shell bypass 403
# Created by:
# Anton Berezin <>
# Dmitry Karasik <>
package Prima::Classes;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::Const;
package Prima::array;
use base 'Tie::Array';
use Carp;
sub new
my ($class, $letter, $buf) = @_;
die "bad array type" if $letter !~ /^[idSs]$/;
my @tie;
my $size = length pack $letter, 0;
if ( defined $buf ) {
croak "Bad length ". length($buf). ", must be mod $size" if length($buf) % $size;
} else {
$buf = '';
tie @tie, $class, $buf, $size, $letter;
return \@tie;
sub new_short { shift->new('S', @_) }
sub new_int { shift->new('i', @_) }
sub new_double { shift->new('d', @_) }
use constant REF => 0;
use constant SIZE => 1;
use constant PACK => 2;
sub is_array { ((ref tied @{$_[0]}) // '') eq 'Prima::array' }
sub substr
my ( $self, $offset, $length, $replacement) = @_;
my $a1 = tied @$self;
my $len = length($a1->[REF]) / $a1->[SIZE];
croak "offset beyond array boundaries" if $offset > $len || -$offset > $len;
my $newref;
if ( defined $replacement ) {
croak "bad length" if $length < 0;
croak "bad array" unless is_array($replacement);
my $a2 = tied @$replacement;
croak "replacement of type '$a2->[PACK]' is incompatible with type '$a1->[PACK]'"
if $a1->[PACK] ne $a2->[PACK];
$newref = CORE::substr( $a1->[REF], $offset * $a1->[SIZE], $length * $a1->[SIZE], $a2->[REF]);
} elsif ( defined $length ) {
$newref = CORE::substr( $a1->[REF], $offset * $a1->[SIZE], $length * $a1->[SIZE]);
} else {
$newref = CORE::substr( $a1->[REF], $offset * $a1->[SIZE]);
return ref($a1)->new( $a1->[PACK], $newref );
sub append
croak "bad array" if grep { !is_array($_) } @_;
my ( $a1, $a2 ) = map { tied @$_ } @_;
croak "bad array" if $a1->[PACK] ne $a2->[PACK];
$a1->[REF] .= $a2->[REF];
sub clone
my $self = tied @{$_[0]};
my ( $buf, $size, $pack ) = @$self;
return __PACKAGE__->new($pack, $buf);
sub TIEARRAY { bless \@_, shift }
sub FETCH { unpack( $_[0]->[PACK], CORE::substr( $_[0]->[REF], $_[1] * $_[0]->[SIZE], $_[0]->[SIZE] )) }
sub STORE { CORE::substr( $_[0]->[REF], $_[1] * $_[0]->[SIZE], $_[0]->[SIZE], pack( $_[0]->[PACK], $_[2] )) }
sub FETCHSIZE { length( $_[0]->[REF] ) / $_[0]->[SIZE] }
sub EXISTS { $_[1] < FETCHSIZE($_[0]) }
( $_[1] > FETCHSIZE($_[0]) ) ?
(STORE($_[0], $_[1] - 1, 0)) :
(CORE::substr( $_[0]->[REF], $_[1] * $_[0]->[SIZE] ) = '' )
sub DELETE { warn "This array does not implement delete functionality" }
# class Object; base class of all Prima classes
package Prima::Object;
use vars qw(@hooks);
use Carp;
sub CLONE_SKIP { 1 }
sub new { shift-> create(@_) }
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class);
return $self;
my $self = shift;
my $class = ref( $self);
::destroy_mate( $self);
sub profile_add
my ($self,$profile) = @_;
my $default = $_[0]-> profile_default;
$_-> ( $self, $profile, $default) for @hooks;
$self-> profile_check_in( $profile, $default);
delete @$default{keys %$profile};
@$profile{keys %$default}=values %$default;
delete $profile-> {__ORDER__};
$profile-> {__ORDER__} = [keys %$profile];
# %$profile = (%$default, %$profile);
sub profile_default
return {};
sub profile_check_in {};
sub raise_ro { croak "Attempt to write read-only property \"$_[1]\""; }
sub raise_wo { croak "Attempt to read write-only property \"$_[1]\""; }
sub set {
for ( my $i = 1; $i < @_; $i += 2) {
my $sub_set = $_[$i];
$_[0]-> $sub_set( $_[$i+1]);
sub get
my $self = shift;
map {
my @val = $self-> $_();
$_ => ((1 == @val) ? $val[0] : \@val)
} @_;
package Prima::Font;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = { OWNER=>shift, READ=>shift, WRITE=>shift};
bless( $self, $class);
my ($o,$r,$w) = @{$self}{"OWNER","READ","WRITE"};
my $f = $o-> $r();
$self-> update($f);
return $self;
sub update
my ( $self, $f) = @_;
for ( keys %{$f}) { $self-> {$_} = $f-> {$_}; }
sub set
my ($o,$r,$w) = @{$_[0]}{"OWNER","READ","WRITE"};
my ($self, %pr) = @_;
$self-> update( \%pr);
$o-> $w( \%pr);
for ( qw( size name width height direction style pitch encoding vector)) {
eval <<GENPROC;
sub $_
my (\$o,\$r,\$w) = \@{\$_[0]}{"OWNER","READ","WRITE"};
my \$font = \$#_ ? {$_ => \$_[1]} : \$o->\$r();
return \$#_ ? (\$_[0]->update(\$font), \$o->\$w(\$font)) : \$font->{$_};
for ( qw( ascent descent family weight maximalWidth internalLeading externalLeading
xDeviceRes yDeviceRes firstChar lastChar breakChar defaultChar
)) {
eval <<GENPROC;
sub $_
my (\$o,\$r) = \@{\$_[0]}{"OWNER","READ"};
my \$font = \$o->\$r();
return \$#_ ? Prima::Object-> raise_ro("Font::$_") : \$font->{$_};
sub DESTROY {}
package Prima::Component;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Object);
my %RNT = (
ChangeOwner => nt::Default,
ChildEnter => nt::Default,
ChildLeave => nt::Default,
Create => nt::Default,
Destroy => nt::Default,
PostMessage => nt::Default,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
name => ref $_[ 0],
owner => $::application,
delegations => undef,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
my $owner = $p-> {owner} ? $p-> {owner} : $default-> {owner};
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
if (
defined $owner
and !exists( $p-> {name})
and $default-> {name} eq ref $self
) {
$p-> {name} = ( ref $self) . (
1 + map {
(ref $self) eq (ref $_) ? 1 : ()
} $owner-> get_components
$p-> { name} =~ s/(.*):([^:]+)$/$2/;
sub get_notify_sub
my ($self, $note) = @_;
my $rnt = $self-> notification_types-> {$note};
$rnt = nt::Default unless defined $rnt;
if ( $rnt & nt::CustomFirst) {
my ( $referer, $sub, $id) = $self-> get_notification(
($rnt & nt::FluxReverse) ? -1 : 0
if ( defined $referer) {
return $sub, $referer, $self if $referer != $self;
return $sub, $self;
my $method = "on_" . lc $note;
return ( $sub, $self) if $sub = $self-> can( $method);
} else {
my ( $sub, $method) = ( undef, "on_" . lc $note);
return ( $sub, $self) if $sub = $self-> can( $method);
my ( $referer, $sub2, $id) = $self-> get_notification( $note, ($rnt & nt::FluxReverse) ? -1 : 0);
if ( defined $referer) {
return ( $sub, $referer, $self) if $referer != $self;
return ( $sub, $self);
return undef;
no strict;
my $self = shift;
my $expectedMethod = $AUTOLOAD;
Carp::confess "There is no such thing as \"$expectedMethod\"\n"
if scalar(@_) or not ref $self;
my ($componentName) = $expectedMethod =~ /::([^:]+)$/;
my $component = $self-> bring( $componentName);
Carp::confess("Unknown widget or method \"$expectedMethod\"")
unless $component && ref($component);
return $component;
sub find_component
my ( $self, $name ) = @_;
my @q = $self-> get_components;
while ( my $x = shift @q ) {
return $x if $x-> name eq $name;
push @q, $x-> get_components;
return undef;
package Prima::File;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Component);
my %RNT = (
%{Prima::Component-> notification_types()},
Read => nt::Default,
Write => nt::Default,
Exception => nt::Default,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
file => undef,
fd => -1,
mask => fe::Read | fe::Write | fe::Exception,
owner => undef,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
package Prima::Clipboard;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Component);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
$def-> {name} = 'Clipboard';
return $def;
sub has_format
my ( $self, $format ) = @_;
$self-> open;
my $exists = 0;
$::application-> notify( 'FormatExists', $format, $self, \$exists );
$self-> close;
return $exists ? 1 : 0;
sub copy
my ( $self, $format, $data, $keep ) = @_;
$self-> open;
$self-> clear unless $keep;
$::application-> notify( 'Copy', $format, $self, $data );
$self-> close;
sub paste
my ( $self, $format ) = @_;
my $data;
$::application-> notify( 'Paste', $format, $_[0], \$data);
return $data;
sub text { $#_ ? shift->copy('Text', @_) : $_[0]->paste('Text') }
sub image { $#_ ? shift->copy('Image', @_) : $_[0]->paste('Image') }
package Prima::Region;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Component);
sub origin { (shift->box)[0,1] }
sub size { (shift->box)[2,3] }
sub rect
my @box = shift->box;
return @box[0,1], $box[0] + $box[2], $box[1] + $box[3];
sub dup
my $r = ref($_[0])->new;
$r->combine($_[0], rgnop::Copy);
return $r;
sub bitmap_or_image
my ($self, $class, %param) = @_;
return undef if $self-> is_empty;
my @box = $self->box;
my @size = @box[2,3];
my $with_offset = delete $param{with_offset};
if ( $with_offset ) {
$size[0] += $box[0];
$size[1] += $box[1];
my $dbm = $class->new( size => \@size, %param);
$dbm-> clear;
$self-> offset( -$box[0], -$box[1]) unless $with_offset;
$dbm-> region($self);
$self-> offset( $box[0], $box[1]) unless $with_offset;
$dbm-> bar(0,0,@size);
return $dbm;
sub bitmap { shift->bitmap_or_image( 'Prima::DeviceBitmap', type => dbt::Bitmap, @_ ) }
sub image { shift->bitmap_or_image( 'Prima::Image', type => im::BW, @_ ) }
package Prima::Drawable;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Component);
use Prima::Drawable::Basic;
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
color => cl::Black,
backColor => cl::White,
fillMode => fm::Overlay|fm::Alternate,
fillPattern => fp::Solid,
fillPatternOffset => [0,0],
font => {
height => 16,
width => 0,
pitch => fp::Default,
style => fs::Normal,
direction => 0,
vector => fv::Default,
name => "Default",
encoding => "",
lineEnd => le::Round,
lineJoin => lj::Round,
linePattern => lp::Solid,
lineWidth => 0,
miterLimit => 10.0,
owner => undef,
palette => [],
region => undef,
rop => rop::CopyPut,
rop2 => rop::NoOper,
textOutBaseline => 0,
textOpaque => 0,
translate => [ 0, 0],
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
$p-> { font} = {} unless exists $p-> { font};
$p-> { font} = Prima::Drawable-> font_match( $p-> { font}, $default-> { font});
$p->{fillMode} = ( delete($p->{fillWinding}) ? fm::Winding : fm::Alternate) | fm::Overlay
if exists $p->{fillWinding} && ! exists $p->{fillMode}; # compatibility
sub font
($#_) ?
$_[0]-> set_font( $#_ > 1 ?
{@_[1 .. $#_]} :
) :
return Prima::Font-> new(
$_[0], "get_font", "set_font"
sub put_image
$_[0]-> put_image_indirect(
@_[3,1,2], 0, 0,
($_[3]-> size) x 2,
defined ($_[4]) ? $_[4] : $_[0]-> rop
) if $_[3]
sub stretch_image {
$_[0]-> put_image_indirect(
@_[5,1,2], 0, 0,
@_[3,4], $_[5]-> size,
defined ($_[6]) ? $_[6] : $_[0]-> rop
) if $_[5]
sub has_alpha_layer { 0 }
sub spline
my $self = shift;
$self->polyline( $self->render_spline(@_) );
sub fill_spline
my $self = shift;
$self->fillpoly( $self->render_spline(@_) );
sub fillWinding # compatibility
return $_[0]->fillMode & fm::Winding unless $#_;
$_[0]->fillMode(($_[1] ? fm::Winding : fm::Alternate) | fm::Overlay);
package Prima::Image;
use vars qw( @ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Drawable);
my %RNT = (
%{Prima::Drawable-> notification_types()},
HeaderReady => nt::Default,
DataReady => nt::Default,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
conversion => ict::Optimized,
data => '',
height => 0,
scaling => ist::Box,
palette => [0, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF],
colormap => undef,
preserveType => 0,
rangeLo => 0,
rangeHi => 1,
resolution => [0, 0],
type => im::Mono,
width => 0,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
if ( exists $p-> {colormap} and not exists $p-> {palette}) {
$p-> {palette} = [ map {
( $_ & 0xFF),
(($_ >> 8) & 0xFF),
(($_ >> 16) & 0xFF),
} @{$p-> {colormap}} ];
delete $p-> {colormap};
if ( exists $p->{size} ) {
$p->{width} //= $p->{size}->[0];
$p->{height} //= $p->{size}->[1];
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
sub rangeLo { return shift-> stats( is::RangeLo , @_); }
sub rangeHi { return shift-> stats( is::RangeHi , @_); }
sub sum { return shift-> stats( is::Sum , @_); }
sub sum2 { return shift-> stats( is::Sum2 , @_); }
sub mean { return shift-> stats( is::Mean , @_); }
sub variance { return shift-> stats( is::Variance, @_); }
sub stdDev { return shift-> stats( is::StdDev , @_); }
sub colormap
if ( $#_) {
shift-> palette([ map {
( $_ & 0xFF),
(($_ >> 8) & 0xFF),
(($_ >> 16) & 0xFF),
} @_ ]);
} else {
my $p = $_[0]-> palette;
my ($i,@r);
for ($i = 0; $i < @$p; $i += 3) {
push @r, $$p[$i] + ($$p[$i+1] << 8) + ($$p[$i+2] << 16);
return @r;
sub clone
my $i = shift->dup;
return $i;
sub ui_scale
my ($self, %opt) = @_;
my $zoom = delete($opt{zoom}) // ( $::application ? $::application->uiScaling : 1 );
return $self if $zoom == 1.0;
my $scaling = delete($opt{scaling}) // ist::Quadratic;
scaling => $scaling,
size => [ map { $_ * $zoom } $self->size ],
return $self;
sub to_region { Prima::Region->new( image => shift ) }
sub shear { $_[0]->transform(1,@_[2,1],1) }
package Prima::Icon;
use vars qw( @ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Image);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
autoMasking => am::Auto,
mask => '',
maskType => im::bpp1,
maskColor => 0,
maskIndex => 0,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
if ( exists $p-> {mask} and not exists $p-> {autoMasking}) {
$p-> {autoMasking} = am::None;
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
sub maskLineSize { int(( $_[0]->width * $_[0]->maskType + 31 ) / 32 ) * 4 }
sub mirror
my ($self, $vertically) = @_;
my ($xor, $and) = $self->split;
$_->mirror($vertically) for $xor, $and;
$self->combine($xor, $and);
sub create_combined
my $self = shift->new( autoMasking => am::None );
return $self;
sub has_alpha_layer { shift->maskType == im::bpp8 }
sub ui_scale
my ($self, %opt) = @_;
my $zoom = delete($opt{zoom}) // ( $::application ? $::application->uiScaling : 1 );
return $self if $zoom == 1.0;
my $argb = delete($opt{argb}) // ($::application ? $::application-> get_system_value( sv::LayeredWidgets ) : 0);
my $scaling = delete($opt{scaling}) // ($argb ? ist::Quadratic : ist::Box );
if ( $scaling <= ist::Box ) {
# don't uglify bitmaps with box scaling where zoom is 1.25 or 2.75
$zoom = int($zoom + .5);
return $self if $zoom <= 1.0;
scaling => $scaling,
size => [ map { $_ * $zoom } $self->size ],
return $self;
sub image
my ($self,%opt) = @_;
my ($image, undef) = $self-> split;
$image->backColor($opt{background} // 0);
return $image;
package Prima::DeviceBitmap;
use vars qw( @ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Drawable);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
height => 0,
width => 0,
type => dbt::Pixmap,
monochrome => undef, # back-compat
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
if ( exists $p-> {monochrome} and not exists $p-> {type}) {
$p-> {type} = $p->{monochrome} ? dbt::Bitmap : dbt::Pixmap;
if ( exists $p->{size} ) {
$p->{width} //= $p->{size}->[0];
$p->{height} //= $p->{size}->[1];
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
sub has_alpha_layer { shift->type == dbt::Layered }
sub dup
my $self = shift;
my $dup = ref($self)->new(
size => [ $self->size ],
type => $self->type
return $dup;
package Prima::Timer;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Component);
my %RNT = (
%{Prima::Component-> notification_types()},
Tick => nt::Default,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
timeout => 1000,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub toggle { $_[0]->get_active ? $_[0]->stop : $_[0]->start }
package Prima::Printer;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Drawable);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
printer => '',
owner => $::application,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
package Prima::Widget;
use vars qw(@ISA %WidgetProfile @default_font_box);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Drawable);
my %RNT = (
%{Prima::Drawable-> notification_types()},
Change => nt::Default,
Click => nt::Default,
Close => nt::Command,
ColorChanged => nt::Default,
Disable => nt::Default,
DragBegin => nt::Command,
DragOver => nt::Command,
DragEnd => nt::Command,
DragQuery => nt::Command,
DragResponse => nt::Command,
Enable => nt::Default,
Enter => nt::Default,
FontChanged => nt::Default,
Hide => nt::Default,
Hint => nt::Default,
KeyDown => nt::Command,
KeyUp => nt::Command,
Leave => nt::Default,
Menu => nt::Default,
MouseClick => nt::Command,
MouseDown => nt::Command,
MouseUp => nt::Command,
MouseMove => nt::Command,
MouseWheel => nt::Command,
MouseEnter => nt::Command,
MouseLeave => nt::Command,
Move => nt::Default,
Paint => nt::Action,
Popup => nt::Command,
Setup => nt::Default,
Show => nt::Default,
Size => nt::Default,
TranslateAccel => nt::Default,
SysHandle => nt::Default,
ZOrderChanged => nt::Default,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
%WidgetProfile = (
accelTable => undef,
accelItems => undef,
autoEnableChildren=> 0,
backColor => cl::Normal,
briefKeys => 1,
buffered => 0,
clipChildren => 1,
capture => 0,
clipOwner => 1,
color => cl::NormalText,
bottom => 100,
centered => 0,
current => 0,
currentWidget => undef,
cursorVisible => 0,
dark3DColor => cl::Dark3DColor,
disabledBackColor => cl::Disabled,
disabledColor => cl::DisabledText,
dndAware => 0,
enabled => 1,
firstClick => 1,
focused => 0,
geometry => gt::GrowMode,
growMode => 0,
height => 100,
helpContext => '',
hiliteBackColor => cl::Hilite,
hiliteColor => cl::HiliteText,
hint => '',
hintVisible => 0,
layered => 0,
light3DColor => cl::Light3DColor,
left => 100,
ownerColor => 0,
ownerBackColor => 0,
ownerFont => 1,
ownerHint => 1,
ownerShowHint => 1,
ownerPalette => 1,
packInfo => undef,
packPropagate => 1,
placeInfo => undef,
pointerIcon => undef,
pointer => cr::Default,
pointerType => cr::Default,
popup => undef,
popupColor => cl::NormalText,
popupBackColor => cl::Normal,
popupHiliteColor => cl::HiliteText,
popupHiliteBackColor => cl::Hilite,
popupDisabledColor => cl::DisabledText,
popupDisabledBackColor => cl::Disabled,
popupLight3DColor => cl::Light3DColor,
popupDark3DColor => cl::Dark3DColor,
popupItems => undef,
right => 200,
scaleChildren => 1,
selectable => 0,
selected => 0,
selectedWidget => undef,
selectingButtons => mb::Left,
shape => undef,
showHint => 1,
syncPaint => 0,
tabOrder => -1,
tabStop => 1,
text => undef,
textOutBaseline => 0,
top => 200,
transparent => 0,
visible => 1,
widgetClass => wc::Custom,
widgets => undef,
width => 100,
x_centered => 0,
y_centered => 0,
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
@$def{keys %WidgetProfile} = values %WidgetProfile;
my %WidgetProfile = (
# secondary; contains anonymous arrays that must be generated at every invocation
cursorPos => [ 0, 0],
cursorSize => [ 12, 3],
designScale => [ 0, 0],
origin => [ 0, 0],
owner => $::application,
pointerHotSpot => [ 0, 0],
rect => [ 0, 0, 100, 100],
size => [ 100, 100],
sizeMin => [ 0, 0],
sizeMax => [ 16384, 16384],
@$def{keys %WidgetProfile} = values %WidgetProfile;
@$def{qw( font popupFont)} = ( $_[ 0]-> get_default_font, $_[ 0]-> get_default_popup_font);
return $def;
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
my $orgFont = exists $p-> { font} ? $p-> { font} : undef;
my $owner = exists $p-> { owner} ? $p-> { owner} : $default-> { owner};
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
delete $p-> { font} unless defined $orgFont;
my $name = defined $p-> {name} ? $p-> {name} : $default-> {name};
$p-> {text} = $name
if !defined $p-> { text} and !defined $default-> {text};
$p-> {showHint} = 1 if
( defined $owner) &&
( defined $::application) &&
( $owner == $::application) &&
( exists $p-> { ownerShowHint} ?
$p-> { ownerShowHint} :
$default-> { ownerShowHint}
$p-> {enabled} = $owner-> enabled
if defined $owner && $owner-> autoEnableChildren;
(my $cls = ref $self) =~ s/^Prima:://;
for my $fore (qw(color hiliteBackColor disabledColor dark3DColor)) {
unless (exists $p-> {$fore}) {
my $clr = Prima::Widget::fetch_resource(
$cls, $name, 'Foreground',
$fore, $owner, fr::Color
$p-> {$fore} = $clr if defined $clr;
for my $back (qw(backColor hiliteColor disabledBackColor light3DColor)) {
unless (exists $p-> {$back}) {
my $clr = Prima::Widget::fetch_resource(
$cls, $name, 'Background',
$back, $owner, fr::Color
$p-> {$back} = $clr if defined $clr;
for my $fon (qw(font popupFont)) {
my $f = Prima::Widget::fetch_resource(
$cls, $name, 'Font', $fon, $owner, fr::Font);
next unless defined $f;
unless ( exists $p-> {$fon}) {
$p-> {$fon} = $f;
} else {
for ( keys %$f) {
$p-> {$fon}-> {$_} = $$f{$_}
unless exists $p-> {$fon}-> {$_};
for ( $owner ? qw( color backColor showHint hint font): ()) {
my $o_ = 'owner' . ucfirst $_;
$p-> { $_} = $owner-> $_() if
( $p-> { $o_} = exists $p-> { $_} ? 0 :
( exists $p-> { $o_} ? $p-> { $o_} : $default-> {$o_}));
for ( qw( font popupFont)) {
$p-> { $_} = {} unless exists $p-> { $_};
$p-> { $_} = Prima::Widget-> font_match( $p-> { $_}, $default-> { $_});
if ( exists( $p-> { origin})) {
$p-> { left } = $p-> { origin}-> [ 0];
$p-> { bottom} = $p-> { origin}-> [ 1];
if ( exists( $p-> { rect})) {
my $r = $p-> { rect};
$p-> { left } = $r-> [ 0];
$p-> { bottom} = $r-> [ 1];
$p-> { right } = $r-> [ 2];
$p-> { top } = $r-> [ 3];
if ( exists( $p-> { size})) {
$p-> { width } = $p-> { size}-> [ 0];
$p-> { height} = $p-> { size}-> [ 1];
my $designScale = exists $p-> {designScale} ? $p-> {designScale} : $default-> {designScale};
if ( defined $designScale) {
my @defScale = @$designScale;
if (( $defScale[0] > 0) && ( $defScale[1] > 0)) {
@{$p-> { designScale}} = @defScale;
for ( qw ( left right top bottom width height)) {
$p-> {$_} = $default-> {$_}
unless exists $p-> {$_};
} else {
@defScale = $owner-> designScale
if defined $owner && $owner-> scaleChildren;
@{$p-> { designScale}} = @defScale
if ( $defScale[0] > 0) && ( $defScale[1] > 0);
if ( exists $p-> { designScale}) {
my @d = @{$p-> { designScale}};
unless ( @default_font_box) {
my $f = $::application-> get_default_font;
@default_font_box = ( $f-> { width}, $f-> { height});
my @a = @default_font_box;
$p-> {left} *= $a[0] / $d[0] if exists $p-> {left};
$p-> {right} *= $a[0] / $d[0] if exists $p-> {right};
$p-> {top} *= $a[1] / $d[1] if exists $p-> {top};
$p-> {bottom} *= $a[1] / $d[1] if exists $p-> {bottom};
$p-> {width} *= $a[0] / $d[0] if exists $p-> {width};
$p-> {height} *= $a[1] / $d[1] if exists $p-> {height};
} else {
$p-> {designScale} = [0,0];
$p-> { top} = $default-> { bottom} + $p-> { height}
if ( !exists ( $p-> { top}) && !exists( $p-> { bottom}) && exists( $p-> { height}));
$p-> { height} = $p-> { top} - $p-> { bottom}
if ( !exists( $p-> { height}) && exists( $p-> { top}) && exists( $p-> { bottom}));
$p-> { top} = $p-> { bottom} + $p-> { height}
if ( !exists( $p-> { top}) && exists( $p-> { height}) && exists( $p-> { bottom}));
$p-> { bottom} = $p-> { top} - $p-> { height}
if ( !exists( $p-> { bottom}) && exists( $p-> { height}) && exists( $p-> { top}));
$p-> { bottom} = $p-> { top} - $default-> { height}
if ( !exists( $p-> { bottom}) && !exists( $p-> { height}) && exists( $p-> { top}));
$p-> { top} = $p-> { bottom} + $default-> { height}
if ( !exists( $p-> { top}) && !exists( $p-> { height}) && exists( $p-> { bottom}));
$p-> { right} = $default-> { left} + $p-> { width}
if ( !exists( $p-> { right}) && !exists( $p-> { left}) && exists( $p-> { width}));
$p-> { width} = $p-> { right} - $p-> { left}
if ( !exists( $p-> { width}) && exists( $p-> { right}) && exists( $p-> { left}));
$p-> { right} = $p-> { left} + $p-> { width}
if ( !exists( $p-> { right}) && exists( $p-> { width}) && exists( $p-> { left}));
$p-> { left} = $p-> { right} - $p-> { width}
if ( !exists( $p-> { left}) && exists( $p-> { right}) && exists( $p-> { width}));
$p-> { left} = $p-> { right} - $default-> {width}
if ( !exists( $p-> { left}) && !exists( $p-> { width}) && exists($p-> {right}));
$p-> { right} = $p-> { left} + $default-> { width}
if ( !exists( $p-> { right}) && !exists( $p-> { width}) && exists( $p-> { left}));
if ( $p-> { popup}) {
$p-> { popupItems} = $p-> {popup}-> get_items('');
delete $p-> {popup};
my $current = exists $p-> { current} ? $p-> { current} : $default-> { current};
if ( defined($owner) && !$current && !$owner-> currentWidget) {
my $e = exists $p-> { enabled} ? $p-> { enabled} : $default-> { enabled};
my $v = exists $p-> { visible} ? $p-> { visible} : $default-> { visible};
$p-> {current} = 1 if $e && $v;
if ( exists $p-> {pointer}) {
my $pt = $p-> {pointer};
$p-> {pointerType} = ( ref($pt) ? cr::User : $pt)
if !exists $p-> {pointerType};
$p-> {pointerIcon} = $pt
if !exists $p-> {pointerIcon} && ref( $pt);
$p-> {pointerHotSpot} = $pt-> {__pointerHotSpot}
if !exists $p-> {pointerHotSpot} && ref( $pt) && exists $pt-> {__pointerHotSpot};
if ( exists $p-> {pack}) {
for ( keys %{$p-> {pack}}) {
s/^-//; # Tk syntax
$p-> {packInfo}-> {$_} = $p-> {pack}-> {$_}
unless exists $p-> {packInfo}-> {$_};
$p-> {geometry} = gt::Pack unless exists $p-> {geometry};
$p-> {packPropagate} = 0 if !exists $p-> {packPropagate} &&
( exists $p-> {width} || exists $p-> {height});
if ( exists $p-> {place}) {
for ( keys %{$p-> {place}}) {
s/^-//; # Tk syntax
$p-> {placeInfo}-> {$_} = $p-> {place}-> {$_}
unless exists $p-> {placeInfo}-> {$_};
$p-> {geometry} = gt::Place unless exists $p-> {geometry};
sub capture {($#_)?shift-> set_capture (@_) :return $_[0]-> get_capture; }
sub centered {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_centered(1,1) :$_[0]-> raise_wo("centered"); }
sub dark3DColor {return shift-> colorIndex( ci::Dark3DColor , @_)};
sub disabledBackColor {return shift-> colorIndex( ci::Disabled , @_)};
sub disabledColor {return shift-> colorIndex( ci::DisabledText, @_)};
sub hiliteBackColor {return shift-> colorIndex( ci::Hilite , @_)};
sub hiliteColor {return shift-> colorIndex( ci::HiliteText , @_)};
sub light3DColor {return shift-> colorIndex( ci::Light3DColor, @_)};
sub popupFont {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_popup_font ($_[1]) :return Prima::Font-> new($_[0], "get_popup_font", "set_popup_font")}
sub popupColor { return shift-> popupColorIndex( ci::NormalText , @_)};
sub popupBackColor { return shift-> popupColorIndex( ci::Normal , @_)};
sub popupDisabledBackColor{ return shift-> popupColorIndex( ci::Disabled , @_)};
sub popupHiliteBackColor { return shift-> popupColorIndex( ci::Hilite , @_)};
sub popupDisabledColor { return shift-> popupColorIndex( ci::DisabledText, @_)};
sub popupHiliteColor { return shift-> popupColorIndex( ci::HiliteText , @_)};
sub popupDark3DColor { return shift-> popupColorIndex( ci::Dark3DColor , @_)};
sub popupLight3DColor { return shift-> popupColorIndex( ci::Light3DColor, @_)};
sub x_centered {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_centered(1,0) :$_[0]-> raise_wo("x_centered"); }
sub y_centered {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_centered(0,1) :$_[0]-> raise_wo("y_centered"); }
sub insert
my $self = shift;
my @e;
while (ref $_[0]) {
my $cl = shift @{$_[0]};
$cl = "Prima::$cl"
unless $cl =~ /^Prima::/ || $cl-> isa("Prima::Component");
push @e, $cl-> create(@{$_[0]}, owner=> $self);
if (@_) {
my $cl = shift @_;
$cl = "Prima::$cl"
unless $cl =~ /^Prima::/ || $cl-> isa("Prima::Component");
push @e, $cl-> create(@_, owner=> $self);
return wantarray ? @e : $e[0];
# The help context string is a pod-styled link ( see perlpod ) :
# "file/section". If the widget's helpContext begins with /,
# it's clearly a sub-topic, and the leading content is to be
# extracted up from the hierarchy. When a grouping widget
# does not have any help file related to, and does not wish that
# its childrens' helpContext would be combined with the upper
# helpContext, an empty string " " can be set
sub help
my $self = $_[0];
my $ht = $self-> helpContext;
return 0 if $ht =~ /^\s+$/;
if ( length($ht) && $ht !~ m[^/]) {
$::application-> open_help( $ht);
return 1;
my $file;
while ( $self = $self-> owner) {
my $ho = $self-> helpContext;
return 0 if $ho =~ /^\s+$/;
if ( length($ht) && $ht !~ /^\//) {
$file = $ht;
return 0 unless defined $file;
$file .= '/' unless $file =~ /\/$/;
$::application-> open_help( $file . $ht);
sub pointer
if ( $#_) {
$_[0]-> pointerType( $_[1]), return unless ref( $_[1]);
defined $_[1]-> {__pointerHotSpot} ?
$_[0]-> set(
pointerIcon => $_[1],
pointerHotSpot => $_[1]-> {__pointerHotSpot},
) :
$_[0]-> pointerIcon( $_[1]);
$_[0]-> pointerType( cr::User);
} else {
my $i = $_[0]-> pointerType;
return $i if $i != cr::User;
$i = $_[0]-> pointerIcon;
$i-> {__pointerHotSpot} = [ $_[0]-> pointerHotSpot];
return $i;
sub widgets
return shift-> get_widgets unless $#_;
my $self = shift;
return unless $_[0];
$self-> insert(($#_ or ref($_[0]) ne 'ARRAY') ? @_ : @{$_[0]});
sub key_up { splice( @_,5,0,1) if $#_ > 4; shift-> key_event( cm::KeyUp, @_)}
sub key_down { shift-> key_event( cm::KeyDown, @_)}
sub mouse_up { splice( @_,5,0,0) if $#_ > 4; shift-> mouse_event( cm::MouseUp, @_); }
sub mouse_move { splice( @_,5,0,0) if $#_ > 4; splice( @_,1,0,0); shift-> mouse_event( cm::MouseMove, @_) }
sub mouse_enter { splice( @_,5,0,0) if $#_ > 4; splice( @_,1,0,0); shift-> mouse_event( cm::MouseEnter, @_) }
sub mouse_leave { shift-> mouse_event( cm::MouseLeave ) }
sub mouse_wheel { splice( @_,5,0,0) if $#_ > 4; shift-> mouse_event( cm::MouseWheel, @_) }
sub mouse_down { splice( @_,5,0,0) if $#_ > 4;
splice( @_,2,0,0) if $#_ < 4;
shift-> mouse_event( cm::MouseDown, @_);}
sub mouse_click { shift-> mouse_event( cm::MouseClick, @_) }
sub select { $_[0]-> selected(1); }
sub deselect { $_[0]-> selected(0); }
sub focus { $_[0]-> focused(1); }
sub defocus { $_[0]-> focused(0); }
# Tk namespace and syntax compatibility
sub __tk_dash_map
my %ret;
my %hash = @_;
while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %hash ) {
$k =~ s/^-//;
$ret{$k} = $v;
return %ret;
sub pack {
my $self = shift;
$self-> packInfo( { __tk_dash_map(@_) });
$self-> geometry( gt::Pack);
sub place {
my $self = shift;
$self-> placeInfo( { __tk_dash_map(@_) });
$self-> geometry( gt::Place);
sub packForget { $_[0]-> geometry( gt::Default) if $_[0]-> geometry == gt::Pack }
sub placeForget { $_[0]-> geometry( gt::Default) if $_[0]-> geometry == gt::Place }
sub packSlaves { shift-> get_pack_slaves()}
sub placeSlaves { shift-> get_place_slaves()}
sub rect_bevel
my ( $self, $canvas, $x, $y, $x1, $y1, %opt) = @_;
my $width = $opt{width} || 0;
my @c3d = ( $opt{concave} || $opt{panel}) ?
( $self-> dark3DColor, $self-> light3DColor) :
( $self-> light3DColor, $self-> dark3DColor);
my $fill = $opt{fill};
return $canvas-> rect3d( $x, $y, $x1, $y1, $width, @c3d, $fill)
if $width < 2;
my $back = (defined($fill) && !ref($fill)) ? $fill : $self-> backColor;
# 0 - upper left under 2 -- inner square
# 1 - lower right over 3
# 2 - upper left -- outer square
# 3 - lower right
if ( $opt{concave}) {
push @c3d, 0x404040, $c3d[0];
} elsif ( $opt{panel}) {
@c3d = ( 0x404040, $self-> disabledBackColor, $c3d[0], $c3d[1]);
} else {
push @c3d, $c3d[1], 0x404040;
$fill = $fill->clone( widgetClass => $self->widgetClass ) if $fill && ref($fill);
my $hw = int( $width / 2);
$canvas-> rect3d( $x, $y, $x1, $y1, $hw, @c3d[2,3], $fill);
$canvas-> rect3d( $x + $hw, $y + $hw, $x1 - $hw, $y1 - $hw, $width - $hw, @c3d[0,1]);
sub has_alpha_layer { $_[0]-> layered && $_[0]-> is_surface_layered }
sub begin_drag
my ( $self, @opt ) = @_;
my %opt;
if ( 1 != @opt ) {
%opt = @opt;
} elsif ( ref($opt[0]) && $opt[0]->isa('Prima::Image')) {
$opt{image} = $opt[0];
} else {
$opt{text} = $opt[0];
my $actions = ($opt{actions} // dnd::Copy) & dnd::Mask;
unless ( $actions ) {
Carp::carp("bad actions");
return -1;
# don't start dragging immediately
if ( $opt{track} // 1 ) {
my @start_pos = $self->pointerPos;
my $offset = $opt{track} // 5;
my $break = 0;
my @id;
push @id, $self-> add_notification( MouseMove => sub {
my ( undef, undef, $x, $y ) = @_;
$break = 1 if
abs( $start_pos[0] - $x ) > $offset ||
abs( $start_pos[1] - $y ) > $offset;
push @id,
map { $self-> add_notification( $_ => sub { $break = -1 }) }
qw(MouseLeave MouseClick MouseDown MouseUp Destroy);
1 while !$break && $::application->yield(1);
return dnd::None unless $self->alive;
$self->remove_notification($_) for @id;
return -1 if $break < 0;
# data
my $clipboard = $::application->get_dnd_clipboard;
if ( exists $opt{text}) {
$opt{preview} //= $opt{text};
} elsif ( exists $opt{image}) {
$opt{preview} //= $opt{image};
} elsif ( exists $opt{format} and exists $opt{data}) {
$clipboard->copy($opt{format}, $opt{data});
} # or else you fill the clipboard yourself
my @id;
my %pointers;
my $last_action = -1;
$opt{preview} = undef unless $::application->get_system_value(sv::ColorPointer);
my @max = map { $_ / 8 } $::application->size;
if ( $opt{preview} && !ref($opt{preview}) ) {
my @lines = split "\n", $opt{preview};
my $fh = $self->font->height;
my @sz = ( 0, 10 + $fh * @lines );
for my $text ( @lines ) {
my $tw = $self->get_text_shape_width($text, 1);
$sz[0] = $tw if $sz[0] < $tw;
$sz[0] += 10;
$sz[0] = $max[0] if $sz[0] > $max[0];
$sz[1] = $max[1] if $sz[1] > $max[1];
my $i = Prima::Icon->new(
size => \@sz,
type => im::RGB,
color => $self->color,
backColor => $self->backColor,
font => $self->font,
autoMasking => am::None,
maskType => im::bpp8,
my $y = $i->height - $fh - 5;
for my $text ( @lines ) {
$i->text_shape_out( $text, 5, $y);
$y -= $fh;
$i->alpha(160, 0, 0, $i->size);
$opt{preview} = $i;
if ( my $p = $opt{preview}) {
my @sz = $p->size;
$opt{preview} = $p->extract(0, 0,
($sz[0] > $max[0]) ? $max[0] : $sz[0],
($sz[1] > $max[1]) ? $max[1] : $sz[1],
) if $sz[0] > $max[0] || $sz[1] > $max[1];
# select multi actions
unless (dnd::is_one_action($actions)) {
my $default_action = dnd::to_one_action($actions);
push @id, $self-> add_notification( DragQuery => sub {
my ( $self, $modmap, $counterpart, $ref ) = @_;
if ( $modmap & km::Ctrl and $actions & dnd::Move ) {
$ref->{action} = dnd::Move;
} elsif ( $modmap & km::Shift and $actions & dnd::Link ) {
$ref->{action} = dnd::Link;
} else {
$ref->{action} = $default_action;
# update pointers
push @id, $self-> add_notification( DragResponse => sub {
my ( undef, $allow, $action, $counterpart ) = @_;
unless ($pointers{$action}) {
my $p = $opt{preview};
my $i = $self->pointerIcon;
my @hs = $self->pointerHotSpot;
$hs[1] += $p->height;
my $n = Prima::Icon->new(
type => im::RGB,
maskType => im::bpp8,
autoMasking => am::None,
size => [ $i->width + $p->width, $i-> height + $p-> height ],
if $p->isa('Prima::Icon');
$n->put_image( 0, $p->height, $i, rop::SrcCopy);
$n->put_image( $i->width, 0, $p, rop::SrcCopy);
$n->alpha(0xff, $i->width, 0, $i->width + $p->width - 1, $p->height - 1)
if !$p->isa('Prima::Icon');
$n->{__pointerHotSpot} = \@hs;
$pointers{$action} = $n;
if ($action != $last_action) {
$last_action = $action;
}) if $opt{preview};
my $old_dndAware;
if ( !( $opt{self_aware} // 1) ) {
$old_dndAware = $self->dndAware;
my $pointer = $self->pointer;
my @opp = $::application->pointerPos;
my ($ret, $counterpart) = $self->dnd_start($actions, !$opt{preview});
if ( $self->alive ) {
if ( $ret == dnd::None && $opt{preview} ) {
my @npp = $::application->pointerPos;
$npp[1] -= $opt{preview}->height;
my $paint_flag = 0;
my $flyback = Prima::Widget->new(
size => [ $opt{preview}->size ],
origin => \@npp,
layered => 1,
backColor => 0,
syncPaint => 1,
onPaint => sub {
$paint_flag = 1;
$flyback-> insert( Timer =>
onTick => sub {
$flyback->destroy if $flyback;
undef $flyback;
timeout => 1000,
)-> start;
my @targ = map { $_ / 2 } $flyback->size;
while (abs( $npp[0] - $opp[0]) > $targ[0] || abs($npp[1] - $opp[1]) > $targ[1]) {
@npp = map { ( $npp[$_] + $opp[$_] ) / 2 } 0, 1;
my $max_wait = 10;
$::application->yield while !$paint_flag && $max_wait--;
last unless $flyback;
$paint_flag = 0;
CORE::select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1);
$flyback->destroy if $flyback;
undef $flyback;
$self->pointer($pointer); # dnd_start doesn't affect children pointers and doesn't restore them
$self->remove_notification($_) for @id;
$self->dndAware($old_dndAware) if $old_dndAware;
return wantarray ? ($ret, $counterpart) : $ret;
package Prima::Window;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
my %RNT = (
%{Prima::Widget-> notification_types()},
Activate => nt::Default,
Deactivate => nt::Default,
EndModal => nt::Default,
Execute => nt::Default,
WindowState => nt::Default,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
borderIcons => bi::All,
borderStyle => bs::Sizeable,
clipOwner => 0,
growMode => gm::DontCare,
effects => undef,
icon => 0,
mainWindow => 0,
menu => undef,
menuItems => undef,
menuColor => cl::NormalText,
menuBackColor => cl::Normal,
menuHiliteColor => cl::HiliteText,
menuHiliteBackColor => cl::Hilite,
menuDisabledColor => cl::DisabledText,
menuDisabledBackColor => cl::Disabled,
menuLight3DColor => cl::Light3DColor,
menuDark3DColor => cl::Dark3DColor,
menuFont => $_[ 0]-> get_default_menu_font,
modalResult => mb::Cancel,
modalHorizon => 1,
onTop => 0,
ownerIcon => 1,
originDontCare => 1,
sizeDontCare => 1,
tabStop => 0,
taskListed => 1,
transparent => 0,
widgetClass => wc::Window,
windowState => ws::Normal,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
my $shp = exists $p-> {originDontCare} ? $p-> {originDontCare} : $default-> {originDontCare};
my $shs = exists $p-> {sizeDontCare } ? $p-> {sizeDontCare } : $default-> {sizeDontCare };
$p-> {originDontCare} = 0 if $shp and
exists $p-> {left} or exists $p-> {bottom} or
exists $p-> {origin} or exists $p-> {rect} or
exists $p-> {top} or exists $p-> {right};
$p-> {sizeDontCare} = 0 if $shs and
exists $p-> {width} or exists $p-> {height} or
exists $p-> {size} or exists $p-> {rect} or
exists $p-> {right} or exists $p-> {top};
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
if ( $p-> { menu}) {
$p-> { menuItems} = $p-> {menu}-> get_items("");
delete $p-> {menu};
$p-> { menuFont} = {}
unless exists $p-> { menuFont};
$p-> { menuFont} = Prima::Drawable-> font_match( $p-> { menuFont}, $default-> { menuFont});
$p-> { modalHorizon} = 0
if $p-> {clipOwner} || $default-> {clipOwner};
$p-> { growMode} = 0
if !exists $p-> {growMode}
and $default-> {growMode} == gm::DontCare
and (
( exists $p-> {clipOwner} && ($p-> {clipOwner}==1))
or ( $default-> {clipOwner} == 1)
my $owner = exists $p-> { owner} ? $p-> { owner} : $default-> { owner};
if ( $owner) {
$p-> {icon} = $owner-> icon if
( $p-> {ownerIcon} = exists $p-> {icon} ?
0 :
( exists $p-> {ownerIcon} ?
$p-> {ownerIcon} :
$default-> {ownerIcon}
sub maximize { $_[0]-> windowState( ws::Maximized)}
sub minimize { $_[0]-> windowState( ws::Minimized)}
sub restore { $_[0]-> windowState( ws::Normal)}
sub frameWidth {($#_)?$_[0]-> frameSize($_[1], ($_[0]-> frameSize)[1]):return ($_[0]-> frameSize)[0]; }
sub frameHeight {($#_)?$_[0]-> frameSize(($_[0]-> frameSize)[0], $_[1]):return ($_[0]-> frameSize)[1]; }
sub menuFont {($#_)?$_[0]-> menuFont ($_[1]) :return Prima::Font-> new($_[0], "get_menu_font", "set_menu_font")}
sub menuColor { return shift-> menuColorIndex( ci::NormalText , @_);}
sub menuBackColor { return shift-> menuColorIndex( ci::Normal , @_);}
sub menuDisabledBackColor{ return shift-> menuColorIndex( ci::Disabled , @_);}
sub menuHiliteBackColor { return shift-> menuColorIndex( ci::Hilite , @_);}
sub menuDisabledColor { return shift-> menuColorIndex( ci::DisabledText , @_);}
sub menuHiliteColor { return shift-> menuColorIndex( ci::HiliteText , @_);}
sub menuDark3DColor { return shift-> menuColorIndex( ci::Dark3DColor , @_);}
sub menuLight3DColor { return shift-> menuColorIndex( ci::Light3DColor , @_);}
package Prima::Dialog;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Window);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
borderStyle => bs::Dialog,
borderIcons => bi::SystemMenu | bi::TitleBar,
widgetClass => wc::Dialog,
originDontCare => 0,
sizeDontCare => 0,
taskListed => 0,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
package Prima::MainWindow;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Window);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
mainWindow => 1,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub on_create { $::main_window = $_[0] }
sub on_destroy { $::application-> close; undef $::main_window }
package Prima::MenuItem;
sub create
my $class = $_[0];
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class);
$self-> {menu} = $_[1];
$self-> {id} = $_[2];
return $self;
sub new { shift-> create(@_) }
sub menu { $_[0]->{menu} }
sub accel { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> accel( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub action { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> action ( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub autoToggle { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> autoToggle( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub checked { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> checked( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub enabled { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> enabled( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub options { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> options( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub image { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> image ( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub icon { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> icon ( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub key { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> key ( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub submenu { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> submenu( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub text { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> text ( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub group { my $self = shift;return $self-> {menu}-> group ( $self-> {id}, @_);}
sub items { my $i = shift; ( @_) ? $i-> { menu}-> set_items ( $i-> { id}, @_):return $i-> {menu}-> get_items ( $i-> { id}); }
sub enable { $_[0]-> {menu}-> enabled( $_[0]-> { id}, 1) };
sub disable { $_[0]-> {menu}-> enabled( $_[0]-> { id}, 0) };
sub check { $_[0]-> {menu}-> checked( $_[0]-> { id}, 1) };
sub uncheck { $_[0]-> {menu}-> checked( $_[0]-> { id}, 0) };
sub remove { $_[ 0]-> {menu}-> remove( $_[0]-> { id}) }
sub toggle {
my $i = !$_[0]-> { menu}-> checked($_[0]-> { id});
$_[0]-> { menu}-> checked($_[0]-> { id}, $i);
return $i
sub id {
return $_[0]->{id} unless $#_;
$_[0]->menu->set_variable( $_[0]->{id}, $_[1] );
$_[0]->{id} = $_[1];
sub execute { $_[0]->{menu}->execute($_[0]->{id}) }
sub children { $_[0]->{menu}->get_children($_[0]->{id}) }
sub is_separator { $_[0]->{menu}->is_separator($_[0]->{id}) }
sub is_submenu { $_[0]->{menu}->is_submenu($_[0]->{id}) }
sub check_icon_size { $::application->get_system_value(sv::MenuCheckSize) }
package Prima::AbstractMenu;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Component);
my %RNT = (
%{Prima::Component-> notification_types()},
Change => nt::Default,
ItemMeasure => nt::Action,
ItemPaint => nt::Action,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
selected => 1,
items => undef
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub select {$_[0]-> selected(1)}
sub enable {$_[0]-> enabled($_[1],1);}
sub disable {$_[0]-> enabled($_[1],0);}
sub check {$_[0]-> checked($_[1],1);}
sub uncheck {$_[0]-> checked($_[1],0);}
sub items {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_items ($_[1]):return $_[0]-> get_items(""); }
sub toggle {
my $i = !$_[0]-> checked($_[1]);
$_[0]-> checked($_[1], $i);
return $i;
no strict;
my $self = shift;
my $expectedMethod = $AUTOLOAD;
die "There is no such method as \"$expectedMethod\""
if scalar(@_) or not ref $self;
my ($itemName) = $expectedMethod =~ /::([^:]+)$/;
die "Unknown menu item identifier \"$itemName\""
unless defined $itemName && $self-> has_item( $itemName);
return Prima::MenuItem-> create( $self, $itemName);
sub on_itemmeasure
my ( $self, $id, $ref) = @_;
my $opt = $self->options($id) or return;
return if ref($opt) ne 'HASH';
if ( defined( my $cb = $opt->{onMeasure})) {
$cb->($self, Prima::MenuItem->new($self, $id), $ref);
sub on_itempaint
my ( $self, $id, @r) = @_;
my $opt = $self->options($id) or return;
return if ref($opt) ne 'HASH';
if ( defined( my $cb = $opt->{onPaint})) {
$cb->($self, Prima::MenuItem->new($self, $id), @r);
package Prima::AccelTable;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::AbstractMenu);
package Prima::Menu;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::AbstractMenu);
package Prima::Popup;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::AbstractMenu);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
$def-> {autoPopup} = 1;
return $def;
package Prima::HintWidget;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
showHint => 0,
ownerShowHint => 0,
visible => 0,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub on_change
my $self = $_[0];
my @ln = $self->text_split_lines($self->text);
my $maxLn = 0;
for ( @ln) {
my $x = $self-> get_text_width( $_);
$maxLn = $x if $maxLn < $x;
$self-> size(
$maxLn + 6,
( $self-> font-> height * scalar @ln) + 2
sub on_paint
my ($self,$canvas) = @_;
my @size = $canvas-> size;
$canvas-> clear( 1, 1, $size[0]-2, $size[1]-2);
$canvas-> rectangle( 0, 0, $size[0]-1, $size[1]-1);
my $fh = $canvas-> font-> height;
my ( $x, $y) = ( 3, $size[1] - 1 - $fh);
my @ln = $canvas->text_split_lines($self->text);
for ( @ln) {
$canvas-> text_shape_out( $_, $x, $y);
$y -= $fh;
sub text
return $_[0]-> SUPER::text unless $#_;
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> SUPER::text( $_[1]);
$self-> notify( 'Change');
$self-> repaint;
package Prima::Application;
use vars qw(@ISA @startupNotifications);
@ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
my %RNT = (
%{Prima::Widget-> notification_types()},
FormatExists => nt::Action,
Clipboard => nt::Action,
Copy => nt::Action,
Paste => nt::Action,
Idle => nt::Default,
sub notification_types { return \%RNT; }
my $unix = Prima::Application-> get_system_info-> {apc} == apc::Unix;
sub profile_default
my $def = $_[ 0]-> SUPER::profile_default;
my %prf = (
autoClose => 0,
pointerType => cr::Arrow,
pointerVisible => 1,
language => Prima::Application->get_system_info->{guiLanguage},
icon => undef,
owner => undef,
scaleChildren => 0,
ownerColor => 0,
ownerBackColor => 0,
ownerFont => 0,
ownerShowHint => 0,
ownerPalette => 0,
showHint => 1,
hintClass => 'Prima::HintWidget',
hintColor => cl::Black,
hintBackColor => 0xffff80,
hintPause => 800,
hintFont => Prima::Widget::get_default_font,
modalHorizon => 1,
printerClass => $unix ? 'Prima::PS::Printer' : 'Prima::Printer',
printerModule => $unix ? 'Prima::PS::Printer' : '',
helpClass => 'Prima::HelpViewer',
helpModule => 'Prima::HelpViewer',
textDirection => 0,
uiScaling => 0,
wantUnicodeInput => 1,
@$def{keys %prf} = values %prf;
return $def;
sub profile_check_in
my ( $self, $p, $default) = @_;
$p->{textDirection} //= $self->lang_is_rtl($p->{language} // $default->{language});
$self-> SUPER::profile_check_in( $p, $default);
delete $p-> { printerModule};
delete $p-> { owner};
delete $p-> { ownerColor};
delete $p-> { ownerBackColor};
delete $p-> { ownerFont};
delete $p-> { ownerShowHint};
delete $p-> { ownerPalette};
sub add_startup_notification
shift if ref($_[0]) ne 'CODE'; # skip class reference, if any
if ( $::application) {
$_-> ($::application) for @_;
} else {
push( @startupNotifications, @_);
sub setup
my $self = $::application = shift;
$self-> SUPER::setup;
for my $clp (Prima::Clipboard-> get_standard_clipboards()) {
$self-> {$clp} = $self-> insert( qw(Prima::Clipboard), name => $clp)
unless exists $self-> {$clp};
$_-> ($self) for @startupNotifications;
undef @startupNotifications;
# setup image cliboard transfer routines specific to gtk
if ( $unix ) {
my %weights = (
png => 4, # png is lossless
bmp => 3, # bmp is independent on codecs but huge
tiff => 2, # tiff is usually lossless
my %codecs = map { lc($_-> {fileShortType}) => $_ } @{Prima::Image-> codecs};
$_->{weight} = $weights{ lc($_-> {fileShortType}) } || 1 for values %codecs;
my @codecs = map { {
mime => "image/$_",
id => $codecs{$_}->{codecID},
w => $codecs{$_}->{weight},
} } sort { $codecs{$b}->{weight} <=> $codecs{$a}->{weight} } keys %codecs;
my $clipboard = $self-> Clipboard;
$clipboard-> register_format($_->{mime}) for @codecs;
$self-> {GTKImageClipboardFormats} = \@codecs;
sub get_fullscreen_image
my $self = shift;
if ( $^O eq 'darwin') {
require Prima::sys::XQuartz;
return Prima::sys::XQuartz::get_fullscreen_image($self);
} else {
return $self->get_image(0,0,$self->size);
sub get_printer
unless ( $_[0]-> {Printer}) {
if ( length $_[0]-> {PrinterModule}) {
eval 'use ' . $_[0]-> {PrinterModule} . ';';
die "$@" if $@;
$_[0]-> {Printer} = $_[0]-> {PrinterClass}-> create( owner => $_[0], system => 1);
return $_[0]-> {Printer};
sub hintFont {($#_)?$_[0]-> set_hint_font ($_[1]) :return Prima::Font-> new($_[0], "get_hint_font", "set_hint_font")}
sub helpModule {($#_)?$_[0]-> {HelpModule} = $_[1] : return $_[0]-> {HelpModule}}
sub helpClass {($#_)?$_[0]-> {HelpClass} = $_[1] : return $_[0]-> {HelpClass}}
sub lang_is_rtl
my $lang = $_[1] // $_[0]->get_system_info->{guiLanguage};
$lang =~ /^(
ar| # arabic
dv| # divehi
fa| # persian (farsi)
ha| # hausa
he| # hebrew
iw| # hebrew (old code)
ji| # yiddish (old code)
ps| # pashto, pushto
ur| # urdu
yi # yiddish
)/x ? 1 : 0
sub language
return $_[0]->{language} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $lang ) = @_;
$self->{language} = $lang;
$self->textDirection( $_[0]-> lang_is_rtl($lang));
sub help_init
return 0 unless length $_[0]-> {HelpModule};
eval 'use ' . $_[0]-> {HelpModule} . ';';
die "$@" if $@;
return 1;
sub close_help
return '' unless $_[0]-> help_init;
shift-> {HelpClass}-> close;
sub open_help
my ( $self, $link) = @_;
return unless length $link;
return unless $self-> help_init;
return $self-> {HelpClass}-> open($link);
sub on_clipboard
my ( $self, $clipboard, $action, $target ) = @_;
if ($clipboard->format_exists('Image')) {
if ( my ( $codec ) = grep { $target eq $_->{mime} } @{ $self-> {GTKImageClipboardFormats} // [] }) {
my ($bits, $handle) = ('');
my $i = $clipboard->fetch('Image') or return;
if (open( $handle, '>', \$bits) and $i->save($handle, codecID => $codec->{id})) {
$clipboard->store($codec->{mime}, $bits);
sub on_copy
my ( $self, $format, $clipboard, $data ) = @_;
$clipboard-> store( $format, $data);
if ( $format eq 'Image') {
# store(undef) is a special flag for x11 when data can be provided on demand for this format
$clipboard->store($_, undef) for map { $_->{mime} } @{ $self-> {GTKImageClipboardFormats} // [] };
sub on_formatexists
my ( $self, $format, $clipboard, $ref) = @_;
if ( $format eq 'Text') {
if ( $self-> wantUnicodeInput) {
return $$ref = 'UTF8' if $clipboard-> format_exists( 'UTF8');
$$ref = $clipboard-> format_exists( $format ) ? $format : undef;
} elsif ( $format eq 'Image') {
$$ref = undef;
return $$ref = 'Image' if $clipboard-> format_exists( 'Image');
my $codecs = $self-> {GTKImageClipboardFormats} or return;
my %formats = map { $_ => 1 } $clipboard-> get_formats;
my @codecs = grep { $formats{$_->{mime}} } @$codecs or return;
$$ref = $codecs[0]->{mime} if $clipboard-> format_exists($codecs[0]->{mime});
} else {
$$ref = $clipboard-> format_exists( $format ) ? $format : undef;
sub on_paste
my ( $self, $format, $clipboard, $ref) = @_;
if ( $format eq 'Text') {
if ( $self-> wantUnicodeInput) {
return if defined ( $$ref = $clipboard-> fetch( 'UTF8'));
$$ref = $clipboard-> fetch( 'Text');
} elsif ( $format eq 'Image') {
my $codecs = $self-> {GTKImageClipboardFormats} or goto DEFAULT;
my %formats = map { $_ => 1 } $clipboard-> get_formats;
my @codecs = grep { $formats{$_->{mime}} && $_->{w} > 1 } @$codecs or goto DEFAULT;
my $data = $clipboard-> fetch($codecs[0]->{mime});
return unless defined $data;
my $handle;
open( $handle, '<', \$data) or return;
local $@;
$$ref = Prima::Image-> load($handle, loadExtras => 1 );
} else {
$$ref = $clipboard-> fetch( $format);
=head1 NAME
Prima::Classes - binder module for the built-in classes.
C<Prima::Classes> and L<Prima::Const> is a minimal set of perl modules needed for
the toolkit. Since the module provides bindings for the core classes, it is required
to be included in every Prima-related module and program.
=head1 AUTHOR
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, L<Prima::Const>