shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
examples/ - Prima grid widget example
Demonstrates the usage of grid widgets - Prima::AbstractGrid and
its text-oriented descendant, Prima::Grid. To switch between
these, toggle $abstract_grid flag.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::Application;
use Prima::Grids;
my $g;
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
text => 'Grid example',
packPropagate => 0,
menuItems => [
['~Options' => [
['*dhg', 'Draw HGrid'=> sub { $g-> drawHGrid( $_[0]-> menu-> toggle( $_[1])) }],
['*dvg', 'Draw VGrid'=> sub { $g-> drawVGrid( $_[0]-> menu-> toggle( $_[1])) }],
['mse', 'Multi select'=> sub { $g-> multiSelect( $_[0]-> menu-> toggle( $_[1])) }],
['*ind', 'Use indents' => sub { $g-> cellIndents(($_[0]-> menu-> toggle( $_[1])) x 4); }],
['ccw', 'Constant cell width' => sub { $g-> constantCellWidth($_[0]-> menu-> toggle( $_[1]) ? 100 : undef); }],
['cch', 'Constant cell height' => sub { $g-> constantCellHeight($_[0]-> menu-> toggle( $_[1]) ? 100 : undef); }],
# change this to 0 and Prima::Grid will be created instead
my $abstract_grid = 1;
my @user_breadths=({},{});
$g = $w-> insert(
( $abstract_grid ? 'Prima::AbstractGrid' : 'Prima::Grid' ),
( $abstract_grid ? () : ('cells', [ map { my $a = $_; [ map {"$a.$_"} 0 .. 300]} 0 .. 300])),
onMeasure => sub {
my ( $self, $axis, $index, $ref) = @_;
if ( defined $user_breadths[$axis]-> {$index} ) {
$$ref = $user_breadths[$axis]-> {$index};
} else {
$$ref = ( 11 - ( $index % 11)) * 15;
$$ref = 15 if $$ref < 15;
onSetExtent => sub {
my ( $self, $axis, $index, $breadth) = @_;
$user_breadths[$axis]-> {$index} = $breadth;
onDrawCell => sub {
my ( $self, $canvas,
$col, $row, $type,
$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2,
$X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2,
$sel, $foc, $pre) = @_;
my $bk = $sel ? $self-> hiliteBackColor :
( $type ? $self-> indentCellBackColor : cl::Back);
$bk = $self-> prelight_color($bk) if $pre;
$canvas-> backColor( $bk );
$canvas-> clear( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2);
$canvas-> color( $sel ? $self-> hiliteColor :
( $type ? $self-> indentCellColor : cl::Fore));
$canvas-> text_out( "$col.$row", $X2-50, $Y1+3);
$canvas-> rect_focus( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 ) if $foc;
onGetRanges => sub {
my ( $self, $axis, $index, $min, $max) = @_;
$$min = 50;
onStringify => sub {
my ( $self, $col, $row, $ref) = @_;
$$ref = "$col.$row";
onGetAlignment => sub {
my ( $self, $col, $row, $ha, $va) = @_;
$$ha = ta::Center if $col == 0 || $row == 0 || $col == 9999 || $row == 9999;
allowChangeCellWidth => 1,
allowChangeCellHeight => 1,
clipCells => 2,
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both' },
if ( $abstract_grid) {
$g-> columns(10000);
$g-> rows(10000);
$g-> cellIndents(1,1,1,1);
#$g-> insert_row( 0, 0..300 );
#$g-> insert_column( 100, 0..300 );
#$g-> delete_columns( 100, 1);
#$g-> add_column( 100, [0..300] );
run Prima;