shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
examples/ - A menu usage example
Demonstrates the usage of Prima menu API:
- one-call ( large array ) menu set
- text and image menu item manipulations
Note the "Edit/Kill menu" realisation.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw( InputLine Label Application StdBitmap );
use Prima::Menus;
package TestWindow;
use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(Prima::MainWindow);
sub create_images_menu
my @ret;
my $template = shift;
my $sub = sub {
my $img = $_[0]-> menu-> icon( $_[1]);
my @r = @{$img-> palette};
$img-> palette( [reverse @r]) if @r;
$_[0]-> menu-> icon( $_[1], $img);
push @ret, [ $template, $sub ], [];
my $mono = $template->dup;
my $monox = $mono->clone(type => 1);
$monox->colormap(cl::Yellow, cl::Blue);
push @ret, [ '1-bit image', $sub, { icon => $monox } ];
push @ret, [ '-', '1-bit image disabled', $sub, { icon => $monox } ];
my $mask1 = $template->dup;
$mask1->set( color => cl::White, backColor => cl::Black, rop2 => rop::CopyPut );
$mask1->map( $mask1->pixel(0,0) );
my $mono2 = Prima::Icon->create_combined( $mono, $mask1);
push @ret, [ '1-bit icon', $sub, { icon => $mono2 } ];
push @ret, [ '-', '1-bit icon disabled', $sub, { icon => $mono2 } ];
push @ret, [];
push @ret, [ 'Color image', $sub, { icon => $template } ];
push @ret, [ '-', 'Color image disabled', $sub, { icon => $template } ];
my $color = Prima::Icon->create_combined( $template, $mask1);
push @ret, [ 'Color icon', $sub, { icon => $color } ];
push @ret, [ '-', 'Color icon disabled', $sub, { icon => $color } ];
push @ret, [];
my $mask8 = $template->dup;
$mask8->set( color => cl::Black, backColor => 0x808080, rop2 => rop::CopyPut );
$mask8->map( 0x10101 * $mask8->pixel(0,0) );
my $argb = Prima::Icon->create_combined( $template, $mask8);
push @ret, [ 'ARGB icon', $sub, { icon => $argb } ];
push @ret, [ '-', 'ARGB icon disabled', $sub, { icon => $argb } ];
return @ret;
sub create_custom_menu
my @icons = map { Prima::StdBitmap::image($_) } sbmp::CheckBoxUnchecked, sbmp::CheckBoxChecked;
return [ '@?' => "~Custom" => sub { print "Custom\n" } => {
onMeasure => sub {
my ( $self, $menu, $ref) = @_;
my ($w, $h) = ( $self->owner->get_text_width( $menu-> text, 1 ), $self->owner->popupFont->height );
my $i = $icons[ $menu->checked ];
my $isz = $menu-> check_icon_size;
my $dx = ( $isz > $i-> width ) ? $isz : $i-> width;
@$ref = ($w + 20 + $dx, $h + 20);
onPaint => sub {
my ( $self, $menu, $canvas, $selected, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) = @_;
my @p = ( cl::Black, cl::White );
@p = reverse @p if $selected;
$canvas-> new_gradient(palette => \@p)->bar($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, 1);
$canvas-> font( $self-> owner->popupFont );
$canvas-> color(cl::Yellow);
my $i = $icons[ $menu->checked ];
my $isz = $menu-> check_icon_size;
my $dx = ( $isz > $i-> width ) ? $isz : $i-> width;
$canvas-> draw_text( $menu->text, $x1 + 2 + $dx, $y1, $x2, $y2, dt::VCenter|dt::DrawMnemonic);
$canvas-> put_image(
$x1 + (( $isz > $i-> width ) ? ( $menu-> check_icon_size - $i-> width) / 2 : 0),
($y2 + $y1 - $i->height) / 2, $i);
} ];
my $img = Prima::Image-> create;
$0 =~ /^(.*)(\\|\/)[^\\\/]+$/;
$img-> load(( $1 || '.') . '/Hand.gif');
sub test_toplevels
my @img = map { ((ref($$_[-1]) // '') eq 'HASH') ? $$_[-1]->{icon} : () } create_images_menu($img);
my $i;
my @menu;
push @menu, [ '@?', 'Layered', sub {$_[0]->layered( $_[2] ); }, create_custom_menu->[-1] ];
for ( $i = 0; $i < @img; $i+=2) {
push @menu, [ "\@t1-$i", $img[$i], sub {
my $id = $_[1];
$id =~ s/1/2/;
my $m = Prima::MenuItem->new( $_[0]->menu, $id);
push @menu, [ "-\@t2-$i", $img[$i], sub {}];
menuItems => \@menu,
size => [ 600, $::application->font->height ],
text => 'Toplevel images',
# Menu item must be an array with up to 6 items in -
# [variable, text or image, accelerator text, shortcut key, sub or command, data]
# see exact rules how these are parsed in L<"Prima::Menu" / "Menu items">.
sub create_menu
return [
[ "~Window" => [
[ "Anonymous" => "Ctrl+D" => '^d' => sub { print "sub!\n";}], # anonymous sub
[ '~Images' => [ create_images_menu($img) ]],
[], # division line
[ 'Test toplevels' => 'test_toplevels' ],
[ "E~xit" => "Exit" ] # calling named function of menu owner
[ ef => "~Edit" => [ # example of system commands usage
[ "Cop~y" => sub { $_[0]-> foc_action('copy')} ], # try these with input line focused
[ "Cu~t" => sub { $_[0]-> foc_action('cut')} ],
[ "Pa~ste" => sub { $_[0]-> foc_action('paste')} ],
["~Kill menu"=>sub{ $_[0]-> menuItems(
[ "~Restore all" => sub {
$_[0]-> menuItems( $_[0]-> create_menu)
[ "~Incline" => sub {
$_[0]-> menu-> insert( $_[0]-> create_menu, '', 1);
["~Duplicate menu"=>sub{ TestWindow-> new( menu=>$_[0]-> menu)}],
[ "~Input line" => [
[ "Print ~text" => "Text"],
[ "Print ~selected" => "Selected"],
[ "Try \"selText\"" => "SelText"],
[ "Toggle insert mode" => "InsMode"],
["Toggle password mode" => "PassMode"],
["Toggle border existence" => "BorderMode"],
[ coexistentor => "Coexistentor"=> ""],
[], # divisor in main menu opens
[ "~Clusters" => [ # right-adjacent part
[ "*".checker => "Checking Item" => "Check" ],
[ "@" => "Auto Checking Item" => sub {print "new state: $_[2]\n" } ],
[ '*(' => 'one' => sub {} ],
[ '' => 'two' => sub {} ],
[ ')' => 'three' => sub {} ],
[ "-@".slave => "Disabled state" => "PrintText"],
[ master => "~Enable item above" => "Enable" ] # enable/disable and text sample
sub foc_action
my ( $self, $action) = @_;
my $foc = $self-> selectedWidget;
return unless $foc and $foc-> alive;
my $ref = $foc-> can( $action);
$ref-> ( $foc) if $ref;
sub Exit
$::application-> destroy;
sub Check
my $menu = $_[ 0]-> menu;
$menu-> checked( 'checker', ! $menu-> checked( 'checker'));
sub PrintText
print $_[ 0]-> menu-> slave-> text;
sub Enable
my $slave = $_[0]-> menu-> slave;
my $master = $_[0]-> menu-> master;
if ( $slave-> enabled) {
$slave -> text( "Disabled state");
$master-> text( "~Enable item above");
} else {
$slave -> text( "Enabled state");
$master-> text( "~Disable item above");
$slave-> enabled( ! $slave-> enabled);
sub Text
print $_[ 0]-> InputLine1-> text;
sub Selected
print $_[ 0]-> InputLine1-> selText;
sub SelText
$_[ 0]-> InputLine1-> selText ("SEL");
sub InsMode
my $e = $_[ 0]-> InputLine1;
$e-> insertMode ( !$e-> insertMode);
sub PassMode
my $e = $_[ 0]-> InputLine1;
$e-> writeOnly ( !$e-> writeOnly);
sub BorderMode
my $e = $_[ 0]-> InputLine1;
$e-> borderWidth (( $e-> borderWidth == 1) ? 0 : 1);
package UserInit;
my $w = TestWindow-> create(
text => "Menu and input line example",
bottom => 300,
size => [ 360, 160],
menuItems => TestWindow::create_menu,
designScale => [ 7, 16 ],
$w-> insert( "Prima::Menu::Bar",
pack => { pady => 20, padx => 20, fill => 'x', expand => 1},
menu => $w->menu,
$w-> insert( "InputLine",
pack => { pady => 20, padx => 20, fill => 'x', side => 'bottom'},
text => $w-> text,
maxLen => 200,
onChange => sub {
$_[0]-> owner-> text( $_[0]-> text);
$_[0]-> owner-> Label1-> text( $_[0]-> text);
$_[0]-> owner-> menu-> coexistentor-> text( $_[0]-> text)
if $_[0]-> owner-> menu-> has_item( 'coexistentor');
$w-> insert( "Label",
pack => { pady => 20, padx => 20, fill => 'both', expand => 1},
text => "Type here something",
backColor => cl::Green,
valignment => ta::Center,
focusLink => $w-> InputLine1,
run Prima;