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name : statprof.go
GOOF----LE-8-2.0�q]�4h_]gguile�	�	gdefine-module*�	�	�	gstatprof�	�	gfilenameS�		fstatprof.scm�	
gimportsS�	gsrfi�	gsrfi-1�	
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statprof-stop�	gstatprof-reset�	gstatprof-accumulated-time�	 gstatprof-sample-count�	!gstatprof-fold-call-data�	"gstatprof-proc-call-data�	#gstatprof-call-data-name�	$gstatprof-call-data-calls�	%gstatprof-call-data-cum-samples�	&gstatprof-call-data-self-samples�	'gstatprof-call-data->stats�	(gstatprof-stats-proc-name�	)gstatprof-stats-%-time-in-proc�	*gstatprof-stats-cum-secs-in-proc�	+g statprof-stats-self-secs-in-proc�	,gstatprof-stats-calls�	-g!statprof-stats-self-secs-per-call�	.g statprof-stats-cum-secs-per-call�	/gstatprof-display�	0gstatprof-display-anomolies�	1gstatprof-fetch-stacks�	2gstatprof-fetch-call-tree�	3g
with-statprof�	4ggcprof�	5 !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234�	6g	autoloadsS�	7gice-9�	8gformat�	978�	:8�	;9:�	<gset-current-module�	=<�	><�	?gaccumulated-time�	@glast-start-time�	Agsample-count�	Bgsampling-frequency�	Cgremaining-prof-time�	Dg
profile-level�	Eg
%count-calls?�	Fg
gc-time-taken�	Ggrecord-full-stacks?�	Hgstacks�	Igprocedure-data�	Jgmake-call-data�	Kgcall-data-proc�	Lgprocedure-name�	Mgcall-data-name�	Ngwith-output-to-string�	Ogwrite�	Pgcall-data-printable�	Qgcall-data-call-count�	Rgcall-data-cum-sample-count�	Sgcall-data-self-sample-count�	Tginc-call-data-call-count!�	Uginc-call-data-cum-sample-count!�	Vg inc-call-data-self-sample-count!�	Wgmake-syntax-transformer�	XW�	YW�	Zgaccumulate-time�	[gmacro�	\g$sc-dispatch�	]\�	^\�	_g_�	`gany�	a_`��	bg
syntax->datum�	cb�	db�	eg
datum->syntax�	fe�	ge�	hgset!�	ig+�	je0.0�	kg-�	l@�	mgsyntax-violation�	nm�	om�	pf-source expression failed to match any pattern�	qgprogram?�	rgprogram-num-free-variables�	sgprogram-objcode�	tg	hashq-ref�	ug
hashq-set!�	vg
get-call-data�	wgstack-length�	xgframe-procedure�	yg
count-call�	zgframe-previous�	{gmake-hash-table�	|g	hash-fold�	}gand=>�	~g	stack-ref�	gsample-stack-procs��ginside-profiler?��gget-internal-run-time��g
make-stack��gprofile-signal-handler��gpk��gwhat!��gset-vm-trace-level!��gthe-vm��gvm-trace-level��g	setitimer��gITIMER_PROF��gassq��ggc-stats��g	add-hook!��g
vm-apply-hook��gremove-hook!��gerror��f/Can't reset profiler while profiler is running.��g	sigaction��gSIGPROF��f:Can't call statprof-fold-called while profiler is running.��e100.0��e1.0��gmax��gstats-sorter��gcurrent-output-port��fNo samples recorded.
��gsort��f!~5a ~10a   ~7a ~8a ~8a ~8a  ~8@a
��f%  ��f
cumulative��fself��f��ftotal��f ~5a  ~9a  ~8a ~8a ~8a ~8a  ~8@a
��ftime��fseconds��fcalls��fms/call��fname��f~5a ~10a   ~7a  ~8@a
��f%��f~5a  ~10a  ~7a  ~8@a
��gfor-each��f#~6,2f ~9,2f ~9,2f ~7d ~8,2f ~8,2f  ��f~6,2f ~9,2f ~9,2f  ��gdisplay��gnewline��f---
��g
simple-format��fSample count: ~A
��f*Total time: ~A seconds (~A seconds in GC)
��ginternal-time-units-per-second��f
==[~A ~A ~A]
��fTotal time: ~A
��f5Can't get accumulated time while profiler is running.��gprocedure=?��gmap��glists->trees��gcadr��gfind��g	assq-set!��gfilter��gidentity��gunfold-right��gstack->procedures��gloopS������ghzS���	���gcount-calls?S���	���gfull-stacks?S���	���������ginexact->exact��gfloor��e	1000000.0��fInvalid macro body��gkeyword?��geq?��g@�����glambda���	�������g
56;5	4>>"G?R@RARBRCR
call-count		gcum-sample-count			gself-sample-count			gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
�	��			gnamegmake-call-data�CJRht]
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��		gnamegcall-data-proc�CKRLKh}]456ugcd
gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
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�	��	�	/��	
�	(��		
Ch �]	45$CO6�gcd
		gt			gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��		�	��	�	��		gnamegcall-data-printable�CPRhz]�Crgcd
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	"��		gnamegcall-data-call-count�CQRh�]	�Cxgcd
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	(��		gnamegcall-data-cum-sample-count�CRRh�]	�Cygcd
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	)��		gnamegcall-data-self-sample-count�CSRh�]���C�gcd
gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
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�	��	�	��		
gnameginc-call-data-call-count!�CTRh�]		���C�gcd
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
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�	��		gnameginc-call-data-cum-sample-count!�CURh�]		���C�gcd
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��	�	��	
�	��		gnameg inc-call-data-self-sample-count!�CVR4YZ[^adgh?ijklh `]��CXg	stop-time
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��		Cha]	45L4?6Ygargs
		gv			gfilenamefstatprof.scm�	�
��		Coph(_]	45$O@6Wgy
		'gtmp		'gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
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	#gk	4	ogt		?	og	call-data		T	ogfilenamefstatprof.scm�
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�	��	
�	��	�	��	�	��	'�	��	.�	��	4�	��	7�	��	?�	��	K�	��	T�	��	W�	
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�	��		
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5"���4	>"G45$""���45"��|4
>"G44
		ghit-count-call?		gframe		1�g
procs-seen		1�gself		1�gt		>�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��	�	��	�	��	"�	��	$�	��	+�	��	-�	��	1�	��	7�	��	8�	��	>�	��	N�	
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445545$"7	$$4
454455�>"G"

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454455�>"G"" CKgsig
	�g	stop-time	�gt			:gstack		:�ginside-apply-trap?		C�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��		��		��	
	��		��		��		��		��	+	��	/	��	0	#��	7	��	:	��	=	!��	C	��	K!	��	U)	��	V*	��	Y*	'��	^+	+��	a+	;��	g+	+��	h+	'��	m*	��	}�	���,	���.	���0	���1	���.	���3	���5	$���5	���6	���7	���7	'���8	+���8	;���8	+���8	'���7	���:	��+	�gnamegprofile-signal-handler�C�R�?j�@}xTvhe]456]gproc
gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
E	��	G	��	
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C	h@�]$C�45�� 445>"G45 C�gframe
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�C�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	P	��		
documentationfuReturns @code{#t} if @code{statprof-start} has been called more times
than @code{statprof-stop}, @code{#f} otherwise.�CRDC�@�F�F��BE���y��h�U]� �$�$�
�" 45 4455� $4	


��>"G$ 4
	�gt		4guse-rpt?	9�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	W	��	W	��	X	��	X	��	Y	��	Z	��	[	+��	[	 ��	[	��	/\	+��	0\	 ��	9Y	��	>]	��	?^	��	E^	��	F`	��	J`	��	K`	(��	Q`	��	R`	��	T_	��	Za	��	[b	��	db	'��	gb	1��	lb	��	yc	���e	���f	���c	���g	���h	���h	���h	&���h	���h	���i	���i	���i	*���i	:���i	*���i	&���i	��-	�
documentationfStart the profiler.@code{}�CRD�F�F���E��y��C?j�@h��]� 
�$z4455�� 4454455�>"G	$ 4
4455>"G"4

5 �45��  CC�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	q	��	q	��	
r	��	r	��	u	��	u	��	u	+��	u	��	u	��	u	��	!t	��	"v	��	%v	��	*v	*��	-v	:��	3v	*��	4v	&��	9v	��	Gw	��	Hx	��	Kx	��	Nx	)��	Tx	��	[x	��	h{	"��	t{	��	x�	��	z|	���|	���}	�� 	�
documentationfStop the profiler.@code{}�CRD��E?@ABC{IGH���hx�-.,3#
 �  	4
		qgsample-microseconds		qgcount-calls?			qgfull-stacks?			qgfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��	�	��	�	��	"�	
��	'�	��	7�	��	:�	��	=�	��	@�	��	E�	��	G�	��	J�	��	K�	��	T�	��	X�	��	Y�	��	[�	��	\�	��		q	gnamegstatprof-reset�g
documentationfVReset the statprof sampler interval to @var{sample-seconds} and
@var{sample-microseconds}. If @var{count-calls?} is true, arrange to
instrument procedure calls as well as collecting statistical profiling
data. If @var{full-stacks?} is true, collect all sampled stacks into a
list for later analysis.

Enables traps and debugging as necessary.�CRD��|h�]L6�gkey
gprior-result			
gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
�	��	
�	��		
		/ginit		/gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��	
�	��	�	��	�	
��	�	��	/�	��		/	gnamegstatprof-fold-call-data�g
documentationf7Fold @var{proc} over the call-data accumulated by statprof. Cannot be
called while statprof is active. @var{proc} should take two arguments,
@code{(@var{call-data} @var{prior-result})}.

Note that a given proc-name may appear multiple times, but if it does,
it represents different functions with the same name.�C!RD��tIh(]
		(gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��	
�	��	�	��	�	
��	�	��	(�	��		(gnamegstatprof-proc-call-data�g
documentationfTReturns the call-data associated with @var{proc}, or @code{#f} if
none is available.�C"RPSR E$��j�h��]1454545454545�$45"���	��	�$
"�	��"$�	�45�"C�g	call-data
	�g	proc-name		�gself-samples		�gcum-samples		�gall-samples		"�gsecs-per-sample		/�g	num-calls		C�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��		�	��	�	��	�	��	�	��	�	��	�	��	"�	��	%�	��	*�	��	/�	��	/�	��	7�	��	8�	'��	C�	��	L�	��	N�	,��	O�	��	T�	��	V�	+��	W�	��	\�	��	^�	,��	_�	��	g�	��	j�	��	o�	��	q�	*��	z�	��	|�	9��	}�	����	����	����	����	����	����	����	��(	�gnamegstatprof-call-data->stats�g
documentationf0Returns an object of type @code{statprof-stats}.�C'Rh�]
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	)��		gnamegstatprof-stats-proc-name�C(Rh�]�C~gstats
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	.��		gnamegstatprof-stats-%-time-in-proc�C)Rh�]	�C�gstats
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	0��		gnamegstatprof-stats-cum-secs-in-proc�C*Rh�]	�C�gstats
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	1��		gnameg statprof-stats-self-secs-in-proc�C+Rh}]	�Cugstats
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	%��		gnamegstatprof-stats-calls�C,Rh�]	�C�gstats
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	2��		gnameg!statprof-stats-self-secs-per-call�C-Rh�]	�C�gstats
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	1��		gnameg statprof-stats-cum-secs-per-call�C.R+*h8�]
		3gy		3gdiff			3gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��	
�	��	�	��	�	��	�		��	�	��	�	��	#�	��	*�		��	1�	��		3	gnamegstats-sorter�C�R� 8�!'h~]45�Cvgdata
gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
�	��	�	 ��	�	��		
	C��E����������������E8�)*+,-.��(�h�=]$J4M45454545�45��4	5�>"G")4M
454545>"G445M>"G
	�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
�	��	�	��		�	��	�	��	�	��	�	��	�	��	%�	��	/�	��	6�	��	:�	��	A�	��	F�	��	S�	��	Y�	��	Z�	��	a	��	h	��	s�	��	|	��		���	���	��	�gnamegdisplay-stats-line�C�����F��$h(�-13HJ(45K"45
�$J64545	$H4J

>	"G4J>	"G"84J
>"G4J>"G4O>"G4J>"G445>"G4 5!"�#�6�gport
stats-list	9%gsorted-stats		D%gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	�	��	�	��	�	��	�	��	$�	��	)�	��	/�	��	1�	��	2�	��	7�	��	9�	��	9�	��	<�	��	D�	��	L	��	M	��	S	��	U	��	W	��	Y	(��	[	/��	]	2��	_	9��	a	A��	f	��	o		��	u		��	w
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documentationf�Displays a gprof-like summary of the statistics collected. Unless an
optional @var{port} argument is passed, uses the current output port.�C/R!EQR��MhH�]$:45
		Dgprior-value		Dgfilenamefstatprof.scm�
	��		��			��		��			��	 	��	 	��	"		��	'"	��	(#	��	/$	��	6%	��	>!		��		D	C��� h@]4>"G445>"G456
gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��		��	'	��	'	��	'	'��	%'	��	2(	��	3(	)��	9(	��
documentationfQA sanity check that attempts to detect anomolies in statprof's
�$4>"G"�C�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	,	��	
,	��	-	��	-	
��	-	��	%.	��		&
documentationfAReturns the time accumulated during the last statprof run.@code{}�CRD��Ah(�]
�$4>"G"C�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	2	��	
2	��	3	��	3	
��	3	��		#
documentationfHReturns the number of samples taken during the last statprof run.@code{}�C RMi#RQi$RRi%RSi&RHh>]C6gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
documentationf�Returns a list of stacks, as they were captured since the last call
to @code{statprof-reset}.

Note that stacks are only collected if the @var{full-stacks?} argument
to @code{statprof-reset} is true.�C1Rqsh8�]&C45$45$4545�CCC�ga
		6gb		6gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
D	��	
E	��	F	��	
G	��	E	��	G	��	"G	��	#H	��	*H	��	1H	��		6	gnamegprocedure=?�C�R��h�]�4�L5�Cxgtail
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
R	��	S	 ��	T	 ��	T	.��	T	 ��	S	��		Ci��hz]�����Crga
		gb		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
X	��	X	%��		X	.��	X	"��			C�hk]L�L��6cgx
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[	��	[	 ��	
[	(��	
[	��		
h�]""�(+4O5445?45�C�(��"���4O5$!�4	�����5"��}������"��`
	�gequal?	�gin		�g
n-terminal		�gtails		�gtrees			7gt		`�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
��	O	��	P	��	
R	��	R	��	V	��	"V	"��	,V	��	-W	��	6V	��	:Y	
��	>P	��	AZ	
��	DZ	��	PZ	��	Q[	��	`P	��	k^	��	n`	��	ua	��	xb	 ��	|b	*��	}b	��	`	���^	���d	
���f	���f	!���f	���f	
���d	���O	���O	,���O	��#	�	gnameglists->trees�C�R���hY]�CQgx
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
j	��	j	$��		Cxz~h �]44
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
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��	v	��	v	��	v	��	v	��		
documentationf�Return a call tree for the previous statprof run.

The return value is a list of nodes, each of which is of the type:
 node ::= (@var{proc} @var{count} . @var{nodes})
@end code�C2R�h0�]

		)gresult		)gresult			)gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
�	��	�	��	
�	��	�	��	�	��	�	��	)�	��		)	gnameglp�Ch l]OLQL6dglp
		gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
�	��	�	��	�	��	�	��		
C���h@�]444L�554L�4L�5��5LL>"G6�gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
�	��	�	��	�	��		�	&��	�	-��	�	&��	�	��	�	��	�	)��	�	0��	�	0��	#�	7��	%�	0��	&�	-��	'�	&��	)�	��	2�	��	>�	��		>
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�	��	�	��	�	��	%�	��		'
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��	A�	��	�
gloopS�ghzS	�gcount-calls?S	�gfull-stacks?S	�gnamegstatprof�g
documentationf�Profile the execution of @var{thunk}, and return its return values.

The stack will be sampled @var{hz} times per second, and the thunk
itself will be called @var{loop} times.

If @var{count-calls?} is true, all procedure calls will be recorded. This
operation is somewhat expensive.

If @var{full-stacks?} is true, at each sample, statprof will store away the
whole call tree, for later analysis. Use @code{statprof-fetch-stacks} or
@code{statprof-fetch-call-tree} to retrieve the last-stored stacks.�CR4Y3[^adg����hP	](64�5$ �&��C��"���45$CCgkw
		Ngargs		Ngdef			Ngfilenamefstatprof.scm�
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kw-arg-ref�C������h`�-13OQ45��454	d54545
kw-arg-ref		[gfilenamefstatprof.scm�
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documentationf�Profile the expressions in the body, and return the body's return values.

Keyword arguments:

@table @code
@item #:loop
Execute the body @var{loop} number of times, or @code{#f} for no looping

default: @code{#f}
@item #:hz
Sampling rate

default: @code{20}
@item #:count-calls?
Whether to instrument each function call (expensive)

default: @code{#f}
@item #:full-stacks?
Whether to collect away all sampled stacks into a list

default: @code{#f}
@end table�g
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��	;	��	�
gloopS�gfull-stacks?S	�gnameggcprof�g
documentationf+Do an allocation profile of the execution of @var{thunk}.

The stack will be sampled soon after every garbage collection, yielding
an approximate idea of what is causing allocation in your program.

Since GC does not occur very frequently, you may need to use the
@var{loop} parameter, to cause @var{thunk} to be called @var{loop}

If @var{full-stacks?} is true, at each sample, statprof will store away the
whole call tree, for later analysis. Use @code{statprof-fetch-stacks} or
@code{statprof-fetch-call-tree} to retrieve the last-stored stacks.�C4RC>gm
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© 2025 GrazzMean