shell bypass 403
## Here starts the actual thing.
## This is way too messy and uncommented. Still. :(
# DJB August 24 2006
# begin cleaning up the code so that it all runs under use strict
# DJB August 31 2006
# moved to use objects for the rule table (ie defvar) in the
# hope it's more declarative (since the addition of "::" to
# a statement makes it so much-more meaningful :-)
# How to convert from the old deftbl format to the new, object-based,
# system:
# What used to be, in $PDL::PP::deftbl
# [["Name1"], ["Name2"], $ref_to_sub]]
# is now
# PDL::PP::Rule->new("Name1", "Name2", $ref_to_sub)
# where Name1 represents the target of the rule, Name2 the condition,
# and the subroutine reference is the routine called when the rule is
# applied.
# If there is no condition, the argument can be left out of the call
# (unless there is a doc string), so
# [["Name1"], [], $ref_to_sub]]
# becomes
# PDL::PP::Rule->new("Name1", $ref_to_sub)
# The target and conditions can also be an array reference, so
# [["Name1"], ["Name2","Name3"], $ref_to_sub]]
# [["Name1","Name2"], ["Name3"], $ref_to_sub]]
# [["Name1","Name2"], ["Name3","Name4"], $ref_to_sub]]
# become, respectively
# PDL::PP::Rule->new("Name1", ["Name2","Name3"], $ref_to_sub)
# PDL::PP::Rule->new(["Name1","Name2"], "Name3", $ref_to_sub)
# PDL::PP::Rule->new(["Name1","Name2"], ["Name3","Name4], $ref_to_sub)
# If the old rule had a document string, this is placed between
# the condition and the subroutine reference. To make processing
# simpler, if a doc string exists then the condition must also
# be supplied, even if it is just [] (ie no condition).
# There are specialized rules for common situations. The rules for the
# target, condition, and doc arguments hold from the base class (ie
# whether scalar or array values are used, ...)
# Return a constant:
# PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new($targets [,$conditions [,$doc]], $value)
# is used to return a constant. So
# [["Name1"], [], sub { "foo" }]
# becomes
# PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("Name1", "foo")
# This class is specialized since there are some common return values:
# PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::Zero->new($targets [,$conditions [,$doc]])
# PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::One->new($targets [,$conditions [,$doc]])
# PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::EmptyString->new($targets [,$conditions [,$doc]])
# PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::NULL->new($targets [,$conditions [,$doc]])
# which return 0, 1, "", and "NULL" respectively
# The InsertName class exists to allow you to return something like
# "foo<routine name>bar"
# The old rules
# [["Foo"], ["Name"], sub { return "_pdl_$_[0]_bar"; }]
# [["Foo"], ["Name","Arg2"], sub { return "_pdl_$_[0]_bar"; }]
# become
# PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("Foo", '_pdl_${name}_bar')
# PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("Foo", "Arg2", '_pdl_${name}_bar')
# Note that the Name argument is automatically used as a condition, so
# it does not need to be supplied, and the return value should be
# given as a single-quoted string and use the $name variable
# The Substitute rule replaces dollar-signed macros ($P(), $ISBAD(), etc)
# with the low-level C code to perform the macro.
# The Substitute class replaces the dosubst rule. The old rule
# [["NewXSCoerceMustSubs"], ["NewXSCoerceMustSub1","NewXSSymTab","Name"],
# \&dosubst]
# becomes
# PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute("NewXSCoerceMustSubs", "NewXSCoerceMustSub1")
# PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute->new($target,$condition)
# $target and $condition must be scalars.
# Implicit conditions are NewXSSymTab and Name
# The Substitute:Usual class replaces the dousualsubsts rule. The old rule
# [["CacheBadFlagInit"], ["CacheBadFlagInitNS","NewXSSymTab","Name"],
# \&dousualsubsts],
# becomes
# PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("CacheBadFlagInit", "CacheBadFlagInitNS")
# PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new($target, $condition)
# $target and $condition must be scalars.
# Implicit conditions are NewXSSymTab and Name
# The MakeComp rule replaces the subst_makecomp routine. The old rule
# [["MakeCompiledRepr"], ["MakeComp","CompNames","CompObjs"],
# sub {subst_makecomp("COMP",@_)}]
# becomes
# PDL::PP::Rule::MakeComp->new("MakeCompiledRepr", ["MakeComp","CompNames","CompObjs"],
# "COMP")
# PDL::PP::Rule::MakeComp->new($target,$conditions,$symbol)
# $target and $symbol must be scalars.
# Notes:
# InsertName could become a subclass of Insert since there are
# a few rules that just insert conditions into a text string.
# Substitute, Substitute::Usual, MakeComp classes feel a bit
# ugly. See next point. Also the get_std_childparent method is
# a bit of a hack.
# DJB thinks that the code fragments themselves could be objects
# since they should 'know' what needs doing to them (eg the
# substitutions). Not sure whether it would really clarify things.
# To do:
# wrap_vfn could probably be moved into a class.
# move the PDL::PP::Rule and subclasses into their own file?
package PDL::PP::Rule;
use strict;
require PDL::Core::Dev;
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT;
my $INVALID_OTHERPARS_RE = qr/^(?:magicno|flags|vtable|freeproc|bvalflag|has_badvalue|badvalue|pdls|__datatype)\z/;
use overload ("\"\"" => \&PDL::PP::Rule::stringify);
sub stringify {
my $self = shift;
my $str = ref $self;
if ("PDL::PP::Rule" eq $str) {
$str = "Rule";
} else {
$str =~ s/PDL::PP::Rule:://;
$str = "($str) ";
$str .= exists $self->{doc} ?
$self->{doc} : join(",", @{$self->{targets}});
return $str;
# Takes two args: the calling object and the message, but we only care
# about the message:
sub report ($$) { print $_[1] if $::PP_VERBOSE; }
# Very limited error checking.
# Allow scalars for targets and conditions to be optional
# At present you have to have a conditions argument if you supply
# a doc string
# It seems strange to make the subroutine reference an optional
# argument but this is being used to transition to a slightly-different
# object design
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
my $usage = "Usage: PDL::PP::Rule->new(\$targets[,\$conditions[,\$doc],] [,\$ref])\n";
# handle arguments
my $nargs = $#_;
die $usage if $nargs < 0 or $nargs > 3;
my $targets = shift;
$targets = [$targets] unless ref $targets eq "ARRAY";
$self->{targets} = $targets;
if ($#_ != -1) {
if (ref $_[-1] eq "CODE") {
$self->{ref} = pop;
my ($conditions,$doc) = @_;
if (defined $conditions) {
$conditions = [$conditions] unless ref $conditions eq "ARRAY";
} else {
$conditions = [];
$self->{conditions} = $conditions;
$self->{doc} = $doc if defined $doc;
return $self;
# $rule->check_if_targets_exist($pars);
# Returns 1 if any of the targets exist in $pars, 0 otherwise.
# A return value of 1 means that the rule should not be applied.
# Not 100% happy with use of report here. Needs re-thinking.
sub check_if_targets_exist {
my $self = shift;
my $pars = shift;
my $targets = $self->{targets};
foreach my $target (@$targets) {
if (exists $pars->{$target}) {
$self->report("--skipping since TARGET $target exists\n");
return 1;
return 0;
# $rule->check_if_conditions_exist($pars);
# Returns 1 if all of the required conditions exist in $pars, 0 otherwise.
# A return value of 0 means that the rule should not be applied.
# Not 100% happy with use of report here. Needs re-thinking.
sub check_if_conditions_exist {
my $self = shift;
my $pars = shift;
my $conditions = $self->{conditions};
foreach my $condition (@$conditions) {
# skip if not a required condition
next if substr($condition,0,1) eq "_";
unless (exists $pars->{$condition}) {
$self->report("--skipping since CONDITION $condition does not exist\n");
return 0;
return 1;
# $rule->is_valid($pars);
# Returns 1 if the rule should be applied (ie no targets already
# exist in $pars and all the required conditions exist in $pars),
# otherwise 0.
sub is_valid {
my $self = shift;
my $pars = shift;
return 0 if $self->check_if_targets_exist($pars);
return 0 unless $self->check_if_conditions_exist($pars);
return 1;
# my @args = $self->extract_args($pars);
# If this method is called we assume that
# $self->check_if_conditions_exist($pars)
# returns 1.
sub extract_args {
my $self = shift;
my $pars = shift;
my $conditions = $self->{conditions};
my @args;
foreach (@$conditions) {
# make a copy of each condition so that any changes to it are not
# also made to the original array!
my $condition = $_;
# Remove any possible underscores (which indicate optional conditions):
$condition =~ s/^_//;
# Note: This will *not* create $pars->{$condition} if it did not already
# exist:
push @args, $pars->{$condition};
return @args;
# Apply the rule using the supplied $pars hash reference.
sub apply {
my $self = shift;
my $pars = shift;
carp "Unable to apply rule $self as there is no subroutine reference!"
unless exists $self->{ref};
my $targets = $self->{targets};
my $conditions = $self->{conditions};
my $ref = $self->{ref};
$self->report("Applying: $self\n");
# Is the rule valid?
return unless $self->is_valid($pars);
# Create the argument array for the routine.
my @args = $self->extract_args($pars);
# Run this rule's subroutine:
my @retval = $self->{ref}(@args);
# Check for any inconsistencies:
confess "Internal error: rule '$self' returned " . (1+$#retval)
. " items and expected " . (1+$#$targets)
unless $#retval == $#$targets;
foreach my $target (@$targets) {
$self->report(" $target");
confess "Cannot have multiple meanings for target $target!"
if exists $pars->{$target};
my $result = shift @retval;
# The following test suggests that things could/should be
# improved in the code generation.
if (defined $result and $result eq 'DO NOT SET!!') {
$self->report (" is 'DO NOT SET!!'");
} else {
$pars->{$target} = $result;
package PDL::PP::Rule::Croak;
# Croaks if all of the input variables are defined. Use this to identify
# incompatible arguments.
our @ISA = qw(PDL::PP::Rule);
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT;
sub new {
croak('Usage: PDL::PP::Ruel::Croak->new(["incompatible", "arguments"], "Croaking message")')
unless @_ == 3;
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new([], @_);
return bless $self, $class;
sub apply {
my ($self, $pars) = @_;
croak($self->{doc}) if $self->is_valid($pars);
package PDL::PP::Rule::Returns;
use strict;
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT;
##use PDL::PP::Rule;
our @ISA = qw (PDL::PP::Rule);
# This class does not treat return values of "DO NOT SET!!"
# as special.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $value = pop;
my @args = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{"returns.value"} = $value;
my $targets = $self->{targets};
croak "There can only be 1 target for a $self, not " . (1+$#$targets) . "!"
unless $#$targets == 0;
return $self;
sub apply {
my $self = shift;
my $pars = shift;
carp "Unable to apply rule $self as there is no return value!"
unless exists $self->{"returns.value"};
my $target = $self->{targets}->[0];
$self->report("Applying: $self\n");
# Is the rule valid?
return unless $self->is_valid($pars);
# Set the value
$self->report ("--setting: $target\n");
$pars->{$target} = $self->{"returns.value"};
package PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::Zero;
use strict;
##use PDL::PP::Rule::Returns;
our @ISA = qw (PDL::PP::Rule::Returns);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args,0);
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
package PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::One;
use strict;
##use PDL::PP::Rule::Returns;
our @ISA = qw (PDL::PP::Rule::Returns);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args,1);
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
package PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::EmptyString;
use strict;
##use PDL::PP::Rule::Returns;
our @ISA = qw (PDL::PP::Rule::Returns);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args,"");
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
package PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::NULL;
use strict;
##use PDL::PP::Rule::Returns;
our @ISA = qw (PDL::PP::Rule::Returns);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args,"NULL");
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
package PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName;
use strict;
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT;
##use PDL::PP::Rule;
our @ISA = qw (PDL::PP::Rule);
# This class does not treat return values of "DO NOT SET!!"
# as special.
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $value = pop;
my @args = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
bless $self, $class;
$self->{"insertname.value"} = $value;
# Generate a defaul doc string
unless (exists $self->{doc}) {
$self->{doc} = 'Sets ' . $self->{targets}->[0]
. ' to "' . $value . '"';
my $targets = $self->{targets};
croak "There can only be 1 target for a $self, not " . (1+$#$targets) . "!"
unless $#$targets == 0;
# we add "Name" as the first condition
my $conditions = $self->{conditions};
unshift @$conditions, "Name";
return $self;
sub apply {
my $self = shift;
my $pars = shift;
carp "Unable to apply rule $self as there is no return value!"
unless exists $self->{"insertname.value"};
$self->report("Applying: $self\n");
# Is the rule valid?
return unless $self->is_valid($pars);
# Set the value
my $target = $self->{targets}->[0];
my $name = $pars->{Name};
$self->report ("--setting: $target (name=$name)\n");
$pars->{$target} = eval "return \"" . $self->{"insertname.value"} . "\";";
# Poor name. This is the old "dosubst" routine
# PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSCoerceMustSubs", ["NewXSCoerceMustSub1","NewXSSymTab","Name"],
# \&dosubst),
# PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute->new($target,$condition)
# $target and $condition must be scalars.
# Implicit conditions are NewXSSymTab and Name
package PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute;
use strict;
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT;
##use PDL::PP::Rule;
our @ISA = qw (PDL::PP::Rule);
# Probably want this directly in the apply routine but leave as is for now
sub dosubst_private {
my ($src,$symtab,$name) = @_;
my $ret = (ref $src ? $src->[0] : $src);
my %syms = (
((ref $src) ? %{$src->[1]} : ()),
PRIV => sub {return "".$symtab->get_symname('_PDL_ThisTrans').
CROAK => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "PDL->pdl_barf(\"Error in $name:\" $_[0])")},
NAME => sub {return $name},
MODULE => sub {return $::PDLMOD},
SETPDLSTATEBAD => sub { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "$_[0]\->state |= PDL_BADVAL") },
SETPDLSTATEGOOD => sub { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "$_[0]\->state &= ~PDL_BADVAL") },
ISPDLSTATEBAD => sub { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "(($_[0]\->state & PDL_BADVAL) > 0)") },
ISPDLSTATEGOOD => sub { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "(($_[0]\->state & PDL_BADVAL) == 0)") },
BADFLAGCACHE => sub { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "badflag_cache") },
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "if($_[0]) \$PRIV(flags) |= PDL_ITRANS_REVERSIBLE;\n" .
" else \$PRIV(flags) &= ~PDL_ITRANS_REVERSIBLE;\n")
$ret =~ s/\$(\w+)\(([^()]*)\)/
(defined $syms{$1} or
confess("$1 not defined in '$ret'!")) and
) {};
sub new {
my $class = shift;
die "Usage: PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute->new(\$target,\$condition);"
unless $#_ == 1;
my $target = shift;
my $condition = shift;
die "\$target must be a scalar for PDL::PP::Rule->Substitute" if ref $target;
die "\$condition must be a scalar for PDL::PP::Rule->Substitute" if ref $condition;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($target, [$condition, "NewXSSymTab", "Name"],
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# Poor name. This is the old "dousualsubsts" routine
# PDL::PP::Rule->new("CacheBadFlagInit", ["CacheBadFlagInitNS","NewXSSymTab","Name"],
# \&dousualsubsts),
# PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new($target, $condition)
# $target and $condition must be scalars.
# Implicit conditions are NewXSSymTab and Name
# Need to think about @std_childparent as it is also used by
# other bits of code. At the moment provide a class method
# to access the array but there has to be better ways of
# doing this.
package PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual;
use strict;
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT;
##use PDL::PP::Rule;
our @ISA = qw (PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute);
# This is a copy of the main one for now. Need a better solution.
my @std_childparent = (
CHILD => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(pdls[1]->'.(join ',',@_).")")},
PARENT => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(pdls[0]->'.(join ',',@_).")")},
CHILD_P => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(pdls[1]->'.(join ',',@_).")")},
PARENT_P => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(pdls[0]->'.(join ',',@_).")")},
CHILD_PTR => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(pdls[1])')},
PARENT_PTR => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(pdls[0])')},
COMP => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV('.(join ',',@_).")")}
sub get_std_childparent { return @std_childparent; }
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my @args = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args);
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# We modify the arguments from the conditions to include the
# extra information
# We simplify the base-class version since we assume that all
# conditions are required here.
sub extract_args {
my $self = shift;
my $pars = shift;
# The conditions are [<code>, NewXSSymTab, Name]
my $code = $pars->{$self->{conditions}[0]};
my $symtab = $pars->{$self->{conditions}[1]};
my $name = $pars->{$self->{conditions}[2]};
return ([$code,{@std_childparent}],$symtab,$name);
# Poor name. This is the old "subst_makecomp" routine
# PDL::PP::Rule->new("MakeCompiledRepr", ["MakeComp","CompNames","CompObjs"],
# sub {subst_makecomp("COMP",@_)}),
# PDL::PP::Rule::MakeComp->new($target,$conditions,$symbol)
# $target and $symbol must be scalars.
package PDL::PP::Rule::MakeComp;
use strict;
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT;
##use PDL::PP::Rule;
our @ISA = qw (PDL::PP::Rule);
# This is a copy of the main one for now. Need a better solution.
my @std_redodims = (
SETNDIMS => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "PDL->reallocdims(__it,$_[0])")},
SETDIMS => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "PDL->setdims_careful(__it)")},
SETDELTATHREADIDS => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '
{int __ind; PDL->reallocthreadids($CHILD_PTR(),
for(__ind=0; __ind<$PARENT(nthreadids)+1; __ind++) {
$CHILD(threadids[__ind]) =
$PARENT(threadids[__ind]) + ('.$_[0].');
##sub get_std_redodims { return @std_redodims; }
# Probably want this directly in the apply routine but leave as is for now
sub subst_makecomp_private {
my($which,$mc,$cn,$co) = @_;
return [$mc,{
# @::std_childparent,
($cn ?
(('DO'.$which.'DIMS') => sub {PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, join '',
map{$$co{$_}->need_malloc ?
$$co{$_}->get_malloc('$PRIV('.$_.')') :
()} @$cn)}) :
($which eq "PRIV" ?
@std_redodims : ()),
sub new {
my $class = shift;
die "Usage: PDL::PP::Rule::MakeComp->new(\$target,\$conditions,\$symbol);"
unless $#_ == 2;
my $target = shift;
my $condition = shift;
my $symbol = shift;
die "\$target must be a scalar for PDL::PP::Rule->MakeComp" if ref $target;
die "\$symbol must be a scalar for PDL::PP::Rule->MakeComp" if ref $symbol;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($target, $condition,
bless $self, $class;
$self->{"makecomp.value"} = $symbol;
return $self;
# We modify the arguments from the conditions to include the
# extra information
# We simplify the base-class version since we assume that all
# conditions are required here.
sub extract_args {
my $self = shift;
my $pars = shift;
# The conditions are [<symbol>, conditions...]
# - could use slicing here
my @args = ($self->{"makecomp.value"});
foreach my $condition (@{$self->{conditions}}) {
push @args, $pars->{$condition};
return @args;
package PDL::PP;
use strict;
our $VERSION = "2.3";
our $macros = <<'EOF';
#define PDL_BRACES(...) { __VA_ARGS__ } /* work around syntax limitation */
#define PDL_PARNAMES(parnames, realdims, npdls, funcname) \
static char *__parnames[] = PDL_BRACES parnames; \
static PDL_Indx __realdims[] = PDL_BRACES realdims; \
static char __funcname[] = funcname; \
static pdl_errorinfo __einfo = { __funcname, __parnames, npdls };
#define PDL_INITTHREADSTRUCT(npdls, pdls, pdlthread, flags, noPthreadFlag) \
PDL->initthreadstruct(2,pdls, \
__realdims,__creating,npdls, \
&__einfo,&(pdlthread), \
flags, \
noPthreadFlag );
#define PDL_HDRCHECK1(aux, name) \
if(!hdrp && aux name->hdrsv && (name->state & PDL_HDRCPY)) { \
hdrp = name->hdrsv; \
propagate_hdrcpy = ((name->state & PDL_HDRCPY) != 0); \
#define PDL_DEEPCOPY \
if(hdrp == &PL_sv_undef) \
hdr_copy = &PL_sv_undef; \
else { PDL_COMMENT("Call the perl routine _hdr_copy...") \
int count; \
PDL_COMMENT("Call the perl routine PDL::_hdr_copy(hdrp)") \
dSP; \
XPUSHs( hdrp ); \
count = call_pv("PDL::_hdr_copy",G_SCALAR); \
if(count != 1) \
croak("PDL::_hdr_copy didn't return a single value - please report this bug (A)."); \
hdr_copy = (SV *)POPs; \
if(hdr_copy && hdr_copy != &PL_sv_undef) { \
(void)SvREFCNT_inc(hdr_copy); PDL_COMMENT("Keep hdr_copy from vanishing during FREETMPS") \
} \
} PDL_COMMENT("end of callback block")
#define PDL_HDRCHECK2(name) \
if (name->hdrsv != hdrp) { \
if (name->hdrsv && name->hdrsv != &PL_sv_undef) \
(void)SvREFCNT_dec( name->hdrsv ); \
if (hdr_copy != &PL_sv_undef) \
(void)SvREFCNT_inc(hdr_copy); \
name->hdrsv = hdr_copy; \
} \
if(propagate_hdrcpy) \
name->state |= PDL_HDRCPY;
#define PDL_COPYCODE(privcode, compcode, has_bv, bv, pflags, pvt, pdt, pdd, ppdl) \
PDL_TR_CLRMAGIC(__copy); \
__copy->has_badvalue = has_bv; \
__copy->badvalue = bv; \
__copy->flags = pflags; \
__copy->vtable = pvt; \
__copy->__datatype = pdt; \
__copy->freeproc = NULL; \
__copy->__ddone = pdd; \
{int i; \
for(i=0; i<__copy->vtable->npdls; i++) \
__copy->pdls[i] = ppdl; \
} \
compcode \
if(__copy->__ddone) { \
privcode \
} \
return (pdl_trans*)__copy;
char *objname = "PDL"; /* XXX maybe that class should actually depend on the value set \
by pp_bless ? (CS) */ \
HV *bless_stash = 0; \
SV *parent = 0; \
int nreturn;
PDL_COMMENT("Check if you can get a package name for this input value. ") \
PDL_COMMENT("It can be either a PDL (SVt_PVMG) or a hash which is a ") \
PDL_COMMENT("derived PDL subclass (SVt_PVHV) ") \
if (SvROK(ST(0)) && ((SvTYPE(SvRV(ST(0))) == SVt_PVMG) || (SvTYPE(SvRV(ST(0))) == SVt_PVHV))) { \
parent = ST(0); \
if (sv_isobject(parent)){ \
bless_stash = SvSTASH(SvRV(ST(0))); \
objname = HvNAME((bless_stash)); PDL_COMMENT("The package to bless output vars into is taken from the first input var") \
} \
#define PDL_XS_PERLINIT(name, to_push, method) \
if (strcmp(objname,"PDL") == 0) { PDL_COMMENT("shortcut if just PDL") \
name ## _SV = sv_newmortal(); \
name = PDL->null(); \
PDL->SetSV_PDL(name ## _SV, name); \
if (bless_stash) name ## _SV = sv_bless(name ## _SV, bless_stash); \
} else { \
XPUSHs(to_push); \
perl_call_method(#method, G_SCALAR); \
name ## _SV = POPs; \
name = PDL->SvPDLV(name ## _SV); \
#define PDL_XS_INPLACE(in, out) \
if (in->state & PDL_INPLACE && (out != in)) { \
in->state &= ~PDL_INPLACE; PDL_COMMENT("unset") \
out = in; PDL_COMMENT("discard output value, leak ?") \
PDL->SetSV_PDL(out ## _SV,out); \
#define PDL_XS_PRIVSTRUCT(sname, clrmagic, affflag, pvtable) \
sname = malloc(sizeof(*sname)); memset(sname, 0, sizeof(*sname)); \
clrmagic; \
sname->flags = affflag; \
sname->__ddone = 0; \
sname->vtable = &pvtable; \
sname->freeproc = PDL->trans_mallocfreeproc;
#define PDL_XS_RETURN(clause1) \
if (nreturn) { \
if (nreturn > 0) EXTEND (SP, nreturn); \
clause1; \
XSRETURN(nreturn); \
} else { \
#define PDL_FREE_CODE(priv_free_code, comp_free_code, ntpriv_free_code) \
PDL_TR_CLRMAGIC(__privtrans); \
comp_free_code \
if (__privtrans->__ddone) { \
priv_free_code \
ntpriv_free_code \
if (__parent->hdrsv && (__parent->state & PDL_HDRCPY)) { \
PDL_COMMENT("call the perl routine _hdr_copy.") \
int count; \
dSP; \
XPUSHs( sv_mortalcopy((SV*)__parent->hdrsv) ); \
count = call_pv("PDL::_hdr_copy",G_SCALAR); \
if (count != 1) \
croak("PDL::_hdr_copy didn\'t return a single value - please report this bug (B)."); \
{ PDL_COMMENT("convenience block for tmp var") \
SV *tmp = (SV *) POPs ; \
__it->hdrsv = (void*) tmp; \
if(tmp != &PL_sv_undef ) \
(void)SvREFCNT_inc(tmp); \
} \
__it->state |= PDL_HDRCPY; \
use PDL::Types ':All';
use Config;
use FileHandle;
use Exporter;
use Data::Dumper;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
@PDL::PP::EXPORT = qw/pp_addhdr pp_addpm pp_bless pp_def pp_done pp_add_boot
pp_add_exported pp_addxs pp_add_isa pp_export_nothing
pp_core_importList pp_beginwrap pp_setversion
pp_addbegin pp_boundscheck pp_line_numbers
$PP::boundscheck = 1;
$::PP_VERBOSE = 0;
$PDL::PP::done = 0; # pp_done has not been called yet
#you can uncomment this for testing, but this should remain
#commented in production code. This causes pp_done to be called
#even when a .pd file aborts with die(), potentially bypassing
#problem code when build is re-attempted. Having this commented
#means we are a bit more strict: a module must call pp_done in
#order to have .xs and .pm files written.
# pp_done() unless $PDL::PP::done;
use Carp;
our @CARP_NOT;
# check for bad value support
use PDL::Config;
my $bvalflag = $PDL::Config{WITH_BADVAL} || 0;
my $ntypes = $#PDL::Types::names;
sub nopm { $::PDLPACK eq 'NONE' } # flag that we don't want to generate a PM
sub import {
my ($mod,$modname, $packname, $prefix, $callpack) = @_;
# Allow for users to not specify the packname
($packname, $prefix, $callpack) = ($modname, $packname, $prefix)
if ($packname =~ m|/|);
$::PDLMOD=$modname; $::PDLPACK=$packname; $::PDLPREF=$prefix;
$::CALLPACK = defined $callpack ? $callpack : $::PDLMOD;
$::PDLOBJ = "PDL"; # define pp-funcs in this package
for ('Top','Bot','Middle') { $::PDLPM{$_}="" }
@::PDLPMISA=('PDL::Exporter', 'DynaLoader');
@::PDL_IFBEGINWRAP = ('','');
$::PDLCOREIMPORT = ""; #import list from core, defaults to everything, i.e. use Core
# could be set to () for importing nothing from core. or qw/ barf / for
# importing barf only.
goto &Exporter::import;
# query/set boundschecking
# if on the generated XS code will have optional boundschecking
# that can be turned on/off at runtime(!) using
# __PACKAGE__::set_boundscheck(arg); # arg should be 0/1
# if off code is speed optimized and no runtime boundschecking
# can be performed
# ON by default
sub pp_boundscheck {
my $ret = $PP::boundscheck;
$PP::boundscheck = $_[0] if $#_ > -1;
return $ret;
sub pp_beginwrap {
sub pp_setversion {
my ($ver) = @_;
$ver = qq{'$ver'} if $ver !~ /['"]/;
$::PDLVERSIONSET = "our \$VERSION = $ver;";
sub pp_addhdr {
my ($hdr) = @_;
$::PDLXSC .= $hdr;
sub pp_addpm {
my $pm = shift;
my $pos;
if (ref $pm) {
my $opt = $pm;
$pm = shift;
croak "unknown option" unless defined $opt->{At} &&
$opt->{At} =~ /^(Top|Bot|Middle)$/;
$pos = $opt->{At};
} else {
$pos = 'Middle';
$::PDLPM{$pos} .= "$pm\n\n";
sub pp_add_exported {
# my ($this,$exp) = @_;
my $exp = join ' ', @_; # get rid of this silly $this argument
$::PDLPMROUT .= $exp." ";
sub pp_addbegin {
my ($cmd) = @_;
if ($cmd =~ /^\s*BOOT\s*$/) {
} else {
$::PDLBEGIN .= $cmd."\n";
# Sub to call to export nothing (i.e. for building OO package/object)
sub pp_export_nothing {
$::PDLPMROUT = ' ';
sub pp_add_isa {
push @::PDLPMISA,@_;
sub pp_add_boot {
my ($boot) = @_;
$::PDLXSBOOT .= $boot." ";
sub pp_bless{
$::PDLOBJ = $new_package;
# sub to call to set the import list from core on the 'Use Core' line in the .pm file.
# set to '()' to not import anything from Core, or 'qw/ barf /' to import barf.
sub pp_core_importList{
sub printxs {
$::PDLXS .= join'',@_;
sub pp_addxs {
PDL::PP->printxs("\nMODULE = $::PDLMOD PACKAGE = $::CALLPACK\n\n",
# inserts #line directives into source text. Use like this:
# ...
# FirstKey => ...,
# Code => pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $x . $y . $c),
# OtherKey => ...
sub pp_line_numbers ($$) {
my ($line, $string) = @_;
# The line needs to be incremented by one for the bookkeeping to work
# Get the source filename using caller()
my (undef, $filename) = caller;
# Escape backslashes:
$filename =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
my @to_return = "\n#line $line \"$filename\"\n";
# Look for threadloops and loops and add # line directives
foreach (split (/\n/, $string)) {
# Always add the current line.
s/^=/ =/; # so doesn't look like POD
push @to_return, "$_\n";
# If we need to add a # line directive, do so after incrementing
if (/%\{/ or /%}/) {
push @to_return, "#line $line \"$filename\"\n";
return join('', @to_return);
sub printxsc {
$::PDLXSC .= join '',@_;
sub pp_done {
return if $PDL::PP::done; # do only once!
$PDL::PP::done = 1;
$::FUNCSPOD = $::DOCUMENTED ? "\n\n=head1 FUNCTIONS\n\n\n\n=cut\n\n\n"
: '';
print "DONE!\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
print "Inline running PDL::PP version $PDL::PP::VERSION...\n" if nopm();
(my $fh = FileHandle->new(">$::PDLPREF.xs")) or die "Couldn't open xs file\n";
my $pdl_boot = PDL::Core::Dev::PDL_BOOT('PDL', $::PDLMOD); # don't hardcode in more than one place
$fh->print(pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, qq%
#define PDL_COMMENT(comment)
PDL_COMMENT("This preprocessor symbol is used to add commentary in the PDL ")
PDL_COMMENT("autogenerated code. Normally, one would use typical C-style ")
PDL_COMMENT("multiline comments (i.e. /* comment */). However, because such ")
PDL_COMMENT("comments do not nest, it's not possible for PDL::PP users to ")
PDL_COMMENT("comment-out sections of code using multiline comments, as is ")
PDL_COMMENT("often the practice when debugging, for example. So, when you ")
PDL_COMMENT("see something like this: ")
PDL_COMMENT("Memory access")
PDL_COMMENT("just think of it as a C multiline comment like: ")
PDL_COMMENT(" /* Memory access */ ")
#include "EXTERN.h"
#include "perl.h"
#include "XSUB.h"
#include "pdl.h"
#include "pdlcore.h"
static Core* PDL; PDL_COMMENT("Structure hold core C functions")
static int __pdl_debugging = 0;
static int __pdl_boundscheck = 0;
static SV* CoreSV; PDL_COMMENT("Gets pointer to perl var holding core structure")
#if ! $PP::boundscheck
# define PP_INDTERM(max, at) at
# define PP_INDTERM(max, at) (__pdl_boundscheck? PDL->safe_indterm(max,at, __FILE__, __LINE__) : at)
int i;
RETVAL = __pdl_debugging;
__pdl_debugging = i;
int i;
if (! $PP::boundscheck)
warn("Bounds checking is disabled for $::PDLMOD");
RETVAL = __pdl_boundscheck;
__pdl_boundscheck = i;
PDL_COMMENT("Get pointer to structure of core shared C routines")
PDL_COMMENT("make sure PDL::Core is loaded")
unless (nopm) {
$::PDLPMISA = "'".join("','",@::PDLPMISA)."'";
unless $::PDLBEGIN =~ /^\s*$/;
($fh = FileHandle->new(">$")) or die "Couldn't open pm file\n";
# GENERATED WITH PDL::PP! Don't modify!
package $::PDLPACK;
our \@EXPORT_OK = qw($::PDLPMROUT);
our \%EXPORT_TAGS = (Func=>[\@EXPORT_OK]);
use PDL::Exporter;
use DynaLoader;
our \@ISA = ( $::PDLPMISA );
push \@PDL::Core::PP, __PACKAGE__;
# Exit with OK status
%); # end of print
} # unless (nopm) {...
} # end pp_done
sub pp_def {
my($name,%obj) = @_;
print "*** Entering pp_def for $name\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
# See if the 'name' is multiline, in which case we extract the
# name and add the FullDoc field
if ($name =~ /\n/) {
my $fulldoc = $name;
# See if the very first thing is a word. That is going to be the
# name of the function under consideration
if ($fulldoc =~ s/^(\w+)//) {
$name = $1;
elsif ($fulldoc =~ /=head2 (\w+)/) {
$name = $1;
else {
croak('Unable to extract name');
$obj{FullDoc} = $fulldoc;
$obj{Name} = $name;
print "Output of translate for $name:\n" . Dumper(\%obj) . "\n"
if exists $obj{Dump} and $obj{Dump} and $::PP_VERBOSE;
croak("ERROR: No FreeFunc for pp_def=$name!\n")
unless exists $obj{FreeFunc}; # and $obj{FreeFunc};
PDL::PP->printxsc(join "\n\n",@obj{'StructDecl','RedoDimsFunc',
pp_add_boot($obj{XSBootCode} . $obj{BootSetNewXS});
PDL::PP::pp_addpm("\n".$obj{PdlDoc}."\n") if $obj{PdlDoc};
print "*** Leaving pp_def for $name\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
# marks this module as deprecated. This handles the user warnings, and adds a
# notice into the documentation. Can take a {infavor => "newmodule"} option
sub pp_deprecate_module
my $options;
if( ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ) { $options = shift; }
else { $options = { @_ }; }
my $infavor;
if( $options && ref $options eq 'HASH' && $options->{infavor} )
$infavor = $options->{infavor};
my $mod = $::PDLMOD;
my $envvar = 'PDL_SUPPRESS_DEPRECATION_WARNING__' . uc $mod;
$envvar =~ s/::/_/g;
my $warning_main =
"$mod is deprecated.";
$warning_main .=
" Please use $infavor instead." if $infavor;
my $warning_suppression_runtime =
"This module will be removed in the future; please update your code.\n" .
"Set the environment variable $envvar\n" .
"to suppress this warning\n";
my $warning_suppression_pod =
"A warning will be generated at runtime upon a C<use> of this module\n" .
"This warning can be suppressed by setting the $envvar\n" .
"environment variable\n";
my $deprecation_notice = <<EOF ;
$deprecation_notice =~ s/^XXX=/=/gms;
pp_addpm( {At => 'Top'}, $deprecation_notice );
pp_addpm {At => 'Top'}, <<EOF;
warn \"$warning_main\n$warning_suppression_runtime\" unless \$ENV{$envvar};
# Worst memleaks: not freeing things at redodims or
# final free time (thread, dimmed things).
use Carp;
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub {print Carp::longmess(@_); die;}
if $::PP_VERBOSE; # seems to give us trouble with 5.6.1
use PDL::PP::Signature;
use PDL::PP::Dims;
use PDL::PP::CType;
use PDL::PP::XS;
use PDL::PP::SymTab;
use PDL::PP::PDLCode;
# This is ripped from xsubpp to ease the parsing of the typemap.
our $proto_re = "[" . quotemeta('\$%&*@;[]') . "]" ;
sub ValidProtoString ($)
my($string) = @_ ;
if ( $string =~ /^$proto_re+$/ ) {
return $string ;
return 0 ;
sub C_string ($)
my($string) = @_ ;
$string =~ s[\\][\\\\]g ;
$string ;
sub TrimWhitespace
$_[0] =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//go ;
sub TidyType
local ($_) = @_ ;
# rationalise any '*' by joining them into bunches and removing whitespace
s#(\*+)# $1 #g ;
# change multiple whitespace into a single space
s/\s+/ /g ;
# trim leading & trailing whitespace
TrimWhitespace($_) ;
$_ ;
# Typemap handling in PP.
# This subroutine does limited input typemap conversion.
# Given a variable name (to set), its type, and the source
# for the variable, returns the correct input typemap entry.
# Original version: D. Hunt 4/13/00 - Current version J. Brinchmann (06/05/05)
# This is an extended typemap handler from the one earlier written by
# Doug Hunt. It should work exactly as the older version, but with extensions.
# Instead of handling a few special cases explicitly we now use Perl's
# built-in typemap handling using code taken straight from xsubpp.
# I have infact kept the old part of the code here because I belive any
# subsequent hackers might find it very helpful to refer to this code to
# understand what the following does. So here goes:
# ------------ OLD TYPEMAP PARSING: ------------------------
# # Note that I now just look at the basetype. I don't
# # test whether it is a pointer to the base type or not.
# # This is done because it is simpler and I know that the otherpars
# # belong to a restricted set of types. I know a char will really
# # be a char *, for example. I also know that an SV will be an SV *.
# # yes, but how about catching syntax errors in OtherPars (CS)?
# # shouldn't we really parse the perl typemap (we can steal the code
# # from xsubpp)?
# my $OLD_PARSING=0;
# if ($OLD_PARSING) {
# my %typemap = (char => "(char *)SvPV($arg,PL_na)",
# short => "(short)SvIV($arg)",
# int => "(int)SvIV($arg)",
# long => "(long)SvIV($arg)",
# double => "(double)SvNV($arg)",
# float => "(float)SvNV($arg)",
# SV => "$arg",
# );
# my $basetype = $type->{Base};
# $basetype =~ s/\s+//g; # get rid of whitespace
# die "Cannot find $basetype in my (small) typemap" unless exists($typemap{$basetype});
# return ($typemap{$basetype});
# }
#--------- END OF THE OLD CODE ---------------
# The code loads the typemap from the Perl typemap using the loading logic of
# xsubpp. Do note that I made the assumption that
# $Config{}installprivlib}/ExtUtils was the right root directory for the search.
# This could break on some systems?
# Also I do _not_ parse the Typemap argument from ExtUtils::MakeMaker because I don't
# know how to catch it here! This would be good to fix! It does look for a file
# called typemap in the current directory however.
# The parsing of the typemap is mechanical and taken straight from xsubpp and
# the resulting hash lookup is then used to convert the input type to the
# necessary outputs (as seen in the old code above)
# JB 06/05/05
sub typemap {
my $oname = shift;
my $type = shift;
my $arg = shift;
# Modification to parse Perl's typemap here.
# The default search path for the typemap taken from xsubpp. It seems it is
# necessary to prepend the installprivlib/ExtUtils directory to find the typemap.
# It is not clear to me how this is to be done.
my ($typemap, $mode, $junk, $current, %input_expr,
%proto_letter, %output_expr, %type_kind);
# according to MM_Unix 'privlibexp' is the right directory
# seems to work even on OS X (where installprivlib breaks things)
# if this does not work portably we should split out the typemap finding code
# and make it as complex as necessary + save the typemap location
# in the PDL::Config hash
my $_rootdir = $Config{privlibexp}.'/ExtUtils/';
# print "_rootdir set to '$_rootdir'\n";
# First the system typemaps..
my @tm = ($_rootdir.'../../../../lib/ExtUtils/typemap',
$_rootdir.'../../typemap', $_rootdir.'../typemap',
# Finally tag onto the end, the current directory typemap. Ideally we should here pick
# up the TYPEMAPS flag from ExtUtils::MakeMaker, but a) I don't know how and b)
# it is only a slight inconvenience hopefully!
# Note that the OUTPUT typemap is unlikely to be of use here, but I have kept
# the source code from xsubpp for tidiness.
push @tm, 'typemap';
my $foundtm = 0;
foreach $typemap (@tm) {
next unless -f $typemap ;
# skip directories, binary files etc.
warn("Warning: ignoring non-text typemap file '$typemap'\n"), next
unless -T $typemap ;
$foundtm = 1;
open(TYPEMAP, $typemap)
or warn ("Warning: could not open typemap file '$typemap': $!\n"), next;
$mode = 'Typemap';
$junk = "" ;
$current = \$junk;
local $_; # else get "Modification of a read-only value attempted"
while (<TYPEMAP>) {
next if /^\s*#/;
my $line_no = $. + 1;
if (/^INPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Input'; $current = \$junk; next; }
if (/^OUTPUT\s*$/) { $mode = 'Output'; $current = \$junk; next; }
if (/^TYPEMAP\s*$/) { $mode = 'Typemap'; $current = \$junk; next; }
if ($mode eq 'Typemap') {
my $line = $_ ;
TrimWhitespace($_) ;
# skip blank lines and comment lines
next if /^$/ or /^#/ ;
my($t_type,$kind, $proto) = /^\s*(.*?\S)\s+(\S+)\s*($proto_re*)\s*$/ or
warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' TYPEMAP entry needs 2 or 3 columns\n"), next;
$t_type = TidyType($t_type) ;
$type_kind{$t_type} = $kind ;
# prototype defaults to '$'
$proto = "\$" unless $proto ;
warn("Warning: File '$typemap' Line $. '$line' Invalid prototype '$proto'\n")
unless ValidProtoString($proto) ;
$proto_letter{$t_type} = C_string($proto) ;
elsif (/^\s/) {
$$current .= $_;
elsif ($mode eq 'Input') {
$input_expr{$_} = '';
$current = \$input_expr{$_};
else {
$output_expr{$_} = '';
$current = \$output_expr{$_};
carp "**CRITICAL** PP found no typemap in $_rootdir/typemap; this will cause problems..."
unless $foundtm;
# Do checks...
# First reconstruct the type declaration to look up in type_kind
my $full_type=TidyType($type->get_decl('')); # Skip the variable name
die "The type =$full_type= does not have a typemap entry!\n" unless exists($type_kind{$full_type});
my $typemap_kind = $type_kind{$full_type};
# Look up the conversion from the INPUT typemap. Note that we need to do some
# massaging of this.
my $input = $input_expr{$typemap_kind};
# Remove all before =:
$input =~ s/^(.*?)=\s*//; # This should not be very expensive
# Replace $arg with $arg
$input =~ s/\$arg/$arg/;
# And type with $full_type
$input =~ s/\$type/$full_type/;
return ($input);
sub identity2priv {
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '
int i;
for(i=0; i<$CHILD(ndims); i++) {
$CHILD(dims[i]) = $PARENT(dims[i]);
sub pdimexpr2priv {
my($pdimexpr,$hdr,$dimcheck) = @_;
$pdimexpr =~ s/\$CDIM\b/i/g;
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '
int i,cor;
$PRIV(offs) = 0;
for(i=0; i<$CHILD(ndims); i++) {
cor = '.$pdimexpr.';
$CHILD(dims[i]) = $PARENT(dims[cor]);
$PRIV(incs[i]) = $PARENT(dimincs[cor]);
# something to do with copying values between parent and children
# we can NOT assume that PARENT and CHILD have the same type,
# hence the version for bad code
# NOTE: we use the same code for 'good' and 'bad' cases - it's
# just that when we use it for 'bad' data, we have to change the
# definition of the EQUIVCPOFFS macro - see the Code rule
sub equivcpoffscode {
'PDL_Indx i;
for(i=0; i<$CHILD_P(nvals); i++) {
} # sub: equivcpoffscode()
# Pars -> ParNames, Parobjs
# - the need for BadFlag is due to hacked get_xsdatapdecl()
# in PP/PdlParObj and because the PdlParObjs are created by
# PDL::PP::Signature (Doug Burke 07/08/00)
sub Pars_nft {
my($str,$badflag) = @_;
my $sig = PDL::PP::Signature->new($str,$badflag);
return ($sig->names,$sig->objs,1);
# ParNames,Parobjs -> DimObjs
sub ParObjs_DimObjs {
my($pnames,$pobjs) = @_;
my ($dimobjs) = PDL::PP::PdlDimsObj->new();
for(@$pnames) {
return ($dimobjs);
# Eliminate whitespace entries
sub nospacesplit {map {/^\s*$/?():$_} split $_[0],$_[1]}
sub OtherPars_nft {
my($otherpars,$dimobjs) = @_;
# support 'int ndim => n;' syntax
for (nospacesplit ';',$otherpars) {
if (/^\s*([^=]+)\s*=>\s*(\S+)\s*$/) {
my ($ctype,$dim) = ($1,$2);
$ctype =~ s/(\S+)\s+$/$1/; # get rid of trailing ws
print "OtherPars: setting dim '$dim' from '$ctype'\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
$type = PDL::PP::CType->new(undef,$ctype);
croak "can't set unknown dimension"
unless defined($dimobjs->{$dim});
} elsif(/^\s*pdl\s+\*\s*(\w+)$/) {
# It is a piddle -> make it a controlling one.
die("Not supported yet");
} else {
$type = PDL::PP::CType->new(undef,$_);
my $name = $type->protoname;
if ($name =~ /$INVALID_OTHERPARS_RE/) {
croak "Invalid OtherPars name: $name";
push @names,$name;
$types{$name} = $type;
return (\@names,\%types);
sub NXArgs {
my($parnames,$parobjs,$onames,$oobjs) = @_;
my $pdltype = PDL::PP::CType->new(undef,"pdl *__foo__");
my $nxargs = [
( map {[$_,$pdltype]} @$parnames ),
( map {[$_,$oobjs->{$_}]} @$onames )
return $nxargs;
# - the need for BadFlag is due to hacked get_xsdatapdecl()
# in PP/PdlParObj and because the PdlParObjs are created by
# PDL::PP::Signature (Doug Burke 07/08/00)
sub NewParentChildPars {
my($p2child,$name,$badflag) = @_;
return (Pars_nft("PARENT(); [oca]CHILD();",$badflag),0,"${name}_NN");
# - the need for BadFlag is due to hacked get_xsdatapdecl()
# in PP/PdlParObj and because the PdlParObjs are created by
# PDL::PP::Signature (Doug Burke 07/08/00)
# however, it looks like this isn't being used anymore,
# so commenting out.
#sub ParentChildPars {
# my($p2child,$name,$badflag) = @_;
# return (Pars_nft("PARENT(); [oca]CHILD();",$badflag),0,"${name}_XX",
# "
# *$name = \\&PDL::$name;
# sub PDL::$name {
# my \$this = shift;
# my \$foo=\$this->null;
# PDL::${name}_XX(\$this,\$foo,\@_);
# \$foo
# }
# ");
sub mkstruct {
my($pnames,$pobjs,$comp,$priv,$name) = @_;
my $npdls = $#$pnames+1;
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, qq{typedef struct $name {
char __ddone; PDL_COMMENT("Dims done")
} $name;});
sub def_vtable {
$pnames,$pobjs,$affine_ok,$foofname) = @_;
my $nparents = 0 + grep {! $pobjs->{$_}->{FlagW}} @$pnames;
my $aff = ($affine_ok ? "PDL_TPDL_VAFFINE_OK" : 0);
my $npdls = scalar @$pnames;
my $join_flags = join",",map {$pobjs->{$pnames->[$_]}->{FlagPhys} ?
0 : $aff} 0..$npdls-1;
if($Config{cc} eq 'cl') {
$join_flags = '""' if $join_flags eq '';
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "static char ${vname}_flags[] =
{ ". $join_flags . "};
pdl_transvtable $vname = {
0,0, $nparents, $npdls, ${vname}_flags,
$rdname, $rfname, $wfname,
sub sort_pnobjs {
my($pnames,$pobjs) = @_;
my (@nn);
for(@$pnames) { push ( @nn, $_ ) unless $pobjs->{$_}{FlagW}; }
for(@$pnames) { push ( @nn, $_ ) if $pobjs->{$_}{FlagW}; }
my $no = 0;
for(@nn) { $pobjs->{$_}{Number} = $no++; }
return (\@nn,$pobjs);
# XXX __privtrans explicit :(
sub wrap_vfn {
my($code,$hdrinfo,$rout,$p2child,$name) = @_;
my $type = ($name eq "copy" ? "pdl_trans *" : "void");
my $sname = $hdrinfo->{StructName};
my $oargs = ($name eq "foo" ? ",int i1,int i2,int i3" : "");
my $str = PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, qq|$type $rout(pdl_trans *__tr $oargs) {
int __dim;
$sname *__privtrans = ($sname *) __tr;\n|);
if ( $p2child ) {
$str .= "\tpdl *__it = ((pdl_trans_affine *)(__tr))->pdls[1];\n\tpdl *__parent = __tr->pdls[0];\n";
$str .= "\tPDL_PERL_HDRCOPY\n" if $name eq "redodims";
$str .= "\t{\n$code\n\t}\n" if $code;
sub makesettrans {
my($pnames,$pobjs,$symtab) = @_;
my $trans = $symtab->get_symname('_PDL_ThisTrans');
my $no=0;
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, (join '',map {
"$trans->pdls[".($no++)."] = $_;\n"
} @$pnames).
"PDL->make_trans_mutual((pdl_trans *)$trans);\n");
sub CopyOtherPars {
my($onames,$otypes,$symtab) = @_; my $repr;
my $sname = $symtab->get_symname('_PDL_ThisTrans');
for(@$onames) {
$repr .= $otypes->{$_}->get_copy("$_","$sname->$_");
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $repr);
sub mkxscat {
my($glb,$xs_c_headers,$hdr,@bits) = @_;
if($glb) {
$prelude = join '' => ($xs_c_headers->[0], @bits, $xs_c_headers->[1]);
$boot = $xs_c_headers->[3];
$str = "$hdr\n";
} else {
my $xscode = join '' => @bits;
$str = "$hdr CODE:\n { $xscode XSRETURN(0);\n}\n\n";
$str =~ s/(\s*\n)+/\n/g;
(PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str),$boot,$prelude)
sub mkVarArgsxscat {
my($glb,$xs_c_headers,$hdr,@bits) = @_;
if($glb) {
$prelude = join '' => ($xs_c_headers->[0], @bits, $xs_c_headers->[1]);
$boot = $xs_c_headers->[3];
$str = "$hdr\n";
} else {
my $xscode = join '' => @bits;
$str = "$hdr \n { $xscode \n}\n\n";
$str =~ s/(\s*\n)+/\n/g;
(PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str),$boot,$prelude)
sub MakeNows {
my($pnames, $symtab) = @_;
my $str = "\n";
for(@$pnames) { $str .= "$_ = PDL->make_now($_);\n"; }
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str);
sub Sym2Loc { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $_[0]->decl_locals()) }
sub MkPrivStructInit {
my( $symtab, $vtable, $affflag, $nopdlthread ) = @_;
my $sname = $symtab->get_symname('_PDL_ThisTrans');
my $clrmagic = $nopdlthread ?"":"PDL_THR_CLRMAGIC(&$sname->__pdlthread)";
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "PDL_XS_PRIVSTRUCT($sname, $clrmagic, $affflag, $vtable)\n");
sub MkDefSyms {
return PDL::PP::SymTab->new(
_PDL_ThisTrans => ["__privtrans",PDL::PP::CType->new(undef,"$_[0] *foo")],
sub AddArgsyms {
my($symtab,$args) = @_;
map {($_->[0],$_->[0])} @$args
return $symtab;
sub indent($$) {
my ($text,$ind) = @_;
$text =~ s/^(.*)$/$ind$1/mg;
return $text;
# This subroutine generates the XS code needed to call the perl 'initialize'
# routine in order to create new output PDLs
sub callPerlInit {
my $names = shift; # names of variables to initialize
my $ci = shift; # current indenting
my $callcopy = $#_ > -1 ? shift : 0;
my $ret = '';
foreach my $name (@$names) {
my ($to_push, $method) = $callcopy
? ('parent', 'copy')
: ('sv_2mortal(newSVpv(objname, 0))', 'initialize');
$ret .= "PDL_XS_PERLINIT($name, $to_push, $method)\n";
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, indent($ret,$ci));
} #sub callPerlInit()
# This subroutine is called when no 'otherpars' exist.
# This writes an XS header which handles variable argument lists,
# thus avoiding the perl layer in calling the routine. D. Hunt 4/11/00
# The use of 'DO NOT SET!!' looks ugly.
# Removing useless use of hasp2child in this function. DCM Sept 12, 2011
sub VarArgsXSHdr {
$pmcode,$hdrcode,$inplacecode,$globalnew,$callcopy,$bitwise) = @_;
# Don't do var args processing if the user has pre-defined pmcode
return 'DO NOT SET!!' if ($pmcode);
# don't generate a HDR if globalnew is set
# globalnew implies internal usage, not XS
return undef if $globalnew;
my $ci = ' '; # current indenting
my $pars = join "\n",map {$ci.$_->[1]->get_decl($_->[0]).";"} @$xsargs;
my @args = map { $_->[0] } @$xsargs;
my %out = map { $_ => exists($$parobjs{$_})
&& exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagOut})
&& !exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagCreateAlways})}
my %outca = map { $_ => exists($$parobjs{$_})
&& exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagOut})
&& exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagCreateAlways})}
my %tmp = map { $_ => exists($$parobjs{$_}) && exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagTemp}) } @args;
my %other = map { $_ => exists($$optypes{$_}) } @args;
# remember, othervars *are* input vars
my $nout = (grep { $_ } values %out);
my $noutca = (grep { $_ } values %outca);
my $nother = (grep { $_ } values %other);
my $ntmp = (grep { $_ } values %tmp);
my $ntot = @args;
my $nmaxonstack = $ntot - $noutca;
my $nin = $ntot - ($nout + $noutca + $ntmp);
my $ninout = $nin + $nout;
my $nallout = $nout + $noutca;
my $usageargs = join (",", @args);
$ci = ' '; # Current indenting
# Generate declarations for SV * variables corresponding to pdl * output variables.
# These are used in creating output and temp variables. One variable (ex: SV * outvar1_SV;)
# is needed for each output and output create always argument
my $svdecls = join ("\n", map { "${ci}SV *${_}_SV;" } grep { $out{$_} || $outca{$_} || $tmp{$_} } @args);
my @create = (); # The names of variables which need to be created by calling
# the 'initialize' perl routine from the correct package.
$ci = ' '; # Current indenting
# clause for reading in all variables
my $clause1 = ''; my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#args ) {
my $x = $args[$i];
if ($other{$x}) { # other par
$clause1 .= "$ci$x = " . typemap($x, $$optypes{$x}, "ST($cnt)") . ";\n";
} elsif ($outca{$x}) {
push (@create, $x);
} else {
$clause1 .= "$ci$x = PDL->SvPDLV(ST($cnt));\n";
# Add code for creating output variables via call to 'initialize' perl routine
$clause1 .= callPerlInit (\@create, $ci, $callcopy);
@create = ();
# clause for reading in input and output vars and creating temps
my $clause2;
# skip this clause if there are no temps
if ($nmaxonstack == $ninout) {
$clause2 = '';
} else {
$clause2 = "\n else if (items == $ninout) { PDL_COMMENT(\"all but temps on stack, read in output, create temps\")" .
" nreturn = $noutca;\n";
$cnt = 0;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#args ) {
my $x = $args[$i];
if ($other{$x}) {
$clause2 .= "$ci$x = " . typemap($x, $$optypes{$x}, "ST($cnt)") . ";\n";
} elsif ($tmp{$x} || $outca{$x}) {
# a temporary or always create variable
push (@create, $x);
} else { # an input or output variable
$clause2 .= "$ci$x = PDL->SvPDLV(ST($cnt));\n";
# Add code for creating output variables via call to 'initialize' perl routine
$clause2 .= callPerlInit (\@create, $ci, $callcopy);
$clause2 .= "}\n";
@create = ();
# clause for reading in input and creating output and temp vars
my $clause3 = '';
$cnt = 0;
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#args ) {
my $x = $args[$i];
if ($other{$x}) {
$clause3 .= "$ci$x = " . typemap($x, $$optypes{$x}, "ST($cnt)") . ";\n";
} elsif ($out{$x} || $tmp{$x} || $outca{$x}) {
push (@create, $x);
} else {
$clause3 .= "$ci$x = PDL->SvPDLV(ST($cnt));\n";
# Add code for creating output variables via call to 'initialize' perl routine
$clause3 .= callPerlInit (\@create, $ci, $callcopy); @create = ();
# Bitwise ops may get five args
my $bitwise_cond = $bitwise ? " || items == 5" : '';
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, <<END);
if (items == $nmaxonstack) { PDL_COMMENT("all variables on stack, read in output and temp vars")
nreturn = $noutca;
else if (items == $nin$bitwise_cond) { PDL_COMMENT("only input variables on stack, create outputs and temps")
nreturn = $nallout;
else {
croak (\"Usage: PDL::$name($usageargs) (you may leave temporaries or output variables out of list)\");
} # sub: VarArgsXSHdr()
# This subroutine produces the code which returns output variables
# or leaves them as modified input variables. D. Hunt 4/10/00
sub VarArgsXSReturn {
my($xsargs, $parobjs, $globalnew ) = @_;
# don't generate a HDR if globalnew is set
# globalnew implies internal usage, not XS
return undef if $globalnew;
my @outs; # names of output variables (in calling order)
# beware of existance tests like this: $$parobjs{$arg->[0]}{FlagOut} !
# this will cause $$parobjs{$arg->[0]} to spring into existance even if $$parobjs{$arg->[0]}{FlagOut}
# does not exist!!
foreach my $arg (@$xsargs) {
my $x = $arg->[0];
push (@outs, $x) if (exists ($$parobjs{$x}) and exists ($$parobjs{$x}{FlagOut}));
my $clause1 = join ';', map "ST($_) = $outs[$_]_SV", 0 .. $#outs;
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "PDL_XS_RETURN($clause1)");
sub XSCHdrs {
my($name,$pars,$gname) = @_;
# Hmmm, do we need $shortpars at all?
#my $shortpars = join ',',map {$_->[0]} @$pars;
my $longpars = join ",",map {$_->[1]->get_decl($_->[0])} @$pars;
return ["void $name($longpars) {","}","",
"PDL->$gname = $name;"];
# abstract the access to the bad value status
# - means we can easily change the representation without too
# many changes
# it's also used in one place in PP/
# -- there it's hard-coded
sub set_badflag { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(bvalflag) = 1;' . "\n") }
sub clear_badflag { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(bvalflag) = 0;' . "\n") }
sub get_badflag { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(bvalflag)') }
sub get_badflag_priv { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$PRIV(bvalflag)') }
sub set_badstate {
my $pdl = shift;
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "\$SETPDLSTATEBAD($pdl)")
sub clear_badstate {
my $pdl = shift;
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "\$SETPDLSTATEGOOD($pdl)")
sub get_badstate {
my $pdl = shift;
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "\$ISPDLSTATEBAD($pdl)")
# checks the input piddles to see if the routine
# is being any data containing bad values
# if FindBadStatusCode is set, use it,
# otherwise create the code automatically.
# - in the automatic code creation,
# if $badflag is 0, rather than being undefined, then
# we issue a warning if any piddles contain bad values
# (and set the bvalflag to 0)
# XXX it looks like output piddles are included in the
# check. I *think* this is just wasted code, but I'm
# not sure.
sub findbadstatus {
my ( $badflag, $badcode, $xsargs, $parobjs, $optypes, $symtab, $name ) = @_;
return '' unless $bvalflag;
return PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $badcode) if defined $badcode;
my $sname = $symtab->get_symname('_PDL_ThisTrans');
my @args = map { $_->[0] } @$xsargs;
my %out = map {
$_ =>
exists($$parobjs{$_}) && exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagOut})
&& !exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagCreateAlways})
} @args;
my %outca = map {
$_ =>
exists($$parobjs{$_}) && exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagOut})
&& exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagCreateAlways})
} @args;
my %tmp = map {
$_ =>
exists($$parobjs{$_}) && exists($$parobjs{$_}{FlagTemp})
} @args;
my %other = map { $_ => exists($$optypes{$_}) } @args;
my $clear_bad = clear_badflag();
my $set_bad = set_badflag();
my $get_bad = get_badflag();
my $str = $clear_bad;
# set the badflag_cache variable if any input piddle has the bad flag set
my $add = 0;
my $badflag_str = " \$BADFLAGCACHE() = ";
foreach my $i ( 0 .. $#args ) {
my $x = $args[$i];
unless ( $other{$x} or $out{$x} or $tmp{$x} or $outca{$x}) {
if ($add) { $badflag_str .= " || "; }
else { $add = 1; }
$badflag_str .= get_badstate($args[$i]);
# It is possible, at present, for $add to be 0. I think this is when
# the routine has no input piddles, such as fibonacci in primitive.pd,
# but there may be other cases. These routines could/should (?)
# be marked as NoBadCode to avoid this, or maybe the code here made
# smarter. Left as is for now as do not want to add instability into
# the 2.4.3 release if I can help it - DJB 23 Jul 2006
if ($add != 0) {
$str .= $badflag_str . ";\n if (\$BADFLAGCACHE()) ${set_bad}\n";
} else {
print "\nNOTE: $name has no input bad piddles.\n\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
if ( defined($badflag) and $badflag == 0 ) {
$str .=
" if ( $get_bad ) {
printf(\"WARNING: $name does not handle bad values.\\n\");
print "\nNOTE: $name does not handle bad values.\n\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
} # if: $badflag
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str)
} # sub: findbadstatus
# copies over the bad value state to the output piddles
# if CopyBadStatusCode is set, use it,
# otherwise create the code automatically.
# note: this is executed before the trans_mutual call
# is made, since the state may be changed by the
# Code section
sub copybadstatus {
my ( $badflag, $badcode, $xsargs, $parobjs, $symtab ) = @_;
## return '' unless $bvalflag or $badflag == 0;
return '' unless $bvalflag;
if (defined $badcode) {
# realised in 2.4.3 testing that use of $PRIV at this stage is
# dangerous since it may have been freed. So I introduced the
# $BFLACACHE variable which stores the $PRIV(bvalflag) value
# for use here.
# For now make the substitution automatic but it will likely become an
# error to use $PRIV(bvalflag) here.
if ($badcode =~ m/\$PRIV(bvalflag)/) {
$badcode =~ s/\$PRIV(bvalflag)/\$BADFLAGCACHE()/;
print "\nPDL::PP WARNING: copybadstatus contains '\$PRIV(bvalflag)'; replace with \$BADFLAGCACHE()\n\n";
return PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $badcode);
# names of output variables (in calling order)
my @outs;
# beware of existance tests like this: $$parobjs{$arg->[0]}{FlagOut} !
# this will cause $$parobjs{$arg->[0]} to spring into existance even if $$parobjs{$arg->[0]}{FlagOut}
# does not exist!!
foreach my $arg (@$xsargs) {
my $x = $arg->[0];
push (@outs, $x) if (exists ($$parobjs{$x}) and exists ($$parobjs{$x}{FlagOut}));
my $sname = $symtab->get_symname('_PDL_ThisTrans');
my $str = '';
# It appears that some code in Bad.xs sets the cache value but then
# this bit of code never gets called. Is this an efficiency issue (ie
# should we try and optimise away those ocurrences) or does it perform
# some purpose?
$str = "if (\$BADFLAGCACHE()) {\n";
foreach my $arg ( @outs ) {
$str .= " " . set_badstate($arg) . ";\n";
$str .= "}\n";
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str);
} # sub: copybadstatus()
# insert code, after the autogenerated xs argument processing code
# produced by VarArgsXSHdr and AFTER any in HdrCode
# - this code flags the routine as working inplace,
# Inplace can be supplied several values
# => 1
# assumes fn has an inout and output piddle (eg 'a(); [o] b();')
# => [ 'a' ]
# assumes several input piddles in sig, so 'a' labels which
# one is to be marked inplace
# => [ 'a', 'b' ]
# input piddle is a(), output pidle is 'b'
sub InplaceCode {
my ( $ppname, $xsargs, $parobjs, $arg ) = @_;
return '' unless defined $arg;
# find input and output piddles
my ( @in, @out );
foreach my $arg (@$xsargs) {
my $name = $arg->[0];
if ( exists $$parobjs{$name} ) {
if ( exists $$parobjs{$name}{FlagOut} ) {
push @out, $name;
} elsif ( ! exists $$parobjs{$name}{FlagTemp} ) {
push @in, $name;
# handle different values of arg
my ( $in, $out );
# default vals - only set if we have one input/output piddle
$in = $in[0] if $#in == 0;
$out = $out[0] if $#out == 0;
if ( ref($arg) eq "ARRAY" ) {
my $narg = $#$arg;
if ( $narg > -1 ) {
$in = $$arg[0];
$out = $$arg[1] if $narg > 0;
} elsif ( ref($arg) eq "" ) {
return '' unless $arg;
# use default values
} else {
die "ERROR: Inplace rule [$ppname] must be sent either an array ref or a scalar.\n";
die "ERROR: Inplace [$ppname] does not know name of input piddle\n"
unless defined $in;
die "ERROR: Inplace [$ppname] does not know name of output piddle\n"
unless defined $out;
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "PDL_XS_INPLACE($in, $out)\n");
} # sub: InplaceCode
# If there is an EquivCPOffsCode and:
# no bad-value support ==> use that
# bad value support ==> write a bit of code that does
# if ( $PRIV(bvalflag) ) { bad-EquivCPOffsCode }
# else { good-EquivCPOffsCode }
# Note: since EquivCPOffsCode doesn't (or I haven't seen any that
# do) use 'loop %{' or 'threadloop %{', we can't rely on
# PDLCode to automatically write code like above, hence the
# explicit definition here.
# Note: I *assume* that bad-Equiv..Code == good-Equiv..Code *EXCEPT*
# that we re-define the meaning of the $EQUIVCPOFFS macro to
# check for bad values when copying things over.
# This means having to write less code.
# Since PARENT & CHILD need NOT be the same type we cannot just copy
# values from one to the other - we have to check for the presence
# of bad values, hence the expansion for the $bad code
# Some operators (notably range) also have an out-of-range flag; they use
# the macro EQUIVCPTRUNC instead of EQUIVCPOFFS.
# $EQUIVCPTRUNC does the same as EQUIVCPOFFS but accepts a child-out-of-bounds
# flag. If the out-of-bounds flag is set, the forward code puts BAD/0 into
# the child, and reverse code refrains from copying.
# --CED 27-Jan-2003
# sent [EquivCPOffsCode,BadFlag]
# NOTE: EQUIVCPOFFS and EQUIVCPTRUNC both suffer from the macro-block
# wart of C preprocessing. They look like statements but sometimes
# process into blocks, so if/then/else constructs can get broken.
# Either (1) use blocks for if/then/else, or (2) get excited and
# use the "do {BLOCK} while(0)" block-to-statement conversion construct
# in the substitution. I'm too Lazy. --CED 27-Jan-2003
sub CodefromEquivCPOffsCode {
my $good = shift;
my $bflag = shift;
my $bad = $good;
# parse 'good' code
$good =~ s/\$EQUIVCPOFFS\(([^()]+),([^()]+)\)/\$PP(CHILD)[$1] = \$PP(PARENT)[$2]/g;
$good =~ s/\$EQUIVCPTRUNC\(([^()]+),([^()]+),([^()]+)\)/\$PP(CHILD)[$1] = ($3) ? 0 : \$PP(PARENT)[$2]/g;
my $str = $good;
if ( defined $bflag and $bflag ) {
# parse 'bad' code
$bad =~ s/\$EQUIVCPOFFS\(([^()]+),([^()]+)\)/if( \$PPISBAD(PARENT,[$2]) ) { \$PPSETBAD(CHILD,[$1]); } else { \$PP(CHILD)[$1] = \$PP(PARENT)[$2]; }/g;
$bad =~ s/\$EQUIVCPTRUNC\(([^()]+),([^()]+),([^()]+)\)/ if( ($3) || \$PPISBAD(PARENT,[$2]) ) { \$PPSETBAD(CHILD,[$1]); } else {\$PP(CHILD)[$1] = \$PP(PARENT)[$2]; }/g;
$str = 'if( $PRIV(bvalflag) ) { ' . $bad . ' } else { ' . $good . '}';
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str);
} # sub: CodefromEquivCPOffsCode
# this just reverses PARENT & CHILD in the expansion of
# the $EQUIVCPOFFS macro (ie compared to CodefromEquivCPOffsCode)
sub BackCodefromEquivCPOffsCode {
my $good = shift;
my $bflag = shift;
my $bad = $good;
# parse 'good' code
$good =~ s/\$EQUIVCPOFFS\(([^()]+),([^()]+)\)/\$PP(PARENT)[$2] = \$PP(CHILD)[$1]/g;
$good =~ s/\$EQUIVCPTRUNC\(([^()]+),([^()]+),([^()]+)\)/if(!($3)) \$PP(PARENT)[$2] = \$PP(CHILD)[$1] /g;
my $str = $good;
if ( defined $bflag and $bflag ) {
# parse 'bad' code
$bad =~ s/\$EQUIVCPOFFS\(([^()]+),([^()]+)\)/if( \$PPISBAD(CHILD,[$1]) ) { \$PPSETBAD(PARENT,[$2]); } else { \$PP(PARENT)[$2] = \$PP(CHILD)[$1]; }/g;
$bad =~ s/\$EQUIVCPTRUNC\(([^()]+),([^()]+),([^()]+)\)/if(!($3)) { if( \$PPISBAD(CHILD,[$1]) ) { \$PPSETBAD(PARENT,[$2]); } else { \$PP(PARENT)[$2] = \$PP(CHILD)[$1]; } } /g;
$str = 'if ( $PRIV(bvalflag) ) { ' . $bad . ' } else { ' . $good . '}';
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str);
} # sub: BackCodefromEquivCPOffsCode
sub GenDocs {
my ($name,$pars,$otherpars,$doc,$baddoc) = @_;
# Allow explcit non-doc using Doc=>undef
return '' if $doc eq '' && (!defined $doc) && $doc==undef;
return '' if $doc =~ /^\s*internal\s*$/i;
# remove any 'bad' documentation if we're not compiling support
$baddoc = undef unless $bvalflag;
# If the doc string is one line let's have to for the
# reference card information as well
my @splitRes; # temp split variable to get rid of
# 'implicit split to @_ is deprecated' messages
$doc = "=for ref\n\n".$doc if( scalar(@splitRes = split("\n", $doc)) <= 1);
$pars = "P(); C()" unless $pars;
# Strip leading whitespace and trailing semicolons and whitespace
$pars =~ s/^\s*(.+[^;])[;\s]*$/$1/;
$otherpars =~ s/^\s*(.+[^;])[;\s]*$/$1/ if $otherpars;
my $sig = "$pars".( $otherpars ? "; $otherpars" : "");
$doc =~ s/\n(=cut\s*\n)+(\s*\n)*$/\n/m; # Strip extra =cut's
if ( defined $baddoc ) {
# Strip leading newlines and any =cut markings
$baddoc =~ s/\n(=cut\s*\n)+(\s*\n)*$/\n/m;
$baddoc =~ s/^\n+//;
$baddoc = "=for bad\n\n$baddoc";
my $baddoc_function_pod = <<"EOD" ;
XXX=head2 $name
XXX=for sig
Signature: ($sig)
$baddoc_function_pod =~ s/^XXX=/=/gms;
return $baddoc_function_pod;
sub ToIsReversible {
my($rev) = @_;
if($rev eq "1") {
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '$SETREVERSIBLE(1)')
} else {
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $rev)
sub make_newcoerce {
my($ftypes) = @_;
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, join '',map {
"$_->datatype = $ftypes->{$_}; "
} keys %$ftypes);
# Assuming that, if HASP2Child is true, we only have
# PARENT; CHILD parameters, so we can just take the
# datatype to be that of PARENT (which is set up by
# find_datatype()). Little bit complicated because
# we need to set CHILD's datatype under certain
# circumstances
sub coerce_types {
my($parnames,$parobjs,$ignore,$newstab,$hasp2child) = @_;
# assume [oca]CHILD();, although there might be an ignore
if ( $hasp2child ) {
my $child = $$parnames[1];
return "" if $ignore->{$child};
die "ERROR: expected $child to be [oca]\n"
unless $parobjs->{$child}{FlagCreateAlways};
return PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "$child\->datatype = \$PRIV(__datatype);\n$child\->has_badvalue = \$PRIV(has_badvalue);\n$child\->badvalue = \$PRIV(badvalue);\n");
my $str = "";
foreach ( @$parnames ) {
next if $ignore->{$_};
my $po = $parobjs->{$_};
my $dtype;
if ( $po->{FlagTyped} ) {
$dtype = $po->cenum();
$dtype = "PDLMAX($dtype,\$PRIV(__datatype))"
if $po->{FlagTplus};
} else {
$dtype = "\$PRIV(__datatype)";
if ( $po->{FlagCreateAlways} ) {
$str .= "$_->datatype = $dtype; ";
} else {
$str .=
"if( ($_->state & PDL_NOMYDIMS) && $_->trans == NULL ) {
$_->datatype = $dtype;
} else "
if $po->{FlagCreat};
$str .= "if($dtype != $_->datatype) {
$_ = PDL->get_convertedpdl($_,$dtype);
} # foreach: @$parnames
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str);
} # sub: coerce_types()
# First, finds the greatest datatype, then, if not supported, takes
# the largest type supported by the function.
# Not yet optimal.
# Assuming that, if HASP2Child is true, we only have
# PARENT; CHILD parameters, so we can just take the
# datatype to be that of PARENT (see also coerce_types())
sub find_datatype {
my($parnames,$parobjs,$ignore,$newstab,$gentypes,$hasp2child) = @_;
my $dtype = "\$PRIV(__datatype)";
# the check can probably be removed, but left in since I don't know
# what I'm doing (DJB)
die "ERROR: gentypes != $ntypes with p2child\n"
if $hasp2child and $#$gentypes != $ntypes;
return "$dtype = $$parnames[0]\->datatype;\n\$PRIV(has_badvalue) = $$parnames[0]\->has_badvalue;\n\$PRIV(badvalue) = $$parnames[0]\->badvalue;\n"
if $hasp2child;
my $str = "$dtype = 0;";
foreach ( @$parnames ) {
my $po = $parobjs->{$_};
next if $ignore->{$_} or $po->{FlagTyped} or $po->{FlagCreateAlways};
$str .= "if(";
$str .= "!(($_->state & PDL_NOMYDIMS) &&
$_->trans == NULL) && "
if $po->{FlagCreat};
$str .= "$dtype < $_->datatype) {
$dtype = $_->datatype;
} # foreach: @$parnames
$str .= join '', map { "if($dtype == PDL_$_) {}\nelse " }(@$gentypes);
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str .= "$dtype = PDL_$gentypes->[-1];\n");
} # sub: find_datatype()
sub NT2Decls_p {&NT2Decls__({ToPtrs=>1},@_);}
sub NT2Copies_p {&NT2Copies__({ToPtrs=>1},@_);}
sub NT2Free_p {&NT2Free__({ToPtrs=>1},@_);}
sub NT2Decls {&NT2Decls__({},@_);}
sub NT2Decls__ {
my($opts,$onames,$otypes) = @_;
my $decl;
my $dopts = {};
$dopts->{VarArrays2Ptrs} = 1 if $opts->{ToPtrs};
for(@$onames) {
$decl .= $otypes->{$_}->get_decl($_,$dopts).";";
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $decl);
sub NT2Copies__ {
my($opts,$onames,$otypes,$copyname) = @_;
my $decl;
my $dopts = {};
$dopts->{VarArrays2Ptrs} = 1 if $opts->{ToPtrs};
for(@$onames) {
$decl .= $otypes->{$_}->get_copy("\$PRIV($_)","$copyname->$_",
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $decl);
sub NT2Free__ {
my($opts,$onames,$otypes) = @_;
my $decl;
my $dopts = {};
$dopts->{VarArrays2Ptrs} = 1 if $opts->{ToPtrs};
for(@$onames) {
$decl .= $otypes->{$_}->get_free("\$PRIV($_)",
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $decl);
# The undef is just so that PrivIsInc gets set. Is this really
# needed (well, it is since the rule fails if there aren't 2
# return values; what I meant is what does PrivIsInc do for
# us?)
sub make_incsizes {
my($parnames,$parobjs,$dimobjs,$havethreading) = @_;
my $str = ($havethreading?"pdl_thread __pdlthread; ":"").
(join '',map {$parobjs->{$_}->get_incdecls} @$parnames).
(join '',map {$_->get_decldim} sort values %$dimobjs);
return ($str,undef);
sub make_incsize_copy {
my($parnames,$parobjs,$dimobjs,$copyname,$havethreading) = @_;
: "").
(join '',map {$parobjs->{$_}->get_incdecl_copy(sub{"\$PRIV($_[0])"},
sub{"$copyname->$_[0]"})} @$parnames).
(join '',map {$_->get_copydim(sub{"\$PRIV($_[0])"},
sub{"$copyname->$_[0]"})} sort values %$dimobjs)
sub make_incsize_free {
my($parnames,$parobjs,$dimobjs,$havethreading) = @_;
$havethreading ?
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, 'PDL->freethreadloop(&($PRIV(__pdlthread)));')
: ''
sub make_parnames {
my($pnames,$pobjs,$dobjs) = @_;
my @pdls = map {$pobjs->{$_}} @$pnames;
my $npdls = $#pdls+1;
my $join__parnames = join ",",map {qq|"$_"|} @$pnames;
my $join__realdims = join ",",map {$#{$_->{IndObjs}}+1} @pdls;
if($Config{cc} eq 'cl') {
$join__parnames = '""' if $join__parnames eq '';
$join__realdims = '0' if $join__realdims eq '';
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "PDL_PARNAMES(($join__parnames), ($join__realdims), $npdls, \"\$MODULE()::\$NAME()\")");
# hdrcheck -- examine the various PDLs that form the output PDL,
# and copy headers as necessary. The last header found with the hdrcpy
# bit set is used. This used to do just a simple ref copy but now
# it uses the perl routine PDL::_hdr_copy to do the dirty work. That
# routine makes a deep copy of the header. Copies of the deep copy
# are distributed to all the names of the piddle that are not the source
# of the header. I believe that is the Right Thing to do but I could be
# wrong.
# It's hard to read this sort of macro stuff so here's the flow:
# - Check the hdrcpy flag. If it's set, then check the header
# to see if it exists. If it doees, we need to call the
# perl-land PDL::_hdr_copy routine. There are some shenanigans
# to keep the return value from evaporating before we've had a
# chance to do our bit with it.
# - For each output argument in the function signature, try to put
# a reference to the new header into that argument's header slot.
# (For functions with multiple outputs, this produces multiple linked
# headers -- that could be Wrong; fixing it would require making
# yet more explicit copies!)
# - Remortalize the return value from PDL::_hdr_copy, so that we don't
# leak memory.
# --CED 12-Apr-2003
sub hdrcheck {
my ($pnames,$pobjs) = @_;
my $nn = $#$pnames;
my @names = map { "\$PRIV(pdls[$_])" } 0..$nn;
# from make_redodims_thread() we know that __creating[] == 0 unless
# ...{FlagCreat} is true
my $str = "
{ PDL_COMMENT(\"convenience block\")
void *hdrp = NULL;
char propagate_hdrcpy = 0;
SV *hdr_copy = NULL;
# Find a header among the possible names
foreach ( 0 .. $nn ) {
my $aux = $pobjs->{$pnames->[$_]}{FlagCreat} ? "!__creating[$_] &&" : "";
$str .= "PDL_HDRCHECK1($aux, $names[$_])\n";
$str .= "if (hdrp) {\nPDL_DEEPCOPY\n";
# if(hdrp) block is still open -- now reassign all the aliases...
# Found the header -- now copy it into all the right places.
$str .= "PDL_HDRCHECK2($names[$_])\n"
for grep $pobjs->{$pnames->[$_]}{FlagCreat}, 0 .. $nn;
$str .= '
if(hdr_copy != &PL_sv_undef)
SvREFCNT_dec(hdr_copy); PDL_COMMENT("make hdr_copy mortal again")
} PDL_COMMENT("end of if(hdrp) block")
} PDL_COMMENT("end of conv. block")
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $str);
} # sub: hdrcheck()
sub make_redodims_thread {
my($pnames,$pobjs,$dobjs,$dpars,$pcode, $noPthreadFlag) = @_;
my $str = PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, '');
my $npdls = @$pnames;
$noPthreadFlag = 0 unless( defined $noPthreadFlag ); # assume we can pthread, unless indicated otherwise
my $nn = $#$pnames;
my @privname = map { "\$PRIV(pdls[$_])" } ( 0 .. $nn );
if ($npdls) {
$str .= "PDL_Indx __creating[$npdls] = {" . join(',', (0) x $npdls) . "};\n";
} else {
$str .= "PDL_Indx __creating[1];\n";
$str .= join '',map {$_->get_initdim."\n"} sort values %$dobjs;
# if FlagCreat is NOT true, then we set __creating[] to 0
# and we can use this knowledge below, and in hdrcheck()
# and in PP/PdlParObj (get_xsnormdimchecks())
$str .= "__creating[$_] = PDL_CR_SETDIMSCOND(__privtrans,$privname[$_]);\n"
for grep $pobjs->{$pnames->[$_]}{FlagCreat}, 0 .. $nn;
$str .= " {\n$pcode\n}\n";
$str .= " {\n " . make_parnames($pnames,$pobjs,$dobjs) . "
PDL_INITTHREADSTRUCT($npdls, \$PRIV(pdls), \$PRIV(__pdlthread), \$PRIV(vtable->per_pdl_flags), $noPthreadFlag)
$str .= join '',map {$pobjs->{$_}->get_xsnormdimchecks()} @$pnames;
$str .= hdrcheck($pnames,$pobjs);
$str .= join '',map {$pobjs->{$pnames->[$_]}->
get_incsets($privname[$_])} 0..$nn;
return $str;
} # sub: make_redodims_thread()
sub XSHdr {
my($xsname,$nxargs) = @_;
return PDL::PP::XS::mkproto($xsname,$nxargs);
# Name : extract_signature_from_fulldoc
# Usage : $sig = extract_signature_from_fulldoc($fulldoc)
# Purpose : pull out the signature from the fulldoc string
# Returns : whatever is in parentheses in the signature, or undef
# Parameters : $fulldoc
# Throws : never
# Notes : the signature must have the following form:
# :
# : =for sig
# : <blank>
# : Signature: (<signature can
# : be multiline>)
# : <blank>
# :
# : The two spaces before "Signature" are required, as are
# : the parentheses.
sub extract_signature_from_fulldoc {
my $fulldoc = shift;
if ($fulldoc =~ /=for sig\n\n Signature: \(([^\n]*)\n/g) {
# Extract the signature and remove the final parenthesis
my $sig = $1;
$sig .= $1 while $fulldoc =~ /\G\h+([^\n]*)\n/g;
$sig =~ s/\)\s*$//;
return $sig;
# Build the valid-types regex and valid Pars argument only once. These are
# also used in PDL::PP::PdlParObj, which is why they are globally available.
use PDL::PP::PdlParObj;
my $pars_re = $PDL::PP::PdlParObj::pars_re;
# Name : build_pars_from_fulldoc
# Usage : $pars = build_pars_from_fulldoc($fulldoc)
# Purpose : extract the Pars from the signature from the fulldoc string,
# : the part of the signature that specifies the piddles
# Returns : a string appropriate for the Pars key
# Parameters : $fulldoc
# Throws : if there is no signature
# : if there is no extractable Pars section
# : if some PDL arguments come after the OtherPars arguments start
# Notes : This is meant to be used directly in a Rule. Therefore, it
# : is only called if the Pars key does not yet exist, so if it
# : is not possible to extract the Pars section, it dies.
sub build_pars_from_fulldoc {
my $fulldoc = shift;
# Get the signature or die
my $sig = extract_signature_from_fulldoc($fulldoc)
or confess('No Pars specified and none could be extracted from FullDoc');
# Everything is semicolon-delimited
my @args = split /\s*;\s*/, $sig;
my @pars;
my $switched_to_other_pars = 0;
for my $arg (@args) {
confess('All PDL args must come before other pars in FullDoc signature')
if $switched_to_other_pars and $arg =~ $pars_re;
if ($arg =~ $pars_re) {
push @pars, $arg;
else {
$switched_to_other_pars = 1;
# Make sure there's something there
confess('FullDoc signature contains no PDL arguments') if @pars == 0;
# All done!
return join('; ', @pars);
# Name : build_otherpars_from_fulldoc
# Usage : $otherpars = build_otherpars_from_fulldoc($fulldoc)
# Purpose : extract the OtherPars from the signature from the fulldoc
# : string, the part of the signature that specifies non-piddle
# : arguments
# Returns : a string appropriate for the OtherPars key
# Parameters : $fulldoc
# Throws : if some OtherPars arguments come before the last PDL argument
# Notes : This is meant to be used directly in a Rule. Therefore, it
# : is only called if the OtherPars key does not yet exist.
sub build_otherpars_from_fulldoc {
my $fulldoc = shift;
# Get the signature or do not set
my $sig = extract_signature_from_fulldoc($fulldoc)
or return 'DO NOT SET!!';
# Everything is semicolon-delimited
my @args = split /\s*;\s*/, $sig;
my @otherpars;
for my $arg (@args) {
confess('All PDL args must come before other pars in FullDoc signature')
if @otherpars > 0 and $arg =~ $pars_re;
if ($arg !~ $pars_re) {
push @otherpars, $arg;
# All done!
return 'DO NOT SET!!'if @otherpars == 0;
return join('; ', @otherpars);
# Set up the rules for translating the pp_def contents.
$PDL::PP::deftbl =
# used as a flag for many of the routines
# ie should we bother with bad values for this routine?
# 1 - yes,
# 0 - no, maybe issue a warning
# undef - we're not compiling with bad value support
PDL::PP::Rule->new("BadFlag", "_HandleBad",
"Sets BadFlag based upon HandleBad key and PDL's ability to handle bad values",
sub { return (defined $_[0]) ? ($bvalflag and $_[0]) : undef; }),
# FullDoc Handling #
# Error processing: does FullDoc contain BadDoc, yet BadDoc specified?
PDL::PP::Rule::Croak->new(['FullDoc', 'BadDoc'],
'Cannot have both FullDoc and BadDoc defined'),
PDL::PP::Rule::Croak->new(['FullDoc', 'Doc'],
'Cannot have both FullDoc and Doc defined'),
# Note: no error processing on Pars; it's OK for the docs to gloss over
# the details.
# Add the Pars section based on the signature of the FullDoc if the Pars
# section doesn't already exist
PDL::PP::Rule->new('Pars', 'FullDoc',
'Sets the Pars from the FullDoc if Pars is not explicitly specified',
PDL::PP::Rule->new('OtherPars', 'FullDoc',
'Sets the OtherPars from the FullDoc if OtherPars is not explicitly specified',
# Other Documentation Handling #
# no docs by default
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("Doc", [], 'Sets the default doc string',
"\n=for ref\n\ninfo not available\n"),
# try and automate the docs
# could be really clever and include the sig to see about
# input/output params, for instance
PDL::PP::Rule->new("BadDoc", ["BadFlag","Name","_CopyBadStatusCode"],
'Sets the default documentation for handling of bad values',
sub {
return undef unless $bvalflag;
my ( $bf, $name, $code ) = @_;
my $str;
if ( not defined($bf) ) {
$str = "$name does not process bad values.\n";
} elsif ( $bf ) {
$str = "$name processes bad values.\n";
} else {
$str = "$name ignores the bad-value flag of the input piddles.\n";
if ( not defined($code) ) {
$str .= "It will set the bad-value flag of all output piddles if " .
"the flag is set for any of the input piddles.\n";
} elsif ( $code eq '' ) {
$str .= "The output piddles will NOT have their bad-value flag set.\n";
} else {
$str .= "The state of the bad-value flag of the output piddles is unknown.\n";
# Default: no otherpars
# the docs
PDL::PP::Rule->new("PdlDoc", "FullDoc", sub {
my $fulldoc = shift;
# Remove bad documentation if bad values are not supported
$fulldoc =~ s/=for bad\n\n.*?\n\n//s unless $bvalflag;
# Append a final cut if it doesn't exist due to heredoc shinanigans
$fulldoc .= "\n\n=cut\n" unless $fulldoc =~ /\n=cut\n*$/;
# Make sure the =head1 FUNCTIONS section gets added
return $fulldoc;
PDL::PP::Rule->new("PdlDoc", ["Name","_Pars","OtherPars","Doc","_BadDoc"], \&GenDocs),
# Done with Docs #
# Notes
# Suffix 'NS' means, "Needs Substitution". In other words, the string
# associated with a key that has the suffix "NS" must be run through a
# Substitute or Substitute::Usual
# some defaults
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("CopyName", [],
'Sets the CopyName key to the default: __copy', "__copy"),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("DefaultFlowCodeNS", "_DefaultFlow",
'Sets the code to handle dataflow flags, if applicable',
sub { pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $_[0] ?
: 'PDL_COMMENT("No flow")') }),
# Question: where is ppdefs defined?
# Answer: Core/
PDL::PP::Rule->new("GenericTypes", [],
'Sets GenericTypes flag to all types known to PDL::Types',
sub {[ppdefs]}),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("ExtraGenericLoops", "FTypes",
'Makes ExtraGenericLoops identical to FTypes if the latter exists and the former does not',
sub {return $_[0]}),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("ExtraGenericLoops", [],
'Sets ExtraGenericLoops to an empty hash if it does not already exist', {}),
PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("StructName", 'pdl_${name}_struct'),
PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("VTableName", 'pdl_${name}_vtable'),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("FHdrInfo", ["Name","StructName"],
sub { return { Name => $_[0], StructName => $_[1], }; }),
# Treat exchanges as affines. Affines assumed to be parent->child.
# Exchanges may, if the want, handle threadids as well.
# Same number of dimensions is assumed, though.
PDL::PP::Rule->new("AffinePriv", "XCHGOnly", sub { return @_; }),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("Priv", "AffinePriv", 'PDL_Indx incs[$CHILD(ndims)];PDL_Indx offs; '),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("IsAffineFlag", "AffinePriv", "PDL_ITRANS_ISAFFINE"),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("RedoDims", ["EquivPDimExpr","FHdrInfo","_EquivDimCheck"],
PDL::PP::Rule->new("RedoDims", ["Identity","FHdrInfo"],
# NOTE: we use the same bit of code for all-good and bad data -
# see the Code rule
PDL::PP::Rule->new("EquivCPOffsCode", "Identity",
"something to do with dataflow between CHILD & PARENT, I think.",
PDL::PP::Rule->new("Code", ["EquivCPOffsCode","BadFlag"],
"create Code from EquivCPOffsCode",
PDL::PP::Rule->new("BackCode", ["EquivCPOffsCode","BadFlag"],
"create BackCode from EquivCPOffsCode",
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::Zero->new("Affine_Ok", "EquivCPOffsCode"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::NULL->new("ReadDataFuncName", "AffinePriv"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::NULL->new("WriteBackDataFuncName", "AffinePriv"),
PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("ReadDataFuncName", 'pdl_${name}_readdata'),
PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("CopyFuncName", 'pdl_${name}_copy'),
PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("FreeFuncName", 'pdl_${name}_free'),
PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("RedoDimsFuncName", 'pdl_${name}_redodims'),
# There used to be a BootStruct rule which just became copied to the XSBootCode
# rule, so it has been removed.
PDL::PP::Rule->new("XSBootCode", ["AffinePriv","VTableName"],
sub {return " $_[1].readdata = PDL->readdata_affine;\n" .
" $_[1].writebackdata = PDL->writebackdata_affine;\n"}),
# Parameters in the form 'parent and child(this)'.
# The names are PARENT and CHILD.
# P2Child implicitly means "no data type changes".
PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("NewXSName", '_${name}_int'),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("EquivPThreadIdExpr", "P2Child",
# Parameters in the 'a(x,y); [o]b(y)' format, with
# fixed nos of real, unthreaded-over dims.
# - the need for BadFlag is due to hacked get_xsdatapdecl()
# in PP/PdlParObj and because the PdlParObjs are created by
# PDL::PP::Signature (Doug Burke 07/08/00)
PDL::PP::Rule->new(["USParNames","USParObjs","DimmedPars"], ["Pars","BadFlag"], \&Pars_nft),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("DimObjs", ["USParNames","USParObjs"], \&ParObjs_DimObjs),
# Set CallCopy flag for simple functions (2-arg with 0-dim signatures)
# This will copy the $object->copy method, instead of initialize
# for PDL-subclassed objects
PDL::PP::Rule->new("CallCopy", ["DimObjs", "USParNames", "USParObjs", "Name", "_P2Child"],
sub {
my ($dimObj, $USParNames, $USParObjs, $Name, $hasp2c) = @_;
return 0 if $hasp2c;
my $noDimmedArgs = scalar(keys %$dimObj);
my $noArgs = scalar(@$USParNames);
if( $noDimmedArgs == 0 and $noArgs == 2 ){
# Check for 2-arg functgion with 0-dim signatures
# Check to see if output arg is _not_ explicitly typed:
my $arg2 = $USParNames->[1];
my $ParObj = $USParObjs->{$arg2};
if( $ParObj->ctype('generic') eq 'generic'){
# print "Calling Copy for function '$Name'\n";
return 1;
return 0;
# "Other pars", the parameters which are usually not pdls.
PDL::PP::Rule->new(["OtherParNames","OtherParTypes"], ["OtherPars","DimObjs"], \&OtherPars_nft),
PDL::PP::Rule->new(["ParNames","ParObjs"], ["USParNames","USParObjs"], \&sort_pnobjs),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("DefSyms", "StructName", \&MkDefSyms),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSArgs", ["USParNames","USParObjs","OtherParNames","OtherParTypes"],
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("PMCode", undef),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSSymTab", ["DefSyms","NewXSArgs"], \&AddArgsyms),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("InplaceCode", ["Name","NewXSArgs","USParObjs","_Inplace"],
'Insert code (just after HdrCode) to ensure the routine can be done inplace',
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::EmptyString->new("HdrCode", [],
'Code that will be inserted at the end of the autogenerated xs argument processing code VargArgsXSHdr'),
# Create header for variable argument list. Used if no 'other pars' specified.
# D. Hunt 4/11/00
# make sure it is not used when the GlobalNew flag is set ; CS 4/15/00
'XS code to process arguments on stack based on supplied Pars argument to pp_def; GlobalNew has implications how/if this is done',
## Added new line for returning (or not returning) variables. D. Hunt 4/7/00
# make sure it is not used when the GlobalNew flag is set ; CS 4/15/00
"Generate XS trailer for returning output variables",
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSHdr", ["NewXSName","NewXSArgs"], \&XSHdr),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSCHdrs", ["NewXSName","NewXSArgs","GlobalNew"], \&XSCHdrs),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSLocals", "NewXSSymTab", \&Sym2Loc),
# hmm, need to check on conditional check here (or rather, other bits of code prob need
# to include it too; see Ops.xs, PDL::assgn)
## sub { return (defined $_[0]) ? "int \$BADFLAGCACHE() = 0;" : ""; } ],
## why have I got a "_HandleBad" condition here? it isn't used in the routine
## and isn't required to fire the rule. Or should we actually check the value of
## HandleBad (ie to optimize for code that explicitly doesn't handle bad code)?
## TO DO: Check assgn in ops for this? Not obvious, or at least we need other
## bits of code work with us (eg the checking of $BADFLAGCACHE in some other
## rule)
## PDL::PP::Rule->new("CacheBadFlagInitNS", "_HandleBad",
## sub { return $bvalflag ? "\n int \$BADFLAGCACHE() = 0;\n" : ""; }),
sub { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $bvalflag ? "\n int \$BADFLAGCACHE() = 0;\n" : "") }),
# The next rule, if done in place of the above, causes Ops.xs to fail to compile
# PDL::PP::Rule->new("CacheBadFlagInitNS", "BadFlag",
# sub { return $_[0] ? "\n int \$BADFLAGCACHE() = 0;\n" : ""; }),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("CacheBadFlagInit", "CacheBadFlagInitNS"),
# need special cases for
# a) bad values
# b) bad values + GlobalNew
# c) bad values + PMCode
# - perhaps I should have separate rules (but b and c produce the
# same output...)
"Rule to create and initialise the private trans structure",
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSMakeNow", ["ParNames","NewXSSymTab"], \&MakeNows),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("IgnoreTypesOf", "FTypes", sub {return {map {($_,1)} keys %{$_[0]}}}),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("IgnoreTypesOf", {}),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSCoerceMustNS", "FTypes", \&make_newcoerce),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("NewXSCoerceMust", "NewXSCoerceMustNS"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("DefaultFlowCode", "DefaultFlowCodeNS"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("NewXSFindDatatype", "NewXSFindDatatypeNS"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::EmptyString->new("NewXSTypeCoerce", "NoConversion"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("NewXSTypeCoerce", "NewXSTypeCoerceNS"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::EmptyString->new("NewXSStructInit1", ["ParNames","NewXSSymTab"]),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSSetTrans", ["ParNames","ParObjs","NewXSSymTab"], \&makesettrans),
sub { return PDL::PP::Code->new(@_); }),
sub { return PDL::PP::Code->new(@_, undef, undef, 'BackCode2'); }),
# Compiled representations i.e. what the xsub function leaves
# in the trans structure. By default, copies of the parameters
# but in many cases (e.g. slice) a benefit can be obtained
# by parsing the string in that function.
# If the user wishes to specify his own code and compiled representation,
# The next two definitions allow this.
# Because of substitutions that will be there,
# makecompiledrepr et al are array refs, 0th element = string,
# 1th element = hashref of translated names
# This makes the objects: type + ...
PDL::PP::Rule->new(["CompNames","CompObjs"], "Comp", \&OtherPars_nft),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("CompiledRepr", ["CompNames","CompObjs"], \&NT2Decls_p),
PDL::PP::Rule::MakeComp->new("MakeCompiledRepr", ["MakeComp","CompNames","CompObjs"],
PDL::PP::Rule->new("CompCopyCode", ["CompNames","CompObjs","CopyName"], \&NT2Copies_p),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("CompFreeCode", ["CompNames","CompObjs"], \&NT2Free_p),
# This is the default
PDL::PP::Rule->new("CompFreeCode", ["OtherParNames","OtherParTypes"], \&NT2Free_p),
# Threads
"Frees the thread",
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("RedoDimsCode", [],
'Code that can be inserted to set the size of output piddles dynamically based on input piddles; is parsed',
'makes the parsed representation from the supplied RedoDimsCode',
sub {
return 'PDL_COMMENT("no RedoDimsCode")'
if $_[0] =~ m|^/[*] none [*]/$|;
PDL::PP::Code->new(@_,1); }),
["ParNames","ParObjs","DimObjs","DimmedPars","RedoDimsParsedCode", '_NoPthread'],
'makes the redodims function from the various bits and pieces',
PDL::PP::Rule->new(["PrivNames","PrivObjs"], "Priv", \&OtherPars_nft),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("PrivateRepr", ["PrivNames","PrivObjs"], \&NT2Decls_p),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("PrivCopyCode", ["PrivNames","PrivObjs","CopyName"], \&NT2Copies_p),
# avoid clash with freecode above?
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NTPrivFreeCode", ["PrivNames","PrivObjs"], \&NT2Free_p),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("IsReversibleCodeNS", "Reversible", \&ToIsReversible),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("IsReversibleCode", "IsReversibleCodeNS"),
# Needs cleaning up. NewXSStructInit2DJB has been added to make use
# of the PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute class.
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute->new("NewXSStructInit2DJB", "MakeCompiledRepr"),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSStructInit2", "NewXSStructInit2DJB",
sub { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "{".$_[0]."}") }),
sub {
"$_[2] *__copy = malloc(sizeof($_[2])); memset(__copy, 0, sizeof($_[2]));\n" .
($_[3] ? "" : "PDL_THR_CLRMAGIC(&__copy->__pdlthread);\n") .
"PDL_COPYCODE($_[0], $_[1], \$PRIV(has_badvalue), \$PRIV(badvalue), \$PRIV(flags), \$PRIV(vtable), \$PRIV(__datatype), \$PRIV(__ddone), \$PRIV(pdls[i]))\n"
sub {
PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__-1, "PDL_FREE_CODE($_[0], $_[1], $_[2])") }),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("CopyCode", "CopyCodeNS"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("FreeCode", "FreeCodeNS"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("FooCodeSub", "FooCode"),
PDL::PP::Rule::MakeComp->new("NewXSCoerceMustSub1", "NewXSCoerceMust", "FOO"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute->new("NewXSCoerceMustSub1d", "NewXSCoerceMustSub1"),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("NewXSClearThread", "HaveThreading",
sub {$_[0] ? PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, "__privtrans->__pdlthread.inds = 0;") : ""}),
"Rule to find the bad value status of the input piddles",
# this can be removed once the default bad values are stored in a C structure
# (rather than as a perl array in PDL::Types)
# which it now is, hence the comments (DJB 07/10/00)
# - left around in case we move to per-piddle bad values
# - NOTE: now we have the experimental per-piddle bad values I need to remember
# what I was doing here
# [[NewXSCopyBadValues], [BadFlag,NewXSSymTab],
# "copybadvalues",
# "Rule to copy the default bad values into the trnas structure"],
"Rule to copy the bad value status to the output piddles",
# expand macros in ...BadStatusCode
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("NewXSFindBadStatus", "NewXSFindBadStatusNS"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute::Usual->new("NewXSCopyBadStatus", "NewXSCopyBadStatusNS"),
# Generates XS code with variable argument list. If this rule succeeds, the next rule
# will not be executed. D. Hunt 4/11/00
# NewXSCopyBadValues,
# NewXSMakeNow, # this is unnecessary since families never got implemented
"Rule to print out XS code when variable argument list XS processing is enabled",
# This rule will fail if the preceding rule succeeds
# D. Hunt 4/11/00
# NewXSCopyBadValues,
# NewXSMakeNow, # this is unnecessary since families never got implemented
"Rule to print out XS code when variable argument list XS processing is disabled",
# The RedoDimsSub rule is a bit weird since it takes in the RedoDims target
# twice (directly and via RedoDims-PostComp). Can this be cleaned up?
# [I don't know who put this in, or when -- but I don't understand it. CED 13-April-2015]
PDL::PP::Rule->new("RedoDims-PreComp", "RedoDims",
sub { PDL::PP::pp_line_numbers(__LINE__, $_[0] . ' $PRIV(__ddone) = 1;') }),
["RedoDims-PreComp", "PrivNames", "PrivObjs"], "PRIV"),
# RedoDimsSub is supposed to allow you to use $SIZE as an lvalue, to resize things. It hasn't
# worked since I can remember (at least since I started messing around with range). The reason
# appears to be that the SIZE macro was using the redodims argument instead of its own zeroth
# argument. Renaming gone wrong? Anyway I've fixed it to use $_[0] instead of $redodims in the
# SIZE closure. -- CED 13-April-2015
["RedoDims", "RedoDims-PostComp", "_DimObjs"],
sub {
my $redodims = $_[0];
my $result = $_[1];
my $dimobjs = $_[2];
$result->[1]{"SIZE"} = sub {
eval 'use PDL::IO::Dumper';
croak "FOO can't get SIZE of undefined dimension (RedoDims=$redodims).\nredodims is $redodims\ndimobjs is ".sdump($dimobjs)."\n"
unless defined $dimobjs->{$_[0]}; # This is the closure's $_[0], not the rule definition's $_[0]
return $dimobjs->{$_[0]}->get_size();
return $result;
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute->new("RedoDimsSubd", "RedoDimsSub"),
sub {wrap_vfn(@_,"redodims")}),
PDL::PP::Rule::MakeComp->new("ReadDataSub", "ParsedCode", "FOO"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute->new("ReadDataSubd", "ReadDataSub"),
sub {wrap_vfn(@_,"readdata")}),
PDL::PP::Rule::MakeComp->new("WriteBackDataSub", "ParsedBackCode", "FOO"),
PDL::PP::Rule::Substitute->new("WriteBackDataSubd", "WriteBackDataSub"),
PDL::PP::Rule::InsertName->new("WriteBackDataFuncName", "BackCode", 'pdl_${name}_writebackdata'),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns::NULL->new("WriteBackDataFuncName", "Code"),
sub {wrap_vfn(@_,"writebackdata")}),,
sub {wrap_vfn(@_,"copy")}),
sub {wrap_vfn(@_,"free")}),
PDL::PP::Rule::Returns->new("FoofName", "FooCodeSub", "foomethod"),
PDL::PP::Rule->new("FooFunc", ["FooCodeSub","FHdrInfo","FoofName","_P2Child"],
sub {wrap_vfn(@_,"foo")}),
# Maybe accomplish this with an InsertName rule?
PDL::PP::Rule->new('PMFunc', 'Name',
'Sets PMFunc to default symbol table manipulations',
sub {
my ($name) = @_;
$::PDL_IFBEGINWRAP[0].'*'.$name.' = \&'.$::PDLOBJ.
sub printtrans {
my($bar) = @_;
for (qw/StructDecl RedoDimsFunc ReadDataFunc WriteBackFunc
VTableDef NewXSCode/) {
print "\n\n================================================
=========================================\n",$bar->{$_},"\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
sub translate {
my ($pars,$tbl) = @_;
foreach my $rule (@$tbl) {
# print Dumper($pars);
print "GOING OUT!\n" if $::PP_VERBOSE;
return $pars;
} # sub: translate()
## End