shell bypass 403
package Prima::Spinner;
use Prima;
use strict;
use warnings;
our @ISA = qw(Prima::Widget);
sub profile_default
my $self = shift;
return {
%{$self-> SUPER::profile_default},
style => 'drops',
active => 1,
buffered => 1,
value => 50,
showPercent => 1,
sub init
my $self = shift;
# Create the timer for the motion of the spinner
$self->{timer} = $self->insert( Timer =>
name => 'Timer',
timeout => 200,
delegations => ['Tick'],
# Init the Spinner
my %profile = $self-> SUPER::init(@_);
$self->{start_angle} = 0;
$self-> $_($profile{$_}) for qw( value showPercent style active color hiliteColor);
return %profile;
sub Timer_Tick
my $self = shift;
my $startang = $self->{start_angle}; #|| 0;
if ($self->{style} eq 'drops') {
$self->{start_angle} = $startang + 1 if $startang < 7;
$self->{start_angle} = 0 if $startang == 7;
elsif ( $self->{style} eq 'circle' || $self->{style} eq 'spiral') {
$self->{start_angle} = $startang - 1 if $startang > 0;
$self->{start_angle} = 360 if $startang == 0;
sub _pairwise(&$)
my ($sub, $p) = @_;
my @p;
for ( my $i = 0; $i < @$p; $i += 2 ) {
push @p, $sub->($p->[$i], $p->[$i+1]);
return \@p;
sub _scale
my ( $p, $xmul, $ymul) = @_;
_pairwise { $xmul * $_[0], $ymul * $_[1] } $p
sub _v_flip($) { _scale(shift, 1, -1) }
sub _h_flip($) { _scale(shift, -1, 1) }
sub _rotate($) { _pairwise { pop, pop } shift }
# Events
sub on_paint
my ($self,$canvas) = @_;
my $x = $self->width/2;
my $y = $self->height/2;
my $min = ( $x < $y ) ? $x : $y;
my $scale_factor = $min / 12;
if ($self->{style} eq "circle") {
my $color1 = $self->color;
my $color2 = $self->hiliteColor;
$canvas->ellipse($x, $y, 17.5*$scale_factor,17.5*$scale_factor);
$canvas->arc($x, $y, 17.5*$scale_factor,17.5*$scale_factor,$self->{angle1}, $self->{angle2});
if ( $self->{showPercent} ) {
my $ref_text = '100%';
my $ext = 10 * $scale_factor;
my $attempts = 2;
$canvas-> font-> height( 4 * $scale_factor );
while ( $attempts-- ) {
my $tw = $canvas-> get_text_width( $ref_text );
last if $tw <= $ext;
$canvas-> font-> height( $canvas-> font-> height - $scale_factor );
if ( $attempts >= 0 ) {
$ref_text = int($self-> value + .5) . '%';
my $tw = $canvas-> get_text_width( $ref_text );
$canvas->text_out( $ref_text, $x - $tw/2, $y - $canvas->font->height / 2 );
} elsif ( $self->{style} eq 'drops') {
my @petal1 = (
0, 1.5,
-2, 7.5,
0, 9.5,
2, 7.5,
0, 1.5
my @petal2 = (
1.5, 1,
3.5, 7,
6.5, 7,
6.5, 4,
1.5, 1
$canvas->translate($x, $y);
my @colors = $canvas->new_gradient( palette => [ $self->color, $self->backColor ] )->colors(8+1);
my $fill_spline = sub {
my ( $n, $p ) = @_;
$canvas->color( $colors[( $self->{start_angle} + $n) % 8] );
$canvas->fill_spline(_scale($p, $scale_factor, $scale_factor));
$fill_spline->(7, \@petal2);
$fill_spline->(6, _rotate \@petal1);
$fill_spline->(5, _v_flip \@petal2 );
$fill_spline->(4, _v_flip \@petal1);
$fill_spline->(3, _h_flip _v_flip \@petal2);
$fill_spline->(2, _h_flip _rotate \@petal1);
$fill_spline->(1, _h_flip \@petal2);
$fill_spline->(0, \@petal1 );
} elsif ( $self->{style} eq 'spiral') {
my $d1 = 0.8;
my $d2 = 0.2;
my $dx = $d2 / 4;
$canvas->translate($x, $y);
$canvas-> new_path->
scale($scale_factor * 22)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 + $dx * 0, $d1 + $dx * 1, 0, 90)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 + $dx * 2, $d1 + $dx * 1, 90, 180)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 + $dx * 2, $d1 + $dx * 3, 180, 270)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 + $dx * 4, $d1 + $dx * 3, 270, 360)->
arc( $d1/2, 0, $d2, $d2, 0, 180)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 - $dx * 4, $d1 - $dx * 3, 360, 270)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 - $dx * 2, $d1 - $dx * 3, 270, 180)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 - $dx * 2, $d1 - $dx * 1, 180, 90)->
arc( 0, 0, $d1 - $dx * 0, $d1 - $dx * 1, 90, 0)->
# properties
sub style
my ($self, $style) = @_;
return $self-> {style} unless $#_;
# When the style property is changed, reset the timer frequency
# and the start_angle and for style circle the end_angle, too
if ( $style eq 'drops') {
} elsif ( $style eq 'circle' || $style eq 'spiral') {
} else {
Carp::croak("bad style: $style");
$self->{style} = $style;
$self->{start_angle} = 0;
$self-> update_value;
$self-> repaint;
sub update_value
my $self = shift;
$self->{angle1} = (360 + $self->{start_angle} - $self->{value} * 360 / 100) % 360;
$self->{angle2} = $self->{start_angle};
$self->{angle2} += 360 if $self->{value} >= 100.0;
sub value
my ( $self, $value ) = @_;
return $self->{value} unless $#_;
$value = 0 if $value < 0;
$value = 100 if $value > 100;
$self->{value} = $value;
$self-> update_value;
$self-> repaint;
sub showPercent
my ( $self, $sp ) = @_;
return $self->{showPercent} unless $#_;
$self->{showPercent} = $sp;
$self-> repaint;
sub active
return $_[0]->{timer}->get_active unless $#_;
my ($self, $active) = @_;
$active ? $self->{timer}->start : $self->{timer}->stop;
sub start { shift->active(1) }
sub stop { shift->active(0) }
sub toggle { $_[0]->active(!$_[0]->active) }
=head1 NAME
Prima::Spinner - Show a spinner animation
use Prima qw(Application Buttons Spinner);
my $mw = Prima::MainWindow->new(
size => [200, 400],
text => 'Button Example');
my $spinner = $mw->insert('Spinner',
style => 'drops',
size => [200,400],
growMode => gm::Center
my $button = $mw->insert(
text => 'Start/Stop',
checkable => 1,
checked => 1,
origin => [0,0],
onClick => sub { $spinner->toggle },
growMode => gm::XCenter
run Prima;
=for podview <img src="spinner.gif" cut=1>
=for html <p><img src="">
Prima::Spinner provides a simple spinning animation with two designs and the
opportunity to specify the colors of the spinning animation. This is useful to
show an indeterminate progress of a running process.
=head1 USAGE
You can determine the following properties:
=head2 Properties
=item active [BOOLEAN]
If now parameter is passed, by this method you can get the active state of the
spinning widget. '1' means that the spinner is running, '0' that it is stopped.
With C<active(1)> you can start the spinner animation, with C<active(0)> you
can stop it.
=item color COLOR
Inherited from L<Prima::Widget>. C<color> manages the basic foreground color.
Concrete for the spinner widget this means the background color of the circle
or the color of the active drops.
=item hiliteColor COLOR
Inherited from L<Prima::Widget>. The color used to draw alternate foreground
areas with high contrast. For the spinner widget this means the color of the
arc. Only for I<circle> style.
=item showPercent BOOLEAN
If set, displays completion percent as text. Only for I<circle> style.
=item start
Same as C< active(1) >
=item stop
Same as C< active(0) >
=item style STRING
C<style> can be 'drops', 'circle' or 'spiral'. C<'drops'> shows drops that switches consecutively the color. With C<'circle'> an arc moving around a circle is shown. C<'spiral'> shows a spinning spiral. The default is 'drops'.
=item value INT
Integer between 0 and 100, showing completion perentage. Only for I<circle> style.
=item toggle
Same as C< active(!active) >
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>. L<Prima::Widget>, F<examples/>
=head1 AUTHOR
Maximilian Lika
Copyright (C) 2017 by Maximilian Lika
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.22.2 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.