shell bypass 403
package Tk::DropSite;
require Tk::DragDrop::Common;
require Tk::DragDrop::Rect;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '4.008'; # sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #7 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
use base qw(Tk::DragDrop::Common Tk::DragDrop::Rect);
Construct Tk::Widget 'DropSite';
use strict;
use vars qw(%type @types);
my @toplevels;
# Are these really methods of Tk::DragDrop::Rect ?
no strict 'refs';
foreach my $name (qw(x y X Y width height widget))
my $key = $name;
*{"$key"} = sub { shift->{$key} };
# Dropping side API - really only here for Local drops
# inheritance is a mess right now.
sub NewDrag
my ($class,$token) = @_;
# No need to clear cached sites we see live data
sub SiteList
# this should be inheritable - so that receive side of XDND can re-use it.
my ($class,$widget) = @_;
my $t;
my @list;
foreach $t (@toplevels)
my $sites = $t->{'DropSites'};
if ($sites)
$sites = $sites->{'Local'};
push(@list,@{$sites}) if ($sites);
return @list;
sub Apply
my $site = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $cb = $site->{$name};
if ($cb)
my $X = shift;
my $Y = shift;
$cb->Call(@_,$X - $site->X, $Y - $site->Y);
sub Drop
my ($site,$token,$seln,$event) = @_;
my $X = $event->X;
my $Y = $event->Y;
my @targ = $token->SelectionGet(-selection => $seln,'TARGETS');
$site->Apply(-dropcommand => $X, $Y, $seln,'LocalDrop',\@targ);
$site->Apply(-entercommand => $X, $Y, 0);
sub Enter
my ($site,$token,$event) = @_;
$site->Apply(-entercommand => $event->X, $event->Y, 1);
sub Leave
my ($site,$token,$event) = @_;
$site->Apply(-entercommand => $event->X, $event->Y, 0);
sub Motion
my ($site,$token,$event) = @_;
$site->Apply(-motioncommand => $event->X, $event->Y);
# This is receive side API.
sub NoteSites
my ($class,$t,$sites) = @_;
unless (grep($_ == $t,@toplevels))
$Tk::DragDrop::types{'Local'} = $class if (@$sites);
$t->OnDestroy(sub { @toplevels = grep($_ != $t,@toplevels) });
sub UpdateDropSites
my ($t) = @_;
$t->{'DropUpdate'} = 0;
foreach my $type (@types)
my $sites = $t->{'DropSites'}->{$type};
if ($sites && @$sites)
my $class = $type{$type};
sub QueueDropSiteUpdate
my $obj = shift;
my $class = ref($obj);
my $t = $obj->widget->toplevel;
unless ($t->{'DropUpdate'})
$t->{'DropUpdate'} = 1;
$t->afterIdle(sub { UpdateDropSites($t) });
sub delete
my ($obj) = @_;
my $w = $obj->widget;
$w->bindtags([grep($_ ne $obj,$w->bindtags)]);
my $t = $w->toplevel;
foreach my $type (@{$obj->{'-droptypes'}})
my $a = $t->{'DropSites'}->{$type};
@$a = grep($_ ne $obj,@$a);
sub DropSiteUpdate
# Note size of widget and arrange to update properties etc.
my $obj = shift;
my $w = $obj->widget;
$obj->{'x'} = $w->X;
$obj->{'y'} = $w->Y;
$obj->{'X'} = $w->rootx;
$obj->{'Y'} = $w->rooty;
$obj->{'width'} = $w->Width;
$obj->{'height'} = $w->Height;
sub TopSiteUpdate
my ($t) = @_;
foreach my $type (@types)
my $sites = $t->{'DropSites'}->{$type};
if ($sites && @$sites)
my $site;
foreach $site (@$sites)
sub Callback
my $obj = shift;
my $key = shift;
my $cb = $obj->{$key};
$cb->Call(@_) if (defined $cb);
sub InitSite
my ($class,$site) = @_;
# Tk::DragDrop->Type('Local');
sub new
my ($class,$w,%args) = @_;
my $t = $w->toplevel;
$args{'widget'} = $w;
if (exists $args{'-droptypes'})
# Convert single type to array-of-one
$args{'-droptypes'} = [$args{'-droptypes'}] unless (ref $args{'-droptypes'});
# Default to all known types.
$args{'-droptypes'} = \@types;
my ($key,$val);
while (($key,$val) = each %args)
if ($key =~ /command$/)
$val = Tk::Callback->new($val);
$args{$key} = $val;
my $obj = bless \%args,$class;
unless (exists $t->{'DropSites'})
$t->{'DropSites'} = {};
$t->{'DropUpdate'} = 0;
my $type;
foreach $type (@{$args{'-droptypes'}})
Tk::DropSite->import($type) unless (exists $type{$type});
my $class = $type{$type};
# Should this be indexed by type or class ?
unless (exists $t->{'DropSites'}->{$type})
$t->{'DropSites'}->{$type} = [];
unless (grep($_ eq $class,$t->bindtags))
return $obj;