shell bypass 403
package Tk::Adjuster;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '4.008'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
use base qw(Tk::Frame);
# We cannot do this :
# Construct Tk::Widget 'packAdjust';
# because if managed object is Derived (e.g. a Scrolled) then our 'new'
# will be delegated and hierachy gets turned inside-out
# So packAdjust is autoloaded in
Construct Tk::Widget qw(Adjuster);
{package Tk::Adjuster::Item;
use strict;
use base qw(Tk::Frame);
sub ClassInit
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
$mw->bind($class,'<1>',['BDown', 1]);
$mw->bind($class,'<Shift-1>',['BDown', 0]);
return $class;
sub BDown
my($w, $delay_mask) = @_;
$w->{'start_x'} = $w->XEvent->x;
$w->{'start_y'} = $w->XEvent->y;
my $adj = $w->Parent;
delete $adj->{'lin_info'};
my $delay = $delay_mask && $adj->cget('-delay');
if ($delay)
$adj->vert ? $adj->delta_width_bar(0) : $adj->delta_height_bar(0);
sub Motion
my($w, $delay_mask) = @_;
my $ev = $w->XEvent;
my $adj = $w->Parent;
my $delay = $delay_mask && $adj->cget('-delay');
if ($adj->vert)
my $dx = $ev->x - $w->{'start_x'};
$delay ? $adj->delta_width_bar($dx) : $adj->delta_width($dx);
my $dy = $ev->y - $w->{'start_y'};
$delay ? $adj->delta_height_bar($dy) : $adj->delta_height($dy);
sub packAfter
my ($w,$s,%args) = @_;
my $side = $args{'-side'} ? $args{'-side'} : 'top';
$w->configure(-side => $side, -widget => $s);
$w->packed($s, %args);
sub packForget
my ($w,$forget_slave) = @_;
$w->slave->packForget if $forget_slave;
# Called by Tk::Widget::packAdjust. It was here before packAfter was added
sub packed
my ($w,$s,%args) = @_;
delete $args{'-before'};
delete $args{'-in'};
$args{'-expand'} = 0;
$args{'-after'} = $s;
$args{'-fill'} = (($w->vert) ? 'y' : 'x');
sub gridded
my ($w,$s,%args) = @_;
# delete $args{'-before'};
# $args{'-expand'} = 0;
# $args{'-after'} = $s;
# $args{'-fill'} = (($w->vert) ? 'y' : 'x');
sub ClassInit
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
return $class;
sub SizeChange
my $w = shift;
# reqwidth/height of Adjuster is stored here. If it is partially pushed out
# of the window, then $w->width/height returns that of the visible part.
if ($w->vert)
my $sx = ($w->Width - $w->{'sep'}->Width)/2;
$w->{'but'}->place('-x' => 0, '-y' => $w->Height-18);
$w->{'sep'}->place('-x' => $sx, '-y' => 0, -relheight => 1);
$w->configure(-width => $w->{'but'}->ReqWidth);
$w->{'reqwidth'} = $w->reqwidth;
my $sy = ($w->Height - $w->{'sep'}->Height)/2;
$w->{'but'}->place('-x' => $w->Width-18, '-y' => 0);
$w->{'sep'}->place('-x' => 0, '-y' => $sy, -relwidth => 1);
$w->configure(-height => $w->{'but'}->ReqHeight);
$w->{'reqheight'} = $w->reqheight;
# Turn off geometry propagation in the slave. Do only if necessary, as this
# causes repacking.
my $s = $w->slave;
$s->packPropagate('0') if $s->packSlaves && $s->packPropagate();
$s->gridPropagate('0') if $s->gridSlaves && $s->gridPropagate();
sub Mapped
my $w = shift;
my $m = $w->manager;
if ($m =~ /^(?:pack|grid)$/)
my %info = $w->$m('info');
my $master = $info{'-in'};
$w->{'master'} = $master;
sub Populate
my ($w,$args) = @_;
$w->{'sep'} = Tk::Adjuster::Item->new($w,-bd => 1, -relief => 'sunken');
$w->{'but'} = Tk::Adjuster::Item->new($w,-bd => 1, -width => 8, -height => 8, -relief => 'raised');
# Force creation of Frame in widget's Toplevel. This makes a difference
# where the widget's Toplevel has Delegates('Construct') set.
# Need to explicitly set frame width to 0 for Win32
my $l = $w->{'lin'} = Tk::Frame->new($w->toplevel, -bd => 0);
# my $l = $w->{'lin'} = $w->toplevel->Frame(-bd => 0);
my $cs = $w->ConfigSpecs(-widget => ['PASSIVE','widget','Widget',$w->Parent],
-side => ['METHOD','side','Side','top'],
-delay => ['PASSIVE','delay','Delay', 1],
-background => [['SELF',$w->{'sep'},$w->{'but'}],'background','Background',undef],
-foreground => [Tk::Configure->new($w->{'lin'},'-background'),'foreground','Foreground','black'],
-restore => ['PASSIVE','restore', 'Restore', 1],
$w->_OnDestroy(qw(sep but lin master));
sub side
my ($w,$val) = @_;
if (@_ > 1)
$w->{'side'} = $val;
my $cursor;
if ($w->vert)
$cursor = 'sb_h_double_arrow';
$w->{'sep'}->configure(-width => 2, -height => 10000);
$cursor = 'sb_v_double_arrow';
$w->{'sep'}->configure(-height => 2, -width => 10000);
my $x;
foreach $x ($w->{'sep'},$w->{'but'})
$x->configure(-cursor => $cursor);
return $w->{'side'};
sub slave
my $w = shift;
my $s = $w->cget('-widget');
return $s;
sub vert
my $w = shift;
my $side = $w->cget('-side');
return 1 if $side eq 'left';
return -1 if $side eq 'right';
return 0;
# If the Adjuster gets unmapped, it attempts to restore itself. If its
# slave is mapped, then it reduces the size of the slave so that there is
# then room in the master for the Adjuster widget.
sub Restore
my $w = shift;
return if ! $w->toplevel->IsMapped ||
! $w->slave->IsMapped ||
! $w->cget('-restore');
$w->vert ? $w->delta_width(0) : $w->delta_height(0);
sub delta_width_bar
my ($w,$dx) = @_;
my $l = $w->{'lin'};
my $r = $w->{'sep'};
my $t = $w->toplevel;
my $m = $w->{'master'};
my $s = $w->slave;
my ($min_rootx, $max_rootx, $t_border);
if (! $w->{'lin_info'})
my $m_border = $m->cget('-bd') + $m->cget('-highlightthickness');
$t_border = $t->cget('-bd') + $t->cget('-highlightthickness');
if ($w->cget('-side') eq 'right')
$min_rootx = $m->rootx + $m_border;
$max_rootx = $s->rootx + $s->width - 1;
$min_rootx = $s->rootx;
$max_rootx = $m->rootx + $m->width - $m_border - 1;
$w->{'lin_info'} = [$min_rootx, $max_rootx, $t_border];
($min_rootx, $max_rootx, $t_border) = @{$w->{'lin_info'}};
$l->configure(-width => 1, -height => $w->height) unless $l->IsMapped;
my $new_rootx = $w->rootx + $w->{'reqwidth'}/2 + $dx;
$new_rootx = $min_rootx if $new_rootx < $min_rootx;
$new_rootx = $max_rootx if $new_rootx > $max_rootx;
my $placex = $new_rootx - $t->rootx - $t_border;
my $placey = $w->rooty - $t->rooty - $t_border;
$l->place(-in => $t, -anchor => 'n', '-x' => $placex, '-y' => $placey);
my $this = $w->containing($new_rootx, $w->rooty + 1);
$l->raise($this) if $this && $this ne $t;
sub delta_width
my ($w,$dx) = @_;
my $l = $w->{'lin'};
my $s = $w->slave;
if ($s)
my $m = $w->{'master'};
my $m_border = $m->cget('-bd') + $m->cget('-highlightthickness');
my $w_width = $w->{'reqwidth'};
my $m_width = $m->width;
my $s_width = $s->width;
my $max_width = $m_width - $w_width;
my $max_s_width;
if ($w->cget('-side') eq 'right')
$dx = -$dx;
$max_s_width = $max_width -
($m->rootx + $m_width - ($s->rootx+$s_width)) - $m_border;
$max_s_width = $max_width - ($s->rootx - $m->rootx) - $m_border;
my $new_width = $s_width+$dx;
$new_width = $max_s_width if $new_width > $max_s_width;
$new_width = 0 if $new_width < 0;
$s->GeometryRequest($new_width, $s->height);
sub delta_height_bar
my ($w,$dy) = @_;
my $l = $w->{'lin'};
my $r = $w->{'sep'};
my $t = $w->toplevel;
my $m = $w->{'master'};
my $s = $w->slave;
my ($min_rooty, $max_rooty, $t_border);
if (! $w->{'lin_info'})
my $m_border = $m->cget('-bd') + $m->cget('-highlightthickness');
$t_border = $t->cget('-bd') + $t->cget('-highlightthickness');
if ($w->cget('-side') eq 'bottom')
$min_rooty = $m->rooty + $m_border;
$max_rooty = $s->rooty + $s->height - 1;
$min_rooty = $s->rooty;
$max_rooty = $m->rooty + $m->height - $m_border - 1;
$w->{'lin_info'} = [$min_rooty, $max_rooty, $t_border];
($min_rooty, $max_rooty, $t_border) = @{$w->{'lin_info'}};
$l->configure(-height => 1, -width => $w->width) unless $l->IsMapped;
my $new_rooty = $w->rooty + $w->{'reqheight'}/2 + $dy;
$new_rooty = $min_rooty if $new_rooty < $min_rooty;
$new_rooty = $max_rooty if $new_rooty > $max_rooty;
my $placey = $new_rooty - $t->rooty - $t_border;
my $placex = $w->rootx - $t->rootx - $t_border;
$l->place(-in => $t, -anchor => 'w', '-x' => $placex, '-y' => $placey);
my $this = $w->containing($w->rootx + 1, $new_rooty);
$l->raise($this) if $this && $this ne $t;
sub delta_height
my ($w,$dy) = @_;
my $l = $w->{'lin'};
my $s = $w->slave;
if ($s)
my $m = $w->{'master'};
my $m_border = $m->cget('-bd') + $m->cget('-highlightthickness');
my $w_height = $w->{'reqheight'};
my $m_height = $m->height;
my $s_height = $s->height;
my $max_height = $m_height - $w_height;
my $max_s_height;
if ($w->cget('-side') eq 'bottom')
$dy = -$dy;
$max_s_height = $max_height -
($m->rooty + $m_height - ($s->rooty+$s_height)) - $m_border;
$max_s_height = $max_height - ($s->rooty - $m->rooty) - $m_border;
my $new_height = $s_height+$dy;
$new_height = $max_s_height if $new_height > $max_s_height;
$new_height = 0 if $new_height < 0;
$s->GeometryRequest($s->width, $new_height);
# Turn off expansion in the slave.
# This is done only if necessary, as calls to pack/gridConfigure cause
# repacking.
# Before call to pack/gridConfigure, the reqwidth/reqheight is set to the
# current width/height. This is because the geometry managers use
# the requested values, not the actual, to calculate the new geometry.
sub slave_expand_off
my $w = shift;
my $s = $w->slave;
return if ! $s;
my $manager = $s->manager;
if ($manager eq 'pack')
my %info = $s->packInfo;
my $expand = $info{'-expand'};
if ($expand)
$s->GeometryRequest($s->width, $s->height);
$s->packConfigure(-expand => 0);
elsif ($manager eq 'grid')
my %info = $s->gridInfo;
my $master = $info{'-in'};
if ($w->vert)
my $col = $info{'-column'};
my $expand = $master->gridColumnconfigure($col, '-weight');
if ($expand)
$s->GeometryRequest($s->width, $s->height);
$master->gridColumnconfigure($col, -weight => 0);
my $row = $info{'-row'};
my $expand = $master->gridRowconfigure($row, '-weight');
if ($expand)
$s->GeometryRequest($s->width, $s->height);
$master->gridRowconfigure($row, -weight => 0);