shell bypass 403
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Command line tool to bisect failing CPython tests.
Find the test_os test method which alters the environment:
./python -m test.bisect_cmd --fail-env-changed test_os
Find a reference leak in "test_os", write the list of failing tests into the
"bisect" file:
./python -m test.bisect_cmd -o bisect -R 3:3 test_os
Load an existing list of tests from a file using -i option:
./python -m test --list-cases -m FileTests test_os > tests
./python -m test.bisect_cmd -i tests test_os
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c C s5 | s
d St d t | � | f � t | | � | S( Ns Write %s tests into %s( R t lenR
( R R ( ( s6 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/bisect_cmd.pyt write_output'