shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
examples/ - Screen and widget grabbing example
Provided two standalone tests.
The "grip test" copies a graphic content of a widget onto a monochrome
bitmap, thus testing the widget representation on a monochrome display.
This test is useful together with a L<launch> example, that allows execution
of several Prima examples in one task space.
The "grab test" copies the selected region of a screen.
Tests the correct implementation of apc_application_get_bitmap() function,
especially on paletted displays.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::ImageViewer;
use Prima::Application;
use Prima::RubberBand;
use Prima::Drawable::Subcanvas;
package Generic;
sub xordraw
my ($self, $new_rect) = @_;
$::application-> rubberband( $new_rect ?
( rect => [$self-> {capx},$self-> {capy}, $self-> {dx},$self-> {dy}]) :
( destroy => 1 )
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
size => [ 200, 200],
menuItems => [
[ "~Grip" => sub {
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> capture( 1);
$self-> pointer( cr::Move);
$self-> { cap} = 1;
[ "G~rab" => sub {
my $self = $_[0];
$self-> capture( 1);
$self-> { cap} = 2;
[ "~Full screen" => sub { shift-> IV-> image( $::application->get_fullscreen_image) }],
onMouseDown => sub {
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless defined $self-> {cap};
return unless $self-> {cap} == 2;
return unless $btn == mb::Left;
$self-> {cap} = 3;
($self-> {capx},$self-> {capy}) = $self-> client_to_screen( $x, $y);
($self-> {dx},$self-> {dy}) = ($self-> {capx},$self-> {capy});
xordraw( $self, 1);
onMouseMove => sub {
my ( $self, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless defined $self-> {cap};
return unless $self-> {cap} == 3;
my @od = ($self-> {dx},$self-> {dy});
($self-> {dx},$self-> {dy}) = $self-> client_to_screen( $x, $y);
xordraw( $self, 1);
onMouseUp => sub {
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless defined $self-> { cap};
my $cap = $self-> { cap};
$self-> { cap} = undef;
$self-> capture(0);
if ( $cap == 1) {
$self-> pointer( cr::Default);
my $v = $::application-> get_widget_from_point( $self-> client_to_screen( $x, $y));
return unless $v;
$self-> IV-> image( $v->screenshot );
} elsif ( $cap == 3) {
($self-> {dx},$self-> {dy}) = $self-> client_to_screen( $x, $y);
xordraw( $self);
my ( $xl, $yl) = (abs($self-> {dx} - $self-> {capx}), abs($self-> {dy} - $self-> {capy}));
$x = $self-> {capx} > $self-> {dx} ? $self-> {dx} : $self-> {capx};
$y = $self-> {capy} > $self-> {dy} ? $self-> {dy} : $self-> {capy};
my $i = $::application-> get_image( $x, $y, $xl, $yl);
$self-> IV-> image( $i);
$w-> insert( ImageViewer =>
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both' },
name => 'IV',
valignment => ta::Center,
alignment => ta::Center,
quality => 1,
print "don't run this by itself, run then run and some other example. Then 'grip' or 'grap' that other example\n";
run Prima;