GOOF----LE-8-2.0v2 ]i 4 h_ ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g oop� g goops� g describe� �
g filenameS� f oop/goops/describe.scm� g importsS�
� g ice-9� g session� � � g format� � � � g exportsS� � g set-current-module� � � g defined?�
� g toplevel-define!�
� !
� "g make� #
" � $
" � %g <generic>� &
% � '
% � (g nameS� )g add-method!� *
) � +
) � ,g <method>� -
, � .
, � /g specializersS� 0g <top>� 1g formalsS� 2g x� 32 � 4g bodyS� 5f ~s is � 652 � 7g cond� 8g integer?� 982 � :f
an integer� ;: � <9; � =g real?� >=2 � ?f a real� @? � A>@ � Bg complex?� CB2 � Df a complex number� ED � FCE � Gg null?� HG2 � If
an empty list� JI � KHJ � Lg boolean?� ML2 � Nf a boolean value (~s)� Og if� Pg quote� Qg true� RPQ � Sg false� TPS � UO2RT � VNU � WMV � Xg char?� YX2 � Zf a character, ascii value is ~s� [g
char->integer� \[2 � ]Z\ � ^Y] � _g symbol?� `_2 � af a symbol� ba � c`b � dg list?� ed2 � ff a list� gf � heg � ig pair?� ji2 � kg cdr� lk2 � mil � nf an improper list� on � pf a pair� qp � rOmoq � sjr � tg string?� ut2 � vg eqv?� wf � xv2w � yf an empty string� zy � {f a string of length ~s� |g
string-length� }|2 � ~{} � Oxz~ � �u � �g vector?� ��2 � � � �P� � �v2� � �f an empty vector� �� � �f a vector of length ~s� �g
vector-length� ��2 � ��� � �O��� � ��� � �g eof-object?� ��2 � �f the end-of-file object� �� � ��� � �g else� �f an unknown object (~s)� ��2 � ��� � �7<AFKW^chs���� � �f .~%� �� � �g
*unspecified*� �6��� � �g make-procedureS� �g procedureS� �g <procedure>� �g let� �g name� �g procedure-name� ��2 � ��� � �� � �f `~s'� ��� � �g display� ��2 � �O��� � �f is � ��� � �f an anonymous� �O�a� � ��� � �f
procedure� ��� � �f with � ��� � �g arity� ��2 � ��������� � �� � �g slot-bound?� �g
class-name� �g safe-class-name� �g <object>� �f ~S is an instance of class ~A~%� �g class-of� ��2 � ��� � ��2� � �f
Slots are: ~%� �� � �g for-each� �g lambda� �g slot� �� � �g slot-definition-name� ��� � ��� � �� � �f ~S = ~A~%� ��2� � �f ~S� �g slot-ref� ��2� � ��� � �f
#<unbound>� �O��� � ���� � ���� � ���� � �g class-slots� ��� � ���� � ����� � �g <class>� �f '~S is a class. It's an instance of ~A~%� ��2 � ���� � �f Superclasses are:~%� �� � �g class� �� � �f ~A~%� ��� � ��� � ���� � �g class-direct-supers� ��2 � ���� � �g slots� �g class-direct-slots� ��2 � ��� � �� � �G� � �f (No direct slot)~%� �� � �g begin� �f Directs slots are:~%� �� � �g s� �� � ��� � ��� � ���� � ���� � ���� � �O��� � ���� � �g classes� �g class-direct-subclasses� ��2 � ��� � � �G� �f (No direct subclass)~%� �f Directs subclasses are:~%� ��� �� ��� � �� �
� �O
�� �
f Class Precedence List is:~%�
�g class-precedence-list�2 �� �g methods�g class-direct-methods�2 � � �G �f (No direct method)~%� �f Class direct methods are:~%� �� �� �O �� � ���� �!g generic-function-name�"!2 �#�" �$g generic-function-methods�%$2 �&% �'#& �(f 3~S is a generic function. It's an instance of ~A.~%�)(�� �*f (No method defined for ~S)~%�+*� �,f Methods defined for ~S~%�-,� �.2 �/�3. �0�/ �1�-0 �2O+1 �3�')2 �43 �5
0 �6
0 �7g omit-generic�827��9g letrec�:g
print-args�;g args�<; �=G; �>g newline�?> �@=? �Ai; �B� �Cg car�DC; �E�D �F�E �Gk; �H:G �IABFH �J�; �K�J �L�BK? �M7@IL �N�<M �O:N �PO �Qf Method ~A~%�RQ2 �SG7 �Tg gf�Ug method-generic-function�VU2 �WTV �XW �Yf Generic: ~A~%�Z!T �[YZ �\f (No generic)~%�]\ �^OT[] �_�X^ �`OS_ �af Specializers:�ba �cg method-specializers�dc2 �e:d �f9PR`be �gf �hg provide�C 5 h� ]4
5 4 > "