shell bypass 403
package Prima::Test;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima::Config;
use Prima::noX11;
use Prima;
use Test::More;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(create_window set_flag get_flag reset_flag wait_flag);
our $noX11 = 1 if defined Prima::XOpenDisplay();
our $flag;
our $timeout = 500;
sub import
my @args = grep { $_ ne 'noX11' } @_;
my $needX11 = @args == @_;
plan skip_all => "no X11 connection" if $needX11 and $noX11;
sub create_window
return if $noX11;
eval "use Prima::Application name => 'failtester';"; die $@ if $@;
return Prima::Window-> create(
onDestroy => sub { $::application-> close},
origin => [ 200,200], # for twm
size => [ 200,200],
sub __wait
return 0 if $noX11;
my $tick = 0;
my $t = Prima::Timer-> create( timeout => $timeout, onTick => sub { $tick = 1 });
$flag = 0;
$t-> start;
$::application-> yield while not $flag and not $tick;
$t-> destroy;
return $flag;
sub set_flag { $flag = 1 }
sub get_flag { $flag }
sub reset_flag { $flag = 0 }
sub wait_flag { get_flag || &__wait }
=head1 NAME
Prima::Test - GUI test tools
The module contains a small set or tool used for testing of
Prima-related code together with standard perl C<Test::> suite.
use Test::More;
use Prima::Test;
plan tests => 1;
ok( create_window, "can create window");
=head1 USAGE
=head2 Methods
=item create_window %args
Creates a standard simple Prima window, returns its handle
=item set_flag,get_flag,reset_flag
These manipulate the state of an internal C<$flag> that stops event loop when set.
=item wait_flag
Waits for the flag to be raised in 500 msec, or returns false.
=head2 no-X11 environment
By default fires skip_all condition if running without X11 connection. If the test
can be ran without X11, use as:
use Prima::Test qw(noX11);
which signals the module not to do any GUI initialization.
=head1 AUTHORS
Upasana Shukla, E<lt>me@upasana.meE<gt>,
Dmitry Karasik, E<lt><gt>.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Prima>, F<t/*/*.t>