shell bypass 403
package Prima::Drawable::Basic; # for metacpan
package Prima::Drawable;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub rect3d
my ( $self, $x, $y, $x1, $y1, $width, $lColor, $rColor, $backColor) = @_;
my $c = $self-> color;
$_ = int($_) for $x1, $y1, $x, $y, $width;
if ( defined $backColor)
if ( ref($backColor)) {
$backColor->clone(canvas => $self)->bar($x + $width, $y + $width, $x1 - $width, $y1 - $width);
} elsif ( $backColor == cl::Back) {
$self-> clear( $x + $width, $y + $width, $x1 - $width, $y1 - $width);
} else {
$self-> color( $backColor);
$self-> bar( $x + $width, $y + $width, $x1 - $width, $y1 - $width);
$lColor = $rColor = cl::Black if $self-> get_bpp == 1;
$self-> color( $c), return if $width <= 0;
$self-> color( $lColor);
$width = ( $y1 - $y) / 2 if $width > ( $y1 - $y) / 2;
$width = ( $x1 - $x) / 2 if $width > ( $x1 - $x) / 2;
$self-> lineWidth( 0);
my $i;
for ( $i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) {
$self-> line( $x + $i, $y + $i, $x + $i, $y1 - $i);
$self-> line( $x + $i + 1, $y1 - $i, $x1 - $i, $y1 - $i);
$self-> color( $rColor);
for ( $i = 0; $i < $width; $i++) {
$self-> line( $x1 - $i, $y + $i, $x1 - $i, $y1 - $i);
$self-> line( $x + $i + 1, $y + $i, $x1 - $i, $y + $i);
$self-> color( $c);
sub rect_focus
my ( $canvas, $x, $y, $x1, $y1, $width) = @_;
( $x, $x1) = ( $x1, $x) if $x > $x1;
( $y, $y1) = ( $y1, $y) if $y > $y1;
$width = 1 if !defined $width || $width < 1;
my ( $cl, $cl2) = ( $canvas-> color, $canvas-> backColor);
my $fp = $canvas-> fillPattern;
$canvas-> set(
fillPattern => fp::SimpleDots,
color => cl::White,
backColor => cl::Black,
if ( $width * 2 >= $x1 - $x or $width * 2 >= $y1 - $y) {
$canvas-> bar( $x, $y, $x1, $y1);
} else {
$width -= 1;
$canvas-> bar( $x, $y, $x1, $y + $width);
$canvas-> bar( $x, $y1 - $width, $x1, $y1);
$canvas-> bar( $x, $y + $width + 1, $x + $width, $y1 - $width - 1);
$canvas-> bar( $x1 - $width, $y + $width + 1, $x1, $y1 - $width - 1);
$canvas-> set(
fillPattern => $fp,
backColor => $cl2,
color => $cl,
sub draw_text
my ( $canvas, $string, $x, $y, $x2, $y2, $flags, $tabIndent) = @_;
$flags = dt::Default unless defined $flags;
$tabIndent = 1 if !defined( $tabIndent) || $tabIndent < 0;
$x2 //= $x + 1;
$y2 //= $y + 1;
$x2 = int( $x2);
$x = int( $x);
$y2 = int( $y2);
$y = int( $y);
my ( $w, $h) = ( $x2 - $x + 1, $y2 - $y + 1);
return 0 if $w <= 0 || $h <= 0;
my $twFlags = tw::ReturnLines |
(( $flags & dt::DrawMnemonic ) ? ( tw::CalcMnemonic | tw::CollapseTilde) : 0) |
(( $flags & dt::DrawSingleChar) ? 0 : tw::BreakSingle ) |
(( $flags & dt::NewLineBreak ) ? tw::NewLineBreak : 0) |
(( $flags & dt::SpaceBreak ) ? tw::SpaceBreak : 0) |
(( $flags & dt::WordBreak ) ? tw::WordBreak : 0) |
(( $flags & dt::ExpandTabs ) ? ( tw::ExpandTabs | tw::CalcTabs) : 0)
my @lines = @{$canvas-> text_wrap_shape( $string,
( $flags & dt::NoWordWrap) ? undef : $w,
options => $twFlags, tabs => $tabIndent
my $tildes;
$tildes = pop @lines if $flags & dt::DrawMnemonic;
return 0 unless scalar @lines;
my @clipSave;
my $fh = $canvas-> font-> height +
(( $flags & dt::UseExternalLeading) ?
$canvas-> font-> externalLeading :
my ( $linesToDraw, $retVal);
my $valign = $flags & 0xC;
if ( $flags & dt::QueryHeight) {
$linesToDraw = scalar @lines;
$h = $retVal = $linesToDraw * $fh;
} else {
$linesToDraw = int( $retVal = ( $h / $fh));
if (( $h % $fh) > 0) and ( $flags & dt::DrawPartial);
$valign = dt::Top
if $linesToDraw < scalar @lines;
$linesToDraw = $retVal = scalar @lines
if $linesToDraw > scalar @lines;
if ( $flags & dt::UseClip) {
@clipSave = $canvas-> clipRect;
$canvas-> clipRect( $x, $y, $x + $w, $y + $h);
if ( $valign == dt::Top) {
$y = $y2;
} elsif ( $valign == dt::VCenter) {
$y = $y2 - int(( $h - $linesToDraw * $fh) / 2);
} else {
$y += $linesToDraw * $fh;
my ( $starty, $align) = ( $y, $flags & 0x3);
for ( @lines) {
last unless $linesToDraw--;
my $xx;
if ( $align == dt::Left) {
$xx = $x;
} elsif ( $align == dt::Center) {
$xx = $x + int(( $w - $canvas-> get_text_width( $_)) / 2);
} else {
$xx = $x2 - $canvas-> get_text_width( $_);
$y -= $fh;
$canvas-> text_out( $_, $xx, $y);
if (( $flags & dt::DrawMnemonic) and ( defined $tildes-> {tildeLine})) {
my $tl = $tildes-> {tildeLine};
my $xx = $x;
if ( $align == dt::Center) {
$xx = $x + int(( $w - $canvas-> get_text_width( $lines[ $tl])) / 2);
} elsif ( $align == dt::Right) {
$xx = $x2 - $canvas-> get_text_width( $lines[ $tl]);
$canvas-> line(
$xx + $tildes-> {tildeStart}, $starty - $fh * $tl,
$xx + $tildes-> {tildeEnd} , $starty - $fh * $tl
$canvas-> clipRect( @clipSave) if $flags & dt::UseClip;
return $retVal;
sub prelight_color
my ( $self, $color, $coeff ) = @_;
$coeff //= 1.05;
return 0 if $coeff <= 0;
$color = $self->map_color($color) if $color & cl::SysFlag;
if (( $color == 0xffffff && $coeff > 1) || ($color == 0 && $coeff < 1)) {
$coeff = 1/$coeff;
$coeff = ($coeff - 1) * 256;
my @channels = map { $_ & 0xff } cl::to_rgb($color);
for (@channels) {
my $amp = ( 256 - $_ ) / 8;
$amp -= $amp if $coeff < 0;
$_ += $coeff + $amp;
$_ = 255 if $_ > 255;
$_ = 0 if $_ < 0;
return cl::from_rgb(@channels);
sub text_split_lines
my ($self, $text) = @_;
return ref($text) ?
@{ $self-> text_wrap( $text, 2_000_000_000, tw::NewLineBreak ) } :
split "\n", $text;
sub new_path
require Prima::Drawable::Path;
return Prima::Drawable::Path->new(@_);
sub new_gradient
require Prima::Drawable::Gradient;
return Prima::Drawable::Gradient->new(@_);
sub new_glyph_obj
require Prima::Drawable::Glyphs;
return Prima::Drawable::Glyphs->new(@_);
sub stroke_primitive
my ( $self, $request ) = (shift, shift);
return 1 if $self->rop == rop::NoOper;
return 1 if $self->linePattern eq lp::Null && $self->rop2 == rop::NoOper;
my $path = $self->new_path;
my @offset = $self->translate;
my $ok = 1;
if ( $self->lineWidth == 0 ) {
# paths produce floating point coordinates and line end arcs,
# here we need internal pixel-wise plotting
for my $pp ( map { @$_ } @{ $path->points } ) {
last unless $ok &= $self->polyline($pp);
return $ok;
my %widen;
my $method;
if ($self->linePattern eq lp::Null) {
$widen{linePattern} = lp::Solid;
$method = 'clear';
} else {
$method = 'bar';
my $region2 = $self->region;
my $path2 = $path->widen(%widen);
my $region1 = $path2->region(fm::Winding | fm::Overlay);
my @box = $region1->box;
$box[$_+2] += $box[$_] for 0,1;
my $fp = $self->fillPattern;
if ( $self-> rop2 == rop::CopyPut && $self->linePattern ne lp::Solid && $self->linePattern ne lp::Null ) {
my $color = $self->color;
my $path3 = $path->widen( linePattern => lp::Solid );
my $region3 = $path3->region;
$region3->combine( $region1, rgnop::Diff);
$region3->combine($region2, rgnop::Intersect) if $region2;
$ok = $self->bar(@box);
$region1->combine($region2, rgnop::Intersect) if $region2;
$ok &&= $self->$method(@box);
return $ok;
sub fill_primitive
my ( $self, $request ) = (shift, shift);
my $path = $self->new_path;
my @offset = $self->translate;
my $region1 = $path->region( $self-> fillMode);
my $region2 = $self->region;
$region1->combine($region2, rgnop::Intersect) if $region2;
my @box = $region1->box;
$box[$_+2] += $box[$_] for 0,1;
my $ok = $self->bar(@box);
return $ok;
sub text_shape_out
my ( $self, $text, $x, $y, $rtl) = @_;
my %flags = (skip_if_simple => 1);
$flags{rtl} = $rtl if defined $rtl;
if ( my $glyphs = $self->text_shape($text, %flags)) {
$text = $glyphs;
return $self->text_out( $text, $x, $y);
sub get_text_shape_width
my ( $self, $text, $flags) = @_;
my %flags = (skip_if_simple => 1);
$flags{rtl} = $flags & to::RTL if defined $flags;
if ( my $glyphs = $self->text_shape($text, %flags)) {
$text = $glyphs;
return $self->get_text_width( $text, $flags // 0);
sub text_wrap_shape
my ( $self, $text, $width, %opt) = @_;
$width = 1_000_000 unless defined $width;
my $opt = delete($opt{options}) // tw::Default;
my $wrapped = $self-> text_wrap( $text, $width, $opt, delete($opt{tabs}) // 8);
return $wrapped if $opt & tw::ReturnChunks;
my $tilde;
$tilde = pop @$wrapped if $opt & (tw::CalcMnemonic | tw::CollapseTilde);
my @shaped;
for my $chunk ( @$wrapped ) {
my $shaped = $self-> text_shape( $chunk, %opt );
unless (defined $shaped) {
push @$wrapped, $tilde if $tilde;
return $wrapped;
$shaped = $chunk unless $shaped;
push @shaped, $shaped;
if ( $tilde && defined($tilde->{tildeLine}) && ref(my $glyphs = $shaped[$tilde->{tildeLine}])) {
my $pos = $tilde->{tildePos};
my $index = -1;
my $found = -1;
my $indexes;
my $ligature;
$indexes = $glyphs-> indexes;
for my $c ( @$indexes ) {
$c &= ~to::RTL;
$found = $index, last if $c == $pos; # same glyph
$found = $index if $c < $pos && $c > $found; # same cluster?
# check for ligature: "f~l" situation where "fl" is a single glyph
# (also, ligatures won't work without the advances array)
if ( $indexes->[$found+1] > $indexes->[$found] + 1 && !$ligature && $glyphs->advances ) {
my $text = $wrapped->[$tilde->{tildeLine}];
substr( $text, $pos++, 0, "\x{200c}");
substr( $text, $pos + 1, 0, "\x{200c}");
$glyphs = $self-> text_shape( $text, %opt );
$index = $found = -1;
goto AGAIN;
my ($A,$B,$C) = $glyphs-> abc($self, $found);
my ($A0) = $glyphs-> abc($self, 0);
my $x = $glyphs->get_sub_width( $self, 0, $found ) - (($A0 < 0) ? $A0 : 0);
$tilde->{tildeStart} = $x;
$tilde->{tildeStart} += $A if $A < 0;
$tilde->{tildeEnd} = $x + $B;
$tilde->{tildeEnd} -= $C if $C < 0;
push @shaped, $tilde if $tilde;
return \@shaped;
=head1 NAME
=head1 NAME
Basic drawing routines for Prima::Drawable