GOOF----LE-8-2.0"� ]� 4 hO^ ] g guile� � g define-module*� � � g system� g repl� g coop-server� �
g filenameS� f system/repl/coop-server.scm� g importsS�
g ice-9� g match�
� � g receive�
� � g threads�
� � g q�
� � g srfi� g srfi-9� � � � g selectS� g start-repl*� !g prompting-meta-read� " ! � #" � $g server� %$ � &g run-server*� 'g make-tcp-server-socket� (g add-open-socket!� )g
close-socket!� *g guard-against-http-request� +&'()* � ,%+ � -#, � .g exportsS� /g spawn-coop-repl-server� 0g poll-coop-repl-server� 1/0 � 2g set-current-module� 32 � 42 � 5g <coop-repl-server>� 6g !%%make-coop-repl-server-procedure� 7g make-syntax-transformer� 87 � 97 � :g %make-coop-repl-server� ;g macro� <g $sc-dispatch� =< � >< � ?g _� @g any� A?@@ � Bg
syntax-object� Cg lambda� Dg m-6cff15a80cd23e5-5� Eg top� FDE � Gg ribcage� Hg t-6cff15a80cd23e5-3� Ig t-6cff15a80cd23e5-4� JHI � KFF � Lf l-6cff15a80cd23e5-a� Mf l-6cff15a80cd23e5-b� NLM � OGJKN � PG � Qg x� RQ � SF � Tf l-6cff15a80cd23e5-7� UT � VGRSU � Wg shift� Xg proc-name� Yg args� ZXY � [E � \[[ � ]f l-1e8ba8b5a-2ba� ^f l-1e8ba8b5a-2bb� _]^ � `GZ\_ � ag key� bg value� cg name� dg formals� eg body� fabcde � g[[[[[ � hf l-1e8ba8b5a-2ad� if l-1e8ba8b5a-2ae� jf l-1e8ba8b5a-2af� kf l-1e8ba8b5a-2b0� lf l-1e8ba8b5a-2b1� mhijkl � nGfgm � og make-procedure-name� po � q[ � rf l-1e8ba8b5a-29d� sr � tGpqs � u[ � vf l-1e8ba8b5a-29c� wv � xGRuw � yFOPVWPPPP`ntx
� zg hygiene� {z � |BCy{ � }g mutex� ~[OPV � z � �B}~ � �g queue� �B�~ � ��� � �g make-struct� �g m-6cff15a80cd23e5-1� ��E � �g t-1e8ba8b5a-38d� �g t-1e8ba8b5a-38c� �g t-1e8ba8b5a-38b� ���� � �g m-1e8ba8b5a-38e� ��E � ���� � �f l-1e8ba8b5a-392� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-393� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-394� ���� � �G��� � �g ctor-args� �� � �f l-1e8ba8b5a-37a� �� � �G�u� � �g ctor� �g field� ��� � �f l-1e8ba8b5a-376� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-377� ��� � �G�\� � �g form� �g type-name� �g constructor-spec� �g field-names� ����� � �[[[[ � �f l-1e8ba8b5a-36b� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-36c� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-36d� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-36e� ����� � �G��� � �g
record-layout� �g functional-setters� �g setters� �g copier� �g getters� �g constructor� �g getter-identifiers� �g field-identifiers� ��������� � �[[[[[[[[ � �f l-1e8ba8b5a-343� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-341� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-33f� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-33d� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-33b� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-339� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-337� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-335� ��������� � �G��� � �f l-1e8ba8b5a-334� �� � �GRu� � ��OPVWP�PPP��P��� � �B��{ � �B5~ � �B
�{ � ������ � �|�� � �g each-any� �?Ȍ� �g syntax-violation� �� � �� � �f Wrong number of arguments� �g identifier?� �� � �� � �[PV � �B6� � �� � �� � �f -source expression failed to match any pattern� �g record-type-vtable� �� � �� � �g pwpw� �g default-record-printer� �� � �� � �}� � �g set-struct-vtable-name!� �� � �� � �g vtable-offset-user� �� � �� � �g %coop-repl-server?-procedure� �g coop-repl-server?� �?@ � �g m-6cff15a80cd23e5-14� ��E � �g t-6cff15a80cd23e5-13� �� � �� � �f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-19� �� � �G��� � �f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-16� �� � �GR�� � ���P�WPPPP`ntx
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�f l-1e8ba8b5a-476� �
u �g ctor-name� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-46e� �Gu �� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-46c� �Gu �g layout� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-46a� �Gu �g
immutable?� �f l-1e8ba8b5a-468� � Gu �!g field-count�"! �#f l-1e8ba8b5a-466�$# �%G"u$ �&g
getter-ids�'& �(f l-1e8ba8b5a-463�)( �*G'u) �+g field-ids�,+ �-f l-1e8ba8b5a-460�.- �/G,u. �0g predicate-name�1g
field-spec�2���01 �3[[[[[[ �4f l-1e8ba8b5a-453�5f l-1e8ba8b5a-454�6f l-1e8ba8b5a-455�7f l-1e8ba8b5a-456�8f l-1e8ba8b5a-457�9f l-1e8ba8b5a-458�:456789 �;G23: �<��P�WPPPPP
PPPP P%P*P/;�� �=B�<{ �>= �?g and�@B?<{ �Ag struct?�BBA<{ �CB= �Dg eq?�EBD<{ �Fg
struct-vtable�GBF<{ �HG= �I[�P� �JB5I �KEHJ �L@CK �M�>L �N[P� �OB�N �Pg throw-bad-struct�QP �RP �Sg coop-repl-server-mutex�Tg !%coop-repl-server-mutex-procedure�Ug free-id�Vg
%%on-error�Wg m-6cff15a80cd23e5-20�XWE �YX �Zf l-6cff15a80cd23e5-22�[Z �\GRY[ �]XP\WPPPP`ntx �^BV]{ �_U^ �`_@ �ag %%type�bg t-1e8ba8b5a-3a5�cg t-1e8ba8b5a-3a6�dg t-1e8ba8b5a-3a7�eg t-1e8ba8b5a-3a8�fg t-1e8ba8b5a-3a9�gg t-1e8ba8b5a-3aa�hg t-1e8ba8b5a-3ab�ibcdefgh �jg m-1e8ba8b5a-3ac�kjE �lkkkkkkk �mf l-1e8ba8b5a-3b0�nf l-1e8ba8b5a-3b1�of l-1e8ba8b5a-3b2�pf l-1e8ba8b5a-3b3�qf l-1e8ba8b5a-3b4�rf l-1e8ba8b5a-3b5�sf l-1e8ba8b5a-3b6�tmnopqrs �uGilt �vg getter�wg index�xvw �yf l-1e8ba8b5a-3a3�zf l-1e8ba8b5a-3a4�{yz �|Gx\{ �}�& �~[[[ �f l-1e8ba8b5a-39e��f l-1e8ba8b5a-39f��f l-1e8ba8b5a-3a0���� ��G}~� ���P\WPuPPP|P��� ��Ba�{ ��U� ��?`�@ ��g ck��g err��g s���� ��XX ��f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-25��f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-26���� ��G��� ��X�P\WPPPP`ntx
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B� { �B� { �[P� �
B� �
� �g t-6cff15a80cd23e5-3a� �f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-4f� �G� ��P�WPPPP`ntx
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�YB4X{ �Z[BPF �[B5Z �\BSZ �]B�Z �^\] �_g map�`_ �a_ �bg list�cg
make-mutex�dg make-q�eg make-coop-repl-server�fg
lock-mutex�gf �hf �ig unlock-mutex�ji �ki �lg enq!�mg coop-repl-server-eval�ng <coop-repl>�og %%make-coop-repl-procedure�pg %make-coop-repl�q?@@@@ �rg m-6cff15a80cd23e5-91�srE �tg t-6cff15a80cd23e5-8d�ug t-6cff15a80cd23e5-8e�vg t-6cff15a80cd23e5-8f�wg t-6cff15a80cd23e5-90�xtuvw �yssss �zf l-6cff15a80cd23e5-96�{f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-97�|f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-98�}f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-99�~z{|} �Gxy~ ��s ��f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-93��� ��GR�� ��sP�WPPPP`ntx
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�{ ��������� ����� ��[P� ��Bo� ��g pwpwpwpw��}��� ��g %coop-repl?-procedure��g
coop-repl?��g m-6cff15a80cd23e5-a4���E ��g t-6cff15a80cd23e5-a3��� ��� ��f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-a9��� ��G��� ��f l-6cff15a80cd23e5-a6��� ��GR�� ����P�WPPPP`ntx
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B� �
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parameter?��� ��� ��g scm-error��g wrong-type-arg��f parameterize��f Not a parameter: ~S��g save-module-excursion�C 5 h�` ]4
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