shell bypass 403
# please insert nothing before this line: -*- mode: cperl; cperl-indent-level: 4; cperl-continued-statement-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package Apache2::compat;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
no warnings 'redefine';
#1.xx compat layer
#some of this will stay as-is
#some will be implemented proper later on
#there's enough here to get simple registry scripts working
#add to
#use Apache2::compat ();
#use lib ...; #or something to find 1.xx Apache2::Registry
#Alias /perl /path/to/perl/scripts
#<Location /perl>
# Options +ExecCGI
# SetHandler modperl
# PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Registry
use Apache2::Connection ();
use Apache2::ServerRec ();
use Apache2::ServerUtil ();
use Apache2::Access ();
use Apache2::Module ();
use Apache2::RequestRec ();
use Apache2::RequestIO ();
use Apache2::RequestUtil ();
use Apache2::Response ();
use Apache2::SubRequest ();
use Apache2::Filter ();
use Apache2::Util ();
use Apache2::Log ();
use Apache2::URI ();
use APR::Date ();
use APR::Table ();
use APR::Pool ();
use APR::URI ();
use APR::Util ();
use APR::Brigade ();
use APR::Bucket ();
use mod_perl2 ();
use Symbol ();
use File::Spec ();
use APR::Const -compile => qw(FINFO_NORM FINFO_PROT);
use constant WIN32 => ($^O eq "MSWin32");
$INC{''} = __FILE__;
$INC{'Apache/'} = __FILE__;
$INC{'Apache/'} = __FILE__;
$INC{'Apache/'} = __FILE__;
($Apache::Server::Starting, $Apache::Server::ReStarting) =
Apache2::ServerUtil::restart_count() == 1 ? (1, 0) : (0, 1);
# api => "overriding code"
# the overriding code, needs to "return" the original CODE reference
# when eval'ed , so that it can be restored later
my %overridable_mp2_api = (
'Apache2::RequestRec::filename' => <<'EOI',
require Apache2::RequestRec;
require APR::Finfo;
my $orig_sub = *Apache2::RequestRec::filename{CODE};
*Apache2::RequestRec::filename = sub {
my ($r, $newfile) = @_;
my $old_filename;
if (defined $newfile) {
$old_filename = $r->$orig_sub($newfile);
die "'$newfile' doesn't exist" unless -e $newfile;
my $wanted = APR::Const::FINFO_NORM;
if (WIN32) {
$wanted &= ~APR::Const::FINFO_PROT;
$r->finfo(APR::Finfo::stat($newfile, $wanted, $r->pool));
else {
$old_filename = $r->$orig_sub();
return $old_filename;
'Apache2::RequestRec::notes' => <<'EOI',
require Apache2::RequestRec;
my $orig_sub = *Apache2::RequestRec::notes{CODE};
*Apache2::RequestRec::notes = sub {
my $r = shift;
return wantarray()
? ($r->table_get_set(scalar($r->$orig_sub), @_))
: scalar($r->table_get_set(scalar($r->$orig_sub), @_));
'Apache2::RequestRec::finfo' => <<'EOI',
require APR::Finfo;
my $orig_sub = *APR::Finfo::finfo{CODE};
sub Apache2::RequestRec::finfo {
my $r = shift;
stat $r->filename;
'Apache2::Connection::local_addr' => <<'EOI',
require Apache2::Connection;
require Socket;
require APR::SockAddr;
my $orig_sub = *Apache2::Connection::local_addr{CODE};
*Apache2::Connection::local_addr = sub {
my $c = shift;
'Apache2::Connection::remote_addr' => <<'EOI',
require Apache2::Connection;
require APR::SockAddr;
require Socket;
my $orig_sub;
if (defined *Apache2::Connection::client_addr{CODE}) { # httpd-2.4
$orig_sub = *Apache2::Connection::client_addr{CODE};
} else { # httpd-2.2
$orig_sub = *Apache2::Connection::remote_addr{CODE};
*Apache2::Connection::remote_addr = sub {
my $c = shift;
if (@_) {
my $addr_in = shift;
my ($port, $addr) = Socket::unpack_sockaddr_in($addr_in);
else {
'Apache2::Module::top_module' => <<'EOI',
require Apache2::Module;
my $orig_sub = *Apache2::Module::top_module{CODE};
*Apache2::Module::top_module = sub {
'Apache2::Module::get_config' => <<'EOI',
require Apache2::Module;
my $orig_sub = *Apache2::Module::get_config{CODE};
*Apache2::Module::get_config = sub {
'APR::URI::unparse' => <<'EOI',
require APR::URI;
my $orig_sub = *APR::URI::unparse{CODE};
*APR::URI::unparse = sub {
my ($uri, $flags) = @_;
if (defined $uri->hostname && !defined $uri->scheme) {
# we do this only for back compat, the new APR::URI is
# protocol-agnostic and doesn't fallback to 'http' when the
# scheme is not provided
'Apache2::Util::ht_time' => <<'EOI',
require Apache2::Util;
my $orig_sub = *Apache2::Util::ht_time{CODE};
*Apache2::Util::ht_time = sub {
my $r = Apache2::compat::request('Apache2::Util::ht_time');
return $orig_sub->($r->pool, @_);
my %overridden_mp2_api = ();
# this function enables back-compatible APIs which can't coexist with
# mod_perl 2.0 APIs with the same name and therefore it should be
# avoided if possible.
# it expects a list of fully qualified functions, like
# "Apache2::RequestRec::finfo"
sub override_mp2_api {
my (@subs) = @_;
for my $sub (@subs) {
unless (exists $overridable_mp2_api{$sub}) {
die __PACKAGE__ . ": $sub is not overridable";
if (exists $overridden_mp2_api{$sub}) {
warn __PACKAGE__ . ": $sub has been already overridden";
$overridden_mp2_api{$sub} = eval $overridable_mp2_api{$sub};
if ($@) {
die "error overriding $sub : $@";
unless (exists $overridden_mp2_api{$sub} &&
ref($overridden_mp2_api{$sub}) eq 'CODE') {
die "overriding $sub didn't return a CODE ref";
# restore_mp2_api does the opposite of override_mp2_api(), it removes
# the overriden API and restores the original mod_perl 2.0 API
sub restore_mp2_api {
my (@subs) = @_;
for my $sub (@subs) {
unless (exists $overridable_mp2_api{$sub}) {
die __PACKAGE__ . ": $sub is not overridable";
unless (exists $overridden_mp2_api{$sub}) {
warn __PACKAGE__ . ": can't restore $sub, " .
"as it has not been overridden";
# XXX: 5.8.2+ can't delete and assign at once - gives:
# Attempt to free unreferenced scalar
# after perl_clone. the 2 step works ok. to reproduce:
# t/TEST -maxclients 1 perl/ithreads2.t compat/request.t
my $original_sub = $overridden_mp2_api{$sub};
delete $overridden_mp2_api{$sub};
no warnings 'redefine';
no strict 'refs';
*$sub = $original_sub;
sub request {
my $what = shift;
my $r = Apache2::RequestUtil->request;
unless ($r) {
die "cannot use $what ",
"without 'SetHandler perl-script' ",
"or 'PerlOptions +GlobalRequest'";
my $orig_sub = *Apache2::Module::top_module{CODE};
*Apache2::Module::top_module = sub {
my $orig_sub = *Apache2::Module::get_config{CODE};
*Apache2::Module::get_config = sub {
shift if $_[0] eq 'Apache2::Module';
package Apache::Server;
# XXX: is that good enough? see modperl/src/modules/perl/mod_perl.c:367
our $CWD = Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root();
our $AddPerlVersion = 1;
sub warn {
shift if @_ and $_[0] eq 'Apache::Server';
package Apache;
sub request {
return Apache2::compat::request(@_);
sub unescape_url_info {
my ($class, $string) = @_;
$string =~ tr/+/ /;
#sorry, have to use $r->Apache2::args at the moment
#for list context splitting
sub args {
my $r = shift;
my $args = $r->args;
return $args unless wantarray;
return $r->parse_args($args);
sub server_root_relative {
my $class = shift;
if (@_ && defined($_[0]) && File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($_[0])) {
return File::Spec->catfile(@_);
else {
File::Spec->catfile(Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root(), @_);
sub exit {
require ModPerl::Util;
my $status = 0;
my $nargs = @_;
if ($nargs == 2) {
$status = $_[1];
elsif ($nargs == 1 and $_[0] =~ /^\d+$/) {
$status = $_[0];
#XXX: warn
sub import {
sub untaint {
require ModPerl::Util;
sub module {
require Apache2::Module;
die 'Usage: Apache2->module($name)' if @_ != 2;
return Apache2::Module::loaded($_[1]);
sub gensym {
return Symbol::gensym();
sub define {
shift if @_ == 2;
sub log_error {
sub warn {
shift if @_ and $_[0] eq 'Apache';
sub httpd_conf {
my $obj;
eval { $obj = Apache2::RequestUtil->request };
$obj = Apache2::ServerUtil->server if $@;
my $err = $obj->add_config([split /\n/, join '', @_]);
die $err if $err;
# mp2 always can stack handlers
sub can_stack_handlers { 1; }
sub push_handlers {
sub set_handlers {
sub get_handlers {
package Apache::Constants;
use Apache2::Const ();
sub import {
my $class = shift;
my $package = scalar caller;
my @args = @_;
# treat :response as :common - it's not perfect
# but simple and close enough for the majority
my %args = map { s/^:response$/:common/; $_ => 1 } @args;
Apache2::Const->compile($package => keys %args);
#no need to support in 2.0
sub export {}
sub SERVER_VERSION { Apache2::ServerUtil::get_server_version() }
package Apache2::RequestRec;
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(REMOTE_NAME);
#no longer exist in 2.0
sub soft_timeout {}
sub hard_timeout {}
sub kill_timeout {}
sub reset_timeout {}
# this function is from mp1's Apache2::SubProcess 3rd party module
# which is now a part of mp2 API. this function doesn't exist in 2.0.
sub cleanup_for_exec {}
sub current_callback {
require ModPerl::Util;
return ModPerl::Util::current_callback();
sub send_http_header {
my ($r, $type) = @_;
# since send_http_header() in mp1 was telling mod_perl not to
# parse headers and in mp2 one must call $r->content_type($type) to
# perform the same, we make sure that this happens
$type = $r->content_type || 'text/html' unless defined $type;
#we support Apache2::RequestUtil->request; this is needed to support $r->request
#XXX: seems sorta backwards
*request = \&Apache2::request;
sub table_get_set {
my ($r, $table) = (shift, shift);
my ($key, $value) = @_;
if (1 == @_) {
return wantarray()
? ($table->get($key))
: scalar($table->get($key));
elsif (2 == @_) {
if (defined $value) {
return wantarray()
? ($table->set($key, $value))
: scalar($table->set($key, $value));
else {
return wantarray()
? ($table->unset($key))
: scalar($table->unset($key));
elsif (0 == @_) {
return $table;
else {
my $name = (caller(1))[3];
$r->warn("Usage: \$r->$name([key [,val]])");
sub header_out {
my $r = shift;
return wantarray()
? ($r->table_get_set(scalar($r->headers_out), @_))
: scalar($r->table_get_set(scalar($r->headers_out), @_));
sub header_in {
my $r = shift;
return wantarray()
? ($r->table_get_set(scalar($r->headers_in), @_))
: scalar($r->table_get_set(scalar($r->headers_in), @_));
sub err_header_out {
my $r = shift;
return wantarray()
? ($r->table_get_set(scalar($r->err_headers_out), @_))
: scalar($r->table_get_set(scalar($r->err_headers_out), @_));
sub register_cleanup {
*post_connection = \®ister_cleanup;
sub get_remote_host {
my ($r, $type) = @_;
$type = Apache2::Const::REMOTE_NAME unless defined $type;
$r->connection->get_remote_host($type, $r->per_dir_config);
sub parse_args {
my ($r, $string) = @_;
return () unless defined $string and $string;
return map {
tr/+/ /;
} split /[=&;]/, $string, -1;
use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(MODE_READBYTES);
use APR::Const -compile => qw(SUCCESS BLOCK_READ);
use constant IOBUFSIZE => 8192;
sub content {
my $r = shift;
my $bb = APR::Brigade->new($r->pool,
my $data = '';
my $seen_eos = 0;
do {
$r->input_filters->get_brigade($bb, Apache2::Const::MODE_READBYTES,
while (!$bb->is_empty) {
my $b = $bb->first;
if ($b->is_eos) {
if ($b->read(my $buf)) {
$data .= $buf;
} while (!$seen_eos);
return $data unless wantarray;
return $r->parse_args($data);
sub server_root_relative {
my $r = shift;
File::Spec->catfile(Apache2::ServerUtil::server_root(), @_);
sub clear_rgy_endav {
my ($r, $script_name) = @_;
require ModPerl::Global;
my $package = 'Apache2::ROOT' . $script_name;
ModPerl::Global::special_list_clear(END => $package);
sub stash_rgy_endav {
#see run_rgy_endav
#if somebody really wants to have END subroutine support
#with the 1.x Apache2::Registry they will need to configure:
# PerlHandler Apache2::Registry Apache2::compat::run_rgy_endav
sub Apache2::compat::run_rgy_endav {
my $r = shift;
require ModPerl::Global;
require Apache2::PerlRun; #1.x's
my $package = Apache2::PerlRun->new($r)->namespace;
ModPerl::Global::special_list_call(END => $package);
sub seqno {
sub chdir_file {
#XXX resolve '.' in @INC to basename $r->filename
#XXX: would like to have a proper implementation
#that reads line-by-line as defined by $/
#the best way will probably be to use perlio in 5.8.0
#anything else would be more effort than it is worth
my $r = shift;
my $line;
$r->read($line, $r->headers_in->get('Content-length'));
$line ? $line : undef;
#XXX: howto convert PerlIO to apr_file_t
#so we can use the real ap_send_fd function
#2.0 ap_send_fd() also has an additional offset parameter
sub send_fd_length {
my ($r, $fh, $length) = @_;
my $buff;
my $total_bytes_sent = 0;
my $len;
return 0 if $length == 0;
if (($length > 0) && ($total_bytes_sent + IOBUFSIZE) > $length) {
$len = $length - $total_bytes_sent;
else {
binmode $fh;
while (CORE::read($fh, $buff, $len)) {
$total_bytes_sent += $r->puts($buff);
sub send_fd {
my ($r, $fh) = @_;
$r->send_fd_length($fh, -1);
sub is_main { !shift->main }
# really old back-compat methods, they shouldn't be used in mp1
*cgi_var = *cgi_env = \&Apache2::RequestRec::subprocess_env;
package Apache::File;
use Fcntl ();
use Symbol ();
use Carp ();
sub new {
my ($class) = shift;
my $fh = Symbol::gensym;
my $self = bless $fh, ref($class)||$class;
if (@_) {
return $self->open(@_) ? $self : undef;
else {
return $self;
sub open {
my ($self) = shift;
Carp::croak("no Apache2::File object passed")
unless $self && ref($self);
# cannot forward @_ to open() because of its prototype
if (@_ > 1) {
my ($mode, $file) = @_;
CORE::open $self, $mode, $file;
else {
my $file = shift;
CORE::open $self, $file;
sub close {
my ($self) = shift;
CORE::close $self;
my $TMPNAM = 'aaaaaa';
my $TMPDIR = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} || $ENV{'TEMP'} || '/tmp';
($TMPDIR) = $TMPDIR =~ /^([^<>|;*]+)$/; #untaint
my $Mode = Fcntl::O_RDWR()|Fcntl::O_EXCL()|Fcntl::O_CREAT();
my $Perms = 0600;
sub tmpfile {
my $class = shift;
my $limit = 100;
my $r = Apache2::compat::request('Apache::File->tmpfile');
while ($limit--) {
my $tmpfile = "$TMPDIR/${$}" . $TMPNAM++;
my $fh = $class->new;
sysopen $fh, $tmpfile, $Mode, $Perms
or die "failed to open $tmpfile: $!";
$r->pool->cleanup_register(sub { unlink $tmpfile });
if ($fh) {
return wantarray ? ($tmpfile, $fh) : $fh;
# the following functions now live in Apache2::RequestIO
# * discard_request_body
# the following functions now live in Apache2::Response
# * meets_conditions
# * set_content_length
# * set_etag
# * set_last_modified
# * update_mtime
# the following functions now live in Apache2::RequestRec
# * mtime
package Apache::Util;
sub size_string {
my ($size) = @_;
if (!$size) {
$size = " 0k";
elsif ($size == -1) {
$size = " -";
elsif ($size < 1024) {
$size = " 1k";
elsif ($size < 1048576) {
$size = sprintf "%4dk", ($size + 512) / 1024;
elsif ($size < 103809024) {
$size = sprintf "%4.1fM", $size / 1048576.0;
else {
$size = sprintf "%4dM", ($size + 524288) / 1048576;
return $size;
*unescape_uri = \&Apache2::URI::unescape_url;
*escape_path = \&Apache2::Util::escape_path;
sub escape_uri {
my $path = shift;
my $r = Apache2::compat::request('Apache2::Util::escape_uri');
Apache2::Util::escape_path($path, $r->pool);
#tmp compat until ap_escape_html is reworked to not require a pool
my %html_escapes = (
'<' => 'lt',
'>' => 'gt',
'&' => 'amp',
'"' => 'quot',
%html_escapes = map { $_, "&$html_escapes{$_};" } keys %html_escapes;
my $html_escape = join '|', keys %html_escapes;
sub escape_html {
my $html = shift;
$html =~ s/($html_escape)/$html_escapes{$1}/go;
*parsedate = \&APR::Date::parse_http;
*validate_password = \&APR::Util::password_validate;
sub Apache2::URI::parse {
my ($class, $r, $uri) = @_;
$uri ||= $r->construct_url;
APR::URI->parse($r->pool, $uri);
package Apache::Table;
sub new {
my ($class, $r, $nelts) = @_;
$nelts ||= 10;
APR::Table::make($r->pool, $nelts);
package Apache::SIG;
use Apache2::Const -compile => 'DECLINED';
sub handler {
# don't set the SIGPIPE
return Apache2::Const::DECLINED;
package Apache2::Connection;
# auth_type and user records don't exist in 2.0 conn_rec struct
# 'PerlOptions +GlobalRequest' is required
sub auth_type { shift; Apache2::RequestUtil->request->ap_auth_type(@_) }
sub user { shift; Apache2::RequestUtil->request->user(@_) }
=head1 NAME
Apache2::compat -- 1.0 backward compatibility functions deprecated in 2.0
=head1 Synopsis
# either add at the very beginning of
use Apache2::compat;
# or httpd.conf
PerlModule Apache2::compat
# override and restore compat functions colliding with mp2 API
my ($local_port, $local_addr) = sockaddr_in($c->local_addr);
=head1 Description
C<Apache2::compat> provides mod_perl 1.0 compatibility layer and can be
used to smooth the transition process to mod_perl 2.0.
It includes functions that have changed their API or were removed in
mod_perl 2.0. If your code uses any of those functions, you should
load this module at the server startup, and everything should work as
it did in 1.0. If it doesn't please L<report the
bug|docs::2.0::user::help::help/Reporting_Problems>, but before you
do that please make sure that your code does work properly under
mod_perl 1.0.
However, remember, that it's implemented in pure Perl and not C,
therefore its functionality is not optimized and it's the best to try
to L<port your
code|docs::2.0::user::porting::porting> not to use deprecated
functions and stop using the compatibility layer.
=head1 Compatibility Functions Colliding with mod_perl 2.0 API
Most of the functions provided by Apache2::compat don't interfere with
mod_perl 2.0 API. However there are several functions which have the
same name in the mod_perl 1.0 and mod_perl 2.0 API, accept the same
number of arguments, but either the arguments themselves aren't the
same or the return values are different. For example the mod_perl 1.0
require Socket;
my $sockaddr_in = $c->local_addr;
my ($local_port, $local_addr) = Socket::sockaddr_in($sockaddr_in);
should be adjusted to be:
require Apache2::Connection;
require APR::SockAddr;
my $sockaddr = $c->local_addr;
my ($local_port, $local_addr) = ($sockaddr->port, $sockaddr->ip_get);
to work under mod_perl 2.0.
As you can see in mod_perl 1.0 API local_addr() was returning a
SOCKADDR_IN object (see the Socket perl manpage), in mod_perl 2.0 API
it returns an C<L<APR::SockAddr|docs::2.0::api::APR::SockAddr>>
object, which is a totally different beast. If Apache2::compat
overrides the function C<local_addr()> to be back-compatible with
mod_perl 1.0 API. Any code that relies on this function to work as it
should under mod_perl 2.0 will be broken. Therefore the solution is
not to override C<local_addr()> by default. Instead a special API is
provided which overrides colliding functions only when needed and
which can be restored when no longer needed. So for example if you
have code from mod_perl 1.0:
my ($local_port, $local_addr) = Socket::sockaddr_in($c->local_addr);
and you aren't ready to port it to to use the mp2 API:
my ($local_port, $local_addr) = ($c->local_addr->port,
you could do the following:
my ($local_port, $local_addr) = Socket::sockaddr_in($c->local_addr);
Notice that you need to restore the API as soon as possible.
Both C<override_mp2_api()> and C<restore_mp2_api()> accept a list of
functions to operate on.
=head2 Available Overridable Functions
At the moment the following colliding functions are available for
=item Apache2::RequestRec::notes
=item Apache2::RequestRec::filename
=item Apache2::RequestRec::finfo
=item Apache2::Connection::local_addr
=item Apache2::Connection::remote_addr
=item Apache2::Util::ht_time
=item Apache2::Module::top_module
=item Apache2::Module::get_config
=item APR::URI::unparse
=head1 Use in CPAN Modules
The short answer: B<Do not use> C<Apache2::compat> in CPAN modules.
The long answer:
C<Apache2::compat> is useful during the mod_perl 1.0 code
porting. Though remember that it's implemented in pure Perl. In
certain cases it overrides mod_perl 2.0 methods, because their API is
very different and doesn't map 1:1 to mod_perl 1.0. So if anything,
not under user's control, loads C<Apache2::compat> user's code is
forced to use the potentially slower method. Which is quite bad.
Some users may choose to keep using C<Apache2::compat> in production
and it may perform just fine. Other users will choose not to use that
module, by porting their code to use mod_perl 2.0 API. However it
should be users' choice whether to load this module or not and not to
be enforced by CPAN modules.
If you port your CPAN modules to work with mod_perl 2.0, you should
follow the porting L<Perl|docs::2.0::user::porting::porting> and
L<XS|docs::2.0::devel::porting::porting> module guidelines.
Users that are stuck with CPAN modules preloading C<Apache2::compat>,
can prevent this from happening by adding
$INC{'Apache2/'} = __FILE__;
at the very beginning of their I<>. But this will most
certainly break the module that needed this module.
=head1 API
You should be reading the mod_perl 1.0 L<API
docs|docs::1.0::api::index> for usage of the methods and functions
in this package, since what this module is doing is providing a
backwards compatibility and it makes no sense to duplicate
Another important document to read is: L<Migrating from mod_perl 1.0
to mod_perl 2.0|docs::2.0::user::porting::compat> which covers all
mod_perl 1.0 constants, functions and methods that have changed in
mod_perl 2.0.
=head1 See Also
L<mod_perl 2.0 documentation|docs::2.0::index>.
=head1 Copyright
mod_perl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0.
=head1 Authors
L<The mod_perl development team and numerous