shell bypass 403
# Copyright (C) 1998 Tuomas J. Lukka.
# All rights reserved, except redistribution
# with PDL under the PDL License permitted.
package PDL::Demos::TriD1;
use PDL;
use PDL::Graphics::TriD;
use PDL::Graphics::TriD::Image;
sub comment($);
sub act($);
sub actnw($);
sub output;
sub run {
comment q|
Welcome to a short tour of the capabilities of
Press 'q' in the graphics window for the next screen.
Rotate the image by pressing mouse button one and
dragging in the graphics window.
Zoom in/out by pressing MB3 and drag up/down.
Note that a standalone TriD script must start with
use PDL;
use PDL::Graphics::TriD;
use PDL::Graphics::TriD::Image;
to work properly.
actnw q|
# Number of subdivisions for lines / surfaces.
$size = 25;
$cz = (xvals zeroes $size+1) / $size; # interval 0..1
$cx = sin($cz*12.6); # Corkscrew
$cy = cos($cz*12.6);
line3d [$cx,$cy,$cz]; # Draw a line
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
$r = sin($cz*6.3)/2 + 0.5;
$g = cos($cz*6.3)/2 + 0.5;
$b = $cz;
line3d [$cx,$cy,$cz], [$r,$g,$b]; # Draw a colored line
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
$x = (xvals zeroes $size+1,$size+1) / $size;
$y = (yvals zeroes $size+1,$size+1) / $size;
$z = 0.5 + 0.5 * (sin($x*6.3) * sin($y*6.3)) ** 3; # Bumps
line3d [$x,$y,$z]; # Draw several lines
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
$r = $x;
$g = $y;
$b = $z;
line3d [$x,$y,$z], [$r,$g,$b]; # Draw several colored lines
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
lattice3d [$x,$y,$z], [$r,$g,$b]; # Draw a colored lattice
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
points3d [$x,$y,$z], [$r,$g,$b], {PointSize=>4}; # Draw colored points
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
imag3d_ns [$x,$y,$z], [$r,$g,$b]; # Draw a colored surface
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
imag3d [$x,$y,$z]; # Draw a shaded surface
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
hold3d(); # Leave the previous object in..
imag3d_ns [$x,$y,$z+1], [$r,$g,$b];
# ...and draw a colored surface on top of it...
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
lattice3d [$x,$y,$z-1], [$r,$g,$b];
# ...and draw a colored lattice under it...
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
nokeeptwiddling3d(); # Don't wait for user while drawing
for(-2,-1,0,1,2) {
line3d [$cx,$cy,$cz+$_]; # ... and corkscrews...
keeptwiddling3d(); # Do wait for user while drawing...
twiddle3d(); # and actually, wait right now.
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
# The reason for the [] around $x,$y,$z:
# 1. You can give all the coordinates and colors in one piddle.
$c = (zeroes 3,$size+1) / $size;
$coords =
sin((3+3*xvals $c)*yvals $c);
$colors = $coords;
line3d $coords, $colors; # Draw a curved line, colored
# (this works also for lattices, etc.)
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
# 2. You can use defaults inside the brackets:
lattice3d [$z], [$r]; # Note: no $x, $y, and $r is greyscale
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
# 3. You can plot in certain other systems as defaults
imag3d_ns [POLAR2D, $z], [$r, $g, $b]; # Draw the familiar
# bumpy surface in polar
# coordinates
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
actnw q|
# One last thing: you can plot a color image like this
# [press 'q' in the graphics window when done]
comment q|
'3d2' contains some of the more special constructions available
in the PDL::Graphics::TriD modules.