shell bypass 403
package Prima::PS::CFF;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima::PS::Glyphs;
use Prima::PS::TempFile;
use Prima::PS::Unicode;
use Prima::Utils;
use base qw(Prima::PS::Glyphs);
sub create_font_entry
my ( $self, $key, $font ) = @_;
return {
n_glyphs => 0,
bbox => [ undef, undef, undef, undef ],
scale => ($font->{height} - $font->{internalLeading}) / $font->{size},
fixed => ($font->{pitch} == fp::Fixed) ? 1 : 0,
weight => ($font->{style} & fs::Bold) ? 1 : 0,
italic => ($font->{style} & fs::Italic) ? -10 : 0,
ascent => $font->{ascent},
descent => -$font->{descent},
use constant full_name => "\x{2}";
use constant family_name => "\x{3}";
use constant weight => "\x{4}";
use constant font_bbox => "\x{5}";
use constant blue_values => "\x{6}";
use constant endchar => "\x{e}";
use constant charset => "\x{f}";
use constant encoding => "\x{10}";
use constant charstrings => "\x{11}";
use constant private => "\x{12}";
use constant is_fixed_pitch => "\x{c}\x{1}";
use constant italic_angle => "\x{c}\x{2}";
use constant paint_type => "\x{c}\x{5}";
use constant font_matrix => "\x{c}\x{7}";
sub mk_index
my $ret = '';
my $n = @_;
$ret .= pack('n', $n);
$ret .= pack('C', 4); # offset size is always 4 bytes, for simplicity
$ret .= pack('N', 1);
my $ofs = 1;
$ret .= pack('N', $ofs += length ) for @_;
return $ret . join('', @_);
sub mk_offset
my $n = shift;
if (-32768 <= $n && $n < 32767) {
return chr(28).chr(($n >> 8) & 0xff).chr($n & 0xff);
} else {
return chr(29).chr(($n >> 24) & 0xff).chr(($n >> 16) & 0xff).chr(($n >> 8) & 0xff).chr($n & 0xff);
sub mk_header
my ( $const_data, $offsets, $private_len ) = @_;
mk_index( join('',
mk_offset($offsets->{charstrings}) , charstrings,
mk_offset($offsets->{charset}) , charset,
mk_offset($private_len), mk_offset($offsets->{private}) , private
sub begin_evacuate
my ( $self, $fn ) = @_;
my $v = $self->{fonts}->{$fn};
$v->{glyphs_left} = $v->{n_glyphs};
$v->{tmpfile}->reset if $v->{n_glyphs};
sub evacuate_next_subfont
my ( $self, $fn ) = @_;
my $v = $self->{fonts}->{$fn};
return unless $v->{glyphs_left};
my @glyphs;
for my $gid ( 0 .. 255 ) {
my $unicode = $v->{tmpfile}->read_str;
my $width = $v->{tmpfile}->read_str;
my $code = $v->{tmpfile}->read_str;
push @glyphs, [ "a$gid", $unicode, $width, $code ];
last unless --$v->{glyphs_left};
my (@ret_charset, @ret_unicode, @ret_width, $ret_content);
my (@const_data, @strings, %offsets);
my @charset;
my $charstrings_len =
2 + 1 + 4 + # header
4 + length(endchar); # .notdef
for my $g ( @glyphs ) {
push @strings, $g->[0];
push @charset, 391 + $#strings;
$charstrings_len += 4 + length($g->[3]);
push @ret_charset, $g->[0];
push @ret_unicode, $g->[1];
push @ret_width, $g->[2];
# charsets and privates
my @bbox = map { Prima::Utils::floor(($_ // 0) + .5) } @{ $v->{bbox} };
my $charset_str = pack('Cn*', 0, @charset); # mode 0, glyph list
my $private_str = num( $bbox[1], -$bbox[1] ) . blue_values;
# header
my $header = pack("C*", 1, 0, 4, 2) . mk_index($fn);
push @strings, $fn;
push @const_data, int32(391 + $#strings) . full_name;
push @const_data, int32(391 + $#strings) . family_name;
push @const_data, int32($v->{bold} ? 384 : 388) . weight;
push @const_data, int32($v->{fixed}) . is_fixed_pitch;
push @const_data, int32($v->{italic}) . italic_angle;
push @const_data, num( @bbox ) . font_bbox;
my $strings_str = mk_index(@strings);
my $subr_str = pack('n', 0);
# the offsets are affected by the encoded header length, but
# the header itself contains references to the offsets, that
# in turn may change the header length. So make several shoots at it
$offsets{charstrings} = 100;
$offsets{charset} = 500;
$offsets{private} = 2500;
my $dict_str = mk_header(\@const_data, \%offsets, length($private_str));
my $safeguard = 10;
while ( $safeguard-- ) {
$offsets{charset} = length($header) + length($dict_str) + length($strings_str) + length($subr_str);
$offsets{charstrings} = $offsets{charset} + length($charset_str);
$offsets{private} = $offsets{charstrings} + $charstrings_len;
my $real_dict_str = mk_header(\@const_data, \%offsets, length($private_str));
my $length_match = length($real_dict_str) == length($dict_str);
$dict_str = $real_dict_str;
last if $length_match;
if ( $safeguard <= 0 ) {
warn "panic: cannot encode font $fn as CFF";
$ret_content = join('', $header, $dict_str, $strings_str, $subr_str, $charset_str);
$ret_content .= mk_index(endchar, map {$_->[3]} @glyphs);
$ret_content .= $private_str;
return $v, \@ret_charset, \@ret_unicode, \@ret_width, $ret_content;
sub use_char
my ( $self, $canvas, $key, $charid, $unicode) = @_;
my $f = $self->{fonts}->{$key} // return;
if (exists $f->{subfonts}->{$charid}) {
my $n = $f->{subfonts}->{$charid};
return unless defined $n;
return $n >> 8, $n & 0xff
$f->{tmpfile} //= Prima::PS::TempFile->new;
my ($code, $abc) = $self->get_outline( $canvas, $key, $charid, 0 );
unless (defined($code) && length($code)) {
$f->{subfonts}->{$charid} = undef;
my $n = $f->{subfonts}->{$charid} = $f->{n_glyphs}++;
$unicode //= '';
$unicode = ( 1 == length $unicode ) ? ord($unicode) : 0;
map { pack('n', length) . $_ } (
int( $abc->[0] + $abc->[1] + $abc->[2] + .5),
return $n >> 8, $n & 0xff
=head1 NAME
Prima::PS::CFF - create compressed Type1 fonts
This module contains helper procedures to store compressed Type1 fonts (CFF).