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# * This file generated by ModPerl::WrapXS/0.01
# * Any changes made here will be lost
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package Apache2::MPM;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use Apache2::XSLoader ();
our $VERSION = '2.000012';
Apache2::XSLoader::load __PACKAGE__;
=head1 NAME
Apache2::MPM - Perl API for accessing Apache MPM information
=head1 Synopsis
use Apache2::MPM ();
# check whether Apache MPM is threaded
if (Apache2::MPM->is_threaded) { do_something() }
# which mpm is used
my $mpm = lc Apache2::MPM->show;
# query mpm properties
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:mpmq);
if (Apache2::MPM->query(Apache2::Const::MPMQ_STATIC)) { ... }
=head1 Description
C<Apache2::MPM> provides the Perl API for accessing Apache MPM
=head1 API
C<Apache2::MPM> provides the following functions and/or methods:
=head2 C<query>
Query various attributes of the MPM
my $query = Apache2::MPM->query($const);
=over 4
=item obj: C<$class>
( C<L<Apache2::MPM class|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::MPM>> )
the class name
=item arg1: C<$const> ( C<L<Apache2::Const :mpmq group
constant|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::Const/C__mpmq_>> )
The MPM attribute to query.
=item ret: C<$query> ( boolean )
the result of the query
=item since: 2.0.00
For example to test whether the mpm is static:
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(MPMQ_STATIC);
if (Apache2::MPM->query(Apache2::Const::MPMQ_STATIC)) { ... }
=head2 C<is_threaded>
Check whether the running Apache MPM is threaded.
my $is_threaded = Apache2::MPM->is_threaded;
=over 4
=item obj: C<$class>
( C<L<Apache2::MPM class|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::MPM>> )
the class name
=item ret: C<$is_threaded> ( boolean )
threaded or not
=item since: 2.0.00
Note that this functionality is just a shortcut for:
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(MPMQ_IS_THREADED);
my $is_threaded = Apache2::MPM->query(Apache2::Const::MPMQ_IS_THREADED);
=head2 C<show>
What mpm is used
my $mpm = Apache2::MPM->show();
=over 4
=item obj: C<$class>
( C<L<Apache2::MPM class|docs::2.0::api::Apache2::MPM>> )
the class name
=item ret: C<$mpm> ( string )
the name of the MPM. e.g., "Prefork".
=item since: 2.0.00
=head1 See Also
L<mod_perl 2.0 documentation|docs::2.0::index>.
=head1 Copyright
mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.
=head1 Authors
L<The mod_perl development team and numerous