shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
examples/ - Prima scrollbar widget
A Prima toolkit demonstration example.
Tests the L<Prima::Scrollbar> widget and dynamic
change of its parameters.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw( Buttons ScrollBar);
use Prima::Application name => 'rtc';
package UserInit;
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
text=> "Test of RTC",
origin => [ 200, 200],
size => [ 250, 300],
designScale => [7, 16],
$w-> insert( "Button",
pack => { side => 'bottom', pady => 20 },
text => "Change scrollbar direction",
onClick=> sub {
my $i = $_[0]-> owner-> scrollbar;
$i-> vertical( ! $i-> vertical);
$w-> insert( "ScrollBar",
name => "scrollbar",
pack => { pady => 60, padx => 60, fill => 'both', expand => 1 },
size => [ 150, 150],
onCreate => sub {
Prima::Timer-> create(
timeout=> 1000,
timeout=> 200,
owner => $_[0],
onTick => sub{
# $_[0]-> owner-> vertical( !$_[0]-> owner-> vertical);
my $t = $_[0]-> owner;
my $v = $t-> partial;
$t-> partial( $v+1);
$t-> partial(1) if $t-> partial == $v;
#$_[0]-> timeout( $_[0]-> timeout == 1000 ? 200 : 1000);
)-> start;
run Prima;