shell bypass 403
# Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Nick Ing-Simmons. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Tk::Toplevel;
use AutoLoader;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '4.006'; # $Id: //depot/Tkutf8/Tk/ $
use base qw(Tk::Wm Tk::Frame);
Construct Tk::Widget 'Toplevel';
sub Tk_cmd { \&Tk::toplevel }
sub CreateOptions
return (shift->SUPER::CreateOptions,'-screen','-use')
sub Populate
my ($cw,$arg) = @_;
sub Icon
my ($top,%args) = @_;
my $icon = $top->iconwindow;
my $state = $top->state;
if ($state ne 'withdrawn')
$top->update; # Let attributes propogate
unless (defined $icon)
$icon = Tk::Toplevel->new($top,'-borderwidth' => 0,'-class'=>'Icon');
# Fake Populate
my $lab = $icon->Component('Label' => 'icon');
$lab->pack('-expand'=>1,'-fill' => 'both');
$icon->ConfigSpecs(DEFAULT => ['DESCENDANTS']);
# Now do tail of InitObject
# And configure that new would have done
$top->iconimage($args{'-image'}) if (exists $args{'-image'});
$icon->idletasks; # Let size request propogate
$icon->geometry($icon->ReqWidth . 'x' . $icon->ReqHeight);
$icon->update; # Let attributes propogate
$top->deiconify if ($state eq 'normal');
$top->iconify if ($state eq 'iconic');
sub menu
my $w = shift;
my $menu;
$menu = $w->cget('-menu');
unless (defined $menu)
$w->configure(-menu => ($menu = $w->SUPER::menu))
$menu->configure(@_) if @_;
return $menu;
# Focus Group
# Focus groups are used to handle the user's focusing actions inside a
# toplevel.
# One example of using focus groups is: when the user focuses on an
# entry, the text in the entry is highlighted and the cursor is put to
# the end of the text. When the user changes focus to another widget,
# the text in the previously focused entry is validated.
# tkFocusGroup_Create --
# Create a focus group. All the widgets in a focus group must be
# within the same focus toplevel. Each toplevel can have only
# one focus group, which is identified by the name of the
# toplevel widget.
sub FG_Create {
my $t = shift;
unless (exists $t->{'_fg'}) {
$t->{'_fg'} = 1;
$t->bind('<FocusIn>', sub {
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
$t->FG_In($w, $Ev->d);
$t->bind('<FocusOut>', sub {
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
$t->FG_Out($w, $Ev->d);
$t->bind('<Destroy>', sub {
my $w = shift;
my $Ev = $w->XEvent;
# <Destroy> is not sufficient to break loops if never mapped.
# tkFocusGroup_BindIn --
# Add a widget into the "FocusIn" list of the focus group. The $cmd will be
# called when the widget is focused on by the user.
sub FG_BindIn {
my($t, $w, $cmd) = @_;
$t->Error("focus group \"$t\" doesn't exist") unless (exists $t->{'_fg'});
$t->{'_FocusIn'}{$w} = Tk::Callback->new($cmd);
# tkFocusGroup_BindOut --
# Add a widget into the "FocusOut" list of the focus group. The
# $cmd will be called when the widget loses the focus (User
# types Tab or click on another widget).
sub FG_BindOut {
my($t, $w, $cmd) = @_;
$t->Error("focus group \"$t\" doesn't exist") unless (exists $t->{'_fg'});
$t->{'_FocusOut'}{$w} = Tk::Callback->new($cmd);
# tkFocusGroup_Destroy --
# Cleans up when members of the focus group is deleted, or when the
# toplevel itself gets deleted.
sub FG_Destroy {
my($t, $w) = @_;
if (!defined($w) || $t == $w) {
delete $t->{'_fg'};
delete $t->{'_focus'};
delete $t->{'_FocusOut'};
delete $t->{'_FocusIn'};
} else {
if (exists $t->{'_focus'}) {
delete $t->{'_focus'} if ($t->{'_focus'} == $w);
delete $t->{'_FocusIn'}{$w};
delete $t->{'_FocusOut'}{$w};
# tkFocusGroup_In --
# Handles the <FocusIn> event. Calls the FocusIn command for the newly
# focused widget in the focus group.
sub FG_In {
my($t, $w, $detail) = @_;
if (defined $t->{'_focus'} and $t->{'_focus'} eq $w) {
# This is already in focus
} else {
$t->{'_focus'} = $w;
$t->{'_FocusIn'}{$w}->Call if exists $t->{'_FocusIn'}{$w};
# tkFocusGroup_Out --
# Handles the <FocusOut> event. Checks if this is really a lose
# focus event, not one generated by the mouse moving out of the
# toplevel window. Calls the FocusOut command for the widget
# who loses its focus.
sub FG_Out {
my($t, $w, $detail) = @_;
if ($detail ne 'NotifyNonlinear' and $detail ne 'NotifyNonlinearVirtual') {
# This is caused by mouse moving out of the window
unless (exists $t->{'_FocusOut'}{$w}) {
} else {
delete $t->{'_focus'};