shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
AnyEvent::IO::Perl - pure perl backend for AnyEvent::IO
use AnyEvent::IO;
This is the pure-perl backend of L<AnyEvent::IO> - it is always available,
but does not actually implement any I/O operation asynchronously -
everything is synchronous.
For simple programs that can wait for I/O, this is likely the most
efficient implementation.
package AnyEvent::IO::Perl;
use AnyEvent (); BEGIN { AnyEvent::common_sense }
our $VERSION = $AnyEvent::VERSION;
package AnyEvent::IO;
our $MODEL = "AnyEvent::IO::Perl";
sub aio_load($$) {
my ($path, $cb, $fh, $data) = @_;
(open $fh, "<:raw:perlio", $path
and stat $fh
and (-s _) == sysread $fh, $data, -s _)
? $data : ()
sub aio_open($$$$) {
sysopen my $fh, $_[0], $_[1], $_[2]
or return $_[3]();
sub aio_close($$) {
$_[1](close $_[0]);
sub aio_seek($$$$) {
my $data;
$_[3](sysseek $_[0], $_[1], $_[2] or ());
sub aio_read($$$) {
my $data;
$_[2]( (defined sysread $_[0], $data, $_[1]) ? $data : () );
sub aio_write($$$) {
my $res = syswrite $_[0], $_[1];
$_[2](defined $res ? $res : ());
sub aio_truncate($$$) {
#TODO: raises an exception on !truncate|ftruncate systems, maybe eval + set errno?
$_[2](truncate $_[0], $_[1] or ());
sub aio_utime($$$$) {
$_[3](utime $_[1], $_[2], $_[0] or ());
sub aio_chown($$$$) {
$_[3](chown defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : -1, defined $_[2] ? $_[2] : -1, $_[0] or ());
sub aio_chmod($$$) {
$_[2](chmod $_[1], $_[0] or ());
sub aio_stat($$) {
$_[1](stat $_[0]);
sub aio_lstat($$) {
$_[1](lstat $_[0]);
sub aio_link($$$) {
$_[2](link $_[0], $_[1] or ());
sub aio_symlink($$$) {
#TODO: raises an exception on !symlink systems, maybe eval + set errno?
$_[2](symlink $_[0], $_[1] or ());
sub aio_readlink($$) {
#TODO: raises an exception on !symlink systems, maybe eval + set errno?
my $res = readlink $_[0];
$_[1](defined $res ? $res : ());
sub aio_rename($$$) {
$_[2](rename $_[0], $_[1] or ());
sub aio_unlink($$) {
$_[1](unlink $_[0] or ());
sub aio_mkdir($$$) {
$_[2](mkdir $_[0], $_[1] or ());
sub aio_rmdir($$) {
$_[1](rmdir $_[0] or ());
sub aio_readdir($$) {
my ($fh, @res);
opendir $fh, $_[0]
or return $_[1]();
@res = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir $fh;
$_[1]((closedir $fh) ? \@res : ());
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<AnyEvent::IO>, L<AnyEvent>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Marc Lehmann <>