shell bypass 403
?��cc @ s� d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z d d l Z e j d � � Z e j d � � Z d e f d � � YZ d e j
f d � � YZ d � Z e
d k r� e � n d S(
i����Nc g s� xT | D]L } | d k r1 t d j | � � � n y t j | =Wq t k
rR q Xq Wz d VWd x0 | D]( } y t j | =Wqj t k
r� qj Xqj WXd S( s� Uncache a module from sys.modules.
A basic sanity check is performed to prevent uncaching modules that either
cannot/shouldn't be uncached.
t syst marshalt imps. cannot uncache {0} as it will break _importlibN( R R R ( t
ValueErrort formatR t modulest KeyError( t namest name( ( s: /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_importlib.pyt uncache s
c k s� i } z� x� d g f d g f d g f d i f f D]U \ } } t t | � | | <| | k rs | | } | | =n | } t t | | � q4 Wt | � r� t d j | j � � � � n d VWd x* | j � D] \ } } t t | | � q� WXd S( s, Context manager to manage the various importers and stored state in the
sys module.
The 'modules' attribute is not supported as the interpreter state stores a
pointer to the dict that the interpreter uses internally;
reassigning to sys.modules does not have the desired effect.
t meta_patht patht
path_hookst path_importer_caches unrecognized arguments: {0}N( t getattrR t setattrt lenR R t keyst items( t kwargst originalst attrt defaultt new_valuet value( ( s: /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_importlib.pyt import_state"