shell bypass 403
package Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor;
use Mouse::Util qw(:meta); # enables strict and warnings
use constant _MOUSE_DEBUG => $ENV{MOUSE_DEBUG} ? 1 : 0;
sub _inline_slot{
my(undef, $self_var, $attr_name) = @_;
return sprintf '%s->{q{%s}}', $self_var, $attr_name;
sub _generate_accessor_any{
my($method_class, $type, $attribute, $class) = @_;
my $name = $attribute->name;
my $default = $attribute->default;
my $constraint = $attribute->type_constraint;
my $builder = $attribute->builder;
my $trigger = $attribute->trigger;
my $is_weak = $attribute->is_weak_ref;
my $should_deref = $attribute->should_auto_deref;
my $should_coerce = (defined($constraint)
&& $constraint->has_coercion
&& $attribute->should_coerce);
my $compiled_type_constraint = defined($constraint)
? $constraint->_compiled_type_constraint
: undef;
my $self = '$_[0]';
my $slot = $method_class->_inline_slot($self, $name);;
my $accessor = sprintf(qq{package %s;\n#line 1 "%s-accessor for %s (%s)"\n}, $class->name, $type, $name, __FILE__)
. "sub {\n";
if ($type eq 'rw' || $type eq 'wo') {
if($type eq 'rw'){
$accessor .=
'if (scalar(@_) >= 2) {' . "\n";
else{ # writer
$accessor .=
'if(@_ < 2){ Carp::confess("Not enough arguments for the writer of $name") }'.
'{' . "\n";
my $value = '$_[1]';
if (defined $constraint) {
if ($should_coerce) {
$accessor .=
'my $val = $constraint->coerce('.$value.');';
$value = '$val';
$accessor .=
'$compiled_type_constraint->('.$value.') or
$attribute->_throw_type_constraint_error('.$value.', $constraint);' . "\n";
# if there's nothing left to do for the attribute we can return during
# this setter
$accessor .= 'return ' if !$is_weak && !$trigger && !$should_deref;
$accessor .= "my \@old_value = exists $slot ? $slot : ();\n" if $trigger;
$accessor .= "$slot = $value;\n";
if ($is_weak) {
$accessor .= "Scalar::Util::weaken($slot) if ref $slot;\n";
if ($trigger) {
$accessor .= '$trigger->('.$self.', '.$value.', @old_value);' . "\n";
$accessor .= "}\n";
elsif($type eq 'ro') {
$accessor .= 'Carp::confess("Cannot assign a value to a read-only accessor of $name") if scalar(@_) >= 2;' . "\n";
$class->throw_error("Unknown accessor type '$type'");
if ($attribute->is_lazy and $type ne 'wo') {
my $value;
if (defined $builder){
$value = "$self->\$builder()";
elsif (ref($default) eq 'CODE'){
$value = "$self->\$default()";
$value = '$default';
$accessor .= "els" if $type eq 'rw';
$accessor .= "if(!exists $slot){\n";
$accessor .= "$slot = \$constraint->coerce($value)";
elsif(defined $constraint){
$accessor .= "my \$tmp = $value;\n";
$accessor .= "\$compiled_type_constraint->(\$tmp)";
$accessor .= " || \$attribute->_throw_type_constraint_error(\$tmp, \$constraint);\n";
$accessor .= "$slot = \$tmp;\n";
$accessor .= "$slot = $value;\n";
if ($is_weak) {
$accessor .= "Scalar::Util::weaken($slot) if ref $slot;\n";
$accessor .= "}\n";
if ($should_deref) {
if ($constraint->is_a_type_of('ArrayRef')) {
$accessor .= "return \@{ $slot || [] } if wantarray;\n";
$accessor .= "return \%{ $slot || {} } if wantarray;\n";
$class->throw_error("Can not auto de-reference the type constraint " . $constraint->name);
$accessor .= "return $slot;\n}\n";
warn $accessor if _MOUSE_DEBUG;
my $code;
my $e = do{
local $@;
$code = eval $accessor;
die $e if $e;
return $code;
sub _generate_accessor{
#my($self, $attribute, $metaclass) = @_;
my $self = shift;
return $self->_generate_accessor_any(rw => @_);
sub _generate_reader {
#my($self, $attribute, $metaclass) = @_;
my $self = shift;
return $self->_generate_accessor_any(ro => @_);
sub _generate_writer {
#my($self, $attribute, $metaclass) = @_;
my $self = shift;
return $self->_generate_accessor_any(wo => @_);
sub _generate_predicate {
#my($self, $attribute, $metaclass) = @_;
my(undef, $attribute) = @_;
my $slot = $attribute->name;
return sub{
return exists $_[0]->{$slot};
sub _generate_clearer {
#my($self, $attribute, $metaclass) = @_;
my(undef, $attribute) = @_;
my $slot = $attribute->name;
return sub{
delete $_[0]->{$slot};
=head1 NAME
Mouse::Meta::Method::Accessor - A Mouse method generator for accessors
=head1 VERSION
This document describes Mouse version v2.5.9
=head1 SEE ALSO