shell bypass 403
# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Tk::MainWindow;
use base qw(Tk::Toplevel);
BEGIN { @MainWindow::ISA = 'Tk::MainWindow' }
use strict;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '4.015'; # was: sprintf '4.%03d', q$Revision: #12 $ =~ /\D(\d+)\s*$/;
use Tk::CmdLine;
use Tk qw(catch);
require Tk::Toplevel;
use Carp;
$| = 1;
my %Windows = ();
sub CreateArgs
my ($class,$args) = @_;
my $cmd = Tk::CmdLine->CreateArgs();
my $key;
foreach $key (keys %$cmd)
$args->{$key} = $cmd->{$key} unless exists $args->{$key};
my %result = $class->SUPER::CreateArgs(undef,$args);
my $name = delete($args->{'-name'});
unless (Tk::tainting)
$ENV{'DISPLAY'} = ':0' unless (exists $ENV{'DISPLAY'});
$result{'-screen'} = $ENV{'DISPLAY'} unless exists $result{'-screen'};
return (-name => "\l$name",%result);
sub new
my $package = shift;
if (@_ > 0 && $_[0] =~ /:\d+(\.\d+)?$/)
carp "Usage $package->new(-screen => '$_[0]' ...)" if $^W;
croak('Odd number of args'."$package->new(" . join(',',@_) .')') if @_ % 2;
my %args = @_;
my $top = eval { bless Create($package->CreateArgs(\%args)), $package };
croak($@ . "$package->new(" . join(',',@_) .')') if ($@);
eval { $top->configure(%args) };
croak "$@" if ($@);
if (($top->positionfrom||'') ne 'user' and ($top->sizefrom||'') ne 'user') {
my $geometry = $top->optionGet(qw(geometry Geometry));
if ($geometry) {
$Windows{$top} = $top;
return $top;
sub _Destroyed
my $top = shift;
delete $Windows{$top};
sub InitBindings
my $mw = shift;
# <<LeftTab>> is named <<PrevWindow>> in Tcl/Tk
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<LeftTab>> <Shift-Tab>]);
# This is needed for XFree86 systems
catch { $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<LeftTab>> <ISO_Left_Tab>]) };
# This seems to be correct on *some* HP systems.
catch { $mw->eventAdd(qw[<<LeftTab>> <hpBackTab>]) };
if ($mw->windowingsystem eq 'x11')
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Cut>> <Control-Key-x> <Lock-Control-Key-X> <Key-F20> <Meta-Key-w>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Copy>> <Control-Key-c> <Lock-Control-Key-C> <Key-F16> <Control-Key-w>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Paste>> <Control-Key-v> <Lock-Control-Key-V> <Key-F18> <Control-Key-y>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<PasteSelection>> <ButtonRelease-2>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Undo>> <Control-Key-z> <Key-Undo> <Key-F14>
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Redo>> <Control-Key-y> <Shift-Key-Undo> <Key-F12> <Shift-Key-F14>]);
elsif ($mw->windowingsystem eq 'win32')
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Cut>> <Control-Key-x> <Shift-Key-Delete>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Copy>> <Control-Key-c> <Control-Key-Insert>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Paste>> <Control-Key-v> <Shift-Key-Insert>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Undo>> <Control-Key-z>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Redo>> <Control-Key-y>]);
elsif ($mw->windowingsystem eq 'aqua')
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Cut>> <Command-Key-x> <Key-F2>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Copy>> <Command-Key-c> <Key-F3>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Paste>> <Command-Key-v> <Key-F4>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<PasteSelection>> <ButtonRelease-2>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Clear>> <Clear>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Undo>> <Command-Key-z>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Redo>> <Command-Key-y>]);
elsif ($mw->windowingsystem eq 'classic')
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Cut>> <Control-Key-x> <Key-F2>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Copy>> <Control-Key-c> <Key-F3>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Paste>> <Control-Key-v> <Key-F4>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<PasteSelection>> <ButtonRelease-2>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Clear>> <Clear>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Undo>> <Control-Key-z> <Key-F1>]);
$mw->eventAdd(qw[<<Redo>> <Control-Key-Z>]);
# FIXME - Should these move to Menubutton ?
my $c = ($Tk::platform eq 'unix') ? 'all' : 'Tk::Menubutton';
sub Existing
my @Windows;
foreach my $name (keys %Windows)
my $obj = $Windows{$name};
if (Tk::Exists($obj))
delete $Windows{$name};
return @Windows;
if (Tk::IsParentProcess())
foreach my $top (values %Windows)
if ($top->IsWidget)
# Tk data structuctures are still in place
# this can occur if non-callback perl code did a 'die'.
# It will also handle some cases of non-Tk 'exit' being called
# Destroy this mainwindow and hence is descendants ...
sub CmdLine { return shift->command }
sub WMSaveYourself
my $mw = shift;
my @args = @{$mw->command};
# warn 'preWMSaveYourself:'.join(' ',@args)."\n";
@args = ($0) unless (@args);
my $i = 1;
while ($i < @args)
if ($args[$i] eq '-iconic')
elsif ($args[$i] =~ /^-(geometry|iconposition)$/)
my @ip = $mw->wm('iconposition');
# print 'ip ',join(',',@ip),"\n";
my $icon = $mw->iconwindow;
if (defined($icon))
@ip = $icon->geometry =~ /\d+x\d+([+-]\d+)([+-]\d+)/;
splice(@args,1,0,'-iconposition' => join(',',@ip)) if (@ip == 2);
splice(@args,1,0,'-iconic') if ($mw->state() eq 'iconic');
splice(@args,1,0,'-geometry' => $mw->geometry);
# warn 'postWMSaveYourself:'.join(' ',@args)."\n";