shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
examples/ - A image viewer program
Demonstrates usage of Prima image subsystem, in particular:
=over 4
=item *
Standard open dialog. Note it's behavior with the multi-frame images.
=item *
Standard save dialog. Note the graphic filters usage.
=item *
Image conversion routines.
=item *
Standard L<Prima::ImageViewer> class.
Test the correct implementation of the internal image paint routines,
in particular on the paletted displays and the representation of 1-bit
images/icons with non-BW palette.
Note the mouse wheel interaction.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(ImageViewer Dialog::ImageDialog MsgBox);
use Prima::Application name => "IV";
my $ico = Prima::Icon-> create;
$ico = 0 unless $ico-> load( 'hand.gif');
my $winCount = 1;
my %iv_prf = (
origin => [ 0, 0],
growMode => gm::Client,
quality => 1,
name => 'IV',
valignment => ta::Middle,
alignment => ta::Center,
onMouseDown => \&iv_mousedown,
onMouseUp => \&iv_mouseup,
onMouseMove => \&iv_mousemove,
onMouseWheel => \&iv_mousewheel,
sub status
my $iv = $_[0]-> IV;
my $img = $iv-> image;
my $str;
if ( $img) {
$str = $iv-> {fileName};
$str =~ s/([^\\\/]*)$/$1/;
$str = sprintf("%s (%dx%dx%d bpp)", $1,
$img-> width, $img-> height, $img-> type & im::BPP);
} else {
$str = '.Untitled';
$_[0]-> text( $str);
$::application-> name( $str);
sub menuadd
unless ( $_[0]-> IV-> {menuadded}) {
$_[0]-> {omenuID} = 'P';
$_[0]-> {conversion} = ict::Optimized;
$_[0]-> menu-> insert(
[ 'Reopen' => 'Ctrl+R' => '^R' => \&freopen],
[ '~New window...' => 'Ctrl+N' => '^N' => \&fnewopen],
[ '~Save' => 'F2' => 'F2' => \&fsave],
[ 'Save As...' => \&fsaveas],
'file', 1
$_[0]-> menu-> insert(
['~Edit' => [
['~Copy' => 'Ctrl+Ins' => km::Ctrl|kb::Insert , sub {
$::application-> Clipboard-> image($_[0]-> IV-> image)
['~Paste' => 'Shift+Ins' => km::Shift|kb::Insert , sub {
my $i = $::application-> Clipboard-> image;
$_[0]-> IV-> image( $i) if $i;
['~Image' => [
[ '~Convert to'=> [
['~Monochrome' => sub {icvt($_[0],im::Mono)}],
['~16 colors' => sub {icvt($_[0],im::bpp4)}],
['~256 colors' => sub {icvt($_[0],im::bpp8)}],
['~Grayscale' => sub {icvt($_[0],im::bpp8|im::GrayScale)}],
['~RGB' => sub {icvt($_[0],im::RGB)}],
['~Long' => sub {icvt($_[0],im::Long)}],
['(N' => '~No halftoning' => sub {setconv(@_)}],
['O' => '~Ordered' => sub {setconv(@_)}],
['E' => '~Error diffusion' => sub {setconv(@_)}],
[')*P' => 'O~ptimized' => sub {setconv(@_)}],
['~Zoom' => [
['~Normal ( 100%)' => 'Ctrl+Z' => '^Z' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(1.0)}],
['~Best fit' => 'Ctrl+Shift+Z' => km::Shift|km::Ctrl|ord('z') => sub { $_[0]->IV->apply_auto_zoom } ],
['@abfit' => '~Auto best fit' => sub{ $_[0]->IV->autoZoom($_[2]) }],
['25%' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(0.25)}],
['50%' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(0.5)}],
['75%' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(0.75)}],
['150%' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(1.5)}],
['200%' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(2)}],
['300%' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(3)}],
['400%' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(4)}],
['600%' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(6)}],
['1600%' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom(16)}],
['~Increase' => '+' => '+' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom( $_[0]-> IV-> zoom * 1.1)}],
['~Decrease' => '-' => '-' => sub{$_[0]-> IV-> zoom( $_[0]-> IV-> zoom / 1.1)}],
['~Info' => 'Alt+F1' => '@F1' => \&iinfo],
'', 1,
$_[0]-> IV-> {menuadded}++;
my $imgdlg;
sub create_image_dialog
return $imgdlg if $imgdlg;
$imgdlg = Prima::Dialog::ImageOpenDialog-> create();
sub fdopen
my $self = $_[0]-> IV;
my $dlg = create_image_dialog( $self);
my $i = $dlg-> load( progressViewer => $self);
if ( $i) {
menuadd( $_[0]);
$self-> image( $i);
$self-> {fileName} = $dlg-> fileName;
status( $_[0]);
sub freopen
my $self = $_[0]-> IV;
my $i = Prima::Image-> new;
$self-> watch_load_progress( $i);
if ( $i-> load( $self-> {fileName}, loadExtras => 1)) {
$self-> image( $i);
status( $_[0]);
message( $i->{extras}->{truncated} ) if defined $i->{extras}->{truncated};
} else {
message("Cannot reload ". $self-> {fileName}. ":$@");
$self-> unwatch_load_progress(0);
sub newwindow
my ( $self, $filename, $i) = @_;
my $w = Prima::Window-> create(
onDestroy => \&iv_destroy,
menuItems => $self-> menuItems,
onMouseWheel => sub { iv_mousewheel( shift-> IV, @_)},
size => [ $i-> width + 50, $i-> height + 50],
$w-> insert( ImageViewer =>
size => [ $w-> size],
$w-> IV-> image( $i);
$w-> IV-> {fileName} = $filename;
$w-> {omenuID} = $self-> {omenuID};
$w->IV->{menuadded} = 1;
$w->{conversion} = ict::Optimized;
$w-> select;
sub fnewopen
my $self = $_[0]-> IV;
my $dlg = create_image_dialog( $self);
my $i = $dlg-> load;
newwindow( $_[0], $dlg-> fileName, $i) if $i;
sub fload
my $self = $_[0]-> IV;
my $f = $_[1];
my $i = Prima::Image-> new;
$self-> watch_load_progress( $i);
if ( $i-> load( $f, loadExtras => 1)) {
menuadd( $_[0]);
my @sizes = ( $i-> size, map { $_ * 0.9 } $::application-> size);
$self-> owner-> size( map {
( $sizes[$_] > $sizes[$_ + 2]) ? $sizes[$_ + 2] : $sizes[$_]
} 0,1);
$self-> image( $i);
$self-> {fileName} = $f;
status( $_[0]);
message( $i->{extras}->{truncated} ) if defined $i->{extras}->{truncated};
} else {
message("Cannot load $f:$@");
$self-> unwatch_load_progress(0);
sub fsave
my $iv = $_[0]-> IV;
message('Cannot save '.$iv-> {fileName}. ":$@")
unless $iv-> image-> save( $iv-> {fileName});
sub fsaveas
my $iv = $_[0]-> IV;
my $dlg = Prima::Dialog::ImageSaveDialog-> create( image => $iv-> image);
$iv-> {fileName} = $dlg-> fileName if $dlg-> save( $iv-> image);
$dlg-> destroy;
sub setconv
my ( $self, $menuID) = @_;
return if $self-> {omenuID} eq $menuID;
$self-> {omenuID} = $menuID;
$self-> {conversion} = (
( $menuID eq 'N') ? ict::None : (
( $menuID eq 'O') ? ict::Ordered : (
( $menuID eq 'E') ? ict::ErrorDiffusion : ict::Optimized
sub icvt
my $im = $_[0]-> IV-> image;
$im-> set(
conversion => $_[0]-> {conversion},
type => $_[1],
status( $_[0]);
$_[0]-> IV-> palette( $im-> palette);
$_[0]-> IV-> repaint;
sub iinfo
my $i = $_[0]-> IV-> image;
"File: ".$_[0]-> IV-> {fileName}."\n".
"Width: ".$i-> width."\nHeight: ".$i-> height."\nBPP:".($i-> type&im::BPP)."\n".
"Zoom: ".$_[0]-> IV-> zoom,
sub iv_mousedown
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return if $self-> {drag} || $btn != mb::Right;
$self-> {drag}=1;
$self-> {x} = $x;
$self-> {y} = $y;
$self-> {wasdx} = $self-> deltaX;
$self-> {wasdy} = $self-> deltaY;
$self-> capture(1);
$self-> pointer( $ico) if $ico;
sub iv_mouseup
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless $self-> {drag} && $btn == mb::Right;
$self-> {drag}=0;
$self-> capture(0);
$self-> pointer( cr::Default) if $ico;
sub iv_mousemove
my ( $self, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless $self-> {drag};
my ($dx,$dy) = ($x - $self-> {x}, $y - $self-> {y});
$self-> deltas( $self-> {wasdx} - $dx, $self-> {wasdy} + $dy);
sub iv_mousewheel
my ( $self, $mod, $x, $y, $z) = @_;
$z = (abs($z) > 120) ? int($z/120) : (($z > 0) ? 1 : -1);
my $xv = $self-> bring(($mod & km::Shift) ? 'VScroll' : 'HScroll');
return unless $xv;
$z *= ($mod & km::Ctrl) ? $xv-> pageStep : $xv-> step;
if ( $mod & km::Shift) {
$self-> deltaX( $self-> deltaX - $z);
} else {
$self-> deltaY( $self-> deltaY - $z);
sub iv_destroy
$::application-> close unless $winCount;
my $w = Prima::Window-> create(
size => [ 300, 300],
onDestroy => \&iv_destroy,
onMouseWheel => sub { iv_mousewheel( shift-> IV, @_)},
menuItems => [
[ file => '~File' => [
[ '~Open' => 'F3' => kb::F3 , \&fdopen],
[ 'E~xit' => 'Alt+X' => '@X' => sub {$::application-> close}],
$w-> insert( ImageViewer =>
size => [ $w-> size],
if ( @ARGV && $ARGV[0] =~ /^-z(\d+(\.\d*)?)$/) {
$w-> IV-> zoom($1);
shift @ARGV;
fload( $w, $ARGV[0]), shift if @ARGV;
for ( @ARGV) {
my $i = Prima::Image-> load($_);
message("Cannot load $_:$@"), next unless $i;
newwindow( $w, $_, $i);
run Prima;