shell bypass 403
# Copyright (c) 1995-2004 Nick Ing-Simmons.
# Copyright (c) 1999 Greg London.
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Tk::TextUndo;
use vars qw($VERSION $DoDebug);
$VERSION = '4.015'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
$DoDebug = 0;
use Tk qw (Ev);
use AutoLoader;
use Tk::Text ();
use base qw(Tk::Text);
Construct Tk::Widget 'TextUndo';
sub ClassInit
my ($class,$mw) = @_;
return $class->SUPER::ClassInit($mw);
# methods for manipulating the undo and redo stacks.
# no one should directly access the stacks except for these methods.
# everyone else must access the stacks through these methods.
sub ResetUndo
my ($w) = @_;
delete $w->{UNDO};
delete $w->{REDO};
sub PushUndo
my $w = shift;
$w->{UNDO} = [] unless (exists $w->{UNDO});
sub PushRedo
my $w = shift;
$w->{REDO} = [] unless (exists $w->{REDO});
sub PopUndo
my ($w) = @_;
return pop(@{$w->{UNDO}}) if defined $w->{UNDO};
return undef;
sub PopRedo
my ($w) = @_;
return pop(@{$w->{REDO}}) if defined $w->{REDO};
return undef;
sub ShiftRedo
my ($w) = @_;
return shift(@{$w->{REDO}}) if defined $w->{REDO};
return undef;
sub numberChanges
my ($w) = @_;
return 0 unless (exists $w->{'UNDO'}) and (defined($w->{'UNDO'}));
return scalar(@{$w->{'UNDO'}});
sub SizeRedo
my ($w) = @_;
return 0 unless exists $w->{'REDO'};
return scalar(@{$w->{'REDO'}});
sub getUndoAtIndex
my ($w,$index) = @_;
return undef unless (exists $w->{UNDO});
return $w->{UNDO}[$index];
sub getRedoAtIndex
my ($w,$index) = @_;
return undef unless (exists $w->{REDO});
return $w->{REDO}[$index];
# type "hello there"
# hello there_
# hit UNDO
# hello_
# type "out"
# hello out_
# pressing REDO should not do anything
# pressing UNDO should make "out" disappear.
# pressing UNDO should make "there" reappear.
# pressing UNDO should make "there" disappear.
# pressing UNDO should make "hello" disappear.
# if there is anything in REDO stack and
# the OperationMode is normal, (i.e. not in the middle of an ->undo or ->redo)
# then before performing the current operation
# take the REDO stack, and put it on UNDO stack
# such that UNDO/REDO keystrokes will still make logical sense.
# call this method at the beginning of any overloaded method
# which adds operations to the undo or redo stacks.
# it will perform all the magic needed to handle the redo stack.
sub CheckForRedoShuffle
my ($w) = @_;
my $size_redo = $w->SizeRedo;
return unless $size_redo && ($w->OperationMode eq 'normal');
# local $DoDebug = 1;
# we are about to 'do' something new, but have something in REDO stack.
# The REDOs may conflict with new ops, but we want to preserve them.
# So convert them to UNDOs - effectively do them and their inverses
# so net effect on the widget is no-change.
my @pvtundo;
# go through REDO array from end downto 0, i.e. pseudo pop
# then pretend we did 'redo' get inverse, and push into UNDO array
# and 'do' the op.
for (my $i=$size_redo-1; $i>=0 ; $i--)
my ($op,@args) = @{$w->getRedoAtIndex($i)};
my $op_undo = $op .'_UNDO';
# save the inverse of the op on the UNDO array
# do this before the re-doing the op - after a 'delete' we cannot see
# text we deleted!
my $undo = $w->$op_undo(@args);
# We must 'do' the operation now so if this is an insert
# the text and tags are available for inspection in delete_UNDO, and
# indices reflect changes.
# Save the undo that will reverse what we just did - it is
# on the undo stack but will be tricky to find
# Now shift each item off REDO array until empty
# push each item onto UNDO array - this reverses the order
# and we are not altering buffer so we cannot look in the
# buffer to compute inverses - which is why we saved them above
while ($w->SizeRedo)
my $ref = $w->ShiftRedo;
# Finally undo whatever we did to compensate for doing it
# and get buffer back to state it was before we started.
while (@pvtundo)
my ($op,@args) = @{pop(@pvtundo)};
# sets/returns undo/redo/normal operation mode
sub OperationMode
my ($w,$mode) = @_;
$w->{'OPERATION_MODE'} = $mode if (@_ > 1);
$w->{'OPERATION_MODE'} = 'normal' unless exists($w->{'OPERATION_MODE'});
return $w->{'OPERATION_MODE'};
# dump the undo and redo stacks to the screen.
# used for debug purposes.
sub dump_array
return unless $DoDebug;
my ($w,$why) = @_;
print "At $why:\n";
foreach my $key ('UNDO','REDO')
if (defined($w->{$key}))
print " $key array is:\n";
my $array = $w->{$key};
foreach my $ref (@$array)
my @items;
foreach my $item (@$ref)
my $loc = $item;
$loc =~ tr/\n/\^/;
print " [",join(',',@items),"]\n";
print "\n";
# these are a group of methods used to indicate the start and end of
# several operations that are to be undo/redo 'ed in a single step.
# in other words, "glob" a bunch of operations together.
# for example, a search and replace should be undone with a single
# keystroke, rather than one keypress undoes the insert and another
# undoes the delete.
# all other methods should access the count via these methods.
# no other method should directly access the {GLOB_COUNT} value directly
sub AddOperation
my ($w,@operation) = @_;
my $mode = $w->OperationMode;
if ($mode eq 'normal')
elsif ($mode eq 'undo')
elsif ($mode eq 'redo')
{die "invalid destination '$mode', must be one of 'normal', 'undo' or 'redo'";}
sub addGlobStart # add it to end of undo list
my ($w, $who) = @_;
unless (defined($who)) {$who = (caller(1))[3];}
$w->AddOperation('GlobStart', $who) ;
sub addGlobEnd # add it to end of undo list
my ($w, $who) = @_;
unless (defined($who)) {$who = (caller(1))[3];}
my $topundo = $w->getUndoAtIndex(-1);
if ($topundo->[0] eq 'GlobStart')
my $nxtundo = $w->getUndoAtIndex(-2);
if ($nxtundo->[0] eq 'GlobStart')
$w->AddOperation('GlobEnd', $who);
sub GlobStart
my ($w, $who) = @_;
unless (defined($w->{GLOB_COUNT})) {$w->{GLOB_COUNT}=0;}
if ($w->OperationMode eq 'normal')
$w->{GLOB_COUNT} = $w->{GLOB_COUNT} + 1;
sub GlobStart_UNDO
my ($w, $who) = @_;
$who = 'GlobEnd_UNDO' unless defined($who);
return ['GlobEnd',$who];
sub GlobEnd
my ($w, $who) = @_;
unless (defined($w->{GLOB_COUNT})) {$w->{GLOB_COUNT}=0;}
if ($w->OperationMode eq 'normal')
$w->{GLOB_COUNT} = $w->{GLOB_COUNT} - 1;
sub GlobEnd_UNDO
my ($w, $who) = @_;
$who = 'GlobStart_UNDO' unless defined($who);
return ['GlobStart',$who];
sub GlobCount
my ($w,$count) = @_;
unless ( exists($w->{'GLOB_COUNT'}) and defined($w->{'GLOB_COUNT'}) )
if (defined($count))
return $w->{'GLOB_COUNT'};
# two methods should be used by applications to access undo and redo
# capability, namely, $w->undo; and $w->redo; methods.
# these methods undo and redo the last operation, respectively.
sub undo
my ($w) = @_;
unless ($w->numberChanges) {$w->bell; return;} # beep and return if empty
$w->GlobCount(0); #initialize to zero
my ($op,@args) = @{$w->PopUndo}; # get undo operation, convert ref to array
my $undo_op = $op .'_UNDO';
$w->PushRedo($w->$undo_op(@args)); # find out how to undo it
$w->$op(@args); # do the operation
} while($w->GlobCount and $w->numberChanges);
sub redo
my ($w) = @_;
unless ($w->SizeRedo) {$w->bell; return;} # beep and return if empty
$w->GlobCount(0); #initialize to zero
my ($op,@args) = @{$w->PopRedo}; # get op from redo stack, convert to list
my $undo_op = $op .'_UNDO';
$w->PushUndo($w->$undo_op(@args)); # figure out how to undo operation
$w->$op(@args); # do the operation
} while($w->GlobCount and $w->SizeRedo);
# override low level subroutines so that they work with UNDO/REDO capability.
# every overridden subroutine must also have a corresponding *_UNDO subroutine.
# the *_UNDO method takes the same parameters in and returns an array reference
# which is how to undo itself.
# note that the *_UNDO must receive absolute indexes.
# ->insert receives 'markname' as the starting index.
# ->insert must convert 'markname' using $absindex=$w->index('markname')
# and pass $absindex to ->insert_UNDO.
sub insert
my $w = shift;
$w->markSet('insert', $w->index(shift) );
my $index1 = $w->index('insert');
my $string = shift;
my $taglist_ref; $taglist_ref = shift if @_;
if ($w->OperationMode eq 'normal')
$w->markSet('notepos' => $index1);
$w->markSet('insert', $w->index('notepos'));
sub insert_UNDO
my $w = shift;
my $index = shift;
my $string = '';
# This possible call: ->insert (index, string, tag, string, tag...);
# if more than one string, keep reading strings in (discarding tags)
# until all strings are read in and $string contains entire text inserted.
while (@_)
$string .= shift;
shift if (@_); # discard tag
# calculate index
# possible things to insert:
# carriage return
# single character (not CR)
# single line of characters (not ending in CR)
# single line of characters ending with a CR
# multi-line characters. last line does not end with CR
# multi-line characters, last line does end with CR.
my ($line,$col) = split(/\./,$index);
if ($string =~ /\n(.*)$/)
$line += $string =~ tr/\n/\n/;
$col = length($1);
$col += length($string);
return ['delete', $index, $line.'.'.$col];
sub delete
my ($w, $start, $stop) = @_;
{ $stop = $start .'+1c'; }
my $index1 = $w->index($start);
my $index2 = $w->index($stop);
if ($w->OperationMode eq 'normal')
# why call SetCursor - it has side effects
# which cause a whole slew if save/restore hassles ?
sub delete_UNDO
my ($w, $index1, $index2) = @_;
my %tags;
my @result = ( 'insert' => $index1 );
my $str = '';
# get tags in range and return them in a format that
# can be inserted.
# $text->insert('1.0', $string1, [tag1,tag2], $string2, [tag2, tag3]);
# note, have to break tags up into sequential order
# in reference to _all_ tags.
$w->dump('-text','-tag', -command => sub {
my ($kind,$value,$posn) = @_;
if ($kind eq 'text')
$str .= $value;
push(@result,$str,[keys %tags]) if (length $str);
$str = '';
if ($kind eq 'tagon')
$tags{$value} = 1;
elsif ($kind eq 'tagoff')
delete $tags{$value};
}, $index1, $index2);
push(@result,$str,[keys %tags]) if (length $str);
return \@result;
# override subroutines which are collections of low level
# routines executed in sequence.
# wrap a globstart and globend around the SUPER:: version of routine.
sub ReplaceSelectionsWith
my $w = shift;
sub FindAndReplaceAll
my $w = shift;
sub clipboardCut
my $w = shift;
sub clipboardPaste
my $w = shift;
sub clipboardColumnCut
my $w = shift;
sub clipboardColumnPaste
my $w = shift;
# Greg: this method is more tightly coupled to the base class
# than I would prefer, but I know of no other way to do it.
sub Insert
my ($w,$char)=@_;
return if $char eq '';
sub InsertKeypress
my ($w,$char)=@_;
return if $char eq '';
if ($char =~ /^\S$/ and !$w->OverstrikeMode and !$w->tagRanges('sel'))
my $index = $w->index('insert');
my $undo_item = $w->getUndoAtIndex(-1);
if (defined($undo_item) &&
($undo_item->[0] eq 'delete') &&
($undo_item->[2] == $index)
$undo_item->[2] = $w->index('insert');
sub TextUndoFileProgress
my ($w,$action,$filename,$count,$val,$total) = @_;
return unless(defined($filename) and defined($count));
my $popup = $w->{'FILE_PROGRESS_POP_UP'};
unless (defined($popup))
$popup = $w->Toplevel(-title => "File Progress",-popover => $w);
$popup->Label(-textvariable => \$popup->{ACTION})->pack;
$popup->Label(-textvariable => \$popup->{FILENAME})->pack;
$popup->Label(-textvariable => \$popup->{COUNT})->pack;
my $f = $popup->Frame(-height => 10, -border => 2, -relief => 'sunken')->pack(-fill => 'x');
my $i = $f->Frame(-background => 'blue', -relief => 'raised', -border => 2);
$w->{'FILE_PROGRESS_POP_UP'} = $popup;
$popup->{PROGBAR} = $i;
$popup->{ACTION} = $action;
$popup->{COUNT} = "lines: $count";
$popup->{FILENAME} = "Filename: $filename";
if (defined($val) && defined($total) && $total != 0)
$popup->{PROGBAR}->place('-x' => 0, '-y' => 0, -relheight => 1, -relwidth => $val/$total);
unless ($popup->viewable)
$w->toplevel->deiconify unless $w->viewable;
return $popup;
sub FileName
my ($w,$filename) = @_;
if (@_ > 1)
return $w->{'FILENAME'};
sub PerlIO_layers
my ($w,$layers) = @_;
$w->{PERLIO_LAYERS} = $layers if @_ > 1;
return $w->{PERLIO_LAYERS} || '' ;
sub ConfirmDiscard
my ($w)=@_;
if ($w->numberChanges)
my $ans = $w->messageBox(-icon => 'warning',
-type => 'YesNoCancel', -default => 'Yes',
-message =>
"The text has been modified without being saved.
Save edits?");
return 0 if $ans eq 'Cancel';
return 0 if ($ans eq 'Yes' && !$w->Save);
return 1;
# if the file has been modified since being saved, a pop up window will be
# created, asking the user to confirm whether or not to exit.
# this allows the user to return to the application and save the file.
# the code would look something like this:
# if ($w->user_wants_to_exit)
# {$w->ConfirmExit;}
# it is also possible to trap attempts to delete the main window.
# this allows the ->ConfirmExit method to be called when the main window
# is attempted to be deleted.
# $mw->protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW'=>
# sub{$w->ConfirmExit;});
# finally, it might be desirable to trap Control-C signals at the
# application level so that ->ConfirmExit is also called.
# $SIG{INT}= sub{$w->ConfirmExit;};
sub ConfirmExit
my ($w) = @_;
$w->toplevel->destroy if $w->ConfirmDiscard;
sub Save
my ($w,$filename) = @_;
$filename = $w->FileName unless defined $filename;
return $w->FileSaveAsPopup unless defined $filename;
my $layers = $w->PerlIO_layers;
if (open(my $file,">$layers",$filename))
my $status;
my $count=0;
my $index = '1.0';
my $progress;
my ($lines) = $w->index('end - 1 chars') =~ /^(\d+)\./;
while ($w->compare($index,'<','end'))
# my $end = $w->index("$index + 1024 chars");
my $end = $w->index("$index lineend +1c");
print $file $w->get($index,$end);
$index = $end;
if (($count++%1000) == 0)
$progress = $w->TextUndoFileProgress (Saving => $filename,$count,$count,$lines);
$progress->withdraw if defined $progress;
if (close($file))
return 1;
$w->BackTrace("Cannot open $filename:$!");
return 0;
sub Load
my ($w,$filename) = @_;
$filename = $w->FileName unless (defined($filename));
return 0 unless defined $filename;
my $layers = $w->PerlIO_layers;
if (open(my $file,"<$layers",$filename))
my $count=1;
my $progress;
while (<$file>)
if (($count++%1000) == 0)
$progress = $w->TextUndoFileProgress (Loading => $filename,
$count,tell($file),-s $filename);
$progress->withdraw if defined $progress;
$w->markSet('insert' => '1.0');
$w->BackTrace("Cannot open $filename:$!");
sub IncludeFile
my ($w,$filename) = @_;
unless (defined($filename))
{$w->BackTrace("filename not specified"); return;}
my $layers = $w->PerlIO_layers;
if (open(my $file,"<$layers",$filename))
my $count=1;
my $progress;
while (<$file>)
if (($count++%1000) == 0)
$progress = $w->TextUndoFileProgress(Including => $filename,
$count,tell($file),-s $filename);
$progress->withdraw if defined $progress;
$w->BackTrace("Cannot open $filename:$!");
# clear document without pushing it into UNDO array, (use SUPER::delete)
# (using plain delete(1.0,end) on a really big document fills up the undo array)
# and then clear the Undo and Redo stacks.
sub EmptyDocument
my ($w) = @_;
sub ConfirmEmptyDocument
my ($w)=@_;
$w->EmptyDocument if $w->ConfirmDiscard;
sub FileMenuItems
my ($w) = @_;
return [
["command"=>'~Open', -command => [$w => 'FileLoadPopup']],
["command"=>'~Save', -command => [$w => 'Save' ]],
["command"=>'Save ~As', -command => [$w => 'FileSaveAsPopup']],
["command"=>'~Include', -command => [$w => 'IncludeFilePopup']],
["command"=>'~Clear', -command => [$w => 'ConfirmEmptyDocument']],
sub EditMenuItems
my ($w) = @_;
return [
["command"=>'Undo', -command => [$w => 'undo']],
["command"=>'Redo', -command => [$w => 'redo']],
sub CreateFileSelect
my $w = shift;
my $k = shift;
my $name = $w->FileName;
my @types = (['All Files', '*']);
my $dir = undef;
if (defined $name)
require File::Basename;
my $sfx;
($name,$dir,$sfx) = File::Basename::fileparse($name,'\..*');
# it should never happen where we have a file suffix and
# no file name... but fileparse() screws this up with dotfiles.
if (length($sfx) && !length($name)) { ($name, $sfx) = ($sfx, $name) }
if (defined($sfx) && length($sfx))
unshift(@types,['Similar Files',[$sfx]]);
$name .= $sfx;
return $w->$k(-initialdir => $dir, -initialfile => $name,
-filetypes => \@types, @_);
sub FileLoadPopup
my ($w)=@_;
my $name = $w->CreateFileSelect('getOpenFile',-title => 'File Load');
return $w->Load($name) if defined($name) and length($name);
return 0;
sub IncludeFilePopup
my ($w)=@_;
my $name = $w->CreateFileSelect('getOpenFile',-title => 'File Include');
return $w->IncludeFile($name) if defined($name) and length($name);
return 0;
sub FileSaveAsPopup
my ($w)=@_;
my $name = $w->CreateFileSelect('getSaveFile',-title => 'File Save As');
return $w->Save($name) if defined($name) and length($name);
return 0;
sub MarkSelectionsSavePositions
my ($w)=@_;
my @ranges = $w->tagRanges('sel');
my $i = 0;
while (@ranges)
my ($start,$end) = splice(@ranges,0,2);
$w->markSet( 'MarkSelectionsSavePositions_'.++$i, $start);
$w->markSet( 'MarkSelectionsSavePositions_'.++$i, $end);
sub RestoreSelectionsMarkedSaved
my ($w)=@_;
my $i = 1;
my %mark_hash;
foreach my $mark ($w->markNames)
my $markstart = 'MarkSelectionsSavePositions_'.$i++;
last unless(exists($mark_hash{$markstart}));
my $indexstart = $w->index($markstart);
my $markend = 'MarkSelectionsSavePositions_'.$i++;
last unless(exists($mark_hash{$markend}));
my $indexend = $w->index($markend);
$w->tagAdd('sel',$indexstart, $indexend);
$w->markUnset($markstart, $markend);
# selected lines may be discontinous sequence.
sub GetMarkedSelectedLineNumbers
my ($w) = @_;
my $i = 1;
my %mark_hash;
my @ranges;
foreach my $mark ($w->markNames)
my $markstart = 'MarkSelectionsSavePositions_'.$i++;
last unless(exists($mark_hash{$markstart}));
my $indexstart = $w->index($markstart);
my $markend = 'MarkSelectionsSavePositions_'.$i++;
last unless(exists($mark_hash{$markend}));
my $indexend = $w->index($markend);
push(@ranges, $indexstart, $indexend);
my @selection_list;
while (@ranges)
my ($first) = split(/\./,shift(@ranges));
my ($last) = split(/\./,shift(@ranges));
# if previous selection ended on the same line that this selection starts,
# then fiddle the numbers so that this line number isnt included twice.
if (defined($selection_list[-1]) and ($first == $selection_list[-1]))
# if this selection ends on the same line its starts, then skip this sel
next if ($first == $last);
$first++; # count this selection starting from the next line.
push(@selection_list, $first .. $last);
return @selection_list;
sub insertStringAtStartOfSelectedLines
my ($w,$insert_string)=@_;
foreach my $line ($w->GetMarkedSelectedLineNumbers)
$w->insert($line.'.0', $insert_string);
sub deleteStringAtStartOfSelectedLines
my ($w,$insert_string)=@_;
my $length = length($insert_string);
foreach my $line ($w->GetMarkedSelectedLineNumbers)
my $start = $line.'.0';
my $end = $line.'.'.$length;
my $current_text = $w->get($start, $end);
next unless ($current_text eq $insert_string);
$w->delete($start, $end);