shell bypass 403
package Prima::Drawable::Markup;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Drawable::TextBlock);
use base qw(Prima::Drawable::TextBlock);
=head1 NAME
Prima::Drawable::Markup - allow markup in widgets
use Prima qw(Application Buttons Drawable::Markup);
text => Prima::Drawable::Markup->new(markup => "B<Bold> bU<u>tton"),
hotKey => 'u',
run Prima;
=for podview <img src="Prima/markup.gif" cut=1>
=for html <p><img src="">
C<Prima::Drawable::Markup> adds the ability to recognize POD-like markup to Prima
widgets. Supported markup sequences are C<B> (bold text), C<I> (italic text),
C<U> (underlined text), C<F> (change font), C<S> (change font size), C<C>
(change foreground color), C<Q> (change background color), C<M> (move pointer),
C<W> (disable wrapping), and C<P> (picture).
The C<F> sequence is used as follows: C<FE<lt>n|textE<gt>>, where C<n> is a
0-based index into the C<fontPalette>.
The C<S> sequence is used as follows: C<SE<lt>n|textE<gt>>, where C<n> is the
number of points relative to the current font size. The font size may
optionally be preceded by C<+> or C<->.
The C<C> and C<Q> sequences are used as follows: C<CE<lt>c|textE<gt>>, where
C<c> is either: a color in any form accepted by Prima, including the C<cl>
constants (C<Black> C<Blue> C<Green> C<Cyan> C<Red> C<Magenta> C<Brown>
C<LightGray> C<DarkGray> C<LightBlue> C<LightGreen> C<LightCyan> C<LightRed>
C<LightMagenta> C<Yellow> C<White> C<Gray>). Or, a 0-based index into the
C<colorPalette>. Also, C<default> can be used to set the color that the canvas
originaly had. For C<Q> a special value C<off> can be used to turn off background
color and set it as transparent.
The C<M> command has three parameters, comma-separated: X, Y, and flags. X and
Y are coordinates how much to move the current pointer. By default X and are in
pixels, and do not extend block width. C<flags> is a set of characters, where
each is:
m - set units to font height
p - set units to points
x - also extend the block width
The text inside C<W> sequence will not be wrapped during C<text_wrap> calls.
The C<P> sequence is used as follows:C<< PE<lt>nE<gt> >>, where C<n> is a
0-based index into the C<picturePalette>.
The methods C<text_out> and C<get_text_width> are affected by C<Prima::Drawable::Markup>.
C<text_out> will write formatted text to the canvas, and C<get_text_width> will
return the width of the formatted text. B<NOTE>: These methods do not save state
between calls, so your markup cannot span lines (since each line is drawn or
measured with a separate call).
sub new
my ($class, %opt) = @_;
%opt = ( %opt,
fontmap => [{}],
colormap => [0,0],
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(%opt);
$self-> $_( $opt{$_} || [] ) for qw(fontPalette colorPalette picturePalette);
$self-> markup( $opt{markup} || '');
return $self;
sub parse_color
my ( $self, $mode, $command, $stacks, $state, $block, $c ) = @_;
my $key = ($command eq 'C') ? 'color' : 'backColor';
if ( $mode ) {
if ( $c =~ /^[0-9a-f]{6}$/ ) {
$c = hex $c;
} elsif ( $c =~ /^(\D.+)$/ && exists($cl::{$1})) {
$c = &{$cl::{$1}}();
} elsif ( $c =~ /^\d+$/) {
if ( $c >= @{ $self->{colorPalette} } ) {
warn "Color index outside palette: $c";
$c += 2;
$c |= tb::COLOR_INDEX;
} elsif ( lc($c) eq 'default' ) {
$c = $block->[($command eq 'Q') ? tb::BLK_BACKCOLOR : tb::BLK_COLOR];
} elsif ( $command eq 'Q' && lc($c) eq 'off' ) {
} else {
warn "Bad color: $c";
push @{$stacks->{$key}}, $state->{$key};
$state->{$key} = $c | (( $command eq 'Q') ? tb::BACKCOLOR_FLAG : 0);
} else {
$state->{$key} = pop @{$stacks->{$key}};
push @$block, tb::color($state->{$key});
return 1;
sub parse_font_id
my ( $self, $mode, $command, $stacks, $state, $block, $f ) = @_;
if ( $mode ) {
if ( $f !~ /^\d+$/) {
warn "Bad fond id: $f";
if ( $f >= @{ $self->{fontPalette} } ) {
warn "Font index outside palette: $f";
push @{$stacks->{fontId}}, $state->{fontId};
$state->{fontId} = $f + 1;
} else {
$state->{fontId} = pop @{$stacks->{fontId}};
push @$block, tb::fontId($state->{fontId});
sub parse_font_size
my ( $self, $mode, $command, $stacks, $state, $block, $s ) = @_;
if ( $mode ) {
unless ($s =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/) {
warn "Bad font size: $s";
push @{$stacks->{fontSize}}, $state->{fontSize};
$state->{fontSize} += $s;
push @$block, tb::fontSize($s);
} else {
$state->{fontSize} = pop @{$stacks->{fontSize}};
push @$block, tb::fontSize($state->{fontSize});
return 1;
sub parse_font_style
my ( $self, $mode, $command, $stacks, $state, $block ) = @_;
if ( $mode ) {
my %cmd = (
I => fs::Italic,
B => fs::Bold,
U => fs::Underlined,
push @{$stacks->{fontStyle}}, $state->{fontStyle};
$state->{fontStyle} |= $cmd{$command};
push @$block, tb::fontStyle($state->{fontStyle});
} else {
$state->{fontStyle} = pop @{$stacks->{fontStyle}};
push @$block, tb::fontStyle($state->{fontStyle});
return 1;
sub parse_transpose
my ( $self, $mode, $command, $stacks, $state, $block, $dx, $dy, $subcmd ) = @_;
my $fl = 0;
for my $s ( split //, $subcmd // '') {
if ( $s eq 'm') {
} elsif ( $s eq 'p') {
} elsif ( $s eq 'x') {
$fl |= tb::X_EXTEND;
} else {
warn "Bad extension flag: $s";
push @$block, tb::moveto($dx || 0, $dy || 0, $fl);
sub parse_wrap
my ( $self, $mode, $command, $stacks, $state, $block ) = @_;
if ( $mode ) {
push @{$stacks->{wrap}}, $state->{wrap};
$state->{wrap} = tb::WRAP_MODE_OFF;
} else {
$state->{wrap} = pop @{$stacks->{wrap}};
push @$block, tb::wrap($state->{wrap});
return 1;
sub paint_picture
my ( $self, $canvas, $block, $state, $x, $y, $r) = @_;
my ( $img, $zoom ) = @$r;
$y += ($block->[tb::BLK_HEIGHT] - $img->height * $zoom ) / 2 - $block->[tb::BLK_APERTURE_Y];
$canvas-> stretch_image( $x, $y, $img-> width * $zoom, $img-> height * $zoom, $img);
sub parse_picture
my ( $self, $mode, $command, $stacks, $state, $block, $pic, $zoom ) = @_;
unless ($pic =~ /^\d+$/ && $pic < @{ $self->{picturePalette} } ) {
warn "Bad picture id: $pic";
if ( defined $zoom && $zoom !~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/) {
warn "Bad picture zoom: $zoom";
$pic = $self->{picturePalette}->[$pic];
$zoom //= 1;
push @$block,
tb::extend( $pic->width * $zoom, $pic->height * $zoom, 0),
tb::code( \&paint_picture, [$pic, $zoom]),
tb::moveto( $pic->width * $zoom, 0, 0),
sub commands
return (
# has params, has text, callback
C => [ 1, 1, \&parse_color ],
Q => [ 1, 1, \&parse_color ],
F => [ 1, 1, \&parse_font_id ],
S => [ 1, 1, \&parse_font_size ],
I => [ 0, 1, \&parse_font_style ],
B => [ 0, 1, \&parse_font_style ],
U => [ 0, 1, \&parse_font_style ],
M => [ 1, 0, \&parse_transpose ],
W => [ 0, 1, \&parse_wrap ],
P => [ 1, 0, \&parse_picture ],
sub init_state
return {
color => 0 | tb::COLOR_INDEX,
backColor => tb::BACKCOLOR_DEFAULT,
fontId => 0,
fontSize => 0,
fontStyle => 0,
wrap => tb::WRAP_MODE_ON,
sub parse
my ( $self, $text ) = @_;
my (%stacks, @cmd_stack, @delim_stack );
my %commands = $self->commands;
my @tokens = split /([A-Z]<(?:<+\s+)?|\n\r*)/, $text;
my $block = tb::block_create();
my $plaintext = '';
my $state = $self->init_state;
while ( @tokens ) {
my $token = shift @tokens;
# Look for the beginning of a sequence
if ( $token =~ /^[\n\r]+$/) {
push @$block, tb::wrap( tb::WRAP_IMMEDIATE );
} elsif ( $token =~ /^([A-Z])(<(?:<+\s+)?)$/s ) {
# Push a new sequence onto the stack of those "in-progress"
my ($cmd, $ldelim) = ($1, $2);
$ldelim =~ s/\s+$//, (my $rdelim = $ldelim) =~ tr/</>/;
push @cmd_stack, '<>'; # temporary noop
push @delim_stack, $rdelim;
unless ( exists $commands{$cmd}) {
warn "Unknown command: $cmd\n";
my ( $has_params, $has_text, $callback ) = @{ $commands{$cmd} };
my @params;
if ( $has_params ) {
my $t = shift @tokens;
unless ( defined $t ) {
warn "Unexpected end of input\n";
my ($ok, $param, $text);
if ( $has_text ) {
$ok = $t =~ /^([^|]+)\|(.*)$/s;
($param, $text) = ($1, $2);
} else {
$ok = $t =~ /^([^>]*)>(.*)$/s;
($param, $text) = ($1, $2);
if ( !$ok) {
warn "Expected parameters to $cmd.\n";
unshift @tokens, $text;
@params = split(',', $param);
next unless $callback->($self, 1, $cmd, \%stacks, $state, $block, @params);
$cmd_stack[-1] = $cmd;
} # end of if block for open sequence
# Look for sequence ending
else {
my $dlm;
# Make sure we match the right kind of closing delimiter
if ( $dlm = $delim_stack[$#delim_stack] and (
($dlm eq '>' and $token =~ /\A(.*?)(\>)/s) or
($dlm ne '>' and $token =~ /\A(.*?)(\s{1,}$dlm)/s)
) {
my $t = $1;
push @$block, tb::text( length($plaintext), length($t) );
$plaintext .= $t;
my $rest = substr($token, length($1) + length($2));
length($rest) and unshift @tokens, $rest;
my $cmd = pop(@cmd_stack) // '';
next unless exists $commands{$cmd};
my ( $has_params, $has_text, $callback ) = @{ $commands{$cmd} };
$callback->($self, 0, $cmd, \%stacks, $state, $block) if $has_text;
} # end of if block for close sequence
else { # if we get here, we're non-escaped text
push @$block, tb::text( length($plaintext), length($token) );
$plaintext .= $token;
} # end of else block after if block for open sequence
} # end of while loop
push @$block, tb::wrap(tb::WRAP_MODE_ON) if $state->{wrap} == tb::WRAP_MODE_OFF;
return $plaintext, $block;
sub markup
return $_[0]->{markup} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $markup ) = @_;
my ( $text, $block ) = $self-> parse( $markup );
$self-> {markup} = $markup;
$self-> text( $text );
$self-> {block} = $block;
sub acquire
my ($self, $canvas, %opt) = @_;
my $font;
if ( $opt{font} || $opt{dimensions} ) {
$font = $canvas->get_font;
$self->{fontmap}->[0] = $font;
$self->{block}->[tb::BLK_FONT_ID] = 0;
$self->{block}->[tb::BLK_FONT_SIZE] = $self->{baseFontSize} = $font->{size};
$self->{block}->[tb::BLK_FONT_STYLE] = $self->{baseFontStyle} = $font->{style};
$self->{direction} = $font->{direction};
if ( $opt{colors}) {
$self->{block}->[tb::BLK_COLOR] = $self->{colormap}->[0] = $canvas->color;
$self->{colormap}->[1] = $canvas-> backColor;
$self->{block}->[tb::BLK_BACKCOLOR] =
($canvas-> textOpaque ? $canvas-> backColor : tb::BACKCOLOR_DEFAULT);
if ( $opt{dimensions} ) {
my $signature = join('.', @{$font}{qw(name size height width style encoding direction)});
if ( $signature ne $self->{fontSignature} ) {
$self->{fontSignature} = $signature;
sub fontPalette
return $_[0]->{fontPalette} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $fp ) = @_;
$self->{fontPalette} = $fp;
splice( @{$self->{fontmap}}, 1 );
push @{ $self->{fontmap}}, @$fp;
sub colorPalette
return $_[0]->{colorPalette} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $cp ) = @_;
$self->{colorPalette} = $cp;
splice( @{$self->{colormap}}, 2 );
push @{ $self->{colormap}}, @$cp;
sub picturePalette
return $_[0]->{picturePalette} unless $#_;
my ( $self, $pp ) = @_;
$self->{picturePalette} = $pp;
sub text_wrap
my ( $self, $canvas, $width, $opt, $indent) = @_;
my @ret = @{ $self-> SUPER::text_wrap( $canvas, $width, $opt, $indent ) };
my ( @blocks, @other);
for my $block ( @ret ) {
if ( ref($block) eq 'Prima::Drawable::TextBlock') {
$block = bless $block, __PACKAGE__;
$block->{$_} = [@{$self->{$_}}] for qw(fontmap colormap fontPalette colorPalette);
$block->{$_} = $self->{$_} for qw(restoreCanvas);
push @blocks, $block;
} else {
push @other, $block;
return @other unless @blocks;
# initials will be overwritten by acquire(), force copy them
for my $block ( @blocks ) {
my $b = $block->{block};
splice( @$b, tb::BLK_START, 0,
tb::color( $$b[tb::BLK_COLOR]),
tb::color( $$b[tb::BLK_BACKCOLOR]),
tb::fontId( $$b[tb::BLK_FONT_ID]),
tb::fontSize( $$b[tb::BLK_FONT_SIZE] - $self->{baseFontSize}),
tb::fontStyle( $$b[tb::BLK_FONT_STYLE])
return [ @blocks, @other ];
The following properties are used:
=item colorPalette([@colorPalette])
Gets or sets the color palette to be used for C<C> sequences within this widget.
Each element of the array should be a C<cl::> constant.
=item fontPalette([@fontPalette])
Gets or sets the font palette to be used for C<F> sequences within this widget.
Each element of the array should be a hashref suitable for setting a font.
=item picturePalette([@picturePalette])
Gets or sets the picture palette to be used for C<P> sequences within this widget.
Each element of the array should be a C<Prima::Image> descendant.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Copyright 2003 Teo Sankaro
You may redistribute and/or modify this module under the same terms as Perl itself.
(Although a credit would be nice.)
=head1 AUTHOR
This module based on work by Teo Sankaro, E<lt>teo_sankaro@hotmail.comE<gt>.