package Crypt::KeyDerivation;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.076';
require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); ### use Exporter 5.57 'import';
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => [qw(pbkdf1 pbkdf2 hkdf hkdf_expand hkdf_extract)] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw();
use Carp;
use CryptX;
=head1 NAME
Crypt::KeyDerivation - PBKDF1, PBKDF2 and HKDF key derivation functions
use Crypt::KeyDerivation ':all';
### PBKDF1/2
$derived_key1 = pbkdf1($password, $salt, $iteration_count, $hash_name, $len);
$derived_key2 = pbkdf2($password, $salt, $iteration_count, $hash_name, $len);
### HKDF & co.
$derived_key3 = hkdf($keying_material, $salt, $hash_name, $len, $info);
$prk = hkdf_extract($keying_material, $salt, $hash_name);
$okm1 = hkdf_expand($prk, $hash_name, $len, $info);
Provides an interface to Key derivation functions:
=item * PBKDF1 and PBKDF according to PKCS#5 v2.0 L<|>
=item * HKDF (+ related) according to L<|>
=head2 pbkdf1
B<BEWARE:> if you are not sure, do not use C<pbkdf1> but rather choose C<pbkdf2>.
$derived_key = pbkdf1($password, $salt, $iteration_count, $hash_name, $len);
$derived_key = pbkdf1($password, $salt, $iteration_count, $hash_name);
$derived_key = pbkdf1($password, $salt, $iteration_count);
$derived_key = pbkdf1($password, $salt);
# $password ......... input keying material (password)
# $salt ............. salt/nonce (expected length: 8)
# $iteration_count .. optional, DEFAULT: 5000
# $hash_name ........ optional, DEFAULT: 'SHA256'
# $len .............. optional, derived key len, DEFAULT: 32
=head2 pbkdf2
$derived_key = pbkdf2($password, $salt, $iteration_count, $hash_name, $len);
$derived_key = pbkdf2($password, $salt, $iteration_count, $hash_name);
$derived_key = pbkdf2($password, $salt, $iteration_count);
$derived_key = pbkdf2($password, $salt);
# $password ......... input keying material (password)
# $salt ............. salt/nonce
# $iteration_count .. optional, DEFAULT: 5000
# $hash_name ........ optional, DEFAULT: 'SHA256'
# $len .............. optional, derived key len, DEFAULT: 32
=head2 hkdf
$okm2 = hkdf($password, $salt, $hash_name, $len, $info);
$okm2 = hkdf($password, $salt, $hash_name, $len);
$okm2 = hkdf($password, $salt, $hash_name);
$okm2 = hkdf($password, $salt);
# $password ... input keying material (password)
# $salt ....... salt/nonce, if undef defaults to HashLen zero octets
# $hash_name .. optional, DEFAULT: 'SHA256'
# $len ........ optional, derived key len, DEFAULT: 32
# $info ....... optional context and application specific information, DEFAULT: ''
=head2 hkdf_extract
$prk = hkdf_extract($password, $salt, $hash_name);
$prk = hkdf_extract($password, $salt, $hash_name);
# $password ... input keying material (password)
# $salt ....... salt/nonce, if undef defaults to HashLen zero octets
# $hash_name .. optional, DEFAULT: 'SHA256'
=head2 hkdf_expand
$okm = hkdf_expand($pseudokey, $hash_name, $len, $info);
$okm = hkdf_expand($pseudokey, $hash_name, $len);
$okm = hkdf_expand($pseudokey, $hash_name);
$okm = hkdf_expand($pseudokey);
# $pseudokey .. input keying material
# $hash_name .. optional, DEFAULT: 'SHA256'
# $len ........ optional, derived key len, DEFAULT: 32
# $info ....... optional context and application specific information, DEFAULT: ''