shell bypass 403
SIMPLE = T BITPIX = -32 NAXIS = 2 / Number of axes NAXIS1 = 256 / Value NAXIS2 = 3 / r, g, and b columns BUNIT = 'Data Value ' OBJECT = 'idl4 ' / Name of colour table HISTORY (r,g,b) colour table converted from: idl4.lasc HISTORY --- HISTORY ASCII files taken from the GAIA distribution of STARLINK HISTORY where they are released under the GNU copyleft HISTORY ( and HISTORY Converted to FITS format using PDL::IO::Misc::wfits HISTORY on Tue Feb 1 13:17:00 2000 HISTORY Data is stored as a 2D image (nx3): HISTORY the columns are the r, g, and b values HISTORY and are floats (BITPIX=-32) in the range 0 to 1, inclusive. HISTORY Should have stored as a FITS table, but there is currently no FITS tableHISTORY reader (or writer) in the PDL distribution. END <���=p�>=��S=��|>�>4��>P�h>p��>��+>���>���>���>��z>��5>��r>��,>��?�A?�j?��?��?��?�g? ��?%��?*��?/�d?4��?9��?>��?C� ?HȊ?HȊ?I�?I�?J�?J�?K��?K��?L��?L��?Mͳ?Mͳ?NΚ?NΚ?Oρ?Oρ?P�?P�?Q�?Q�?R��?R��?S��?S��?TԪ?TԪ?UՑ?UՑ?V�?V�?W�?W�?X��?X��?Y��?Y��?Zں?Zں?[ۡ?[ۡ?\�/?\�/?]�?]�?^�?^�?_��?_��?`��?`��?a�?a�?b�?b�?c�&?c�&?d�?d�?e��?e��?f��?f��?g�?g�?h�?h�?i�6?i�6?j�?j�?k�?k�?l��?l��?m��?m��?n�?n�?o�?o�?p�,?p�,?q�?q�?r�?r�?s��?s��?t��?t��?u��?u��?v�<?v�<?w�#?w�#?x� ?x� ?y��?y��?z��?z��?{��?{��?|�L?|�L?}�3?}�3?~�?~�?� ?� <@�<���=�?=@��=p�>=��}=��=��2=���=���>��>�> ��>,�X>8�(>H�2>T�>`�r>l�B>x��>��A>���>��a>���>��N>��>��m>��%>���>��E>���>��2>�Κ>��R>�ں>��r>���>��>��>��? �s?��?��? �7?��?�G?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?��?�W?�p?�p?��?��?��?��?��?��?�G?�G?�a?
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