shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
examples/ - Prima DetailedList widget example
Demonstrates the usage of L<Prima::DetailedList> class.
Note the header-driven actions: column sort ( vertical, with click ) and
rearrangement ( horizontal, with drag ).
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima;
use Prima::DetailedList;
package Sheet;
use Prima;
use Prima::Header;
use Prima::Application;
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create( packPropagate => 0);
my @items;
my $fname;
my $os = Prima::Application-> get_system_info;
if ( $os-> {apc} == apc::Unix) {
$fname = '/etc/services';
} elsif ( $os-> {apc} == apc::Win32) {
$fname =
( $os-> {system} eq 'Windows NT') ?
"$ENV{SYSTEMROOT}\\system32\\drivers\\etc\\services" : undef;
if ( defined $fname) {
open F, $fname;
while (<F>) {
next if /^#/;
s/\t/ /g;
next unless /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)(\\|\/)(\w+)\s+?\#\s*(.*)$/;
push ( @items, [ $1, $2, $4, $5]);
close F;
} else {
push ( @items,
[qw(domain 53 tcp Domain_Name_Server )],
[qw(domain 53 udp Domain_Name_Server )],
[qw(xns-ch 54 tcp XNS_Clearinghouse )],
[qw(xns-ch 54 udp XNS_Clearinghouse )],
[qw(isi-gl 55 tcp ISI_Graphics_Language )],
[qw(isi-gl 55 udp ISI_Graphics_Language )],
[qw(xns-auth 56 tcp XNS_Authentication )],
my $l = $w-> insert( DetailedList =>
pack => { expand => 1, fill => 'both' },
items => \@items,
headers => [ 'Service' , 'Port', 'Protocol', 'Description'],
aligns => [undef, ta::Right],
columns => 4,
onSort => sub {
my ( $self, $col, $dir) = @_;
return if $col != 1;
if ( $dir) {
$self-> {items} = [
sort { $$a[$col] <=> $$b[$col]}
@{$self-> {items}}
} else {
$self-> {items} = [
sort { $$b[$col] <=> $$a[$col]}
@{$self-> {items}}
$self-> clear_event;
#$::application-> yield;
#my $h = $l-> { header};
#$h-> { widths}-> [0] += 50;
#$h-> recalc_maxwidth;
#$l-> Header_SizeItem( $h, 0, $h-> { widths}-> [0] - 50, $h-> { widths}-> [0]);
run Prima;