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� n d S( sQ Basic tests for os.popen()
Particularly useful for platforms that fake popen.
i����N( t test_supportt PopenTestc B s# e Z d � Z d � Z d � Z RS( c C sM d t | f } t j | � j � d } t | � d } | j | | � d S( Ns$ %s -c "import sys;print sys.argv" %ss
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silly walks foo "a \"quoted\" arg" bars a "quoted" arg( t assertRaisest TypeErrorR R R R t
reap_children( R ( ( s6 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_popen.pyt
test_popen s
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executableR t TestCaseR R R ( ( ( s6 /usr/local/python-2.7/lib/python2.7/test/test_popen.pyt <module> s