shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
examples/ - An eyes program clone
A well-known eyes written in Prima toolkit.
Demostrates the usage of a shape-extension and a
determination of its support on a system.
Note the menu hide feature - it's activation (^M)
tests a correct implementation of a Prima
shape-extension interface.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::Application name => 'Eyes';
my $eye = 0.45;
my $ball = 0.06;
my $revcolors = 0;
my $canshape = $::application-> get_system_value( sv::ShapeExtension);
sub reshape
my $x = $_[0];
my @sz = $x-> size;
my $nope = $sz[0] < 5 || $sz[1] < 5;
for (0,1) {
$sz[$_] = 5 if $sz[$_] < 5;
my $i = Prima::Image-> create(
width => $sz[0],
height => $sz[1],
type => im::BW,
$i-> begin_paint;
$i-> color( cl::White);
$i-> backColor( cl::Black);
$i-> clear;
my $minSz = ( $sz[0] < $sz[1]) ? $sz[0] : $sz[1];
my @eye = ( $sz[0] * $eye, $sz[1] * $eye * 2);
$i-> lineWidth(( $minSz < 220) ? $minSz / 20 : 11);
$i-> ellipse( $sz[0] * 0.25, $sz[1]/2, @eye);
$i-> fill_ellipse( $sz[0]*0.25, $sz[1]/2, @eye);
$i-> ellipse( $sz[0]*0.75, $sz[1]/2, @eye);
$i-> fill_ellipse( $sz[0]*0.75, $sz[1]/2, @eye);
$i-> end_paint;
$x-> shape( $i) unless $nope;
return $i;
my $m;
my $x = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
visible => 0,
buffered => 1,
color => cl::Black,
backColor => cl::White,
menuItems => [
['~Options' => [
["~Reverse colors" => sub {
my ( $self, $mit) = @_;
$revcolors = $revcolors ? 0 : 1;
$self-> menu-> text( $mit,
$revcolors ? "~Normal colors" : "~Reverse colors");
$self-> color( $revcolors ? cl::White : cl::Black);
$self-> backColor( $revcolors ? cl::Black : cl::White);
['~Remove menu' => 'Ctrl+M' => '^M' => sub {
if ( $_[0]-> menu) {
$m = $_[0]-> menu;
$_[0]-> menu-> selected(0);
} else {
$m-> selected(1);
["E~xit" => 'Alt+X' => '@X' => sub { $::application-> close }],
size => [ 200, 300],
name => 'Eyes',
onSize => sub {
reshape( $_[0]) if $canshape;
onPaint => sub {
my ( $self, $canvas) = @_;
my @sz = $self-> size;
$canvas-> clear;
my $minSz = ( $sz[0] < $sz[1]) ? $sz[0] : $sz[1];
$canvas-> lineWidth(( $minSz < 220) ? $minSz / 20 : 11);
my @cc = ( $sz[0]* 0.25, $sz[1]/2);
my @eye = ( $sz[0] * $eye, $sz[1] * $eye * 2);
my @pp = $self-> pointerPos;
for ( 0..1) {
$canvas-> translate( @cc);
$canvas-> ellipse( 0, 0, @eye);
my @dd = ( $pp[0] - $cc[0], $pp[1] - $cc[1]);
my $angle = atan2( $dd[1], $dd[0]);
my ( $sin, $cos) = ( sin($angle), cos( $angle));
my $h = sqrt(
($eye[1]*$cos) * ($eye[1]*$cos) +
($eye[0]*$sin) * ($eye[0]*$sin)
my @da = ( $eye[0] * $eye[1] * $cos / $h, $eye[0] * $eye[1] * $sin / $h);
my $dp = sqrt( $dd[0] * $dd[0] + $dd[1] * $dd[1]);
my $db = sqrt( $da[0] * $da[0] + $da[1] * $da[1]) * 0.36;
my @e = ( $db < $dp) ? ( $db * $cos, $db * $sin) : @dd;
$canvas-> fill_ellipse( @e, $sz[0]* $ball, $sz[1]* $ball * 2);
$cc[0] += $sz[0] / 2;
$x-> icon( reshape( $x));
my @pp = $x-> pointerPos;
$x-> insert( Timer =>
timeout => 100,
onTick => sub {
my @pxp = $x-> pointerPos;
return if $pxp[0] == $pp[0] && $pxp[1] == $pp[1];
$x-> repaint;
@pp = @pxp;
})-> start;
$x-> show;
$x-> select;
run Prima;