shell bypass 403
=head1 NAME
examples/ - A spline demo
Demonstrates parabolic splines as graphic primitives.
The points arount the filled shapes are spline vertexes,
which are dragable by the mouse.
Using L<Prima::Drawable::CurvedText>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Prima qw(Application Drawable::CurvedText);
my @bounds;
my @points = (
10, 10,
130, 30,
20, 20,
20, 300,
50, 300,
my @vectors = (
2, 2,
2, 1,
-1, -1,
-1, 3,
-2, 2,
my @rgb = (
my @rgb_vectors = (
my $capture;
my $aperture = 6 * $::application-> uiScaling;
my $w = Prima::MainWindow-> create(
text => 'Spline demo',
backColor => cl::Black,
buffered => 1,
onPaint => sub {
my ( $self, $canvas) = @_;
$canvas-> clear;
my $spline = $canvas-> render_spline( [ @points, @points[0,1]]);
$canvas-> fillpoly( $spline);
if ( defined $capture) {
$canvas-> fill_ellipse(
$points[$capture], $points[$capture+1],
$aperture, $aperture
$canvas-> rop( rop::XorPut);
$canvas-> curved_text_out("Hello, world!", $spline);
my $i;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @points; $i+=2) {
$canvas-> ellipse(
$points[$i], $points[$i+1],
$aperture, $aperture
onSize => sub {
my ( $self, $ox, $oy, $x, $y) = @_;
@bounds = ( $x, $y);
onMouseDown => sub {
my ( $self, $btn, $mod, $x, $y) = @_;
my $i;
$capture = undef;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @points; $i+=2) {
if ( $points[$i] > $x - $aperture && $points[$i] < $x + $aperture &&
$points[$i+1] > $y - $aperture && $points[$i+1] < $y + $aperture) {
$capture = $i;
onMouseUp => sub {
undef $capture;
onMouseMove => sub {
my ( $self, $btn, $x, $y) = @_;
return unless defined $capture;
$points[$capture] = $x if $x >= 0 && $x < $bounds[0];
$points[$capture+1] = $y if $y >= 0 && $y < $bounds[1];
$w-> insert( Timer =>
timeout => 50,
onTick => sub {
my $i;
my $idx = 0;
for ( $i = 0; $i < @points; $i++) {
next if defined $capture && ( $capture == $i || $capture == $i - 1);
$points[$i] += $vectors[$i];
if ( $points[$i] < 0) {
$points[$i] *= -1;
$vectors[$i] *= -1;
} elsif ( $points[$i] >= $bounds[$idx]) {
$points[$i] = $bounds[$idx] * 2 - $points[$i];
$vectors[$i] *= -1;
$idx = ($idx ? 0 : 1);
for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
$rgb[$i] += $rgb_vectors[$i];
if ( $rgb[$i] < 0) {
$rgb_vectors[$i] *= -1;
$rgb[$i] *= -1;
} elsif ( $rgb[$i] > 255) {
$rgb[$i] = 511 - $rgb[$i];
$rgb_vectors[$i] *= -1;
$w-> color( int($rgb[2]) + int($rgb[1]) * 256 + int($rgb[0]) * 65536);
)-> start;
run Prima;