unset the given path
=item B<--verbose>, B<-v>
increase the verbosity level (default: 1)
=item B<--version>
display version information
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Lionel Cons L<http://cern.ch/lionel.cons>
Copyright (C) CERN 2013-2016