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Test script for the 'cmd' module
Original by Michael Schneider
i����N( t test_supportt samplecmdclassc B sV e Z d Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z
RS( s0
Instance the sampleclass:
>>> mycmd = samplecmdclass()
Test for the function parseline():
>>> mycmd.parseline("")
(None, None, '')
>>> mycmd.parseline("?")
('help', '', 'help ')
>>> mycmd.parseline("?help")
('help', 'help', 'help help')
>>> mycmd.parseline("!")
('shell', '', 'shell ')
>>> mycmd.parseline("!command")
('shell', 'command', 'shell command')
>>> mycmd.parseline("func")
('func', '', 'func')
>>> mycmd.parseline("func arg1")
('func', 'arg1', 'func arg1')
Test for the function onecmd():
>>> mycmd.onecmd("")
>>> mycmd.onecmd("add 4 5")
>>> mycmd.onecmd("")
>>> mycmd.onecmd("test")
*** Unknown syntax: test
Test for the function emptyline():
>>> mycmd.emptyline()
*** Unknown syntax: test
Test for the function default():
>>> mycmd.default("default")
*** Unknown syntax: default
Test for the function completedefault():
>>> mycmd.completedefault()
This is the completedefault methode
>>> mycmd.completenames("a")
Test for the function completenames():
>>> mycmd.completenames("12")
>>> mycmd.completenames("help")
Test for the function complete_help():
>>> mycmd.complete_help("a")
>>> mycmd.complete_help("he")
>>> mycmd.complete_help("12")
>>> sorted(mycmd.complete_help(""))
['add', 'exit', 'help', 'shell']
Test for the function do_help():
>>> mycmd.do_help("testet")
*** No help on testet
>>> mycmd.do_help("add")
help text for add
>>> mycmd.onecmd("help add")
help text for add
>>> mycmd.do_help("")
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
add help
Undocumented commands:
exit shell
Test for the function print_topics():
>>> mycmd.print_topics("header", ["command1", "command2"], 2 ,10)
Test for the function columnize():
>>> mycmd.columnize([str(i) for i in xrange(20)])
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
>>> mycmd.columnize([str(i) for i in xrange(20)], 10)
0 7 14
1 8 15
2 9 16
3 10 17
4 11 18
5 12 19
6 13
This is an interactive test, put some commands in the cmdqueue attribute
and let it execute
This test includes the preloop(), postloop(), default(), emptyline(),
parseline(), do_help() functions
>>> mycmd.use_rawinput=0
>>> mycmd.cmdqueue=["", "add", "add 4 5", "help", "help add","exit"]
>>> mycmd.cmdloop()
Hello from preloop
help text for add
*** invalid number of arguments
Documented commands (type help <topic>):
add help
Undocumented commands:
exit shell
help text for add
Hello from postloop
c C s d GHd S( Ns Hello from preloop( ( t self( ( s4 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_cmd.pyt preloop� s c C s d GHd S( Ns Hello from postloop( ( R ( ( s4 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_cmd.pyt postloop� s c G s d GHd S( Ns# This is the completedefault methode( ( R t ignored( ( s4 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_cmd.pyt completedefault� s c C s d GHd S( Ns complete command( ( R ( ( s4 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_cmd.pyt complete_command� s c C s d S( N( ( R t s( ( s4 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_cmd.pyt do_shell� s c C sy | j � } t | � d k r'