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Tests for commands module
Nick Mathewson
i����N( t run_unittestt
import_modulet check_warningst commandst
deprecatedt posixs! Not posix; skipping test_commandst CommandTestsc B s e Z d � Z d � Z RS( c C s� | j t j d � d � | j t j d � d � d } zN t j � } t j j | d � } t j d | � \ } } | j
| d � Wd | d k r� t j | � n Xd S( Ns
echo xyzzyt xyzzyi t foos cat ( i R ( t assertEqualR t getoutputt getstatusoutputt Nonet tempfilet mkdtempt ost patht joint assertNotEqualt rmdir( t selft dirt namet statust output( ( s9 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_commands.pyt test_getoutput s c C sK d } t d t f � �- | j t j | t j d � t j � � Wd QXd S( Ns7 d......... # It is a directory.
[.+@]? # It may have special attributes.
\s+\d+ # It has some number of links.
[^/]* # Skip user, group, size, and date.
/\. # and end with the name of the file.
s$ .*commands.getstatus.. is deprecateds /.( R t DeprecationWarningt
assertTruet ret matchR t getstatust VERBOSE( R t pat( ( s9 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_commands.pyt test_getstatus, s
( t __name__t
__module__R R"