shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
examples/ - Prima outline widget
Demonstrates the basic Prima toolkit usage
and L<Prima::Outlines> class.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Application Outlines);
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
size => [ 200, 200],
designScale => [7, 16],
my $o = $w-> insert(
DirectoryOutline =>
#StringOutline =>
popupItems => [
['Delete this' => sub{
my ( $x, $l) = $_[0]-> get_item( $_[0]-> focusedItem);
$_[0]-> delete_item( $x);
['Insert updir below' => sub{
my ( $x, $l) = $_[0]-> get_item( $_[0]-> focusedItem);
my ( $p, $o) = $_[0]-> get_item_parent( $x);
$_[0]-> insert_items( $p, $o + 1, [
[ $^O =~ /win32/ ? 'C:' : '/', ''], [], 0
['Insert updir inside' => sub{
my ( $x, $l) = $_[0]-> get_item( $_[0]-> focusedItem);
$_[0]-> insert_items( $x, 0, [
[ $^O =~ /win32/ ? 'C:' : '/', ''], [], 0
['Expand this' => sub{
my ( $x, $l) = $_[0]-> get_item( $_[0]-> focusedItem);
$_[0]-> expand_all( $x);
['Toogle multi select' => sub {
$_[0]-> multiSelect( !$_[0]-> multiSelect);
multiSelect => 0,
extendedSelect => 1,
path => '.',
buffered => 1,
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both'},
onSelectItem => sub {
my ($self, $index) = @_;
#print $self-> path."\n";
#items => [['wdcdec']],
items => [
['Single string'],
['Reference', [
['Single string'],
['Another single string', undef],
['Empty reference', []],
['Reference', [
['Str1 -------------------------------------------------'],
['Str3', [
my ( $i, $l) = $o-> get_item( 1);
#$o-> expand_all;
#$o-> path('e:\Prima');
run Prima;