shell bypass 403
# XXX textoutbaseline=0 rotated
# XXX document that block is expected to run text on textOutBaseline(1)
# XXX document that block_wrap can workbreak only
# XXX tb:: export
# XXX backport tb's to TextView
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Application Buttons Edit Notebooks Label DetailedList Outlines Drawable::Markup MsgBox);
use FindBin qw($Bin);
my $fp = [
{ name => 'Times New Roman' },
{ name => 'Courier New' },
{ direction => 4 },
my $img = [
sub M($) { Prima::Drawable::Markup->new(markup => $_[0], fontPalette => $fp, picturePalette => $img ) }
my $Main = Prima::MainWindow->create(
name => 'Main',
text => 'Markup test',
size => [500,500],
designScale => [7, 16],
my $tn = $Main->insert('TabbedNotebook',
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both' },
tabs => [ M 'Q<White|Basic> Controls', M 'F<0|I<Detailed List>>', M 'U<Outline>', M 'F<2|Rotated> & Bidi>'],
text => M "\x{5e9} Some F<1|U<m>onospace text> in a label",
autoHeight => 1,
hotKey => 'm',
backColor => cl::Yellow,
wordWrap => 1,
focusLink => 'List',
pack => { side => 'top', fill => 'x', anchor => 'w' },
text => M 'Some B<C<LightRed|U<r>ed text>> in a button',
pack => { side => 'top', anchor => 'w' },
hotKey => 'r',
onClick => sub { message(M "Hello! This is the B<msgbox> speaking!") },
hint => M "Hints can I<also> be markupified",
text => M 'P<0>Some S<+2|U<b>ig text> in a radio button',
pack => { side => 'top' , anchor => 'w'},
hotKey => 'b',
text => M 'P<0>Some S<-2|U<s>mall text> in a checkbox',
pack => { side => 'top' , anchor => 'w'},
hotKey => 's',
text => M 'Some B<mixed> I<text> in a groupbox',
pack => { side => 'top', fill => 'x' },
name => 'List',
focusedItem => 0,
items => [
M 'Some B<bold text>',
M 'Some I<italic text>',
M 'Some U<underlined text>',
M 'Some M<,0.4,m>S<-2|superscript>M<,-0.4,m> and S<-2|subscript>',
pack => { side => 'top', fill => 'x' },
wordWrap => 1,
text => M "Wrappable text: B<bold
W<non-wrappable bold C<Green|and green>>,
but still bold> text
pack => { side => 'top', fill => 'both', expand => 1 },
items => [
[ M 'Some B<bold text>', M 'Some I<italic text>', M 'Some U<underlined text>' ],
[ M 'Some S<+2|big text>', M 'Some S<-2|small text>', M 'Some F<1|monospace text>' ],
columns => 3,
headers => [ M 'B<Works>', M 'in I<headers>', M 'U<too>'],
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both' },
items => [
[M 'Some B<bold text>', [
[M 'Some I<italic text>'],
[M 'Some U<underlined text>'],
[M 'Some S<+2|big text>', [
[M 'Some S<-2|small text>', [
[M 'Some F<1|monospace text>' ],
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both' },
font => { size => 16, direction => 30, name => 'Arial' },
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both' },
text => M "Q<Yellow|B<I<\x{5E9}\x{5DC}\x{5D5}\x{5DD}> C<Green|world>>!>",
onPaint => sub {
my ($self, $canvas) = @_;
my ( $ox, $oy) = (20, 20);
$canvas->text_out( $self->text, $ox, $oy );
$canvas->fill_ellipse( $ox, $oy, 5, 5 );
run Prima;